Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 2 January 2017

Childhood Autism

Children with Autism find it really hard to communicate with all people. We find it hard to think about others.

We find it hard to think of too much at once.

We can only think of one thing at a time.

We are mistaken and misunderstood for being selfish because we can be unawareness of people's feelings.

We can be unaware of what's going on around us.

We feel guilty if we find out we haven't been aware of whatever because most people misunderstand us and see as bad people.

Behavior problems.

When we feel guilty we feel and mad with ourselves.

A lot of us stuffer from anxiety and even depression.

Some of us have panic attacks that can turn into fits.

This can cause us a lot of stress and for people around us for that matter.

When we have gone through a lack of communication, which makes it hard to cope when life is stressful.

At the same time we understand that the people around us stuffer stress too.

People must understand that we find it hard not to let things get to us.

It can worry us longer than you, until whatever it is, is water under bridge.

When things aren't good, we feel guilty as we are doing something wrong all the while.

People can behave rudely towards us because they can think we are being rude when we don't mean to be.

(Lack of communication and understanding.)

Like I have said in another report everything isn't all and just down to our disabilities because everyone has faults.

You just need to learn to tell what is and isn't.

No one understands disabilities until or and unless they have disabilities themselves.

People need to be more patient and put themselves in our shoes. All disabilities vary from person to person because they are all different kinds of disabilities.

Most people like myself are born with disabilities others can happen out of the blue caused by injuries for eg;.

What can be confusing not two people with the disabilities for eg; have to cope with the same problems.

Never judge a book by it's cover.

Just except anything from people with disabilities but we are human just like you too.

We are not asking for special treatment but we just need you to take a bit more time to understand us that's all.

People with Autism can feel mad with ourselves because we can't always learn the same speed as other people, this why we need time to do things.

We need people to believe in us, if not they don't we don't believe in themselves.

This is where the word patients or should I say time comes into it.

People shouldn't lose patients when we try to do but also we should be given more time to say things.

We ends ups been left out of life otherwise.

This can lead to bullying and misunderstanding because we may look different, respond different to what people except of us.

We like to do things ourselves but with the right support.

We hate it when people do things for us because in many cases they are quicker that us, then it doesn't give us time to learn.

Just remember you could have been like us, how would you of felt them.

Put yourselves in our shoes!

We hate been misunderstood by people because it happens so often in our lives.

Tone of people's voices are important to us as well.

Don't make us feel as if we have been shouted at!

We know when we have been misunderstood.

Learn to understand us!

We can tell whether someone is willing to try and understand us or not that's why it's important for us to tell people that we have disabilities.

When it comes to having a job it's very important to come across people who want to work in the Learning Disability field, so we know that people want to understand us.

Over the years one seems to get a feeling that people are working in these services just to earn money in their pockets.

Make sure you have a big interest in learning disability before you go into the learning disability field.

At the same time though, we are aware that it isn't just Learning Disability services.

We do understand that there's a very high rise in unemployment full stop.

We also understand that there are a lot of cut backs in a lot of services these days.

It's very important to welcome people anyway whether they have disabilities, have respect and be well mannered.

Autistic children are very lonely children they can grow into to be very lonely adults but I don't really feel lonely.

Try to support Autism children to mix with all kinds of children otherwise they will find it hard to mix with people all their lives.

This can include people with all kinds of disabilities.

We found it hard to join in other children's games that why we end up making our own games up.

I used to play with dolls and soft toy, make up my games alone with that.

Loads of children without disabilities have been bullied but if you have disabilities, it can give people even more of reasons to bully you.

A lot of my reasons can boil down to my social problems, jealously, abuse and or etc.

For eg; playing games.

These social problems can last for live if you have Autism but if you have understanding friends, you should be alright.

Just accept anything off people with LD and Health problems.

Everyday skills can be hard mainly as children.

A child with Autism may be slow with feeding, toileting skills and etc.

Most of us may have a problems with balance in our bodies, a bit slow so we may need a help with getting in and out the bath and even on and off the toilet.

People with Autism mostly children, once we are in once place we don't want to move but when we get there we are alright, then we don't want to move to the next place.

This is what you call route. I used to hate having to go in the bath but once I was in the water, people had a hard job getting me out but they got me out in the end.

Doing up buttons and tieing shoe laces or anything to do with using my hands was a nightmare and still is today.

I was unaware of the world around me but I was hyperactive at night time, which I don't stuffer from anymore.

I found it very hard to pay attention in the day time because I was over tired from the night but I never admitted it though because I never wanted let on I was over tired.

One thing I was aware of though, I was mostly round adults, I wanted to do what they did. I hated missing out on a thing.

If I was in bed, Mum had got friends round, I was down stair again.

I never ever missed a trick when something was going on at night.

When it came to children I wasn't really bothered because they couldn't bothered with me but I did have a few friends my age.

I was mostly round the adults because my Mum did barmaid work.

I have always found it hard to take in information and what's going on around me.

I have been misunderstood for what I say and do.

I have been a danger to society, for eg walking and banging into people when I am out and about.

I have been a danger to myself on the roads but lucky nothing has ever happened to me in that way.

I still have some problems that way but not as bad as I used to be.

When I used be in my own little world I used to rock backwards and forwards as a child.

Many of us may appear normal but what's normal at the end of the day?

Many people know I can walk and talk but they don't think I have disabilities because I don't look as if I have.

I have come across very few people who can tell I have learning disabilities.

You need to spent a certain amount of times to find out and learn to understand people's disabilities.

Ways of living with Autism.

Easy pictures and easy words in order to understand information for children, adults and teenagers.

Exercise and relaxation to help people with Anxiety, depression and Dyspaxia.

I found some problems I had as a child have gone but others are there.

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