Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 28 June 2009


The first night I saw you my mind was thinking I like you before I even spoken to you.
I am a girl that likes you for you.
I knew like me, you had been through some old moo.
How I knew I just knew
There's only me for you, I mean it too true.
Without your advice on the things I have been through I would have put myself through even more moo boo boo.
So I hope there silly words that make no sense at all will at least thymine on paper as well as inside my mind.
Thank you for helping me with my old moo, I will do the same you if you want me too.
As your name is Andy pandy I can be your Loopy Loo.
With the state of my mind I am loopy.
If you have another Loopy Loo, sorry to bother you boo boo to me too.
I would not dream of hurting you.
I will write a ton of pages to get what I am saying down on paper right for you.
I know I have a disability I am just be slow which does seem to be good to a lot people. written 1993

I know I said I started writing poetry in 1997 but in 1993 I wrote a load of silly words that were going through my silly head. I wrote this poem about a guy I like but he did not like me the way I liked him but I got over it.

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