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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Person centred planning

Person centred planning is about having your choice and control, which isn't always possible when you have disabilities, health problems and even if you are elderly. Some things a person may want they may need support with other things they may want they may not need support with. The things that we need to support we mostly never seem to achieve because either there's no funding to support us or others haven't the time to support but the right as possible because we are care for others over protect us therefore we don't always achieve what we want or it takes a long time to do so. Some of us may have achieved these things others may not and there may others who don't want those things in life. Many people may want other things in life. As much as family, carers and parents may love us they do us favors in one way but not in others

What may these things may be?

  • Having a home of our own or sharing with whoever we want to share with.
  • Coming off benefits into full time work.
  • Going to college or university.
  • Going out more in the day and or night when we want to.
 What is stopping us doing what we want to do?

  • Family, parents, carers and some support workers.
  • The government and their cuts. 
People with disabilities, health problems and the elderly have less choice and control than other people. Not all vulnerable people have the same independence and they don't all have the same support either. Society controls different people's lives in different ways.

How does someone know when to support and when not to?

Different people with disabilities and health problems have different disabilities and health problems so they need their support and independence in different ways.  Everyone has weaknesses and strengths whether they have disabilities, health problems, elderly or not. There are are some new skills our disabilities and health problems will allow us to learn but other they won't depending on what disabilities and health problems we have got. It's needs to vary from support to independence by getting the balance between the two.  

Person Centred Care.

The word person - centred means the person themselves, their choice, their control and their life but support should be given when it's asked. Many people tend to think that some people don't ask for help when it's need, yes for most people it's true. Very often the reason for that is mainly when it's comes to today's world a lot of services lacking funding due to the point a lot of people give asking for help and they are left to do without the support. Yet more often than not the odd bit they may often could be on things on what they can manage without help.

The idea of Person - Centred care is to see that the person get's the care they need to their choice and control and to balance with the family's thoughts too. A lot vulnerable people have been cared for wrongly in the past and even been neglected. A lot of vulnerable people and even their families have lost have lost a lot of trust and faith in services because they have been badly let down in the past. This could mean hospital's dentists, doctors, employment services, education services or anywhere.

Here's link about Person - Centred care in nursing   http://www.open.edu/openlearn/body-mind/health/nursing/the-importance-person-centred-approaches-nursing-care

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