Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 27 December 2023


 Our Admin team 

 creator and head admin Sara Gorman

 Head Admin Harry Cawood


Alistair Wilkinson 

Barry Matthews 

Jennifer Gibert 

Do you face disabilities, mental health, or other problems if so what?

Due to the up date of the group, I will updating the three questions people face when they request. 

Please feel free to invite with disabilities, mental health and problems or and people in their lives such as those in their lives, such parents, families, carers,  friends,social workers, support workers, service providers, workers, employment advisers, careers advisers, doctors, nurses, paramedics, oppatient therapists, teachers, tutors, and more. You must be 18+ on the group with you are someone with disabilities, mental health and or other problems or if you someone in their lives but you can also join on behave of supporting or and  caring for someone etc from birth, all their lives whether you face disabilities , mental health and or problems or not,. 

This group no for those without disabilities, mental health or and problems or without supporting, care more for someone or even people with disabilities,mental health, or and other problems, this could mean conditions, illnesses, long term conditions, health problems, issues, deceases and more. 

Feel free to invite those who you may know are in those situations. 

Our three questions must be answered so we advise you to invite by email, pm, give them the of our group if they wish to join. 

When I have updated the questions I will put questions on the group, pin post them then if you invite people make of our questions, if the wish you to request they must give you the answers to the three questions, if they don’t wish do that, if they wish to join, give them our group link and advise them to request themselves and answer questions.

Also, if you are a person with disabilities, mental illness, or  and other problems etc, if you are wishing to try to makes friends or and know other people the same but similar who do, we have a group called disability, mental health, making friends and more. There are options on that group for those people who beish to interact such as making friends, hobbies, arts, crafts,music,  film, exercise socializing and more 

Welcome to ACCESS ALL AREAS NOW, DISABILITY AND MENTAL HEALTH TALK, contacts in the UK, this group is for people who face disabilities, mental health, other problems  all ages, and those in their lives, such parents, families, carers,  friends, partners,social workers, support workers, service providers, workers, employment advisers, careers advisers, doctors, nurses, paramedics, oppatient therapists, teachers, tutors,  professionals and more, whatever learning  and training. This group is also a chance for people with disabilities, mental illness, or and others problems and those their lives to chat, post etc on for eg; these topics under this paragraph. 

Although  Covid lockdown, Covid hasn’t gone completely but it has left a lot of scars like the cost of living crisis etc, which tough on everyone but even more for the most vulnerable.

Topics On This Group.

1. Health – Anything to do with the health of disabilities, Mental health, and other problems

2. Accessibility and disabled in all places - such as housing, disabled aids, accessible information, easy read, disabled access, disabled parking, wheelchairs getting around on transport, etc,

3. Home support –  help with cooking, shopping, housework, etc.

3. Careers – Education and Employment for  People with disabilities, Mental health, or any other problem,s.

4. Talent – Hobbies, interests, arts, crafts and etc which can either be in the home, socially or and, in a career.

5. Social issues – Friendship, dating, going places, counseling, emotional support and etc.

6. Public Advocacy – Empowering and supporting people with disabilities and health problems to speak for their rights. For eg; (Person Centred Planning.)

7. Private Advocacy is mostly legal and illegal Advocacy such as hate crime, discrimination, benefit cuts, fit for work, not fit for work and etc.

8. (‘ Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness’) - people with disabilities and health problems training and educating those people without disabilities and health problems who are interested in working in the field of learning disability and health problems.

9..All and more.  Information about this group, on our website links next to this information, sorry there's a lot as this is an all-in-one disability, mental health all problems

Disability,mental health,animals, making friends and more

 Afternoon how are we today. Merry Christmas and happy new year everyone. Me and team hope Christmas has gone well for you so far. 

Just remind everyone the new. Up date is not much of a change what was before. No one is forced to do or not to do what they don’t want but the options on the purpose this group is to try and make friends if you want with members, only unless have an admin’s permission or and you are friends with me or and any of our teams already. However’ members having feelings and choices too so always write a message on the group before pming, and,or contacting them etc first, unless know then already and or you know if they mind or not. Meaning is members and admins rights to report to the team if you are not happy with someone’s behavior who is on this group and proof you can provide is helpful to us. For eg; someone someone doesn’t know pming them without making them aware or and asking their permission. Even you do ask permission on the group wait for thier answer, they not forced to answer, they don’t longer than necessary accept they are not going to, do contact them, also if they no,accept their answer, don’t force what they want to do, it is their right, like is yours other way round to report the problem to us but hopefully you won’t face it.That applies to others unexceptional behavior as was. If you wish to pm etc, you may feel safety talking to to people on the group where we can see you face problems or not. We are small admin team and are no  set hours, on and offline at different times, please be patient because those of us see your message will take action or report to another admin etc. Do pm an admin you don’t know write on the group, just saying I need an to pm, if you are reporting someone you do not need to say on the group tell the admin who gets back to you. 

Admin’s feelings and choices so if it is not one admin it is another but at last result I will pm you if you need to report something or someone. On pm it is private between you and the admin who pms you but if you or and the admin needs advice off the team.

Poetry of 2023

 Changing with age.

It’s took so long to learn 

how to be happy, even though

 I haven’t been always been unhappy. 

Take what life throws at you, 

not that you do but you learn 

to live with excepting any.

Love happens if it happens, 

if so it is a case of when.

Life is too short and you don’t 

know how much time you have left.

Therefore’ do what you can 

and when as much as possible 

what makes you happy because

 time doesn’t always come round again.

I will be honest say in my 

younger days I couldn’t live

 without love and romance, 

least what I thought, 

I couldn’t admit though but now I can.

Now what life is meant to be, let it be.

I’m too  old now to chase, 

worry etc like I used to in the past, 

about things

 that probably won’t be so

 let’s wait and see. 

I’m not old, 

I’m not young,

 I’m middle aged, 

not passed 

my sell by date yet, you know 

what no one has because no one

 is old today, we just go up in numbers. 

One thing I have realized since

  I been middle age, I’m stronger

 minded than I thought I was, 

surely I’m not alone. 18th December 2023

We are all poetic not.

  We just have words that 

mean everything and nothing, 

action is true meaning that we see.

we are all

 novel and story writers and more,

We just need to know what we want to tell.

If we can’t read and write surely we can tell.

A poem  a story and more is our minds,

 we all have many to write or and tell.

Can we or and do we want to write 

or and  tell what is on our minds?

If we can’t speak, surely you can 

make signs to what others,

 shake your head to yes and no, etc. 

We have words in our head what

 they may be, it is just getting 

them down on paper the way 

others understand. 19th December 2023

Poetry speaks.

Poetry speaks like the robin 

red breast in the trees covered in snow.

Poetry speaks like the frozen 

milk on the doorstep from the milkman.

Poetry speaks like the birds

 pecking the bread off the bird tray.

Poetry speaks like a parrot, 

pretty Polly, Pretty Polly, 

whose a pretty boy then? 

Poetry speaks like writing in red ink, 

the blood is too much to take, as it 

smuggles on the page, as you drew 

the robin red breast. 19th December 2023.

Everyone can make poetry

  because everyone can chat.

We can all talk to each other 

so why not write what

 we say into a poem?

A poem of mind and voice.

Dis is thy a poem, this is thy a poem. 

The mind never shuts up or

 thinks nothing at all. 

From a writer’s block to too 

much for one to say for themselves. December 2023

You may not see me but I see you.

You may not see my face

 like you once did

You may not hear my voice

 like you once did. 

I can hear and see you, 

I’m looking down on you. 

Think of me as dust in the air

 that has disappeared. 

I’m a sleep in the air and 

inside the ground all the time.

I’m  alive but I cannot 

be seen and heard.

Yet I am alive I can be

 seen  and head now but one day 

in the future, I won’t but if you

 can see and hear me, 

when people wouldn’t be able to, 

we will be in contact. 

For now I am here to be seen

 and heard in life.

I’m still here, I  always will be,

 you may not always see

 me and heat my voice. December 2023

Mystery and unknown.

 Was I dreaming as I heard

 a human screaming?

This was the same time 

the train started to set off 

to a mysterious place from

 a mysterious station.

Everyone heard and everyone

 got up from their seats, 

wondering who 

was screaming and why.

Yet there was no sound 

of a shot of gun,

 was it a stab of a knife?

The mystery was, 

no body was found.

It was probably outside where 

no one on the train saw.

The further the journey, 

the louder the train.

Surely I was dreaming, 

as I reported 

the screaming 

to the guard, 

I think he thought 

I was crazy as he said.

“It is all in your 

mind girl”. 

It could have 

been anything, 

I thought but may

 be it was all

 in my mind.

Like someone


 jumping over

 the railway,

 surely not as the

 train was moving, 

surely not at all.

The guard looked around to

 see if anyone was harmed

 on the train but 

no one seemed to be.

Maybe it was out the train 

or in my mind.

We were unaware that some

 time during in the journey, 

it snowed really heavy

 as before getting on the train, 

there was no snow to be seen.

Why would the train 

carry on driving?

It seemed as if there

 was no end to the journey.

As time went on, it started to get

 dark or was it a 

never ending dark tunnel,

 where a light

 was hard to be seen?

What happened to who, 

from who or where, why

 was never known.

Just maybe is was themselves

 to themselves,

 how is is a long 

term or forever mystery.

Make your own story. 29th December 2023 

 The storm.

The wind was roaring.

The rain was smashing against 

the windows with the rain.

The birds tweeted and

 twisted till they screamed. 

The sounded so close, 

I thought they were

 inside my home.

In time, they must have flow

 into the trees.

I could also hear fireworks, 

going off ready for new 

year in such a heavy storm.29th December 




  What did we do without the internet?

Read books,


watch tv, 

play games.

Now there is a world of 

panic when there is no internet.

Why is that?

What could be worse?

The power goes off, 

there’s no light and heat.

You can’t have a hot and food

 in winter time but some 

how you are still alive. 

30th December 2023

The whole world come to a standstill.

Small amount of snow on

 the ground, schools shut 

or and the heating has broken.

Where as at one time,

 it would be roughly up 

to six feet of snow and

 children would still 

have to go to School. December 2023 

There’s no power to power.

Too much storm, too much rain, 

then not enough rain.

Muddy and wet as the power

 goes on and off any time it wants.

No heat, 

no water, 

no hot foods, 

no hot drinks,

 no tv, 

no devices, 

on light.

How did generations before us, 

manage without power, 


water etc in the homes.




 seas, tin baths, 


and more.  31st December 2023


Poetry in a mind of words in

 our minds but everyone expresses. 

If a mouse or any animal could talk, write etc in ways we understand, what would they tell us us?

Would they write or  and speak poems?

What ever goes through their minds?

We just don’t understand animal language, only human language. 

Whatever must animals think of we humans? Who knows? 31st December 2023 

Why not live on rain water.

Just put a load of sauce pans under the black or and grey cloud and let water into them, then drink it.

Think of the money we would save if this was the case, only it would have to rain every day every where.

Just think how soggy the grounds would be in a world of rain but how dry it would be in a world sunshine. 31st January 2023 

We have had enough rain to make rainbows.

There are rain spots 

on my windows.

The chimney is smoking 

from the local pub, as

 pale blue blends into 

the white and grey clouds. 

As the rain slows down 

but the sky is undecided

 what happens next, as it slowly

  starts to go grey again but 

there are no rainbows to 

be seen with all the 

rain we have had.31st December 2023 


 Power of words : power of poetry.

Words that come from our minds but not everyone expresses them in the same way.

Not everyone expresses them in poetry and not even words but in the mind. 

Words and thoughts are wonderful thing to think, say or and write.

Positive, even  the negative and emotional in a way of trying to clear one’s mind instead of keeping it all blocked inside. 31st December 2023 to 1st January 2024