Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 27 December 2023


 Our Admin team 

 creator and head admin Sara Gorman

 Head Admin Harry Cawood


Alistair Wilkinson 

Barry Matthews 

Jennifer Gibert 

Do you face disabilities, mental health, or other problems if so what?

Due to the up date of the group, I will updating the three questions people face when they request. 

Please feel free to invite with disabilities, mental health and problems or and people in their lives such as those in their lives, such parents, families, carers,  friends,social workers, support workers, service providers, workers, employment advisers, careers advisers, doctors, nurses, paramedics, oppatient therapists, teachers, tutors, and more. You must be 18+ on the group with you are someone with disabilities, mental health and or other problems or if you someone in their lives but you can also join on behave of supporting or and  caring for someone etc from birth, all their lives whether you face disabilities , mental health and or problems or not,. 

This group no for those without disabilities, mental health or and problems or without supporting, care more for someone or even people with disabilities,mental health, or and other problems, this could mean conditions, illnesses, long term conditions, health problems, issues, deceases and more. 

Feel free to invite those who you may know are in those situations. 

Our three questions must be answered so we advise you to invite by email, pm, give them the of our group if they wish to join. 

When I have updated the questions I will put questions on the group, pin post them then if you invite people make of our questions, if the wish you to request they must give you the answers to the three questions, if they don’t wish do that, if they wish to join, give them our group link and advise them to request themselves and answer questions.

Also, if you are a person with disabilities, mental illness, or  and other problems etc, if you are wishing to try to makes friends or and know other people the same but similar who do, we have a group called disability, mental health, making friends and more. There are options on that group for those people who beish to interact such as making friends, hobbies, arts, crafts,music,  film, exercise socializing and more 

Welcome to ACCESS ALL AREAS NOW, DISABILITY AND MENTAL HEALTH TALK, contacts in the UK, this group is for people who face disabilities, mental health, other problems  all ages, and those in their lives, such parents, families, carers,  friends, partners,social workers, support workers, service providers, workers, employment advisers, careers advisers, doctors, nurses, paramedics, oppatient therapists, teachers, tutors,  professionals and more, whatever learning  and training. This group is also a chance for people with disabilities, mental illness, or and others problems and those their lives to chat, post etc on for eg; these topics under this paragraph. 

Although  Covid lockdown, Covid hasn’t gone completely but it has left a lot of scars like the cost of living crisis etc, which tough on everyone but even more for the most vulnerable.

Topics On This Group.

1. Health – Anything to do with the health of disabilities, Mental health, and other problems

2. Accessibility and disabled in all places - such as housing, disabled aids, accessible information, easy read, disabled access, disabled parking, wheelchairs getting around on transport, etc,

3. Home support –  help with cooking, shopping, housework, etc.

3. Careers – Education and Employment for  People with disabilities, Mental health, or any other problem,s.

4. Talent – Hobbies, interests, arts, crafts and etc which can either be in the home, socially or and, in a career.

5. Social issues – Friendship, dating, going places, counseling, emotional support and etc.

6. Public Advocacy – Empowering and supporting people with disabilities and health problems to speak for their rights. For eg; (Person Centred Planning.)

7. Private Advocacy is mostly legal and illegal Advocacy such as hate crime, discrimination, benefit cuts, fit for work, not fit for work and etc.

8. (‘ Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness’) - people with disabilities and health problems training and educating those people without disabilities and health problems who are interested in working in the field of learning disability and health problems.

9..All and more.  Information about this group, on our website links next to this information, sorry there's a lot as this is an all-in-one disability, mental health all problems

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