How much difference between Dyslexic and Dyspraxia?
How strange there’s not
much difference between the sounds and the spellings of both words but the
meanings may have less differences.
Before I compare the
differences between Dyslexic and Dyspraxia, I need to do a study on Dyspraxia.
In mean time may be you could be finding how much difference between Dyslexia
and Dyspraxia if any.
Dyspraxia is not the
easiest condition to have and it is not easy say and proves the condition,
which makes it hard the person to be believed and understood. If you see
someone walking unaided, it’s natural to think that person hasn’t got anything
wrong with them. Anymore than that person finds it hard to prove themselves you
have no prove to say what they are saying is true or not. Many years ago Health
professions weren’t educated and trained to understand learning disabilities
and health problems, it only been the last fifteen twenty year, a bit more or
less than that research has improved. The problems is now after the improved on
the research sadly the government are making cuts on the help and support so it
seem as if we are slowly going back to the past. Yet we are expected to have an
equal to others which we want but then with disabilities and health problems we
need more support than what other people do.

A lot of people say Dyspraxia is a hidden
handicap but the word handicap I personally sorry say I don’t like because
people who do say that word don’t realize they making people learning
disabilities and learning difficulties less equal to everyone else. Dyspraxia
is a hidden learning difficulty but strangely most people can have learning
disabilities linked on to learning difficulties plus health problems as well.
It’s not everyone’s case.
Hidden physical learning difficulties like
Dyspraxia are hard to prove because during adulthood, general society expects
us to know to tie our shoe laces for example but not everyone can. Dyspraxia is
most likely a hard condition to Diagnose I guess because it is a very condition
to live with.
When comes down to those kind of skills it’s
rather embarrassing to explain to others mainly when they can see that you
don’t look disabled. It’s very embarrassing when people your own age can master
certain skills better can.
It’s possible have had
Dyslexia all my life, even at the age of nearly forty-six I still feel
embarrassed ad ashamed for example ask someone even open a bottle or crisp
packet but I will be honest to say some are easier than others to open. I found
some difficulties I have overcome but not all. As strange as it sounds before
and after I was born there wasn’t any education, understanding and etc about
learning disabilities and health problems so you weren’t treated equal, you
just got told you weren’t going get very far in life. As far as society was
curtained if you weren’t coping like everyone else then tough it was like you
the odd one out. Now thank goodness despite of the cutbacks in the UK, we know
more than what we used to know but still have long way to go in fact learning
never stops.
In the terms of balance,
coordination and clumsiness is concerned children get misunderstood as naughty
and adults get misunderstood as drunk yet it’s not a noticeable learning
difficulty but then it is a very little is shown if any.http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/151951.php

Possible cause of Dyspraxia.
Due to the time period I
was born before and even after that like I said professions had very little
educating and training as far as disabilities and health problems were
Therefore I will be
honest to say its unknown what my disabilities and health problems, I guess for
many others who were born in those time periods. Whatever I was born with I
know it was caused by my Mother having been neglected at the birth due to a
lack of oxygen. Whatever I have has been there all my life and it will be here
for the rest my life but some things are still there others I over come which
many I have done without realizing it.
I and my family think I have Dyspraxia having been born 40
odd yrs ago very little was known for me to be diagnosed at a very young age.
In those days I was just classed a very clumsy child. There wasn't even any
name to the condition back in those days. It's great to have children's
services because hopefully they can get the support adults didn't really get as
children but the funding seems to be a huge certain. It's very hard to say with
Dyspraxia in the terms of adult services because most support it may be best to
get in childhood but others it may not be ever too late for.
Over the years my family have had rough ideas
but not completely sure. To how far things have gone the harder it is to get diagnosed
so I would advice today’s parents to try and get their children diagnosed as
young as possible. If people get diagnosed as younger as possible it’s possible
they may be able to get the right support to a point as the years go on there
could do a lot of things for their selves sooner people from say my generation
did. Now the funding seems to be the
problem these days whereas years ago there was very little education and training
in the professions.
I have alwayed faced is that I lack in physical strength mostly on the left
hand side of my body because the left hand side of the brain was mildly damaged
from birth, therefore I could have done with physic as a very young child but
that didn’t happen in the 1970s and 1980s. It’s too
easy to guess by the difficulties I have faced that I could have Dyspraxia I
will never know for sure without a diagnose plus there doesn’t seem to be a lot
adult services for these disabilities and health problems mainly the cuts are
going now in Britain.
For example anything too heavy I likely to
drop and I don’t very strong grip in my hands. Mind I have notice these days
some things are easier to grip than others. Whatever this is its limited my
life as far learning school, accessing employment, not being able to drive, not
being able to have children, household tasks, I wouldn’t be able to do manual
work or other kind of physical work, which therefore makes exercise swimming is
the only sport I can really cope with. Things like netball in school I was
never very good at noticing when the ball was coming my way plus throwing and catching
the way quite a task for me.
Study case 1. Speech awareness.
Some children with
dyspraxia may take longer to talk than other children. Their early speech may
be very hard to understand, this is because they have certain movement difficulties
in the month, throat and tongue. The condition is called Developmental Verbal
Dyspraxia, which should be treated by Speech and Language therapists.
The core problems these
children have coordinate difficulties. This may affect the hands, legs and
body where Physical theory is needed to strengthen the muscles.
Roughly between 2004 and
2010 there has been 5-8 percent of school population with speech and language difficulties,
therefore they have Development Verbal Dyspraxia. There was also other child
with other forms of Dyspraxia, which mostly face coordination difficulties.
Many children can only
make a small range of sounds; they may have problems pronouncing consonants and
vowels. For example they may be able to say cat but not caterpillar. These
children do need speech therapy. A speech problem in people with Dyspraxia is
different to other speech problems possibly linked to other disabilities and
health problems. It can take a lot of time and effect for them to improve their
speech, many could find it hard work but they never give up. Very often those
who find it hard to learn tend to be more keen workers than most of those who
find it easy to learn and quickly. Even most parents find it hard to understand
what their children are trying to say.
1. Study references such as online or even books about
Development Verbal Dyspraxia.
2. Study forms of communication for people with Development
Verbal Dyspraxia.
3. Find out what form of easy read information is easy
read for people with Dyspraxia including Development Verbal Dyspraxia.
4. Find out what kind of support all forms of Dyspraxia
Study case 2 what is a learning
disability and a learning difficultly?
People should be aware
now for at least the past 15 to 20 years or slightly more of disabilities and
health problems. They should except anything from us because we didn’t become
the way is on purpose. We should the
same rights and responsibilities as other people. We don’t except to get away
with what others can’t because we have disabilities and health problems all the
same the fact that have disabilities and health problems should be taken into
Therefore society should accept
us to be slower than other people, which is what a learning disability and
learning difficulty is. We shouldn’t be treated and punished as if we have
chosen to be the way we are on purpose just to give society hard work. It feels
as if others think we enjoy being we are so we can be treat difficult to
others, which we don’t. I know that this shouldn’t be judged either when there
are plenty out there with nothing wrong with them pretending that they are.
This is what people who really do have disabilities and health problems get the
punishment and stress for, which the benefit system is a fine example of that.
1. Research some knowledge on the history of learning
disabilities and health problems email me on sarajgorman@gmail.com to tell what you
have learned.
2. How can we improve the past to make a better future?
3. Find things out about the benefit system and how
people who have reasons to be on it take the stick of those who don’t need to
be on it but are because they don’t want to work.
4. Most disabled want to work, learn about employment
for disabled people and the support that is and isn’t out, including rules,
laws, health, safety, discrimination act and etc.
5. What jobs can people with Dyspraxia and
other disabilities and problems can and can’t manage with and without support.
Study case 3. My case.
People with disabilities
and health problems face bullying mostly because others don’t always understand
in the way we do. Strangely I only went to one main stream school all the
others were special schools yet I faced bullying in all my schools. Very often
not that I was perfect myself because nobody is but when it comes to
learning it’s as if many children tend to complete with each other. Either one person has a lot of difficulty
learning or someone else tends to know too much as far as a bully is concerned,
which can be where bullying can set in because that person is strangely jealous
of his or her victim one way or the other.
Over the years so much
has changed in the sense of punishment for example I remember getting the
ruler over my hands in front of the children because I got my times tables wrong
therefore when it came to break time that encouraged me to face because having
been a slow learner. Now the kids are punishing the teacher and even many
teachers have lost their lives through children. Therefore there never seems to be a balance as
far as learning right from wrong is concerned.
I was never good at any
sport other than swimming and maths was very weak and still is.
I was classed as thick, stupid
and lazy as far as the children were concerned back then but little they know I
have caught up through adult life.
1 There many famous and talented people with
disabilities and health problems that didn’t do well in school days but caught
up in adult life maybe you can research and email me what you find out.
There many famous and
talented people with disabilities and health problems that didn’t do well in
school days but caught up in adult life maybe you can research and email me
what you find out. Sarajgorman@gmail.com
2. Sadly
many people with disabilities and health problems never had their talent notice
when they were alive who were they?
4. Try to find out about the positive and negative side
of famous people with disabilities and health problems for example how many of
those faced bullying in school then ended up talented?
4 Learning Difficulty and gripping case.
Dyspraxia is not a
condition you grow out of but you overcome. For example I was 20 before I
managed to tie my shoe laces but I know I wouldn’t ever able to drive. I have
had problems opening cans but in the end I discovered I could manage the old
fashioned tin openers better than the other tin openers strangely. I normally
have no problems with changers to my mobile phones or the plug sockets but
stranger since I have had my new phone, which I put the changer into the plug
socket by my computer I can’t get the changer out.
1. Find about gripping aids for people with Dyspraxia!
2. Find out how
some things like bottles, plugs and etc are easier to grip than others!
3. What other physical skills do most people with most
forms of Dyspraxia have?
4. Please email me on what you have learned thank you sarajgorman@gmail.com I will feedback
to you by email too.
Babies and children can be slow at
learning these skills.
gripping tools and in risk of breaking such things as cups and plates.
Most children find it hard to copy from the
instructions and directions can also be hard. From left to right and straight
on for example.
Walking up and down steps. ( Finding it to
hard balance
And coordination problems.)
They may have problems with speech
and language.
They may have problems with memory
long or short term.

Dyslexia Awareness.
What is Dyslexia?
People with Dyslexia can
read and write. There just certain words we struggle to read and certain words
we struggle to spell different. Different people struggle with different kind
of words in different ways. Also lot of people struggle to pronounce different
words in different ways.
A lot of people find it hard to concentrate
and read very small print on white paper to a lot of people with Dyslexia it’s
as if words are jumping off the page.
Most people like me find
it easy to read bright coloured writing off light coloured paper.
Most of us miss words out
sentences, miss information out of pieces of writing, replete ourselves because
we can easy forgot we have already written or said something, put in too much
information or and too many words. We can find it hard what to put on paper and
how to put it on paper. Every person who is Dyslexia can vary but with most
people every time they try read, write and spell that can vary as well. For
some of us it can depend what we are doing and why we are doing it for.
Way back in history
Dyslexia was known as word blind, which means for example when we proof read
our work we notice some things we have missed out and mistakes we have made but
not all. Every time and person can vary that doesn’t mean to say they are or are
not Dyslexic. Again it can depend what the person is doing and why.
Dyslexia can slow
peoples’ ability down!
Dyslexic people can face problems with
basic skills like reading, writing, spelling and maths.
Different people can face different problems in
different ways.
Dyslexia doesn’t make people unable to
learn or do anything.
People with Dyslexia just need the
right support.
There are lots of creative and famous
people who are Dyslexic.
information you may use for someone who is Dyslexic.
The accessible information guidelines are not only
there to support people with Dyslexia but other disabilities and health
problems too. The guidelines will help people in different ways but they won’t
always help everyone. I will underline the guidelines of what could be likely
to support most people with Dyslexia.
People with disabilities understand
it’s not always easy for people to make information accessible for us due to
cuts in funding and materials different places have got.
All the same it doesn’t mean we
shouldn’t be asked what is accessible to us so you are aware of how you can
make information accessible if or, and, when, what you can.
Ask people what is easy read to
people with learning disabilities how we would like our information done!
the person need larger print?
Do some people like most their
information in bold?
Would people like their
information in a different way?
Use words that we use all the time.
Write in short word and clear
short sentences.
Just have one idea in each sentence.
This means shorting words or a few
Using less words
You may need to look in a thesaurus to find
short words for long we word.
People with disabilities understand
there are some short words can't always be found for longs words,
they may need to understand what the information is about if you can’t make it
easy read for them.
people may not be able read or and understand long words that you can't find
for short words.
Use one active verb for eg; John
loves Mary not Mary is loved by John.
Think about key points that can be
made easier for the person!
Don't use words that only
specialist would understand or acronyms.
Write words that we use all the
Ask the person how they would like
the information?
What font would they like?
What size fond would they like?
Bold, underline, italics and or
Some may want their information
written in Comic San, Ariel, or by FS Mencap.
Use bold for highlighting
Use size 14 text.
Titles and headings size 16 for
Comic San, Ariel or by FS Mencap.
Italics and block capitals change
the shape of words and make them hard to read.
Instructions and directions in
bullet points or for eg; ABC 123.
No jargon and no words jumping off
the page, which means large print for it to be clear enough for people to read
and understand.
Jumping from one topic to the
other makes it harder for you to write and us to read.
Something clear and well planned
with all key point information.
Easy read works for everyone but
different people see easy read different in different ways.
This could mean different
coloured writing on different coloured paper.
Different coloured writing on
different coloured paper.
Would they like colours would like
for eg; some people may like pink purple writing on pink paper.
Ask people kind of colours they
would like!
and colours.
If you are writing a lot of pages
use colour codes.
Use clear coloured paper.
Green is not a good colour to use.
Words in white (reversed out text)
on coloured back ground can be harder to reader.
Some people might need things to
be printed onto coloured paper.
Remember not everyone manages with
colour so ask them first.
Use full stops.
Try not to use other
Use bullet points.
Do not use abbreviations for eg; do not don't.
subject on page.
you have to use more than each page with more about then whenever the subject
page numbers.
Avoid columns.
It's easier to read across the page.
Make sure there is plenty of space on
the forms for people to fill in.
One subject on
If you have to use more than each
page with more whenever the subject is.
Use page numbers.
Avoid columns.
Using photographs by asking
permission off different places first.
Photographs should be nouns
Places and objects.
Writing on the right hand side.
It could be different if you are
writing in another language.
Do not float text on top or across
the page.
Useful tips.
Show pictures of a clock with the
right time you may want to see a person on whatever for eg; if you can.
Some people find cartoon pictures
Explain how to find a place in words as well
as pictures.
Some people find a pretty poster
on a leaf it easy to understand.
may like shiny paper others may not.
Some people make it hard to see
words and picture.
Some people find an A5 notepad or book
easier to hold rather than following lots of sheets.
Information on CD and
Make information available on DVD
or CD
Make information easier for people
to find.
Use a buddy system where people
have somewhere to go through information with them or ask questions.
Some may need plenty of notice
before their appointment is due mainly if they have a lot of other things to
think about with disabilities and health problems on top of that.
Sent information at least 4 weeks
before appointment or meeting people may need or and want to go to.
This will give people time to get
help if they want or and need it.
This also may help most people
understand the information.
Contact WWW.officefordisability.gov.uk
accessibity@mencap.org.uk 0209 696 5551 check if those
contact details are still in use if not find out if anything is in place of
them and what!
If you want to produce all or part
of this guide please talk to us.
Affects of
Too much to think about all at once can
cause either.
To think too much.
Not able to think at all.
Information be missed out or too much
Things can be the wrong way round but
the right information.
A lot to be done in such little time
can be too much.
Is there anyone who has Dyslexia who
would like to talk about it?
Dyslexic Aids.
Coloured layouts
Highlight pens
Fober castell grip 2011 propelling
Easy read information.
Has anyone got any
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