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Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Our planet

Many of us may or may not know already so sorry if I am telling you something already know. However, this study has been properly been going on centuries but like a lot of things, things change, get taken out, added on, etc where they get updated, etc. In today's world, we have had the internet for the last say twenty odd years and so many sites tell us different but maybe because of updates and takes time to update everything. 

I only say sorry and take a guess on what I am putting this study I cannot promise for all to be correct hopefully most are to what I research. Over the years it started off to be eight to nine planets and now to a few sites I have researched roughly 12 planets now. 

The planet and sun are made up of Mercury, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, venus, earth,  the moon and pluto. The gallery is the solar system with the stars that connect to the earth and it's the solar system milky way around the sun. In the gallery is gravity star formation gas of clouds with the milky way.  https://www.bighistoryproject.com/chapters/2#intro


Mercury is near the sun but it is not a high temperate. It is the second planet on the solar system and the smallest planet on earth it is also very simliar if not the same as or and to earth.  

One site on the internet had said that they think we are likely to think that Mercury is the hottest plant because it is near the sun, which for many of us maybe the case the but it then says the sun belongs to venus, which many more us are likely to be aware of.

I read another search before the one I have just said about saying the same as all searches mercury being near the sun but tempertature not being very high, which made think that was why we get sunny and cold weather. It seems I was wrong. In this search mercury is responsible for hot and cold tempertature where there's in the day, which would be on mercury 10 times a day brighter the sun temperture 800 F and drops cold at night 300 F.

Mercury can be seen without an telescope but it was first studied by by gulieo Gelilie in the 17th century https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_GalileiHere is information about Mars  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshttps://spaceplace.nasa.gov/weather-on-other-planets/en/

Later on Giovanni Zup in 1693 found different to venus and the moon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Battista_Zupihttps://abc17news.com/news/national-world/2021/05/27/mars-exploration-fast-facts


Simliar to earth to Mars is a home but the home to the tallest mountain in the solar system whereas the earth is our home. Mars and the sun are roughy the same size as one another. Mar is named after the Roman god, it is a red planet, terrestrian planet with thin atmosphere and contains cardon dioxide accroding to what I have researched online.  Temperature wise there is not much difference between mar and mercury but mars is probely even colder to the point of winter temperture 32 F in the day. Mars can't cope with heat from the sun so night temperature is around 200 F. According to more internet research I have done there isn't enough to feed the water cycle like we have on earth. Mar and earth are rather simliar if not the same that they have roughy the same landmass. 

However' and yet Mars is the 4th planet given by the sun but the 2nd smallest planet on the solar system. Mar is bigger than mercury and is responsible for deserts, giant dust, stroms, winds, cold, atmosphere, dynamic, vocanoes, polar ice and more. 


Earth is our home planet responsible for all living, items, objects etc too, everything

everyone around us everywhere, people, places etc. It is the only planet on the solar system with water liquard on the surface. It's the 3rd rock from the sun and the only planet with life. However' it is the 5th biggest planet in the solar system and is hign in density accroding what else I have researched. 

The earth is a rocky planet around the sun after mercury and venus. The distance from the sun brings on water liquard around the surface, which the earth is the only planet water is on. The atmosphere brings nitrgen and oxgen around the earth. This brings on water areas such as seas, lakes, rivers etc and land such as birds, ducks etc. The earth is covered with salt water from the sea. Earht's atmosphere is covered with nitogen and oxgen, venus, mars and cardon dioxide. 

The earth is a shinly blue marable which has and hasn't interested us in a sense some of us take interest but others don't. I know this is hard to understand mean most of us think we don't but we do without realising just by living our lives only we are not all aware of that, we have been ever since we first set foot on the earth. There's so much we can take for grandit without realising even those who are not interested how the planet works are involved without realizing by just living their lives. 

Earth is also is the planet on the solar system that has plate trectionics, which I will go into what they are as this report goes on. The crust of the earth has broken up into region known as tecttionics plates. Key words you could google such as magma interior of the earth. shere, earth, iron, oxgen silicon, earth surface covered with water 4.70 percent, the core of the earth, the earth rotating etc, which are parts of the earth. Composition of the earth, the crust, mantle, outercore and inner core.

The composite earth has layers such as on the outside is the rocky layer called the earth's crust, the mantle is covered by the outer and inner core. The planet is made up with elements 46, percent oxgen, 27.7 silcon, central of the core of earth consists elements, aluninun, 8 percent, 5 percent iron, and 3.6 caclum.

The age of the earth is 4.5 billion years old. 

Temperature of the earth is 61 F and 16 C. 

Also, time is a useful thing to look into such as 365 days of the year, leap year, calader etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time.

Earth only has one moon, earth is the biggest of four, terrestrial planets, besides mercury, venus and mars, terrestrial planet means hard rocky surface of the earth, compositive which is in the iron - core, surounded by the outer crust. 

What is around the earth gives the earth life and what that life is depends on us, which is totally different from all of us, it would be boring if we all thought the same but not everything in life we have a choice on and it's not always necessary we should on most things. There are so many different types of lives as we know, which are millions. 

Geography of earth.

There are seven big land masses that are called continents, Africa, Asia, North American, South American, Europe, Oceania, and Antartica. It has five major bodies of water called oreans natually meaning seas. Atlantic, Pacfic, Indian, Southren, and Arctic oreans. There are such highest points of sea level on earth as Mount Everest and lowest part Mariana Trench. 


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