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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 19 January 2015

Disabled people finding it hard to understand voting.

Have you been turned away at a polling station because you have a learning disability?
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A lot of people may think that people with disabilities may not understand the knowledge behind voting. The government may think that people with disabilities and health problems don't what our rights are but in the minds of the government have vulnerable people got rights? My report isn't just for people with disabilities and health problems to have a say but for other Vulnerable people to have a say. Those people who feel  their rights are not taken into account. You are more than welcome email me on this issues and any other issues on my website sarajgorman@gmail.com  if you want.

 In the eyes of society we don't understand who we are voting for either. Never the less even for non disabled people who vote not everything goes their way.

 For example in the terms of what disabled people are having to cope with today with the benefits cuts, which is putting their lives at risk, I do think it's important we do vote but there should be possible support so we are voting the right party and right person for the right issues. No information is clear to whom you have vote for what. I don't know if anyone or how many of us agree with me but in my opinion it's hardly any wonder they don't all that mean many votes as this government does not make the information clear enough. 

Saying that I must be honest to say all though I myself I haven't been turned away from voting I don't find the cards accessible, which if anything far the opposite for me and there must be other like or not much different to me who feels put off voting . Unless they make the system accessible then they won't get my vote.

 Apart from the two parties in each box  and putting crosses on your card. It doesn't ask you your reason to vote or more to the point even why, which time and time again nothing gets done about whatever. This can be the same whether you disabled or not anyway. This can make most people stop voting. As there's no where on the cards to say your reasons no one can know but like I said it wouldn't made any difference anyway because government has their own mind, the people don't matter in the government's mind and that mean everyone not just disabled people.

If proves even though a lot disabled people are advocates in the mind of the government we don't have a voice. As advocate myself, it doesn't that way, well when it comes to the government anyway.

How many non disabled people don't understand voting compare to disabled people?

I don't know whether I am right or wrong, may be I misunderstood the information on the cards. For what I see no one asks you the reason why you're voting. No one advises you who to vote depending on what the reason is for example whether it's health, education or and whatever.

This government is so wrong because most disabled must understand most things about voting to become advocates and that does mean non disabled don't understand either.

Just because we cross a bit of card doesn't mean we don't understand the knowledge behind it.

What does this government think that we born yesterday?

On most things we know more than what this government knows.

You are more than welcome email me on this issues and any other issues on my website sarajgorman@gmail.com  if you want.https://www.mencap.org.uk/allaboutvoting

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