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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Linked learning disability and mental health Awareness 2015.

ADHD Awareness.

ADHD stands for (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.) ADHD can affect children, teenager and adults. In children it’s classed as a mental disorder but as we get to teenage and adult years we still have the disorders but can our behaviors change?
Speaking from my experience I was a Hyperactive child myself but having been a child in the 1970s I wasn’t Diagnosed as ADHD only that I couldn’t concentrate in and I could sleep at the time other children could sleep but there was a lot more to than that. It may have been because I was over tire that was moody at time, any place and anywhere. For example pulling a temper paddy in Marks and Spence’s, hide under the clothes rail from my Mother, I’m ashamed to say.  
As far as sadness, feeling moody and feeling is concerned if it’s often enough it, quite a few things it can if not one a few or even all, Anxiety, Depression or and ADHD which can link but I don’t think necessary in everyone. A lot of these disorders can be tricky because when the patient is getting treatment it’s hard to know what is from whatever they do or the treatment they are getting.
I guess you have read my website before you may have read about me having taken Phenobarbital medication for Epilepsy as baby and child, which caused me to be hyperactive and not able to concentrate in school. I was in a complete world of my own, no sense of direction and no sense of danger as far as been out and about was concerned. I would just wonder with no clued of where I was going and what I was doing. It also affected my learning ability. As far as not having awareness of direction or danger it can be very scary feeling because it’s like you don’t know where you are until you see someone you know. I have walked around got so far then ended back where I was in fear I would find my way there or back.  There been times my family have had to go looking for me but other times by luck I have managed to get. This is where Anxiety can be linked into the ADHD but not in everyone’s case that has no sense of direction that could be either Anxiety on its own or Anxiety and Depression. You can also get Anxiety, Depression and ADHD.
 Without me and my family been aware from health professions, about two years after I came off than medication I started to slowly  improve where I started to have a little awareness, I started to learn a bit and I started to be a little less moody than I was.
 What I do is study your treatment as the health problems the patients could have. With ADHD because it’s a hyperactive disorder the patient needs treatment to ease the condition not to make the person more hyper like possibly what happen to me with Phenobarbital. Don’t just check the side – effects of treatment for ADHD but other health problems too.  It has been know as far as treatments are concerned hospital health professions have changed treatments that GPS have put patients on.
Understanding ADHD.

·       child with ADHD
·       Symptoms in Children
Symptoms are grouped into three categories:
Inattention. :
·        Is easily distracted
·       They follow directions or finish tasks
·        They appear to be not listening or taking in what others are saying to them
·        Doesn't pay attention and makes careless mistakes
·         They may forget days and times of things going on.
·        They may have problems organizing daily tasks
·      They don’t like to do things that require sitting still
·      They often loses things
·     They   tends to daydream

  • Hyperactivity.

·        Often squirms, fidgets, or bounces when sitting
·        They don’t stay seated
·    They have trouble playing quietly
·        They are always moving, such as running or climbing on things (In teens and adults, this is more commonly described as restlessness.)
·        Talks excessively
·        They are always “on the go” as if “driven by a motor” (Possible Dyspraxia.)
Impulsive. A child with ADHD:
·      They have trouble waiting for his or her turn
·        Blurts out answers
·      They may interrupt others
·        Risk of ear infections or and a lot wax, which can cause most people ADHD to talk to lond and fast to a point we can’t pay here or pay attention to what others are saying to us and what we read. (Contraction problems.) Hearing and vision.) Forcing on reading some people may be hard of hearing.) Dyslexia could link to the reading problems with the ADHD possibly in all ages.  

They include:
·        Chronic lateness and forgetfulness
·        Mood swings
·        Relationship problems easily upset by emotional situations such as death, divorces/relationship up breaks and job losses.  
·        Anxiety there can be risks in people ages with ADHD of undetected seizures or and panic attacks. Possible (Anxiety and Epilepsy linked to ADHD.) A feeling of sadness or and anger with or with a reason. http://www.realwayoflife.com/en/2015/09/04/how-the-position-of-our-head-and-anxiety-responses-mutually-influence-one-another I often wondered why I was sensitive to certain situations in life such as death, relationship break ups and etc. It made feel very angry with myself because I knew it’s something everyone has to go through time to time but I never understood why I reacted the way and I did and why I took longer than other people to get on with life. Here could be the reason why. I was hyperactive as child, which most of it may have overcome. I may have ADHD I don’t know but this is what I found out researching internet that ADHD is linked to.   Depression http://medcures.info/the-effects-of-bipolar-disorder-on-a-relationship-2/ it’s rather strange if I have because I either thought of myself having a very mild Depression no Depression all but my Mother has said for a long time I could have Anxiety. I am not just writing this to write about what I have face but also what others may have faced and not really known what or even why.http://www.west-info.eu/a-bicycle-desk-for-pupils-with-adhd/?utm_source=FB&utm_campaign=annie&utm_medium=facebook

There are different forms of Autism like there different other forms of disabilities and health problems.  Autism Spectrum is a form of Autism so what other forms of Autism are there, email me to let me know what you learn about Autism sarajgorman@gmail.com

  (ASD) Autism Spectrum can affect a person’s social interaction, communication, unawareness of feelings and emotions of other people, interest and behavior. The main feathers of ASD start from so it shows through schools.
There roughly at least one in 100 people who have (ASD) in the Britain.

There’s no cure for (ASD) other than education and behavior support.

What to except from people with (ASD?)
·     Social interaction unawareness of people’s feelings and emotions.
·       Lack of interest not being to concentration on one thing for long or they may be slow at finishing it off. That’s part of (ADS) could be linked with (ADHD) (problems concentrating.) Anxiety and Depression where they could feel upset and angrily that they may not achieved to finish off all what they have almost done or tried to do.  (Firstraightion.)

·        Low self-esteem
·        Hard to concentrate in education and work
·        Trouble controlling anger
·        Impulsiveness
·        Substance abuse or addiction
·        Unorganized
·        Procrastination
·       They army be easily frustrated
·     They may be chronic boredom
·        They may have trouble concentrating when reading this could be ADHD or and Dyslexia.
 ·  Many people face learning difficulties such as Dyspraxia where the Anxiety and Depression kick because Dyspraxia can limit a person from doing say for example physical things, Manuel things, such things as gripping, coordination problems and motor skills problems   

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