What is Autism?
Autism is a long - life condition,
which mostly links with the mental illness
Anxiety and Depression. Most of us with Autism have learning disabilities, social
interactions and communication problems.
We might find it hard to not let things get to us.
Like a lot of disabilities Autism affects a lot of different people in different people in different ways. Autism is a life time development disability, which affects people’s communication and understanding and interactions. There are at least a 100
people or more who are on the autism spectrum. At least 700,000 people or more people in UK alone who face Autism.
Not everyone who faces Autism is affected the same, they do not share the same strengths and weaknesses, like other people don’t.
Like all people with and without disabilities, people with Autism want to live full lives. We want to make the most of life. We live in society too and we are human beings.
lack of social communication and Anxiety is most common in people with Autism, mainly with people we don’t know and or as we are getting know people. Most people may find us strange, as most of us may struggle to communicate verbally and nonverbally. Unable to speak or limited speech.
Most of us have good language skills but have difficulty with understanding sarcasm, jokes, tone of voice etc.
Most of us may take things literally, for example sayings like break a leg.
Most of us may need extra time to take in and understand most information or and what people say to us.
Some of us may repeat ourselves without meaning to.
My experience with travel.I find airports busy, too many people rushing. Information hard to understand flashing on and off too quickly. I get into route and struggle to get used to change. I like my independence and my support when I can get it. I like to know where I am going, I get lost easily if I have not been to a place before and when I have it can take any length of time for me to find it.
I would like to raise awareness of my experience of traveling. Not everyone with disabilities etc can drive. It may be hard for those live in the country without depending those they may know who drive, even harder if don’t know anyone who does, public transport etc. Even for those who live in towns and cities, transport is not always reliable.
Some people with Autism and other disabilities etc; have no of direction and may be slow to find where places are if they know where they are, which may make it tricky, if they need to get somewhere for a certain time. Some people may need support get out and about, travel training etc.
Most people with disabilities don’t get out at night as there may be little or support, plus safety as well. Fundings have been on the learning disability social events over the years in the Uk.
Most people like myself have been bullied in school, and did not have many friends during childhood and teenage years etc.
Most employers don’t understand learning disability. Not everyone follows the learning disability Discrimination act but they should.
Society says people with Autism find change a hard thing and it is true, it causes us a lot of anxiety. However’ with a lot of difficulties we face, I won’t say goes away but the older we get, the more so we learn to live with them, least that is what I have found for me.
Things have improved to what they were but we still have a long way to go. We live to make the most of what we can do just that society needs to let us put what know into use. Just like other people we have hobbies, interests and even careers.
Not all people with disabilities know how to use computers and other devices, the internet etc, even those of us who can, don’t know how to use everything on there necessarily but we know most. There is not always the jobs in what do need and not always the training and qualifications in what we don’t know or support.
The government tends to spend money on the least important things. They robbing off the poorest instead of the rich.
If you work or and study in the learning disability field or and your a parent, or family member life may be little easier if you learn to understand the person or people you support, such as communication aids as I have wrote at the bottom of the-paragraph next to this one, plus making information easy for them to read.
There are too many mistakes most employers make. Most service users with disabilities don’t understand jargon, there is not any or enough accessible information. We find it very confusing. ( language barriers), sigh language, brail, accessible information etc is needed.
Most people don’t understand that many people have hidden disabilities because in most people it is hard to see the difficulties they face, unless they are in their lives most of the time.
There are two forms of Autism, which used to be separated but now they joined together, Autism Spectrum and Asperger Syndrome.
Reason for this is because Autism is on the the spectrum. Despite of this, some people’s disabilities may show others may not as much, depending whether they mildly, minor or severely Autistic.
This may be such signs I may have already said such as rocking, spinning, no speech, very little speech etc. most of us, if not all of us have at least a little bit of those signs but some of us more so than others.
Autism spectrum is not that much different to Asperger’s syndrome apart from people with Asperger’s syndrome very signs are shown where it may seem as we don’t a have a learning disability, really we do but very mild. We may have a mild stutter in our speech in most of our talking.
Autism spectrum may vary, from minor to severe speech problems.
On the whole as far as I am aware, we all face difficulties in communication, social interaction, social imagination.
Not necessarily all people with Asperger syndrome and Autism Spectrum face but most do and I one of them. Dyspraxia motor skills, balance, gripping and coordination problems. This affect skills such as cooking, housework, hygiene, tying shoes laces, climbing, and more. https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/mental-health-services/
Level 2 difficulty with basic living skills,
money, shopping, home skills, study, work,
traveling and more, they need support in those areas.
Level three is outside difficulties and support ,
for example getting themselves out and
about but in some cases may have strengths
as well as weaknesses where they may know
their way round locally to them but not far a
away from them, mainly if it is somewhere
they have not been before but this may vary.
However’ it may be if they go somewhere not
necessary every day but regularly they may
pick it up, it may take some people longer than others.
My experience with the outside world is it been
overwhelming and crowded with people and places
where there no one to ask for help if I need it,
mainly in airports for example. Airports can be
very busy. Information find where your gate to your
plane flashes on and off far too quickly.
This cause people a lot of Anxiety, where
they could miss important information.
Where they may struggle to get to where
they are going whether it is going or
coming back from somewhere.
Little support is still given airports
and on the plane well but it has
improved to what it was but
we still have a long way to go.
Not many people with disabilities
drive, me included.
Most of us are having to rely on
public transport.
Not everyone like me is lucky to
be bus independent but there
only a limit of places I can go.
Some people need support with money.
Night time seems to be a dangerous time
as support workers do not work at night
and we should not except them to either.
However’ people with disabilities should
have rights to choices as much as anyone,
even though some are one of the lucky ones
like me but that does not mean
do not look out for others.
This is not only difficult for me but for others too,
mainly those similar to me. For example;
woke up to find on the news,
if I have not misunderstood about all if not most railway ticket offices are closing.
The change will be if I am right ordering our tickets online,
where not everyone knows how,
mainly vunable people such as the
disabled and elderly people.
It's understandable that there
cannot be IT courses in everything
no one knows completely everything IT,
however' I understand there maybe some
positives as well negative the change
where most people face positives and
negatives, other may say one or the other,
feel free to tell your views, experience etc,
which may you or and someone you support,
care for etc.
However if you are commenting on be half of someone,
make sure have their permission,
if they say no or say one or the other do
not-comment on their behalf. In the west Midlands,
the disabled people have three disabled bus passes
and we can travel by rail, bus and tram around the
West Midland but no further.
I am sure how pension bus passes work.
In the week we can travel three from half past night,
Saturday all day, not sure about other parts of the
UK though. It is not possible to suit everyone's needs
but accessibly needs to improve,
the only way to learn that is find out
from those who face the difficulties.
This is example other things too such
as most shops that self service,
cash machines etc most people
may struggle. We understand privacy,
such as naturally
PIN numbers etc are private but not
everyone can manage everything on there.
What the difference between Between
autism spectrum and Asperger syndrome,
what is the same?
As confusing as this sounds that (AS)
and (ADS) are not these days classed
as separate forms of Autism anymore,
which understandably throws everyone
even me. Your question and my question in too,
not if I am right or wrong you are thinking same,
which is. How is that, it makes no sense.
You would be right to do so makes no sense
at all but if but I guess maybe when we get
used to how it is set out, it may be less confusing.
A page or few pages ago,
I wrote about different levels of Autism,
which is the way someone
has changed the way of explaining with
Autism is, why that is I have no ideas and not
if anyone knows why but sure may have good
reasons to do it this way. All the same (As)
and (ADs) have own differences and parts of
form Autism that causes the problems.
Therefore’ there is very little or difference
between the forms of Autism,
which now is considered as one
big developmental disorder.
(ASD) compared to( AS) face
milder speech problems
but that may vary to be honest.
For both forms difficulty with communication with society,
we find it hard in different ways to one another, difficulty
with social imagination.
By a guess I have (AS), I have motor skills and
gripping problems, poor co-oration,
I struggle with my strength which is known as
Dyspraxia, which is linked to Autism.
It is not shown, in fact it is very hidden,
which makes it very hard for a person to prove themselves,
unless others spend a lot time with them,
which is not always possible.
However’ they say (ASD) people do not appear
to having learning disabilities,
again sorry are confused on that one because I am?
The answer is we do have learning disabilities though,
which is hidden, classed more of learning difficulties,
which conditions can be linked,
it maybe one some or all such dyslexia,
dyspraxia, ADHD etc,
which may linked to mental illnesses
such as Anxiety and or Depression.
little language,
speaking in the
same tone, unable to
facial expressions,
mixing words up
like you and I,
repeating what
others say.
Movements, flapping hands, rocking,
twirling toes, talking about and
repeating the same topic, which
vary to how long they talk about
something for to when that changes
to when the next topic lasts for so for,
having fixed routines, upset and anxious
by change, may appear nervous even if
the change positive, sensitive to sound,
smells, taste, etc; misunderstanding
people’s’ thoughts, feelings, actions etc.
Asperger syndrome (AS) comes under
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ADS).
They both cause social interaction
but (ASD) does not cause people struggle
with thinking and language problems both
(AS) and ASD) behavior and relationships
problems around people in general,
mainly from my experience if
I do not know them.
Even though I have not been diagnosed by
a health professional, my family have learned
what I have faced and what I have been through
with my problems, strengths as well weaknesses,
reading book, films etc on Autism etc.
In some ways people with LD are their
own health professionals in many ways
of every day lives because
we have to live with the problems.
Dyslexia can also link to Autism
so what is the difference between Dyslexia and Dyspraxia?
They are so similar it is hard to whether
you can have both or not but then there
is an easy way to work it out.
Dyslexia is all to do with reading and
writing but before I go on, never say a person
can’t read and write when they dyslexia,
that is not so to put politely, we just face
difficulties with reading, writing along
the way, for example; mixing up bs and
d.s., spelling words, writing numbers
the wrong way round, 23, 32, bad, dad.
Dyspraxia can be similar but with more added on,
such as untidy handwriting,
Pressing too hard on pens and pencils,
struggling to grip. Dyspraxia affects
every day skills mentally as well as
physically whereas Dyspraxia doesn’t affect
a person physically only mentally.
However’ both have positives in creative ways,
which people are talented in different ways.
Therefore, how did (ASD) and (AS) come
about in the first place?
(AS) was discovered by Han Asperger in
1944.He was doing studies in Autism with
Lora Wing 1981, me and family knew nothing,
I was eleven years of age. He gave he gave
the development condition a form of
Asperger Syndrome. en.n.Wikipedia.org
History of Asperger Syndrome.
Since then support has come in place but we still have a long way to go.
More than fifty years ago, Leo Kenner
described his Autistic syndrome but
a German psychiatrist named Eurgen Bleuler
described the most severe cases of child hood Autism as Schizophrenia.
https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/evolution-autism-diagnosis-explained/Leo classed Autism as a pattern of ad normal behavior
back in 1943.
DR Jean Marc Gasped Iraq was a French physician.
She discovered a boy who was afraid and neglected
in a forest.
He could not speak, he was deaf and he
rocked a lot. This was in the 1800s.
There were famous writers who had autism
such as Hans Christian Anderson children’s
writer , Lewis Carol children ‘s writer
Charles Darwin naturalist and geologist,
Emily Dickinson poet, Albert Einstein scientist and mathematician, Thomas Jettison Politician.
Research famous people with disabilities and other
problems for example;
Han Christian Anderson was
born in Denmark 2nd April 1805.
His Father was a shoe maker and him
Mother was a housewife.
He was an only child, had great imagination
with his toys and he was a great
children’s’ fairly tale writer.Google search for example; jobs for people with Autism.
Course search tips, animal care courses for people with autism.
https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/autism/what-is-autism/https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccines-and-other-conditions/vaccines-autism https://www.thevillarifirm.com/2020/11/can-birth-injury-cause-autism-here-s-how-the-two/https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/what-is-autism/the-causes-of-autism
What is mental health and mental illness?
Next up, difference the same if any between mental health and mental illness.
These two differences I
think are rather simple least I think so. we cannot be happy all the time and we can’t be sad all the time.https://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/q-and-a/whats-the-difference-between-mental-health-and-mental-illness
Don’t get me wrong it doesn’t mean we all face Mental illness but we all go through length of time of spells of happiness and sadness, meaning mental health is positive for us if or when we have a spell happiness for a certain length, if or and when a spell of sadness for a certain length of time.
It is not always the case that something is bothering us, in some of us, we can go through spells of feeling negative for no reason, which ever way should not be judged.
It all comes down to how we think,
feel, behave, react and even interact
etc to life around us.
When it comes to reasons why we think,
feel, behave, react, interact etc,
if it is negative, is something
that is bothering us, like money problems,
If anyone remembers that, the risks and concerns that
it could cause Autism, to protect German meseases/
rubella. Yet did not see a learning disability as
I thought as Autism as a side - affect from a injection,
I found that hard to understand but maybe you have
your own views. I thought if this study is right
it is likely to cause autism spectrum rather than
Asperger, not sure why I thought that.
Causes of Autism.
Cause Autism is unknown yet in my case I
was born lack of oxygen to the brain.
I guess in the late 20th century to the early 21st century,
it was reported on the news about the MMR vaccines,
I admit this study is probably wrong but going by my
Mother and experience, I was born lack of oxygen
because my Mum was neglected, where she had me
before help came to deliver me. Therefore’
I was born too quickly and I was fitting but
despite of that my weight was fine, I was 7lb 6 born.
There are probably other causes, which I am looking into.
Autism affects different people different ways.
It may depend on the of Autism or and the person
within themselves. Even two people with Same
problems as odd as it sounds do not always face
the difficulties and strengths. Except the unexpected.
Sure may know this but people disabilities so have
strengths etc, as they was a time when society people
with disabilities having all weaknesses no strengths.
We have strengths and weaknesses in different ways
like other like other people but naturally not the same
to one another. Try support people through their
difficulties but take interest in what they are
good at well, to encourage them to see that
life is worth living in the positive way they have,
and no one can do everything.
I guess what the world trying to understand is,
what causes Autism and many hidden disabilities and more.
If. I am right most people with Autism,
find it hard to explain what they are trying to tell
people, which part communicating, people
with Autism can struggle, it can affect us socially.
We can lack communication and understanding.
There can be misunderstandings between us and others.
It can make us feel as if we haven’t
got any control over our lives, we have or haven’t.
If we don’t have a great of choice and
control over our lives, this does not help
us to be independent, yet support is not always
around when we need it, needs to balanced.
We may struggle with managing money but
support for most of us is very little support
with home ,benefits etc.
Not sure what it is like by you but services are few
and far in between in West Midlands
or and Wolverhampton., funding seems
to be cut a lot for Autism and other services
for vulnerable people, children and adults.
With Autism there are two forms or used to be
( ASD) Autism Spectrum and Asperger Syndrome .
Levels of Autism. ADS comes in three different levels,
Autism affects people can vary where they face
of these difficulties, one or just a few.
Level one struggles with communicating with
people which can vary to friends, family,
relationships even professionals in their lives
even all sorts of people.
Struggling to manage social skills, lack of
communication and understanding between
them and others where always the person
with Autism has misunderstood the other
person but the way round, which maybe in
some cases, which happen work, school,
college, home etc,
in some or and all walks of life.
We May spend a lot of time alone.
We may find it hard to understand
people’s feelings and thoughts but
the person may over come the
older they get.
We may behave in a strange manner
others may find odd.
We may find it had to make friends.
We may have poor eye contact.
full outs, break ups with those know,
death of those we know, bullying,
abuse and more.
Not saying everyone does this but
for even who those us who do,
are not saying it is right but
when in moment of a crisis,
it is easy for most of us to be
driven to make the wrong choice
like drinking a lot, smoking a lot, drugs etc.
If you are concerned something maybe
bothering someone
Never tell someone to stop or
start doing something but tell them
what is likely to happened if
they do or don’t do what they
decide to do or and don’t do,
it is down to them to decide.
However’ don’t get me wrong,
it is fine to let them know you
are for them if they wish to talk
but let the choice be theirs
and hopefully they will do the
same for you.
We all human we are right all the
time and we are not wrong all the time either.
They may talk to you today, tomorrow,
next week, next year or not at all,
whichever they know you have offered.
They may even talk to someone else
but please do not question if they talking
someone else unless you one another
really well you
know they not mind you asking that,
or even though it will a good thing if they,
if they wish to tell you that is their choice,
if it is your choice. However’
it is concerning for those who
don’t or struggle to open up but
at the same time. You to respect
their wishes and privacy,
if they decide to open up to you,
they will let you but if you need
raise health, safety and concern
only tell those are trained and
qualified to deal with and let the
person know why you need raise
that concern to where or and who.
If they haven’t come to you for a
chat if something is bothering them,
please do not take it personally,
some things maybe private to them,
they may afraid of your reaction
even though you know you wouldn’t
judge them, that may be hard for
them to know unless you know
each other really well, respect
their privacy, not a word to anyone
unless your concerned about their
health and safety, even then only
tell if they feel they can’t to those
work for services etc who can help,
Maybe families etc, only if the
person wants you to anymore
else and only tell who they
allow you to.
Before we look at types of support let’s
look at types of mental illnesses
you may be able to learn about Anxiety,
Depression, Bipolar which is a type of depression
, Borderline Personality,
Support and treatment.
For example; cognitive behavioral therapy, art, creative therapy, talking therapy counseling, medication etc.
coping skills such as hobbies, interests, careers.
Schizoaffective. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/
Chapter nine
What is Anxiety, anger and ADHD ?
What is anger?What is the difference, the same, similar between anger and anxiety?
Human behavior
There are at least five types of human behavior mentally, physically, socially, psychologically.
As we all know friendships and relationships link to social behavior, which is sociology, mental behavior psychology.
One of the causes in some cases etc not necessarily all. Is peoples’ family, background and or upbringing.
Some people may have been raised for it to be okay to behave angry, aggressive, or violently towards others, which is hard for us who haven’t been raised that way to understand that. However’ we all have faults every single one of us but how we behave is all different extremes.
You may have been bought up to not complain about anything, which behavior wise is good in the sense of health and safety but what is not good to keep negative inside of you but also not to bring your self down to someone else’s level. Therefore, what is the answer to all this?
Anger is an emotional reaction.
It can make people stressed, anxious, emotional and even depressed. Ashamed, embarrassed, helpless, hopeless, useless, jealous, grief, frustrated, insecure, loneliness etc.
People with Autism face high levels of anxiety but that doesn’t mean other people don’t too.
For eg; struggling with changes.
Like when routine have to change, which may take some getting used to.
The unexpected may make them feel stressed, anxious, even angrily.
When someone is scared of a certain situation but have no choice of the matter, which make them stressed, angry, anxious etc.
Anger is not always to do with mental illnesses necessarily in some people in some situations.
Never judge a book by its cover, never judge what you don’t know.
However’ there could be many reasons why a person feel angry. Things that make them emotional. Where they feel attacked, controlled, powerless, by whatever might bother them.
For example; the way the governments runs countries but it plays on different peoples’ more so than others.
There are different levels of anger and behavior. We need to work out the different extremes of anger and behaviors in the people’s mental health, health and safety.
It is easy when one thinks of the word anger and what it means that one understandably wants to shy away from it because in case someone is a problem. The truth is meaning it can be one or both reasons or no reason at all.
This mean someone maybe facing a problem with themselves or and someone else. That does not mean it makes it right or wrong but whatever it is, it is not making that person themselves or and they may be feeling this way for no reason.
This is not good because it is an emotional, no one should feel ashamed, judged etc but the safety of themselves and others matters.
However’ it is also not good to ignore that emotional to a point it bothers the person more and more. The problem is how to draw the line for the person not harming themselves or and others or or just ignoring the feeling, which doesn’t do anyone any good, which fearing upsetting others maybe one of the reasons why most people don’t try to get help for their mental health.
At the same time though, in some things, anger is a natural reaction.
In some cases anger is as strange as it sounds normal, healthily, and natural where not everyone may disagree on how a person may feel because they may feel the same way, depending what the situation is but anger is how someone feels inside themselves. Yes, there are times that someone or and something is to blame but how do we deal with it in the safest possible way? That is the question.
It can be easy when we are the moment to say or and do the wrong thing. Where we need to think of whatever is bothering us to think of ways that are not going to get us into trouble.
Some things may play on the mind more so than others.
Therefore, for example; Anxiety can cause someone to be thinking about the same thing none stop. Mainly if someone is worried about about something or and someone.
People have choices whether or not they open up how they feel inside but knowing what and why people are angry, should help mental health workers to get the right support and help for them.
There could be more than one reason. To know someone is able to take time to understand them.
It can be hard for most people why the past of negative experiences can haunt most people for so long.
Again no is forced to what they don’t want or do. In fact the truth probably is not so much most people don’t want help but the fact they may not know what to except. Most have coped alone so long they may not be used to any other way. It may take them their own time or not all to have the confidence, self - esteem to try even.
Most people may have seen as children and young people their parents or, and other adult’s anger get out of control with each other or and even other people.
There are advantages and disadvantages of these emotions coming out but anger is not nice to see.
For eg; parents and families understandably don’t like to be shown up in public but then it is hard to know when is the best time for them to express themselves and how.
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a feeling of panic,
Hyperventilation, sweating, trembling, intense heat rate,
worry, nervousness etc to a point most
people over worrying, thinking,lot, even tension ,depending how
severe the person is facing even risk of
heart attacks, panic attacks, strokes
even deaths,
it not always the case but can be.
Types of Anxiety.
The person could have a mixture of emotions where they want to meet new people of things changing whether it is good or bad, just the fact something is new.
They may struggle to move on from may be some negative situations from their past.
They may struggle to have trust in others., which may be a fear whether they have Autism or not.
Post traumatic stress disorder.
Depression, anxiety and hopelessness.
Struggling to enjoy activities they may normally or and used to enjoy.
Nightmares, flashbacks, hearing, seeing things they may worry or and even panic about.
They may worry about what someone may say, reaction etc.
Non stop thinking what’s happened or and what may happen.
They may struggle to stop thinking once someone has or tried to trauma them.
Finding it hard to sleep at night or any time, insomnia.
Any situation can cause PTSD such as road accidents, sexual assault, abuse, mugging, robbery, health problems, child birth experiences etc. These situations can haunt the mind for a long time or forever. Really nothing goes away but most of us learn to live with the fact whatever happened.
You might need to learn about other types of Anxiety such as.
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