Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Dyslexia and stress.

There could be roughly at least 375'000 people in the UK with Dyslexia.At least 10% could be children and at least 4 % could be severely Dyslexic.

Is Dyslexia a Behavior problem?

Well every human being wants to learn and work like everyone else without having to be supported by somebody else. Most people feel frustrated and stressed to a point, Dyslexia can become a behavior problem. It's not to say that Dyslexic people can't learn and work like other people, it's just frustrating for us that we have to depend on some kind of support but then some of us have to depend on support more than others.

Although Dyslexia isn't a health problem it is a learning disability, it causes us a lot of stress and a lot of fear of not making an success of ourselves. Confidences is a very hard thing for us, which for most of us our Dyslexia can be linked into Anxiety, which is a sense of fear and panic. Really Depression can even link into it too. It can make you feel sad when others seem to be making a success of their lives but then you realise later in life it's not all like that at all. Even though we understand that we won't be successful in everything because no one ever is.

 It can be very strange to think that the mind can think 24 hours a day yet mine does anyway yet my maths are very weak, there are words can't spell, there are words can't read, there are words I can't say and there are words I can't recognize. Yet other times my mind can be completely blank. Yet as you can see on this website I can write poetry.

 As a child I  probley could tell biggest make believe tell tale out, I'm so sorry I'm ashamed to admit. Yet left school feeling very frustrated and stressed that I learned nothing. It broke all my confidences, self a stream and I have had to work twice as hard as an adult to even get where I am today. Even now I'm working hard to achieve to be successful ing my career. What's more scary now I am 45 years of age, I only have the next 40 year if I'm lucky to make a success of myself. Seriously though I have done better than what I ever expected so I'm more than grateful to have got where I am now and I more than thank those who have got me where I am today.  Let's not see that happen in today's children where they have to work twice as hard as an adult to make an success of their selves!

In the end it's fear and panic to a person that they may think they will not achieve but at the end of the day, everyone achieves in something. It's just that it seems as if it's a lonely world if you need more support than others but it's not really. We just take longer to get there than others even though it's not always where we want to get, we get somewhere. It just takes us longer to see the positive side of life.  http://www.dyslexia.com/famous.htm www.understood.org/en/learning-attention-issues/personal-stories/famous-people/celebrities-with-dyslexia-adhd-learning-attention-issues

Where does your work come in as a health profession?

Even I don't say a lot but I'm Awareness trainer not a Health profession I will send you some websites written by more experienced Health professions.
Different areas of peoples' lives can have some effects on different disabilities and health problems.
As I have said in 1 of the last 2 reports I wrote I think, stress is the one of the biggest killers of all because it can play peoples' minds a lot. Anxiety is one of the most common health problem that can play on a person's mind. People with Anxiety very often over things that they may not need to worry about or some things may not be as worrying as they seem. What can be playing on a person's mind? Here some examples

  • Studying / exams
  • Driving lesson/test 
  • Work
  • Benefits 
  • Jobcentre
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Relationships
  • Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Death
  • Parents
  • Children 
  • Affording to keep their home to feed themselves and others if they don't live alone, even those who live alone life can be stress for.

It can be very hard to get that balance in a person's life where they are so depressed they have nothing to get up for but then to a point where everything is going on for them all at the same time, which can be a very stressful situation for them.

Where Depression can kick in where for example Dyslexia where they may have failed an exam so many times which can be rather distressing because you don't feel as if your getting anywhere, it may not seem like the end the world but then it is when your trying work towards a career for yourself.

People with disabilities and health problems may get upset and stressed over things that don't seem like the end of world to other people. Like most people they can take so much but then depending what it's over and how whatever effects the person. For example suicidal thoughts mainly if they are going through the benefit cuts.

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