Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Things are not good enough!

Hi guys I am updating this old report from 2008 to put on Support and Employment for Disabled people. I am raising this awareness
I think employers should build an understanding with people with learning disabilities and Mental Health problems.

People with learning disabilities ourselves understand it's important to keep safe, which is where Health and Safety comes into it but with the right support in the work placement this should be possible. With the right support there should be the right balance between safety and independence. We just need to be put on the right job that our disabilities and health problems don’t affect and we need to balance with our knowledge, training and interest for the job, which is down to professions and employers as well as ourselves.

There has been a huge certain that a lot of people who have been through benefit cuts and appeals have put on the wrong jobs with the wrong support. Many have been signed off fit for work for the wrong job and there health and safety have been at risk because of it. Many have even died because of it. There not a lot of disabled people who enjoy sitting at home doing nothing, disabled people have a future as much as all people so disabled people should have a future.

When I wrote this report back in 2008, I was working for Mencap when I was a member of a Self – group called Our Shout. Mencap were telling us an idea of them support us to set up our Travel Buddy business to train and support people to use public transport so they can travel to places whether it work, college or and etc. This was the idea, which for some unknown reason never kicked off in the end. Access All Area Now! Ended up been a Learning Disability Awareness training service that only lasted twelve months because the government cut the funding, which I and Jessica ran. From 2009 - 2010 me and Jessica only got roughly five pieces of work from that business, with only made £80.00. Come 2011 the government cut the funding on Our Shout, from May to December I couldn’t even get on a college course let alone get another job and I went into Depression till at least March 2012 till things picked up a bit with One Voice Advocacy service, then I became a Visiting Lecture at the University of Wolverhampton January 2015.

As at least nine out of ten people with disabilities doesn’t drive have to replete on transport for example buses? Due to how bad the traffic is these been on time for work can't always be promise same applies to anyone who has to reply on public transport. Transport not been reliable can make people lose their jobs. We are trying to help with disabilities and Health problems to be equal to all people; this isn't making our job easy.

A lot of people with disabilities and Health problems are on tablets that may slow them down; this is what Health staff should look into. It's important that people should be aware of what's going on around them. In the terms of people with disabilities work Health should be keeping record to people's and calling them out more often for checkups. Employers need to take peoples ‘health on board mainly people with disabilities or and Health problems.

With the right support for interviews and in the work place work it should be possible for people with disabilities to be employed or even self - employed if they want.

Employers are missing out on the creative talents most people with disabilities and Mental Health problems have got. They may be good at other things too; it's just going for they are good at what they enjoy.

Training and exams too.

I am Sara Jane Gorman a member of Our - Self Advocacy group supported by Mencap. This is our Travel Buddy Social Enterprise Proposal.

People with learning disabilities are encouraged to access community facilities but this will be hard and more expensive for those who don't travel independently.

A' Travel Buddy' will support people to travel on public transport to get them where they want and need to go. This will build peoples'confidenece up and potentially lead them to becoming an independent traveller in the future.

Due to how bad the traffic these days there can be hold ups to get people to places for certain time limits that are not just a problem for people with learning disabilities but for everyone. This is another cause of why unemployment is so high when public transport makes people late for work.

To promote the Health and well being of people with learning disabilities by increasing involvement in community based work and activities.

Intensively trained adults with learning disabilities to set up a city wide team of paid ' Travel Buddies'.

The proposed service will help to encourage social inclusion, promote independence, and give paid work chances.

Many people with disabilities do not like travelling on ' special buses to day centres and often spend a long time on the transport while other people are picked up.

Often people are travelling to day centres before going to college in the mornings. This means two journeys instead of one! They are not learning to be in dependent if they are picked up and from their homes. 

Background In March 2008 all we members of Our Shout Self Advocacy group decided to set up our own business. In the past we haven't had any positive experiences in the workplace and we want to create jobs ourselves for people with disabilities with the right support. After a time the Travel Buddy service didn't kick off so Mencap passed us on to Employment Pathways then we changed to Access All Areas Now! Learning Disability Awareness Training serve, which is even now due to funding, the cutbacks for our support very slow. October 2010 Lucy our supporter of Our Shout left in October but we were thinking about making changes anyway as we now have very few members in Our Shout and we want to make our career grow. Both I and Jessica run Access All Areas Now! But Jessica is finding she has too much work with Mencap to own Access All Areas Now! So hopefully I will be running it myself with the right support. There again when I had a meeting with Our Shout I told them I didn't want to leave them out so asked them how they would like the idea of Our Shout and Access All Areas Now! Linking together so we can train new members to be where we are today and give services learning disability awareness training. We hope day to create a services for topics of life for people with disabilities, that's the idea of Access All Areas Now! Travel Buddy we hope to be one of those topics.

To support social inclusion for people with disabilities and help they become more confident and independent.

To give a unique service to Wolverhampton that supports people with disabilities and give people by people with disabilities. There are many examples in other areas of the country where this is working well.

Mencap put a bid for European funding back in 2008 and still counting to look for other funding chances in chance this is not a success. Update 8th November 2010.

The problems that our disabilities cause can affect our lives, which can make it very hard for employers to understand and accept, this can cause us discrimination.

People with disabilities should be allowed to educate and train staff and managers on the training, education and support we need in all areas of including Health, Safety and Security. I feel that's all we need as people with disabilities but with equal rights to get by in life.

If people with disabilities enjoy their job, if we have good people around us who are nice to us, People with disabilities need to train non - disabled people around disability awareness and train them to improve support for people with disabilities. We will look forward to getting out of bed in the mornings if we like the people we work with and if we enjoy our job same goes for the rest of the society.

Employers should create jobs for people disabilities or and support, train and educate us to set up our own businesses, if that's what we want, we want to feel equal to others. As you read in the Travel Buddy report Mencap are support us to hopefully getting our own business. I think people with disabilities are getting so Feb up with waiting for people to support them into work, it's slowly getting common for them to be having support for them set their own business to support people like themselves.

Some people with disabilities are creative, what about making small changes? For example I can write poetry, stories, draw and paint. Attitudes need to change for the better. You don't know what you are missing by turning down people like us down. I feel as if it's only Mencap and Employment Pathways who have had faith in me. 

How many of you employ and pay people with disabilities and or Health problems?
What kind of jobs is out there for people with disabilities and how many of you support us and employs us?
Most of this report is what I wrote to introduce to the Employment play.

Up date this report Saturday 12th September 2009.
A year and a half after Mencap's Employment play in June 2008, the government has launched a plan called Valuing Employment Now.

It talks about how to help as many people with disabilities as possible into work. The jobs should be for at least 16 hours a week. We shouldn't be trapped in this benefit trap we have a job to earn enough money to live our lives, which includes paying for our Health care just like other people. Benefits should be given to families and carers who look after people with disabilities who need a lot more care than what we do.

Government leaders say “We need more people with disabilities in jobs".

“We know that people with disabilities want to work and can do a good job that employers value.

“Employment is a fundamental part of life and only when people with disabilities have the same chances as all people."
This values us people with disabilities the same as all human beings.

This is going to be planned so that people with disabilities can work like all people but with the right support they want and need. 

I am pleased to say it looks like without building any hopes that the government hopefully won't let us down that things are starting to look up even though if it's took over a year to get feedback from the Employment play I wrote June 2008. Thank you those who supported us.


ACCESS ALL AREAS NOW started off had been supported by Mencap, then Employment Pathways. We were Sole Traders instead of a Social Enter Prize. We were employed by Wolverhampton City Council. We hoped to create the Travel Buddy service along with other services. We trained people who work in services around learning disability awareness before we have services of our own. ACCESS ALL AREAS NOW! Sunday 11th April 2010 we updated this report. I and Jess were hoping to update our business, which became hard because of Jess having had so much work with Mencap.
Andy Howard was with us for a while until he had a few home problems, he even found himself leaving out for about 3 to 6 mouths so he missed out on half of the training myself and Jess went through. Andy needed to catch up. Andy was going to become Self – Employed with me and Jess until the business clashed in December 2010. David Oakley another member of Our Should was going to come into Business with us too as a business partner but he had too many commitments at home.

There must be some people who haven't experienced travelling alone on the West Midlands Travel buses at all, they may have had no choice but to be picked from their own homes and back again. Parents, families and carers may worry about them travelling alone, we will be happy to support them to see that they will be learning independent travel training as well as hopefully putting mini buses on for safety. We worried more about them travelling at night on the West Midlands Travel but it would have been their choice is to do that; we would have gone along with it. We would have told them to contact us and their families, carers and etc to see that they are safe. We wanted to support people who are less independent.

 We understood that Anti - social behavior is bad enough on its own but if you don't know where you are going and you can't remember directions, it's even worse. Some people have no sense of direction. We will do anything and everything we can to support their safety. We understand Anti - social behavior gives anyone grief but if someone can't take no for answer, some people with disabilities may be not be able to cope with it the same as main stream people. Having said that people with disabilities should have the same rights to life as non - disabled people, otherwise we feel useless.

 We did a training session at the library, which I reported on my website. We did a Health training session for Mencap's learning disability week in June 2010. We hoped to do a session for the travel services such as the buses and that but we didn’t quite fit it in before our funding unexceptly cut.

We wanted to encourage friendships, relationships through college, work, social events and etc. We wanted to give people the rights to have what they wanted with the right support! The things we have achieved have been just luck, which hasn't been easy because there was even less support when we were at school and when we left then there is now. Things haven’t got much better compared to when we were younger.
We have either learned those things in our time or the very limited support what there was just about out there. Like everyone we still have a lot to learn, some things it's too late for because the support wasn't out there when we were young enough to learn these things. The world isn't all black and white because there are things it's never too late for.
Moving on from the Mencap days, the skills I learned from them are still there. With the things I have learned, I would like to teach people with disabilities in hopes they get better support than what I had. It would be lovely to see these people to be where we are today but going through less hard work than what I and many others have gone though. Let us do the hard work; we're with you all the way guys! 

In case anything happens to a person or people with learning disabilities you are caring for or may be a person with a disability yourself. West Midlands Police WPC Jan Johnson Vulnerable person's officer Wolverhampton, Crime Stoppers and Jan's EXT: IS 7871 6818. If you don't live in Wolverhampton you may be you will able to look for the same support elsewhere. If you email me or and get in touch with Mencap we possibly may be able to help you find a contact in case anything happens to people with a disabilities. If you look at the Mencap website, may be you can find a report called DISABILITY HATE CRIME or type DISABILITY HATE CRIME in the search engine. Nine times out of ten if a crime is going happen, it happens when no one is around. When that happens to a lot of people can get disbelieved but even more so when things happen to people with disabilities. Please if you see anyone with a disability who is very upset over a crime, please support them if they ask you to, thank you or even help anyone who feels they need it. It's too much of a dangerous world but we all have to live our lives.

There wasn't a Travel Buddy Business schemes serves, when we were learning to travel independently. We had to learn the hard way with hardy any support at all but we got there in the end somehow. When I was learning to travel on buses, I was on my last school Penn fields Wolverhampton. I was living with my Nan. The school just sent me to travel out on the bus on a scheme helping out in an Old people's home. I never got there because I spent all day trying to find the place on my own, this happen every time the Deputy Headmaster sent me out there. My Gran was worried sick because there were most nights I didn't in until 7pm. From 9am I spent all day looking for where I was going but never got there. The staff from the Old people's home rang him up to say I didn't turn up. I told him I tried, he didn't believe me and he was very angry with me, so I was completely misunderstood. Lucky enough in those days Anti - Behaviour and Crime was very rare but today it's risky wondering around wasting time, even back then anything could have happened to me. I needed a Travel buddy but me, Jess and Andy will now see other people like I used to be will get their Travel buddies.

If you are really worried, we are hoping to provide either social worker, Key workers or even support workers to support their safety but also give them lead way to do their own thing. Some support may not be there to start off right way but hopefully it will one day. Not surprisingly so a lot of things come down to funding. We could have to do a lot of Fund racing, the government isn't always kind to us. We will keep trying until we get there, like we have had to with our own lives, to give them the best support people as possible, which no one knew about when we were learning. Everyone is learning every day.

I used to get Ring and Ride when I was seeing my ex boyfriend almost every night of the week, even it got me home safe. It was a pain booking two days before hand. It took forever for them to find out whether they could get you a journey or not, it costs people a lot of money on their phones while they are waiting for their lifts to be booked. People with disabilities need a more accessible way of travelling. Ring and Ring doesn't work very well for appointments or any events that start and finish certain times. 

UP - DATING OF THE TRAVEL BUDDY REPORT. Sunday 11th April 2010. Last Sunday the bus station was closed for a new bus station to be done one, which will take about 18 mouths to 2 yrs. The only replacement of the bus station is Queen Street in Wolverhampton big it's not big enough to access all buses. May buses people have to catch on and off in the street. This is a bog change all people not just people with disabilities. Many people with disabilities travel rather well on the buses but some don't. We all have different disabilities, we all learn at different speed. If you have always been guided by people it takes a lot to get ready for the big wide world alone. It's not just getting a bus but finding your way around.

There are plenty of school children and school leavers with disabilities that need to learn about the big wide world just like I did just over 20+ yrs ago. It's going be a long 2yrs until the bus station is done. In the mean time, as mostly people are getting out and off in the city and the streets, it needs to be more accessible for people who find harder to get around. The next change will be in 2yrs time when the bus station is ready; I hope will be able to talk to someone from the Travel services about the changes to the bus station so it's as accessible as possible for people with disabilities to get about. 

Now me and Jess have that we have set up Access All Area Now! We can get in touch with some Travel people to have some meetings with them to plan a training session. The Travel buddy service is one of the services we hope to have in the future but we are still finding our feet at the moment, it's still all very new to us. The aim is to support as many areas in the lives of people with learning disabilities as possible. This is why we are called ' ACCESS ALL AREAS NOW! We want to train other services about disabilities first. We are not building our hopes but we will never say never. We can only see how successful we can be. We are hoping to meet up with people from Travel services in the West Midlands to find out how accessible the new bus station is going to be.

If you have any views or and stories to share on the subject of transport, travel training and learning disability. I'd be very happy to read your email whether you are a person with a disability, family member, friend or and carer.sarajgorman@gmail.com

November 2010 update. 

All people over Britain are suffering cutbacks for everything. When it comes to people with disabilities needing support for everyday skills for examle running a home, then there isn't the money to pay Social Care staff to support them. Families and carers aren't getting any younger so what does the future bring? These cutbacks affect every topic to do with people live which affects you whether you have disabilities and Health problems or not.

It is more dangerous for people with disabilities to look at the four walls 24 hours a day we need to work and go to college, we will just depressed otherwise. We need more to life than just keeping our lives and minds busy, we want a career just like you.

If you would like to email me on anything at all, I would be very interested here from you if it's anything to do with learning disability, meaning family member, carer, parent or a person with a learning disability yourself. You make want to talk about the cutbacks or and learning disability rights. sarajgorman@gmail.com

November 2010 update. 

All people over Britain are suffering cutbacks for everything. When it comes to people with disabilities needing support for everyday skills for examle running a home, then there isn't the money to pay Social Care staff to support them. Families and carers aren't getting any younger so what does the future bring? These cutbacks affect every topic to do with people live which affects you whether you have disabilities and Health problems or not.

It is more dangerous for people with disabilities to look at the four walls 24 hours a day we need to work and go to college, we will just depressed otherwise. We need more to life than just keeping our lives and minds busy, we want a career just like you.

If you would like to email me on anything at all, I would be very interested here from you if it's anything to do with learning disability, meaning family member, carer, parent or a person with a learning disability yourself. You make want to talk about the cutbacks or and learning disability rights. sarajgorman@gmail.com


Health & Safety should be educated in the work placements, colleges, schools and etc. I will be talking to Our Shout about people with disabilities having education and training support with Health & Safety education, I think it should be the same for non - disabled people too. Our Shout would like people with disabilities to be healthy, safe and happy but also having the rights they want and need. It would be great to have that balance with your support thank. If have any point a views or can give any support on  sarajgorman@gmail.com

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