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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 31 October 2022

Types of disabilities and Mental illness


This handout is for all student professions, learning disability nurses, social workers, support, workers, carers, parents, teachers, tutors, and more.

First of all, I am going to be looking at ADHD and mental health. Most people will know already but most may not, let me say what ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD in my view is a learning disability and mental illness all in one, which can affect most parts of a person’s life. Anxiety, Depression, sleeping problems, concentration, memory, comprehension, mental health problems, emotional problems, https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd/, Personally disorder. ADHD and mental health - Mind  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - Causes - NHS (www.nhs.uk)  ADHD and mental health - Mind


 All medications, treatment, diet etc can increase or cure ADHD, find out search engine the cause, support, treatment, etc, which is different for different people who face ADHD.

Next is Autism and mental health

Autism is a long-life development disability, which affects peoples’ communication and understanding to the world around them. For example, going to a very busy place faces millions of people. National Autistic Society (autism.org.uk)  Autism and mental health - Mind

Autism is a way of reacting to the world around us, where we can struggle with how we get along with people mainly with people we don’t know. Socially we may work out how we may appear to people, those who may not know us may take a while to get to know us. We are all human, and not everything is down to Autism, but Autism does play a big part in what we may seem, do and or say without being aware or understanding what and how most things about us may seem to others. Search engines; For example, social interaction, social communication, social Anxiety, and Autism. This is where many people with Autism struggle to make friends, get along with people, etc.

Types of Autism. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Asperger’s syndrome Autism vs Asperger's: What's the Difference? - Developmental Pediatrics (autismdfw.org)

Social interaction

Not being able to read minds, people’s launage, body launage, feelings, thoughts, etc. Not being aware of what you may say, seem, do, etc to others. What is Asperger's Syndrome (aspergerfoundation.org.uk)






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