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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 26 June 2015

Abuse, learning disability and mental health awareness.

What is abuse?
As Learning Disability nurses or any kind of nurse you may find yourself rarely dealing someone who has gone through any kind of abuse unless for whatever reason people have not got either the help or support they should have or no support at all. Your job is likely come in if you have to find yourself treating someone who has been through sexual abuse, rape or any other kind of physically abuse like for example if someone has been physically beaten. The only time I guess you may have to find yourself treating mental/ emotional abuse if other professions such as GPs for whatever reason can't or won't treat, such as the patient not able to sleep or and Anxiety and Depression kicking in through whatever they have gone through emotionally and mentally. Even though most Gps have been refereeing their patients to counsellors due to the cuts a lot of services could be limited.

There are all different kinds of abuse, which can happen to anyone. It can be hard to raise the awareness of abuse happening to vulnerable people due to a lack of communication and understanding meaning that vulnerable people are less likely to disbelieved and misunderstood by other people. For example people with disabilities and health problems also even the elderly.
 What makes it even harder is that like most people who commit crimes are likely to target their victims places and times where there are no or very little people about, places where there are no cameras about or and where proof is not very clear for them to get caught.
 Vulnerable people like do people realize are the ones mostly likely to be targeted because the person who commits the crime senses the person will find it hard to be believed and understand so therefore they think or even know there will be no way of them getting caught whereas with a none vulnerable person they are less likely to not worry about getting caught.
The hardest abuse to proof is Mental/ Emotional abuse because the victim isn’t hurt physically but mentally and emotionally. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/lyXmfNxLlCb15DylH64CxX/abusive-relationships
Any abuse can happen from anyone you know, don’t know, family members, people you thought of as friends, relationships and etc whether you are a vunable person or not but when it comes to abuse really everyone is vunable. Everyone needs to be listened to because no one lies about any crime.

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