Dyspraxia has a big affect on people's' lives a lot more than a lot of people without Dyspraxia realize but why should life stop for us because of it with the right support we should be able to get by equal to other people? Dyspraxia is very often notice because the person can walk and talk as much as you then the person is this believed until people spend a good amount of time with them. Even then it's as if most people don't accept us in society or treat us like other people when either us or someone makes people aware of our problems. I am not saying the world is all black and white some people treat us equal others don't. All same a lot more awareness needs to be raised. Not that I am saying that Dyspraxia is the only disability that needs to raised awareness of they all do.
Dyspraxia is more of a learning difficulty than a learning disability, it can happen to people all ages. Dyspraxia is a coordination and motor skills problem, it causes people to have such difficulties in tieing shoelaces. cooking, cleaning, household jobs whereas they are likely be skilled mentally rather than physically. To make for not be very good physically most people call be mentally creative such as story writing, poetry, drawing and painting.
I guess the younger someone is to get diagnosed the better help they should be able to get through life. The old you are to get diagnosed the harder I guess it is the less help you get and the less understood you are. I will admit for me it's still unknown whether I have Dyspraxia or not because there are many disabilities if any are hard to diagnose the older you are. For example I was born with whatever disabilities I have forty - five years ago, which back then before and even after they knew handy anything about disabilities and health problems.
What I do know it has been hard for me to full time work because I am limited to the work I can do and can't do like I wouldn't be able to do, cooking, cleaning, factory, manual and machine work yet I am rather good with computers. In these times now the government except people to work whatever jobs there and whether they get the right support or not, which is no different from when I was young. There again employer saw me work they wanted me out even though I made them aware of what to expect when they interviewed me.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-ouch-31838006 This day and age now young people should get diagnosed and get their needs supported which would save them a lot of stress, discrimination and misunderstanding throughout life.
When you have Dyspaxia you can be misunderstood as clumsy. You are not well balanced when it comes to say climbing things, not very steady with carrying a hot heavy roast joint out the oven, straining vegetables, you can easily fall over fresh air and you are likely to be more messing doing physical things than other people. As babies you are likely to be slower at feeding yourself, even crawling and walking more so than other babies. You are more likely to hurt yourself more so than other people all through your life. For me I have to carry one cup at a time when something is hot and heavy. My left side is weaker than my right so if anything I carry light things with my left and heavy things with my right but if something is really hard I ask for help.
We also need to think of the employer as well in terms of health and safety as well as whether or not the person can do the job or not. Without the right tools, diagnose and support for the person it's a lot for a employer to take on board in the terms of health and safety but then very frustrating for the person themselves trust me I have been there. There's nothing worse feeling you are no use to anything or anyone to a point don't even feel you any use to yourself even. Why are we born if we are meant to feel that way. Different disabilities can link with Anxiety and Depression. If a person is made to hopeless, useless to a point others don't believe in them which then they are likely to feel as if life isn't worth living and they don't have a future to look forward to because others run them to think they can't have an equal life to others then Anxiety and Depression is more than likely to kick to a point they are likely to have thoughts of taking their own lives and some may just do that because they will feel as if they will have no reason to be here if they feel they can't make a success out of themselves. Saying that I have only been doing Awareness training and Advocacy for eight years in September whereas before then I had been put here there and everything, very few jobs were for me and very little support then compared to now even though I'm in full time work yet but I hope I am getting there. When I had lost my work with Mencap back in May 2011
- December 2011 because the government cut the funding. I couldn't get a course let alone a job then depression kicked because I had nothing to do, then in time I aimed towards my poetry and I think I did a bit drawing and painting even though I was having counselling.On top of that I was still coming to terms with my last relationship having broken up after 13 and a half years even though it finished in 2007. Mencap was the first job I lost within my field whereas the ones before I felt a mixture of emotions so it's good to keep the mind busy.
There's nothing more rewarding when you feel as if you achieved, your successful in life and you have done a good job. People have hidden talents that they find it hard to show and without sounding big headed they are people the likes of myself because a lot of people sees us for a weaknesses. We just need the right support to go about our strengths. Having said that with most things the things that we are good at less support we need we need more support with the things we are not good at.
Despite of Dyspraxia being a physical disability in fact physical difficulty I should say it is a very hidden learning difficulty because these people can walk and talk just as much as anyone. The only difference is they are just a bit slower than other people and that includes myself. To look at us you wouldn't think we have problems with our hands, we haven't got as much strength and grip as other people have which can cause us to have problems with opening, jars, tins and etc but some jars, tins and etc are tougher than others for us. Some disability aids work for us but others don't plus some disability aids can be rather pricey too.
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