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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 20 January 2022

More about planets

 Since I started this website in 2007 it's not necessarily all about just or and all about what you can learn from me but also what I can learn from you. Even though it's mostly about disabilities, mental health, etc how the awareness can benefit those who face similar or and the same as me and those who support, care for them, etc apart from other topics too, which plants again what is what this post is going to be about. 

You may wonder why I have decided to write about planets at the moment. To be honest no reason at really and I am not excepting to achieve anything or any little out of it really. To be honest when I was traveling to South Carolina around about a week ago I was watching Space 1999 on my iPad, which used to be on the telly when I was a small child in the 1970s, I never really understood the program back then and I am just learning to how which I guess made me decide to want to research on the internet about different planets. Good or and the bad thing really due to my disabilities etc I am well behind as far that's concerned where most young children I learning about the planets on the earth I struggled to do so at that and are a bit clearer to me at the age of 52 than when I say 8 or however old I was when I should have learned time but then should there be any shame on time we learn anything? This I think is a hard one to answer. Anyway, right or wrongly I thought I would share the topic with you. 

Only that I have been aware pretty much the Covid crisis started I have written a lot about mental illness, which with facing it myself has always been concern how others to me cope and the fact of Covid for nearly two years in March has likely to have increased mental illness even more so, anyway more on planets because I have nowhere near covered everything. 

Venus. the hottest and 2nd planet on the solar system. The temperature of the venus planet is 880 F 471 C. Considering Mercury is a cold planet it is not the coldest planet Neptune is the coldest planet. Venus's atmosphere is very thick with carbon dioxide gas and the atmosphere traps heat. It feels like the furnace is on the surface. 

Venus is the Roman goddess of love. Aphrodite for the Geeks, it's not an inviting place.  Venus is responsible for active volcanoes, hot toxic, earthquakes, etc. 

We shouldn't be surprised that venus is the hottest planet, which is 9 C times stronger it is on earth.  It would seem like  900m 300Ft underwater. 96 percent of cordon dioxide, which is a never-ending water cycle of heat 1000 F day and night.https://www.space.com/16080-solar-system-planets.html#section-venus-earth-s-twin-in-the-solar-system

 I won't say a lot about Jupiter and Saturn other than a website for those of you who may be interested and a bit information reason for this is that Jupiter and Saturn are rather similar according to what I read in a lot of ways. https://www.thegreatcoursesdaily.com/saturn-and-jupiter-similarities-and-differences-of-two-giants/

Jupiter is the 5th planet in the solar system and Saturn is the 6th. Let's focus on Jupiter first. It has 778 million 5.2 AU thereabouts from the sun. 317 more so than earth and 2.5  larger than the other planets.

It is a gas giant with hydrogen, helium, and other gases. It has a very intense atmosphere in the solar system. 

It is possible that it is no more different either to Uranus when it comes to the wind speeds, it can reach about 100 m/s and possibly more. It is 142. 984km 88.846m thereabouts.

It takes roughly a year for Jupiter to equivalent 12 years earth, which only lasts 9 -8 hours.  Temperatures are about 148 degrees celsius. It has 79 moons and more waiting to be confirmed. It is second to Saturn when comes to satellites. 

Saturn. is the 6th planet on the solar system, which is another gas giant. 1.4 billion km / 886 million mi about 9.5 all way from the sun. It has 7 rings on it. 

82 king of moons confirms satellites. The atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium, and other gases.

120.500 km  74.900 mi thereabouts. It equivalent is to 30 years of earth roughy. Researchers say Saturn is a recognizable planet in the solar system it lasts about 10.7 hours. 

Rough temperatures are 178 degrees celsius. It is most likely the most known planet on the solar system.  

Just to say I won't be closing this subject but I will be going on to something else on this blog then coming back to when I have no idea myself but before I do I just want to write about the basics of the last two planets and maybe add some websites on here etc just in case anyone is interested. To be honest I am learning myself and sharing what I am finding out on here. 

Neptune is a very dark and cold planet, it is an ice and thin gas giant, that causes very strong winds. It is the 8th planet in the solar system. Neptune is responsible for jet streams and winds 1'500 miles per hour. it is far from the sun and further from pluto. The internal heat is weak meaning there is no heat or very little heat on Neptune. 

Uranus is another planet not close to the sun orbits where the sun is on its side with its axis, it spins near the stars. It is the 7th planet in the solar system. Neptune and Uranus are ice giants. This is because they are very big planets made up of hydrogen, and helium gas.  It has only been in the last few decades astronomers have called it the ice giant because the atmosphere is a mantle layer. Uranus is the Grandfather of Zeus, the greatest of all gods. The planet was first discovered by William Herschell in 1781. abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/ast121/lectures/lec20.html

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