Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Dyslexia and stress.

There could be roughly at least 375'000 people in the UK with Dyslexia.At least 10% could be children and at least 4 % could be severely Dyslexic.

Is Dyslexia a Behavior problem?

Well every human being wants to learn and work like everyone else without having to be supported by somebody else. Most people feel frustrated and stressed to a point, Dyslexia can become a behavior problem. It's not to say that Dyslexic people can't learn and work like other people, it's just frustrating for us that we have to depend on some kind of support but then some of us have to depend on support more than others.

Although Dyslexia isn't a health problem it is a learning disability, it causes us a lot of stress and a lot of fear of not making an success of ourselves. Confidences is a very hard thing for us, which for most of us our Dyslexia can be linked into Anxiety, which is a sense of fear and panic. Really Depression can even link into it too. It can make you feel sad when others seem to be making a success of their lives but then you realise later in life it's not all like that at all. Even though we understand that we won't be successful in everything because no one ever is.

 It can be very strange to think that the mind can think 24 hours a day yet mine does anyway yet my maths are very weak, there are words can't spell, there are words can't read, there are words I can't say and there are words I can't recognize. Yet other times my mind can be completely blank. Yet as you can see on this website I can write poetry.

 As a child I  probley could tell biggest make believe tell tale out, I'm so sorry I'm ashamed to admit. Yet left school feeling very frustrated and stressed that I learned nothing. It broke all my confidences, self a stream and I have had to work twice as hard as an adult to even get where I am today. Even now I'm working hard to achieve to be successful ing my career. What's more scary now I am 45 years of age, I only have the next 40 year if I'm lucky to make a success of myself. Seriously though I have done better than what I ever expected so I'm more than grateful to have got where I am now and I more than thank those who have got me where I am today.  Let's not see that happen in today's children where they have to work twice as hard as an adult to make an success of their selves!

In the end it's fear and panic to a person that they may think they will not achieve but at the end of the day, everyone achieves in something. It's just that it seems as if it's a lonely world if you need more support than others but it's not really. We just take longer to get there than others even though it's not always where we want to get, we get somewhere. It just takes us longer to see the positive side of life.  http://www.dyslexia.com/famous.htm www.understood.org/en/learning-attention-issues/personal-stories/famous-people/celebrities-with-dyslexia-adhd-learning-attention-issues

Where does your work come in as a health profession?

Even I don't say a lot but I'm Awareness trainer not a Health profession I will send you some websites written by more experienced Health professions.
Different areas of peoples' lives can have some effects on different disabilities and health problems.
As I have said in 1 of the last 2 reports I wrote I think, stress is the one of the biggest killers of all because it can play peoples' minds a lot. Anxiety is one of the most common health problem that can play on a person's mind. People with Anxiety very often over things that they may not need to worry about or some things may not be as worrying as they seem. What can be playing on a person's mind? Here some examples

  • Studying / exams
  • Driving lesson/test 
  • Work
  • Benefits 
  • Jobcentre
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Relationships
  • Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Death
  • Parents
  • Children 
  • Affording to keep their home to feed themselves and others if they don't live alone, even those who live alone life can be stress for.

It can be very hard to get that balance in a person's life where they are so depressed they have nothing to get up for but then to a point where everything is going on for them all at the same time, which can be a very stressful situation for them.

Where Depression can kick in where for example Dyslexia where they may have failed an exam so many times which can be rather distressing because you don't feel as if your getting anywhere, it may not seem like the end the world but then it is when your trying work towards a career for yourself.

People with disabilities and health problems may get upset and stressed over things that don't seem like the end of world to other people. Like most people they can take so much but then depending what it's over and how whatever effects the person. For example suicidal thoughts mainly if they are going through the benefit cuts.

stress in everyone disabilities and health problems or not.

Like I said in my last report stress in people with disabilities and health problems, general stress is bad enough even in people who haven't got disabilities and health problems. Really if you haven't got disabilities and health problems before stress, stress can cause it so if you have disabilities and health problems to start with that's double the stress.

What we need to do is weigh up the things are happening in our lives. Whether you have disabilities and health problems or not can make a difference. When you work it out one person isn't worse off than the other but then we are in different ways in life. Having disabilities and health problems can make a difference to how you cope with your life but then not always the case. In many cases you may cope better than someone without disabilities and health problems which could even depend on what you have to cope.  I'm going to write some things that could stress us out. Some things are what everyone can or even have to face, other things are what people with disabilities and health problems may face or have to and other things are what people without disabilities and health problems face or have to.

  •  Money for bills
  • Money for food
  • Money for rent
  • Money for mortgage 
  • Money for keeping the cars
  • Council taxi
  • Children's lives
  • Doctors
  • Dentist
  • Animals
  • Vets
  • Education
  • Work 
  • Paying the Support worker/ Carer
  • Support finding and being in work.
  • Support finding and in education.
  • Support aids for getting round and for everyday life.
  • Benefit cuts
All these things can vary from person to person. Some of us have more to worry about than others. Isn't a sad fact this day and age that a lot of things involve money but then we don't always have enough money for what we need? I only hope that I have written down at least the most common important things to peoples' lives. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/may/22/fitness-work-tests-mental-health-unfair http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/dyslexia.aspx. The reason why I have put these websites in is because people with disabilities and health problems signed wrongly fit for work, Dyslexia and Diabetes is three of the most common forms of stress for people with disabilities and health  problems.http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/common/ministry/publications/reports/diabetes/diabetes.aspx

Friday, 30 January 2015

Stress,learning disabilities and health problems.

Stress is in everyones' lives one way or the other mainly this day and age with money problems today one way other or the other. Back in the day people used to say that stress is the killer of all but if or and when you have too much to worry about it's even worse. All this is bad enough but then you could be that person who finds it hard to really know whether you have anything to worry about at all for a start or have you worried more than you should have? This is what you call a form of Anxiety. Things seem to be a lot of worse than what they really but for all you know at the time you could be right. Many say don't make a mountain of a molehill. Very often it can be a sense a fear and panic.

My reasons for writing these handouts is because I am going to raise awareness the benefit cuts to the student nurses at  The University Of Wolverhampton Walsall Campus.

 A lot of people with disabilities and health problems are having their benefits cut which cause them a lot of stress because they either have not any more to live or far less than before their benefits were cut. Many of these people suffer from such health problems as Anxiety, depression and or Epilepsy,which makes every day coping with stresses like having had their money cut very hard to cope with. The stress is hard enough for people who are non disabled who may have lost their jobs because they can't affront to pay their mortgage, bills food and etc then end up losing their homes, that is stressful enough. How you cope with that situation is is more than likely completely different to people with disabilities and health problems.  

Like I said in one of my handouts on this website it can take most people a year or two or even long for their appeal depending on their issue. Any amount of time is a long time if you don't have the money to feed yourself or and pay the bills for example.

Many people have been signed fit for work when they haven't been yet they can't work work while waiting for their appeal anyway. It's up to the appeal to decide whether not a person is fit for work or not.

Some people feel as if there's no end to the stress, many feel guilty about borrowing money off people and services even if it is to eat and keep a roof over their heads. Even though there are food bank they can't give a lot. They worry about if they win their appeal or not but even if they win it doesn't mean they will necessary affront to pay what they owe back. I'm not saying everyone but all this worry causes a lot of people to have suicidal thoughts then even take their own lives. I know there are many other stresses people go through this is just an example of one.

Vulnerable people such as the elderly, people with disabilities and health problems are more so so in danger than other people because they need more support to get by than other people. Stress can be too much on the health problems that these people have already. With many services having been cut back vulnerable people haven't been getting as much help as what they should get.

 The purpose of this handout is that being a vulnerable person as it is is stress on it's own without adding more on top but we all have to live through everyday life just like everyone else. Vulnerable people just need that little bit support than other people to do so. When I think of the people who didn't live through the benefit cuts, I know I can't say for sure but it seems to me that they didn't get as much support as what they should have got. When your benefits are cut you don't get support with your Anxiety and depression because you don't have any benefits or other money to pay for counselling, which is when the stress get's too much for people. Don't get me wrong there are stresses people can cope with but there's only so much a person can take.  

I am setting up this awareness of benefit cuts to prepare health profession to know what they could face. Society tend to think that people with disabilities and health problems have got someone supporting them 24 hours a day, this is not the case and this isn't what people with disabilities and health problems don't want but they don't get enough support either. People who do have families don't have 24 hours a day to spare because they have other lives and that can be the same with other people in their live too. Even people who still have their benefits don't have enough money to pay a carer and or support worker, which many have to cope without but then do need it. I know that some need more support than others but there may well be others that need more support than they make out.  


It's worrying to know that there are more than 600.000 people in the UK who suffer from Epilepsy yet it's also disappointing to know that no one really knows the true cause of Epilepsy. How Epilepsy starts and what causes the Health condition could well be two things. Here are some examples.
http://www.epilepsysociety.org.uk/our-history#.VMvh0Z2sVx8 How old is Epilepsy should we really know what really cause the condition by now? http://discovery.yukozimo.com/who-discovered-epilepsy/

  • Difficult or neglected birth, which was in my case.
  • Severe blow to the head.
  • Stroke
  • Meningitis
  • Severe head injury 
Even though I am not a Health profession, Stress may not be necessary be a cause but it certainly doesn't help a person to have less seizures or non at all. http://www.epilepsy.com/learn/triggers-seizures/stress-and-epilepsy . I must say I watched a video on this link I have just put on here. For what I understand is that this guy thinks that there's very little chance that can bring seizures on. I think it can vary from person to person. Only people who have Epilepsy can tell you whether stress affects them more or not. I guess it will be different for different people. http://www.epilepsysociety.org.uk/epileptic-seizures#.VMvmlJ2sVx8

It's hard to understand how many people, I have been one of them have had many EEG scans and they have come back normal and many of these  people are still having many seizures.

http://epilepsy.med.nyu.edu/living-with-epilepsy/related-disorders/anxiety-and-epilpsy#sthash.rnnJJPdP.dpbs It could be possible for Epilepsy and Anxiety to get confused because of most people facing panic attacks through Anxeity plus shaking and jecking can happen through Anxety or Epilepsy even both. Every person can vary but sadly you won't always know because there are a lot of scans that do come back normal even though a lot of people suffer from these Health conditions. http://www.epilepsysociety.org.uk/non-epileptic-seizures#.VMvUQp2sVx8
http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/causes/seizures, http://www.patient.co.uk/health/Epilepsy-Partial-Seizures.htm and  http://epilepsy.ehoow.net/?p=53 http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/epilepsy-famous.shtml

Monday, 19 January 2015

Disabled people finding it hard to understand voting.

Have you been turned away at a polling station because you have a learning disability?
Do you know anyone who has?
Share your experience, leave a comment below!
Email me if you want to tell your story or someone elses with their permission

A lot of people may think that people with disabilities may not understand the knowledge behind voting. The government may think that people with disabilities and health problems don't what our rights are but in the minds of the government have vulnerable people got rights? My report isn't just for people with disabilities and health problems to have a say but for other Vulnerable people to have a say. Those people who feel  their rights are not taken into account. You are more than welcome email me on this issues and any other issues on my website sarajgorman@gmail.com  if you want.

 In the eyes of society we don't understand who we are voting for either. Never the less even for non disabled people who vote not everything goes their way.

 For example in the terms of what disabled people are having to cope with today with the benefits cuts, which is putting their lives at risk, I do think it's important we do vote but there should be possible support so we are voting the right party and right person for the right issues. No information is clear to whom you have vote for what. I don't know if anyone or how many of us agree with me but in my opinion it's hardly any wonder they don't all that mean many votes as this government does not make the information clear enough. 

Saying that I must be honest to say all though I myself I haven't been turned away from voting I don't find the cards accessible, which if anything far the opposite for me and there must be other like or not much different to me who feels put off voting . Unless they make the system accessible then they won't get my vote.

 Apart from the two parties in each box  and putting crosses on your card. It doesn't ask you your reason to vote or more to the point even why, which time and time again nothing gets done about whatever. This can be the same whether you disabled or not anyway. This can make most people stop voting. As there's no where on the cards to say your reasons no one can know but like I said it wouldn't made any difference anyway because government has their own mind, the people don't matter in the government's mind and that mean everyone not just disabled people.

If proves even though a lot disabled people are advocates in the mind of the government we don't have a voice. As advocate myself, it doesn't that way, well when it comes to the government anyway.

How many non disabled people don't understand voting compare to disabled people?

I don't know whether I am right or wrong, may be I misunderstood the information on the cards. For what I see no one asks you the reason why you're voting. No one advises you who to vote depending on what the reason is for example whether it's health, education or and whatever.

This government is so wrong because most disabled must understand most things about voting to become advocates and that does mean non disabled don't understand either.

Just because we cross a bit of card doesn't mean we don't understand the knowledge behind it.

What does this government think that we born yesterday?

On most things we know more than what this government knows.

You are more than welcome email me on this issues and any other issues on my website sarajgorman@gmail.com  if you want.https://www.mencap.org.uk/allaboutvoting

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Just updating another 2012 report on an Awareness trainer with disabilities not much different to myself who is from America. I though I might copy this and update it as the students at Walsall Campus was doing a power point on Autism. 

Over the last so many years round about Temple has written a good many books which I want to do myself but it's just getting right help and support to do. My Mum me two her books 1 for my birthday last year and I think 2 for Christmas I haven't round to reading yet. The way I See it  and Autism Spectrum Disorders, which may be able to look Amazon.

Temple Grandin

Like a lot of people with Autism and other disabilities it's so easy to feel alone in the world when we are not.
We must open our eyes to a voice of who has lived in a world of Autism and Anxiety longer than many of us. The great thing about learning disability awareness and Self - Advocacy is that the older generation can give the younger generation confidence in ones life and believe in one's self. Here's a fine example. I thought I was alone until my Mother told me about this young lady whose older than me.then opened my eyes to know that I'm not alone.

Temple Grandin was on the 29th August 1947 Boston Massachuett American. Her parents names are Richard Grandin and Eustacia Cutter.

Temple was diagnosed with Autism at the age of four in 1951, which was when she started talking. Although Temple could say a few vocabulary words when she was eighteen mouths to two years old. At the time she was labelled with brain damage. Temple's Mother spoke to a doctor who suggested Speech therapy.

She was sent to a Nursery school, which Temple remembers the teachers to be very good to her.

Temple counted herself lucky to have had supportive mentors when she was in Primary school.

Temple was very unhappy in middle and high school because she was bullied and teased.

After graduating at Hampshire Country boarding school, which was for children who are gifted, she did her bachelors's degree in Psychology in 1966.

Temple always had a great interest in animal cattle such as cows and pigs, which calm her down through her Anxiety. She's involved in animal Welfare.

She did her master degree in animal science Arizona State University in 1975.

In 1989 she did a doctoral degree in animal science at University of Linotype at Urban - Campaign.

Temple received a honor doctorate degree from Ontario Veterinary college, University of Guelph, Canada at the 2012 winter convocation; this where she was the keynote speaker.

16th May 2010, Temple received an honor Doctorate of Humane Letters from Duke University.

I like Temple Grandin because she has a great understanding of Autism and Anxiety. She has first hand experience like I do. We speak up for the rights of learning disability.

I like the way she copes with her learning disabilities. Animals help her with her Anxiety. Otherwise she'd feel threatened by the rest of the world around her, which is no different to my learning disability.

Dyspraxia awareness.

What is Dyspraxia?

I am updating the Dyspraxia report that I updated that I wrote back In August 2012, yes I know this doesn't have anything to do with benefit cuts and appeals guys but I thought this will help you towards other areas of your students and work. Without bragging I started writing this website back in 2007 and this report has had the highest amount of viewers round 51 or more so hopefully what you learn here will help you a lot. I have coped it on here so you won't have far to find.
Dyspraxia is a hard disability and mental problem to explain and understand. Many people have already lived  
with Dyspraxia our lives being misunderstood and being told that we are a danger to society. The world understands that the world can know everything right away. No one is blaming anyone but if Dyspraxia was understood many years, we may have had the right support and may not have been classed health hazards and useless people. This disability has caused us to be made to feel guilty for things we can't help and also caused us be hated by the world. We understand it's understandable in one way for the health and safety of others but not the fault on purpose of the people who have the disabilities. The awareness is good but all very well to raise when there's not the money in the world to support it. One thing is raising understanding of Dyspraxia so we can be at least understood for what our disability is about.
Dyspraxia is when people are unaware of the world around them. It's too easy to not look where your going, bang into things and people around you. People with Dyspraxia can find pyscial and mental skills hard. Dyspraxia  is mostly misunderstood as been a danger to society, which you are but with the right support you can get by in life.
 The reason for Dyspraxia being misunderstood is because it's a hidden disability. Yet with Dyspraxia being a lot to do with the body and brain, even though it's hidden because people can walk and talk it's more major than those disabilities who need 24 hour care in everything. Advantage is that people with Dyspraxia  have the ability though to ask for help if we need it. There's just a wide circle of skills we find hard. The cause of being misunderstood is the fact we can walk and talk so people think we can manage our lives the same as them. Dyspraxia is a Motor skills and co -ordation disability but it is also can be a reading and writing disability not much different to dyslexia.

For eg; a baby may find it hard to roll over, take longer to stand up and balance, walking, climbing, slower to talk and be understood.

Exercise may be harder to access, some people may only manage swimming, exercise or and even horse riding. Some people may not manage to ride a real bike. Some people may find it hard to hop, jump, run fast and even skip. Some people may find it hard to throw and catch a ball. Some people may find it hard to stand for a long time.

 Children may be slower to walk up and down stairs safety without support. There are some stairs even adults and teenagers may not be able to manage without support. Some stairs can be harder for some people to manage than others. Some people find it hard to dress, tie shoe laces and etc.

 For most of us it can affect our lives with not being able to drive a car and not being able to have children because of carrying and lifting. As time goes on support get's better in some ways but not in others. On the other hands with the cuts the government is making it's hard to say what the future is.

Other examples
  • Doing jigsaws
  • Gripping pencils
  • Playing games
  • Mixing with people
  • communicating 
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Emotional problems
  • Poor short term memory
  • Using a knife and fork
  • Carrying hot drinks in the left hand or and you may be only able to carry one hot drink at a time.
  • Personnel care for eg; cleaning teeth, washing hair, shaving, cutting toe nails and etc.
  • Emptying the hoover and putting it back together again.
  • Finding it hard to understand people and make friends.
  • Poor vision
  • Sensitive to light
  • Sensitive to nose
  • Sensitive to touch
  • Sensitive to taste
  • Lack of awareness in body positive, space and spatial relationships.
  • Hard to take in information.
  • Hard to keep tidy.
  • Cooking for eg; carrying heavy joints out of the oven, chopping up and straining veg.
  • Hard to learn sounds, movements and prove reading.
  • Hard to concentrate on too many things at once.
  • Slow to do a job and finish it.
  • Day dream be in a world of our own.
  • Find hard to listen people in groups and take in what they say.
  • Finding hard to understand people and be understood by them. 
  •  Change can take a while to get use to whether it's good or bad.
  • Good and bad days for eg; something we managed great yesterday we are coping really bad today.
  • Some skills we just never manage but others we manage for life.
  • We may get frustrated and angry easy.
  • We just might give up if people give up on us too easy.
  • We may be stressed and anxious easy.
  • We may feel low in our self esteem. 
  • We may get upset easy.

Other awareness of the disability.
Some people with Dyspraxia have flat feet but I also have wide feet. I have really bad problems getting shoes to fit me. Some people even find it hard to type and grip the mouse on a computer. My problem can be I type so fast I don't notice my spelling mistakes and the words I have missed out of sentences. Some people find it hard to plan things. Some of us have poor relocating cannot look quickly and effectively from one object to other, looking from the television to magazine.

Although there seems be a lot of things that we find hard, there are some things that get better through our lives. I still remember as a child finding it hard for a lot years cutting meat up with a knife and fork. In some cases, if someone is on some medications the side effects can make life even more harder for them. If you have a lot of problems with hands, some medications can make than worse, which make some people shake.  Not everyone finds the same things hard and not everyone finds the same things easy. I even find with some things I just have good days and bad. Strangely in some things there are some weaknesses that can turn into confidences because with this being a life time disability you become used to what you can and can't cope. The fact that we are keen, willing people because we find so many things hard we don't give up until we achieve what we want to. Sometimes though society gives up on us. To start with it may seem hard to believe that there are positives in Dyspraxia but it's takes a long time to believe in that, your disability and most of all yourself. You can  find so many things hard yet it's to believe the bad as well as the good because you don't appear to strangers to have disabilities.
    Our lives aren't all black and white there are positives about us yet some are from the things we do find hard.

    • Some things that we may see different to other people can be right.
    • We find it easy to get along with people if they understand us and we understand them.
    • People need to give themselves time and us time to get to know one another.
    • We can be carrying people who need support as much or if not more than us.
    • We have powerful and creative imagination in our day dreams.
    • We are very keen learners despite of finding learning hard, nothing stops us.
    • We have good long term memories.
    • We can create for eg; creative writing art painting and drawing. 
    The causes of Dyspraxia.
      As far as I know Dyspraxia is cause by lack of orgxen to the brain at birth or when a baby is born too early. I think this can be linked to epilepsy or and a stroke. I think are many other causes of Dyspraxia.

      Different forms of Dyspraxia.

      It sounds as if the world has a lot to learn about Dyspraxia, which is hardy surprising as it's a hard disability to understand and explain. Just because I am Dyspraxia, doesn't mean I know everything about it. In my respects the world knows more than me. What I do know is how it has affected my life. I am glad to say now it has opened up now. There may have been thousands of children in my school, I would have been aware but I doubt it. I know what it's like to to feel so alone even though you are more than likely not. Bullying never seems to stop because you look and or seem different to other children. Even by adults your so misunderstood  because quite rightly even adult expects to see a normal child, whatever normal is at the end of the day. Putting yourself in the shoes of parents, life can be a jigasaw puzzle for them when their child is slow at learning or and they know what their disabilities and health problems are.

      Movements are to do with Motor skills, Co-ordation and balance. For eg; opening a tin with a can opener.
      Language is speech how we sound, make ourselves understood and misunderstood mostly the cases are.
      Perception is Understanding and or misunderstanding others, messages, world around us and etc.
      It's more likely possible to have all of those forms of Dyspraxia as I have found all those things hard through my life. Having said that when you have a good many other disabilities it can be hard to say what causes what. For eg; I could either Aperger Syndrome or and ADHD, Dyslexia, Epiespy as well as Dyspraxia. could have one form of Dyspraxia, two or all three. I know what I read about Dyspraxia sounds like me.

      Sometimes when I am speaking I find it hard to sallow when I speak therefore no understands me. I have always had problems with my tongue, teeth and lips which goes very dry as skin becomes loose. Even though I feed myself, I'm still very messy eater. As a very small child I found very hard grip a knife and fork I think food used to go everywhere other than my mouth over the floor everywhere, although I don't see how I've always loved my food too much and ate too much.

      Some words I may say may not come out correct but may not be far off, otherwise I'm well misunderstood. Sometimes I may talk too quiet in case I don't sound like how I want to sound like. Yet when I am sure of myself it works opposite I can be too loud.    

      Some famous people with Dyspraxia.

      Daniel Radcliffle who plays Harry Potter, David Bailey who takes pictures, Florence Welch, Hannah McDonnell actor, Helen Burns character out of Jane Eyre, Samuel Taylor Coleridge poet, CK Chestern, Ern  est Hemingway, Jack Kerouac, and George Orwell writer.

      Wednesday, 14 January 2015

      Up date of Accessible Information Guidelines.


      Just to let you that everyone's' needs are different. I have just written down some tips how some people may their information but people may want it in a way I have written down. This is why it's important to ask people they want their information written down to try and save a lack of communication and understanding. I know you can't please everyone because the service you work for may not have the tools or and funding to make information accessible to everyone but all the same as I said in the guidelines if the information is really important that the person your seeing understands and the person has no one else to support them, then make your manager aware so he or she can arrange to find someone who can support that person to understand the information.

      • People with disabilities understand it’s not always easy for you to make information easy read if the service you work for hasn't got the tools.
      • People with disabilities understand that money is tight for a lot of services now.
      •  All the same if the service you work provides easy read,
      • It’s always best to ask the people how they want the information.
      • Different people see easy read in different way.
      •  If you don’t have time to go through any information people don’t understand, see that someone is free to go through the information with them if whatever it is is very important to help people with disabilities to understand whatever it is.

       ·    Some people may need larger print.
      ·       Some people may find information clearer all in bold.

      ·      Using Photographs, if you have to take pictures of different places make sure you have permission first.

      ·       Photographs should be of nouns people, places and objects.

      ·       Remember you will need to ask managers of businesses before taking pictures of buildings.
      It's also best ask peoples' permission before taking a picture of them but tell them the reason just briefly for eg; to make information easy read for people with learning disabilities.

      ·      Some would like the information written in different to others.
      ·Ask people if your information clear enough for them to read!

      • Write in short word and clear short sentences.
      ·        Just have one idea in each sentence.
      ·       This means shorting words or a few letters.
      ·       Using less words
      ·        You may need to look in a thesaurus to find short words for long we word.
      ·       People with disabilities understand there are some short words you can't be found for longs words others you can.
      ·       If that happens try to explain more if the it’s very important that they do understand the information.
      ·       You may need to help most people read the information.

       ·        Look in a thesaurus to find short words for long words but that's not always possible a lot of professional words . 

      Don't use verbs like John loves Mary or Mary loves John!

      ·       Think about key points that can be made easier for the person to read.
      ·       Don't use words that only specialist would understand or acronyms.

      ·       Use bold for highlighting words.
      ·       Use size 14 text.
      ·      Titles and headings size 16.
      ·       Comic San, Ariel or by FS mencap.
      ·       Italics and block capitals change the shape of words and make them hard to read.
      ·       No jargon and no words jumping off the page, which means large print.
      ·       Jumping from one topic to the other makes it harder for you to write and us to read.
      ·       Something clear and well planned with all key point information.
      ·       Easy read works for everyone but different people see easy read different.

      If you are writing a lot of pages use colour codes.

      ·       Use clear coloured paper.
      ·       Green is not a good colour to use.
      ·       Words in white (reversed out text) on coloured back ground can be harder to reader.
      ·       Some people might need things to be printed onto coloured paper.
      ·       Remember not everyone manages with colour so ask them first.

      •  You may need to use full stops a lot and other punctuation marks, for some people it helps to break the information down.
      • Saying that there may be some punctuation marks that they don’t want so ask them first.
      Information like Directions and instructions.

      • Maps are hard to understand for
      •  most people eg;
       ·       Some people want bullet points.
      ·       Numbers 123 so on.
      ·       ABC so on.
      ·       This can all vary to all ways, some ways or either way.

      Easy read tips that could be easy read to others.

      Do not use abbreviations for eg; do not don't.

      One subject on page.

             If you have to use more than each page with more about then whenever the subject is.

       Use page numbers.

      Avoid columns.

      It's easier to read across the page.

      Make sure there’s plenty of a space in forms for people to fill.

      Do boxes rather than lines for people write?

      Pictures on the left hand side of the writing.

      • Writing on the right hand side.
      • It could be different if you are writing in another language.
      • Do not float text on top or across the page.
      This could be accessible to people with Dyslexia.

      Make you use an A5 notepad or book so it's easier to hold and turn pages.

      Information you can read like a book is easier than following lots of sheets.

       Make information available on DVD or cd.

      • Show pictures of a clock with the right time you may want to see a person on whatever for eg; if you can.  

       Maps are hard to understand for eg;

      • The times should be in a 12 hour format.
      • Some cartoon pictures can be childish.
      ·       Make information easier for people to find.
      ·       Use a buddy system where people have somewhere to go through information with them or ask questions.
      ·       Sent information at least 4 weeks before appointment or meeting people may need or and want to go to.
      ·       This will give people time to get help if they want or and need it.
      ·       This also may help most people understand the information.

      Contact WWW.officefordisability.gov.uk accessibity@mencap.org.uk 0209 696 5551
      If you want to produce all or part of this guide please talk to us.
      I have just looked at this disability website but the phone number isn't on here but it doesn't mean it is or isn't still in use. http://www.rickhansen.com/Blog/ArtMID/13094/ArticleID/48/How-does-language-shape-how-we-think-about-disability

      Tuesday, 13 January 2015


      I am very sorry about the font as it's playing up a bit.

      Sorry to brush off on a negative subject,

       I understand that it's hard to put a stop to these benefit cuts but all the same it's all serious stuff when peoples' lives are at risk most unnecessary.

       Guys you can read what you want on my website but also these reports I have been writing lately is awareness for all kinds of health professions at all levels students, trainees and experienced. 

      I understand that you may have read this report last year but I am updating it because I am raising awareness of the benefit cuts.

       As you may well be aware by now that over the last few years or so many people have lost their lives through the benefit cuts.

       People understand that Britain is paying out too much for the benefits system but the government needs to 

      understand there are a lot of people who have very honest reasons to why they are on benefits but the people who have a honest reason hate being on benefits,

       they really want to work and they just need the right support to do.

       Yes people are aware that there are those with nothing wrong with them who make out they do have things wrong with so they don't to work and live on benefits .

       It's mostly the ones who have disabilities and health problems who do want to work and who do want to come off benefits.

      The main purpose of this report, sorry, is when people haven't got to keep their homes let alone anything else in life.

      The stress of paying bills and feeding ones's self can bring on Anxiety and depression for people with disabilities and health problems even more to a point many will feel as if life is not worth living. For many it's hard for them to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
        I know I have written about depression before on this website but despite of my worries of how different disabilities affect different strangely depression is even worrying because it can vary even more so.

       Like I think I said in my last or only other reports about depression I can't remember now, people with depression can feel sad whether we have a reason to or not, which can come and off at any time.

       Like anything depression can be different  for different people.

       It can be one way round or both ways round. For example I can go from not having any get up and go in me to not coping if I don't have anything going on in my life.

       It's like everything an effect but once I'm there you can't get me away but it doesn't always happen that way, it mostly does.

      Depression is very unexplained because it's so different for different people.

       Depression go from very mild to major. Depression can make you feel as if life isn't worth, some of us can fight it but others can. Some go on for years fighting and winning then lose in the end.

       There's no telling with one person to another how depression can affect us. What we do know is depression a very worrying health problem to have.

       Now just because I have a mild form of depression doesn't mean like writing about it and making you sad because I don't. 

      Many issues are important raise awareness of.

       The truth of today's world and life is enough to rise the amount of people who suffer from depression for example people losing their job and the cuts backs that Britain are having today.

      Referring back to what I said in the Anxiety report about no matter what's going on in the your life when Anxiety and depression kicks in that's how you feel.

       Many of us can get misunderstood for being ungrateful when we are not. Baring in mind our lives move from good to bad some good some bad times.

       Yes it would be boring our lives were just all good or just all bad.
       Then it just becomes a case of thinking well is there more good going on in our lives than bad or the other way round?

       However that happened it doesn't make any difference to people who suffer from Anxiety and depression not that we are ungrateful the god that we have got in life.

       Anxiety and Depression vary in it's self some of us suffer worse than others of us.

       There are that many different types  of Anxiety and Depression.

       Many of us can even find it turns round circles for us, which doesn't always affects us the same every time we have a spell of Anxiety and Depression.

       Despite of what we go through and no matter what we go through we I do anything think there's always someone worse off than myself,

       which is true even though it feels like the end of the world at the time of whatever I'm going through.

      A lot of people say that depression can only work 1 way but not really for eg; some people can sleep too much,

       others don't sleep and others can find they face it both ways. Some things people can face with depression.

      Never think the world is completely but black and white.

      Many people do pull through but it can take a long time to pull through and for many it takes a long time

       feel completely back to normal even if they have won their appeal.
       A lot problems could still carry on but time is a great healer. 

      Bear in some people could see things different to other so just except anything from anyone. 

      Some people pull through this others sadly don't.

      It's a sad fact for those who don't pull through.

      There's no easy way saying these thing because we don't want anyone to go through these thing but there's only so much we can do for each person.

      All we can do is our best more meaning all you can do as professions and the likes of me who is an Learning disability and Mental health awareness trainer.

      We need to think things can work either way.
      • Feeling sad at any time, any place and anywhere with or without  reason.
      • Not feeling like doing anything but then feeling sad and anxious if you have nothing in your life at all http://www.anxieties.com/
      • Not having any get up and go but then not know when to stop if you do get started.
      • Getting stressed, frustrated and upset more easily than other people.
      • Getting angry and mood easily.
      • Thinking you can't cope in life.
      • Thinking you can't carry on.
      • Feeling weak.
      • Putting one's self down.
      • Feeling as if you are nothing and nobody.
      • No self- e stream.
      • Lacking confidences 
      • Not knowing own strength.
      • Finding it hard to see things getting better.
      • Feeling as if life isn't worth living.

      Depression has always been high but now it's a lot more higher than it ever has been. Although the world suffer has suffered many wars and also the big depression in the 1930s. Now for the last five years Britain has been suffering a credit crunch, cut backs and many banks are in debt. These kind of things give people a lot more to worry about than a normal living life. If you have disabilities, health problems and your elderly today's stress is added onto you even more so but then the stress of the credit crunch can bring on health problems and even disabilities to people who have never had them with too much to worry about. We need to live in hope that the government doesn't make cuts on counselling and emotion support because depending what people are going through many would find it hard to get by. 

      Self belief can be a hard thing for a person to cope when they have Anxiety, depression, even other health problems, disabilities and etc. Despite of what I've just said we do achieve things but then in complete honestly need the support to believe in ourselves not to run ourselves down all the while. We understand that we can't completely achieve the same kind of life as people who have not any disabilities and health problems but there's still a of these people can achieve so to speak normal do tend to run us completely because they know we need a lot of support. If more people would start to think of the good in us and less of the bad in us, then we may start become a bit more confidence in ourselves. Just remember we are as human as you are at the end of the day.

        Yes it's very sad indeed to know that the world has lost the actor Robin Williams who suffered from depression, he was so talented. My favorite work of Robin's has always been Mrs Doubt fire, Monk and Mindy. Oh no that's not my reason for writing about depression although when these things do happen I admit, it does raise more awareness of how serious depression can be but then having been an Advocacy worker and an Awareness trainer of learning disability and mental health as I know as someone who copes with these problems herself, depression can link into them.   http://www.depressionalliance.org/

        Yes agree that cancer is very serious as well but depression can be just as serious for a lot of people if life get's on top of them. What I'm hoping is that the government doesn't make cuts on counselling and emotion support because people need to cope with life. I'm very sad and worried to say there's very little for us to be happy for today, if only that wasn't true I wouldn't say it otherwise.

        On the bright side like Robin Williams depression doesn't stop a lot of creative people use our talent.  Those  of us with talents have all different talents otherwise the world would be boring. Never think because someone has got any disabilities or and health problems we can't do anything at all. Even people with depression not all the world is black and white, it's just getting the right support to get by. Sometimes we don't feel as strong as what we really are.   http://www.mind.org.uk/ for example my poetry. What's on your Mind? Try not to bottle it inside. It's all in your head. May be it is all in our head so you can never think that we don't think all just because we have to cope with disabilities and health problems. We aren't completely useless in fact we aren't useless at all .

        No one knows you but you.

        Anxiety and depression is a lonely thing in one way but not another. Why is that? It's within you. Without putting other people down no one know but you because you have to you have to live with the health problems not GP's or the Health Professions. Not that I'm saying there's not any help out there but professions can only help us so much some of helps us others don't but I can't really say that because it's different for different people because these GP's and Professions don't have to cope with what we do. For eg; what helps me doesn't help me or other people with health problems. What helps me is my poetry,story writing, my work, Counselling and Emotion support when I can get it.  Bare in mind different people suffer from different Anxiety and Depression and different things help it. It doesn't necessary mean that two people with the same type of Anxiety and Depression, the same health problems and so on can't benefit from the same kind of help for all. support and advice. There are people in fact just learn to live with it in their own because help helps and others doesn't or no helps helps. It's very rare that all helps helps cause the only people who know our own minds, what we are thinking, what are not thinking and everything else is ourselves not that we shouldn't if we need to or want to. What works for some people doesn't work for others so don't anyone tell you otherwise. What does and doesn't help you if you would like to share your stories with me. sarajgorman@gmail.com Never be force by anyone for anything things in your time if it has to be, otherwise just do what helps you. At the end of the day the choice is yours no one else's whatever you do or don't. I know myself if people try to push and force me I tend to feel even less sure of myself. Don't get me wrong we can only help ourselves in the best way we can.