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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Handouts to the teaching program 12th October 2016.

Introduction to the teaching program 2016/ 2017.

What is a Learning Disability?

A learning disability can affect the body or and brain before, during or after birth. Find out more from references such as the internet, books or and etc. WWW.mencap.org.uk

Some name of disabilities and health problems, what and how much do you know about them?
 Eplispy, Diabetes Anxiety, Depression and ADHD.

Find how disabilities and health problems can affect lives compared to yours!

How can you make life easy for people with disabilities and health problems?

This could mean peoples' lives at home, school, college, workplace, socialising or and etc.

Accessible information ( Easy Read.) What is easy read?

What is communication?
What forms of communication are there?  Examples; sign language, easy read symbols and speech and language.

Dyslexia awareness story.

I am Dyslexic and the colleges have cut back on funding. I may just about get extra time the example but support with other students there were as before I had one to one with just a support tutor. On top of that now not necessary the fact that it's a higher level qualification English Function Skills Level 2. The way it's worded and everything even the none Dyslexic students are having problems with it. The more the system is clashing, there must be Dyslexia awareness. It causes Dyslexia students a lot of Anxiety and stress because some qualifications you can't necessary walk away from them if you need to for work. It doesn't make you not a keen learner. Today's system is hard anyone to cope but if you have got certain disabilities and health problems it's twice as hard. I am in college tonight. Even I get support college I am on my own with homework. I am trying to find Dyslexia home work tips online, which some are helpful, others are not and most are very limited.

 This could be a refences for you. Always Learn About Disability + Never Judge Disability. 

 We used to have a  group called Hate Crime Towards Disabled People group than just then we added the topic Hate crime to our new group, Always Learn About Disability + Never Judge Disability. The idea behind this group is to invite all kinds of professions who work in these fields for example; hate crime, employment, health, housing, education, socialising or and etc. 
  As for hate crime, the police, Councillors, people who give emotional support to those who have been through hate crime, professions who work at the Good Samaritans, Victim Support, Health staff and etc. You are invited to this group if you are a family member, carers’ a person with disabilities and health problems, parents, parent, professions and person who work for services that work in the field of disabilities and health problems. Please make use of the Hate Crime Towards Disabled People group by raising of disabilities, health problems and hate crime to professions.

We used manage about 15 groups in all topics then we set up Always Learn About Disability + Never Judge Disability so we could add all topics on the group.

    You can post pictures and reports as long as it’s to do with the topics of the group and learn off other people who face different types of disabilities and health problems.

    Advice for those Who stuffer from Anxiety. 

Just a bit of Advice for those who suffer from Anxiety, don’t be alone I suffer from Anxiety myself, if feel something or someone makes you really angry, my advice is to take some time off the groups until feel okay to go back on there.

  · The purpose of this group isn't to make try and make peoples' lives worse but better. 
·        Feel free to pm us if you want any support with any issues of the group.

·        It isn't only Admins here to help but professionals, carers, family members, parents or and etc meaning people who work or and study in the field of disabilities and health problems. Everyone works as a team as in what one person can't do the other can but if no one can help we search for further help which could mean websites or groups not much different to this but could mean other things too.

     Just to let you know that this is an Advocacy and Awareness all in 1, we still work the same as our old groups but on 1 group instead of a lot. 
     We here to support please to find a college course or a job online, this could mean things like employment, course for a job, arts, crafts, hobbies or and etc.  

     My hate crime story. 

      On Monday 20th February 2012, at 8.20pm, I faced Learning Disability Hate Crime by home area in Bradmore. I was just going into town for a drink to meet friends.

As I was going out to lock my door at 8.15pm, I saw an Indian guy with pale blue sweater with a hood, he had black curly hair, mid brown skin and he was roughly about just over 5 foot 5 in height.
He was on the opposite side of the road to me; he headed off faster than me. I didn't think anything of him because I don't know him.

I walked along the road, stood waiting for my bus.
The same guy came behind me as he grabbed my bag out my hand, ran across the road, go into a blue car while it was driving.
Whoever was driving was driving so fast him or she would have been done for speeding if the police would have seen them.
At speed it was going I couldn't catch the reg number.
I am not very good with numbers anyway.
For 5 minutes I walked around in shock and Sheer panic.
I knew my phone and keys were in my bag so I ran across the pub, the staffs were very good as they rang the police and I had a free pint.

The police came down, took my details and then drove me to my sister's home.
Lucky my sister had a spare set of my keys.
My sister and her boyfriend were very good; they drove me to my home to get my computer and laptop to take to their home.
My sister stopped my calls on my phone, rang Centro to sort me out a new Disabled bus pass and stop my bank because my card was taken out of my bus pass, which was also in my bag.

The next morning the police came to my sister's house to take a statement off me.
I hadn't slept very well there that night; everything was all going round and round inside my head.
By the time I did a statement with police I had a bad job remembering anything other than this Indian guy with blue sweater and the blue car he jumped into.

From there my sister and her boyfriend drove me up to my home to change my locks and put my computer and laptop back where it was before the crime. 

On the Thursday of that week the police came down to my home lucky for me bring back my bag.
My bank card was taken out of my Disabled bus pass, but my Disabled bus pass card was taken out its wallet.
My bank card had gone.
The police did finger prints on an Iceland shopping card, my library card and my Disabled bus pass card but nothing was found.
Not long after the police left that day Victim support rang me to ask how I was feeling. I told them I was in shock but the police, my sister and her boyfriend have been great support.
In a couple days Victim support sent me an attack alarm. 
At the end of last week someone from Victim rang me up to make an appointment for me to have some counselling on Tuesday this week at 1.00pm

someone had handed my bag into the police station.
I think he took what he wanted and left the bag just anywhere, which is good for me but he's made himself found out without him knowing about it.
Then isn't good, he shouldn't have took my bag at all.

On the Thursday I and my sister went down to the Police station so I could look at some picture but none of them looked like him.
 I drew a picture of the man who robbed, which I gave the police.

Lucky for me even though I couldn't ring anyone or get into my home the night of the crime because my keys and phone were in my bag.

I am lucky I live near a local pub, I would have panic more.
It can be very hard to trust anyone today.
I would be scared of knocking on peoples’ doors mainly if I don't know them because I could be anyone to them, even though I am not that kind of person but they don't know that. I guess I may have found help but it would have took longer than it did if I hadn't have lived near the pub.
I only panic for about 5 minutes wondering what to do because I was in complete shock.
There are some people with disabilities and health problems worse than me.
They may have been wondering around all night having families, carers and etc worrying about them.

Lucky for me my communication skills aren't that bad so I was a bit understood by the police compared to how I was years ago, this is why nothing has been done about the crimes I have faced in the past.
This can make a lot of crimes disbelieved because a lot of people with disabilities and health problems find it hard to make ourselves understood.
Like I said in one of my reports last year, there are not CCTV cameras everywhere.

All disabilities and health problems are different some get better as people get older but others don't.

People who commit crimes always pick a quiet moment where no one is about to be seen.
Normally outside my local pub, mostly there are people smoking outside but for some strange reason it was very quiet that night of the crime.
When I walked into the pub after the crime there were only two members of bar staff and one customer who was gone in no time.

Understand Learning Disability, Mental Health and Hate Crime awareness.

Seeing is believing.

 People rushing us makes us nervous.

Take time to understand us.

 We find it hard to make ourselves understood which is why we are misunderstood by others.

 Bad things can even happen to people when you don’t see it.

 It’s not only physical bullying that hurts us.

 Bullying and Hate crime is a lot on our minds.

Not many people who do crime get life.

 When report a crime we don’t feel believed, understood or listened to.

Most of us Disabled people can’t stand up for ourselves.

 Most of us get the blame for other people.

Disabled people are not understood.

 You are only seen when you fight back then you don’t get believed.
People think you are the bully not the victim.

 The truth is not easy without proof but it’s not always proof is easy to find.

 At lot of people who do bullying and Hate crime can get away with it for life mainly when it comes to Disability Hate Crime.

We are seen not heard.

Seeing is believing so most people don’t understand us.
We find it hard to make ourselves understood.
Only because you can see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.
It doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt us.
Bully and Hate Crime is hard for us to get off our minds.
Some things we find hard to talk about even though it’s good to talk.
Not many of us can fight our own battles.
Most people get disbelieved as the bullies instead of the victim
We understand that it’s hard for you to know the truth.
The baddies always get away with been bullies for a long time. By Sara Jane Gorman 20.1. 2011

From 2007 to May 2011 I use to work for Our Shout, which was funded by Royal Wolverhampton Mencap. I started of as a member of Our Shout then I went to be a Group Supporter

I support one of the members Huge to do some work on a topic of his choice, which was bulling and Hate Crime.

Huge said: he finds that disabled people are misunderstood and disbelieved when it comes to report bullying and Hate crime.


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