Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Just words.

 Frosty wood fires. 

Snow and frost on and in between the trees. 

As I see further and further the big black and white house in between those thousands of trees miles and miles.

There's the frozen lake with the piece of glass that smashed into shaking broken ice glass caught by the fire burning through the dark night till the morning light as the ice and snowmelt. 

Flames rise everywhere on woods of fire, which warms the cold air. 

Over the years the weather and times have changed from up to six months of snow, frost, and ice to rain, hail, snow, sleet, and ice on and off at any time, no fire to burn the ice and no water to put out the fire.

What is all this about some say global warming and others say climax change? 

I fall down and get back up again. 

There no way you can damage me with your words because they are just words, this is over the years what I have learned.

Now I think or feel nothing towards you, you were just a long dream and nightmare, I woke one day to realize that this wasn't real. 

I am long away from your bitter and twisted mind, lies and words, where your stories kept changing as you kept on changing your mind all the time.

I had to accept how things were to how and when wanted them, which is why in the end I had enough.

Poems on IT. 

When you think IT you think of for example IT is, IT isn't, etc.

Over the years IT has had another meaning for example devices. 

Managing your diary, emails, social media, Admin, etc.

Over years IT has increased to a point of advantages and disadvantages.

Concerns about health and safety plus things getting done a bit faster than they used to for example. 

It's too easy to put ourselves in too many places at once, we are only human to be everywhere at once is not possible but it's possible to have a short time having you, me, or and our time. 


You don't need to make a poem into a certain style.

If you think of something just write it down.

If you think of more than one word, doesn't necessarily always have to connect, just write lines. 

Writing a load of rubbish is learning to write better. 

Many say poetry can be boring, it neither is nor isn't, it's about life.

Like everything really not all poems is a success but some can be if we really work at it. 

It's all just words but words that mean a lot from the mind. 

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