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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 20 October 2022

me-lecturing-2nd-year-students.html me lecturing the 2nd yrs. occupational therapy' students at the University of Wolverhampton, this Tuesday just gone

Learning Disability and Mental Health - Mental Health Research | Mencap

  • The causes of disabilities and mental illness.
  • Type of disabilities and mental illness. A-Z Topics | Mental Health Foundation
  • How disabilities and mental illness affect lives.
  • How disabilities and mental illness can be supported.
Hi second years Occiupatient therapists students, if any of you at least are reading this. Hope you enjoyed the session at the University of Wolverhampton Walsall campus on Tuesday 18th October 2022, I hope I didn't bore you too much lol. 

A learning disability is an injury, damage, accident, illness, etc, before, during, or after birth in the body or and brain. Before birth any birth can mean any time after birth whether is a day after or years after etc, it could be to do with the Mother's health as well as the baby's health, which more so than not links to mental illness too. More so furstraighting for the person because they are on the whole having to ask for support more than other people. (PDF) DISABILITY: TYPES, CAUSES, PREVENTION, AND MANAGEMENT | ResearchGate
 Learning disabilities and difficulties can slow people in a lot if not more ways than other people. This could affect home skills, and health for eg; speaking to professionals, getting to appointments, education, employment, social lives, and more but different people in different ways, which may depend on the disabilities, mental health, and the people who you support.
People with disabilities and mental illness have strengths and weaknesses but there are most limits to what can do and how long for etc. For eg; with the benefits we are on if we are lucky to do some work there are limits to the number of hours we can work and
 the money we can earn.
Mental health is emotional well-being, how to cope with the way life treats us whether it is some from years, today or whenever it was whether it is but if the person faces too many negatives, it becomes Mental illness. Causes of Mental Illness (webmd.com)
Mental illness is feelings and thoughts about life around us, which affects we also react, interact even, and the way we behave. What Is Mental Health? | MentalHealth.gov

Occupational therapy - NHS (www.nhs.uk) 

Types of disabilities and difficulties could be Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, and more, best research for that is the Mencap website, Rethink, Mind, Sane, Cruise, The Good Samaritans, and more for mental illness. Tap disabilities and mental health in your search engine and the many sites you could learn from.  

In fact, research shows that mental health problems are more common in people with learning disabilities. We do not fully understand the cause of these mental health problems, but as in the general population, a range of factors can play a part including genetics. physical ill health. psychological stress. https://mentalhealth-uk.org/help-and-information/mental-health-and-physical-health/#:~:text=Exercise%20is%20key%20for%20good%

You can advise someone to do something or and not to but you cannot them to do and don't do something. Motorvation is a hard thing and yet from my experience, what professionals were saying to me, I admit it is, comment sense but most things are easy said than done, if you are the person facing the problem, therefore never tell someone to stop or start doing something, which is likely makes them stressed, do it or don't do it more. Not the case in everything but most things are hard to take on board if no one came up with it in their childhood etc.   Try to show empathy by taking an interest in finding out what the person enjoys, whether it is not only to help their mental health but to help their hobbies, education, career, etc. The idea of trying to support someone with mental illness is to try and bring positive lives, where the choices are theirs, not yours, bring in what they enjoy for them is bringing in more negative when we should be here to try and help them to see positive, what makes them happy.How Occupational Therapy Empowers Those with Mental Illness | Sheppard Pratt

  • Help with motor skill development or grip supports to improve handwriting, teeth-brushing, dressing, and feeding abilities
  • Self-regulation and emotional management techniques for people with behavioral disorders
  • Advice to assist with social participation and confidence building
  • Pain and fatigue management strategies
  • Physically and or mentally your support for people could come in for people, such as at school, college, university, in the workplace, in their homes, etc. 
  • Study support, communicating with schools, colleges, etc, for example; if someone with Dyslexia, for example, has extra time support during exams, they may need help with reading questions for example.
  • Kitchel tools at how such as opening bottles, cooking, etc.Occupational Therapy in Mental Health - Assessment & Intervention | OT (occupationaltherapyot.com)
  • What is Occupational Therapy? OT Explained - RCOT

The answer is very unknown to know whether people can face mental illness without a learning disability. Can we face disabilities without Mental illness? Again an unknown but in my experience yes, I cannot speak for those who are the same if not similar to me. I find it causes me a lot of Anxiety to ask others for help a lot whether others' minds or not. We all need help with something at some time but when having a learning disability, even more so. However, learning disabilities do not go away but when living with learning disabilities, all of one's life, the support for some disabilities do get a bit less than what it would have been at the start of a person's life but depending on the disabilities and person, etc. Disability - Mind

My guess is that it is possible mainly when we face negative emotional issues to the point everyone does face mental illness, mainly how we are facing a money crisis, in this day and age, which has happened before but each time it does happen, it gets hard to cope with. It would be wrong to guess which is worse in the sense face mental illness with or without a learning disability, people with disabilities are likely to need more support to manage money, etc.

A learning disability can happen to anyone at any time, before, during, or after birth, affecting people physically or and mentally to the brain or and body.

How it affects people depends on the disabilities, mental illnesses, and the people who face them, which are different for different people.

We all have strengths and weaknesses like everyone else but we can take longer to learn than other people, depending on how much we struggle. We can learn new skills but there are limits to what we can learn, train, and put into a career, etc. How you support will depend on what people need support with, how much support people need etc. Either these things could be a person's strength or a person's weaknesses for example. Cooking, shopping, housework, housing, finding where to live, their health, education, their work, their social lives, and more.

What is Occupational Therapy? OT Explained - RCOT

MSc Occupational Therapy - University of Wolverhampton (wlv.ac.uk)

Occupational Therapy Team - City of Wolverhampton Council | Wolverhampton Information Network

Occupational therapist | Explore careers | National Careers Service

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