What is the difference between having a disability and mental health problems?”
“ What is the difference between
having disabilities and Mental health problems?”
Mental health affects us
emotionally, and learning disabilities affect everyday skills such as home,
personal, learning skills, etc.
People can face disabilities
physically, and mentally even in both ways, the case may be.
Sorry to confuse things most
people even face learning difficulties.
“Can you face one without the other?”
As a person with facing disabilities and mental health problems
myself, I would say it is not possible to face one without the other but that
does not mean to say I am right as there are all sorts of causes to Mental illness such as bullying, abuse,
neglect, loneliness, racism, money problems ; relationship, marriage,
friendship break – ups, stress, home, housing problems and more, many of us face.
Is it easy to get confused between disabilities and mental health
problems, if so, why?
Disability and Mental health problems should not confuse easily
because they affect lives but in different ways, mentally, emotionally, and
physically or even all of those, which can vary from person to person. https://www.mcleanhospital.org/essential/mental-health-mental-illness
It is likely that due to disability most people are likely to
face poor mental health problems due to most peoples’ point views when they
hear about people with disabilities struggling in life but that is not all
reason why most people with disabilities face mental health problems. https://www.mencap.org.uk/learning-disability-explained/research-and-statistics/health/mental-health
Most people struggle to
realize, people with disabilities face
positives in their lives as well as negatives, we have strengths as well as weaknesses.
We all need the right support but some of us need more support than others.
More awareness is needed on positives in disabilities and mental health
problems. Otherwise, most people with disabilities are likely to think negatively
of themselves even more so. Examples of strengths arts, talents hobbies,
interests, careers etc. https://hive.evenbreak.co.uk/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwheyUBhD-ARIsAHJNM-NLW68oB82ipdQZHiiBMbCH2BuHLXtTlEPXxANoyM7CG-WmAVJKOxQaAt0bEALw_wcB
The Differences Between Dyslexia and
Dyspraxia? | Exceptional Individuals
In My view there isn’t much difference Dyslexia and
Dyspraxia, only that most people would say one learning difficulty is physical
and the other are mental learning difficulties. It makes no sense, but it is
and isn’t true in my view. I can only go by facing Dyspraxia myself and I may
well have Dyslexia. There you may question whether were you diagnosed with it? Yes,
twice I was during adulthood, in my late twenties, and early thirties but it was
never recognized in my childhood. I cannot remember if it was the first or second
time I was diagnosed but one of those times I was diagnosed with Borderline Dyslexia.
Not sure whether or not what I am saying, answers
the question of how I see the difference between Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, whether it
is the right or wrong answer, but I will go by my own experience.
What I
face with Dyspraxia, is similar to what they say a stroke is, due to the fact I
was born with a lack of oxygen to the brain, where the left side of the brain is
damaged but there might be people who face the same on the right side.
This is where
I think diagnosis and support for Dyspraxia where it needs to be aware of, in a
person as young as possible so hopefully they get the right support, not only
get it but get used to it. In many cases it we depend on support too much, and we always
will. However,’ in this case, at the start of life in childhood, it would be physio
for the muscles, where to a point the older the person get they should use to
whatever exercises where they may create their own, is empowered in them from a
very young age, otherwise the person won’t feel motivated to do what should
help them with their motor skills.
This is where even the simplest things like writing
with a pen, pencil, etc can be a struggle to grip after a certain of time and can be
mostly down to strength. My experience would tell me if they have that kick
start of support from a very young age which I didn’t, they will get used to whatever
is there to help their Dyspraxia daily all through their lives.
This is where
I have found things I do; I do with my right hand, not my left. Thank goodness
for grippers with we may have these days such as putting on writing tools cause
as children, even though you get school breaks, dinner, etc you are mostly
writing. On the subject of writing, there is a physical side and a mental side, when
having Dyspraxia, it is not easy to have tidy handwriting, which is where I
tend to write than I write these days, which I guess is no different to most of
us as IT has grown.
When it comes
to spelling, and grammar, learning tends to be hard but not necessarily impossible.
Do not confuse the difference between those who cannot read and write with
those with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, it is just difficulties along the way. Where
Dyslexia, is more getting mixed up, doing things the wrong way around naturally without
meaning to, which in exams can mark us down and fail as much as having too many
wrong answers, which is where support comes in during study and extra time in
exams. Letters, words, and sentences are in the wrong places, which can same as
numbers, which is another learning difficulty similar to Dyslexia, Definition
one. Dyscalculia is a condition that affects the ability to get arithmetical
skills. Dyscalculic learners may have difficulty understanding simple number
concepts, lack an intuitive grasp of numbers, and have problems learning number
facts and procedures. Even if they produce a correct answer or use a correct method,. Dyscalculia Treatment Dubai | UAELearning
Center for children who learn differently, their teachers and parents in Dubai,
Middle East (lexiconreadingcenter.org)
differences between dyslexia and dyspraxia (lexilife.com) Defining
Dyslexia and Dysgraphia - The Dyslexia Resource
Getting a scribe or using voice-activated computer software
Using aids - trying various pencil
grips and/or a slant board
Playing with clay to strengthen hand
Keeping lines within mazes to develop
motor control
Connecting dots or dashes to create complete
letter forms
Tracing letters with the index finger
Copying letters from models
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