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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 2 January 2017

People with Mental Health problems and behaviour problems.

What the government says.

Help people stay in Wolverhampton instead of been send away to homes, hospitals and etc.

People should have a Person Centred plan to balance there choice, control and support. We have worked hard to set up a Person - centred plan service. After all that there's not a Person Cenrted plan service in Wolverhampton.

We need to be flexible about how we give psychological support.

We need to give better access to psychological therapies.

We need to find out reasons for behavior problems.

Help people in lots of ways not just with medicines. A lot of behaviour problems can be boiled down to LD, Mental Health problems, Mental illnesses or side affects of medication. There needs be more research on the causes of behaviour problems.

These causes can cause misunderstanding for people who wouldn't commit crimes on purpose, only due to LD or Health problems of some sought. Most people may get angry if they find it hard to put their point a across to people.

People need to understand that if different people are giving them different advice to one thing, that can make them angry.

If they aren't listened to by people around them that won't make it any easier to communicate with them.

Try finding yourself locked up in a cell completely unaware of the reasons why you are there.

I can understand the shocking grief for victims, families, friends and loved ones. No one is saying that there's excuses for any crime but we there needs be more research on people with problems that cause them to be the way they are.

In some people's cases we may need to be looking into places, support and care that is accessible to their needs but keeps them out of trouble. Health staff need to be looking into the right treatment that keeps or and makes these people stable and calm.

Make sure that Mental Health hospitals treat people as individuals.

Assessments people's problems and needs in order to give them what's right to their needs.

Home treatment team can be very helpful. However sometimes we find it hard to work in Mental Health services. We don't do enough psychological Work. Please call Cliff Hawkins for more information on this 01902 444326 Cliff.Hawkins@wolvesspct.nhs.uk

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