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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Reminder of last year's 1st, 2nd, 3rd year's feedback of the benefit cut awareness session.

 Feedbacks from students and myself of the benefit cuts awareness sessions.


·       The UK benefit system is way too high now with too many people with and without disabilities and health problems.
·       A lot of people have no good reason to be on benefits other than they don’t want to work and they want to live off benefit money yet our government is too blind to see it.
·        A lot of disabled and unwell people want to work with the right support and come off benefits yet we have good reasons to be on benefits and the government blaming us for them spending so much money on the benefit system, it’s most unfair it is.
·       People without disabilities and health problems do not have anything wrong them to affect from working.

Feedback from students and myself of the benefit cuts awareness sessions.

When I have done the benefit awareness session on Wednesday I would have done it four times so therefore I won’t be teaching it again till next September - October 2016 when next year’s 1st year comes in. After Wednesday to next Autumn I hope to be setting up other sessions. I understand it will be hard for last year’s 3rd year to share the feedback as they are not with us now unless they manage to have time to look at my website. As it’s my last benefit awareness for twelve months, I would like us to after plan after this session for this year’s 1st, 2nd 3rd year plus myself, Lynne and Steve to get together to say what we have learned off each other’s feedback, which will be put into this report.

  Hi guys now I have done the benefit cuts four times to the 1st 2nd and year.  As you are all aware every September every year changes   there is a now 1st year, last year’s 1st year becomes the 2nd year. Last 1st year becomes the 2nd year; last year’s 2nd year becomes the 3rd year. Yesterday’s session become a session.  As I said in my last up date in the report I won’t be teaching it till next September to October 2016 when the next 1st year comes in.  Now these four sessions are done I will like to share each other’s feedback from each session. My reason for this because the first session I did here I had never done these session before so not only your learning I am too. Each session I have done it hasn’t all been same mainly because of time, nevus, or I may have not thought in one session I thought about in the other.

 For example this I remembered to make the students aware of what kind of benefits there are whereas I didn’t with others.  There could be all kinds of reasons why each other’s feedback to learn from could be useful to you for example someone might have thought of something you didn’t that you agree with. Someone may have said something disagreed with but give your reasons why you disagree without falling out and respect the way they think even if you disagree. They must respect the way you think too even if they might disagree with you for whatever reason but you have rights to know the reason why they may disagree too and you both the same rights with each if you agree with one another.

  We must accept that last year’s 3rd year is likely to be working a lot now but they may look on website when they have time to do so it would be rather hard for them to share the feedback with us but I guess if they would make their managers aware to find out whether or not if they can take what they from here onto their job, which could be things that I may not have thought to put into their session but into your.
It’s still uncertain yet whether or not we can get this year’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd year face to share each other’s feedback but please share each other’s feedback on here for now until we know for sure thank you. I will send this report in and to this Lynn to see that the 2nd and 3rd gets to share to report feed back with you 1st year. I could ask Lynn about planning somehow about group feeding back to each other to each other feedback.

Like I have said in reports in the past that you will not be expected to be around for your patient on every part of their life so therefore you may think to yourself why is Sara teaching us this then?  Good question to think about. My answer to that which I have every faith you are aware that every day negative experiences for these people is huge stress their health.

 Yes I know it can’t be avoided and with a lot of things everybody else is in the same boat deal with it, I know. All the same how other people deal with these things can be different to how people with disabilities and health problems cope even harder if they don’t have a great of support or not any support.

Therefore I think it’s good for you to know as much as possible. You never know what places you are going to; you also never know where you’re going to be working after you have been with us for three years at the University. Most things what we prepare you for you never know you may be not ever have to use all what we teach you. It can move in all kinds of strange circles where some things we hope you won’t find yourself dealing things you do. In what I am teaching I only hope you don’t find yourself dealing with but you can’t but think so because the benefits cuts sadly seems to be the way of this country these days.
 What I am going to do now is put on some links of the updates of the benefit system. Just to let you know what benefits there are, how they work and etc. If you have chance to study between now and Wednesday feedback to me then or after then, even before sarajgorman@gmail.com Hopefully if I am able to plan for you guys to get together with the 2nd year, 3rd year, myself, Lynne, Mick and Steve you could feedback to me then, if any of you guys from the 2nd and 3rd year is reading this it includes you too. If information is out of date may be you could try to find the in date information.

There's a lot of websites to help you with your studying, many websites to prove to how the benefit system has had a huge affect on the lives of people with disabilities and health problems for some years and still is going on now.




To find out about information about what benefits they are, the rules of them and how they work on WWW.disabiltyrightsuk.org , there should be information dated from April 2015 to April 2016.

I have joined a few other things about Person Centered Planning and disabilities and health problems which could link into your work.

Stress of benefit cuts.
·       People with disabilities and health problems are more sensitive to stress than other people due to our disabilities and health problems.
·       If people have their benefits cuts they won’t have access to counselling because there will be money to pay for it without benefits.
·       People who have their benefits cut are in risk of hunger and or debt.

·       People worry about owing money which can push them to end their lives.

·       So many people have overdosed.
·       Not everyone who has their benefits cut or stopped has a negative ending. ·    
·       Winning appeals doesn’t necessary they are going to be better off than before they lost their benefits?
·       People may worry that they may not have enough money back to pay what they may owe.
·       This is where they are in risk of going hungry and homeless.
§      People can’t affront to live when they have lost their benefits for example paying bills, eating, rent, they may end up homeless and or etc.
§      People who have their benefits stopped are in risk of going hungry or and going into debt.
§      People worry about owing people money.


§     Due to peoples’ health problems Stress push them into taking their own lives if life gets too much for them. 
§      Stress can mostly affect those who have such health problems like Anxiety, Depression, Epilepsy, Asthma, diabetes,    and etc.
§      Many people have taken overdoses.
§       Many have taken and lost their own lives.

  • Awareness of learning disabilities and mental health awareness cuts.
•        This is an update of the Benefits cuts awareness presentation.
•        Lives of vulnerable peoples matters as much as yours.
•        As you know stress is the biggest killer of all but if you are a vulnerable person, you can't cope with it as much as other people.
•        What professions need to be aware of is that 10’600 people with disabilities and health problems died last year due to the benefit cuts.
•         I was only aware the figures on Sunday 29th March 2015.

§     People are finding it hard to affront living experiences.
§     Many people have lost their lives through eating very little nothing at all.

  How long?
•        Appeals could take up to a year or two.
•        If you have access online a lot please check when you can to see if anything I have made you aware of has change, if to see if anything has been replaced whatever.
•        Some people have said that the government have said they are thinking about stopping appeals, it may or may not be true, they may have stopped them now or will be in the future so try to keep up with what’s going on as much as you can.
•        Most people take longer.
•        Some take longer than others.

The wait depends on.
•        Peoples’ issues
•        On people’s Disabilities and Health Problems.

The waiting time is a big risk to people's’ health.
•        People with disabilities and health problems are more sensitive than other people.
•        People worry about owing to people and services money.
•        These worries and stresses put people at risk of taking their own lives.
•        Most people have taken overdoses.
•        Just to let you know that there are some people who do pull through.
•        Not all GPS can check peoples’ health while people are waiting for their appeal.

•        People should have their health checks even more so while going through appeals but there’s not always the funding and time according to the system.
•        People are in risk of being more stressed hungry or and going into debt.
•        The food banks can only give people so much food.
•        A lot of people feel embarrassed by having to have free food.

•        Most people live on their own and they have very little support even harder if their benefits are cut or and stopped.
•        People are in risk of losing their homes while their benefits are cut or stopped.
•        The government has been known to cut and stop people's’ money with or without a reason just to save money.

Stress of benefit cuts.
·       People with disabilities and health problems are more sensitive to stress than other people due to our disabilities and health problems.
·       If people have their benefits cuts they won’t have access to counselling because there will be money to pay for it without benefits.
·       People who have their benefits cut are in risk of hunger and or debt.
·       People worry about owing money which can push them to end their lives.
·       So many people have overdosed.
·       Not everyone who has their benefits cut or stopped has a negative ending. ·    
·       Winning appeals doesn’t necessary they are going to be better off than before they lost their benefits?
·       People may worry that they may not have enough money back to pay what they may owe.
·       This is where they are in risk of going hungry and homeless.
§      People can’t affront to live when they have lost their benefits for example paying bills, eating, rent, they may end up homeless and or etc.
§      People who have their benefits stopped are in risk of going hungry or and going into debt.

§      People worry about owing people money.


§     Due to peoples’ health problems Stress pushes them into taking their own lives if life gets too much for them. 
§      Stress can mostly affect those who have such health problems like Anxiety, Depression, Epilepsy, Asthma, diabetes, and etc
§      Many people have taken overdoses.
§       Many have taken and lost their own lives.

Awareness of learning disabilities and mental health awareness benefit cuts.
•        This is an update of the Benefits cuts awareness presentation.
•        Lives of vulnerable peoples matters as much as yours.
•        As you know stress is the biggest killer of all but if you are a vulnerable person, you can't cope with it as much as other people.
•        What professions need to be aware of is that 10’600 people with disabilities and health problems died last year due to the benefit cuts.
•         I was only aware the figures on Sunday 29th March 2015.

§     People are finding it hard to affront living experiences.
§     Many people have lost their lives through eating very little nothing at all.

 How long?
•        Appeals could take up to a year or two.
•        If you have access online a lot please check when you can to see if anything I have made you aware of has change, if to see if anything has been replaced whatever.
•        Some people have said that the government have said they are thinking about stopping appeals, it may or may not be true, they may have stopped them now or will be in the future so try to keep up with what’s going on as much as you can.
•        Most people take longer.
•        Some take longer than others.
§      People who have their benefits stopped are in risk of going hungry or and going into debt.
§      People worry about owing people money.

 §     Many people have lost their lives through eating very little nothing at all.

The wait depends on.
•        Peoples’ issues
•        On people’s Disabilities and Health Problems.

Stress of benefit cuts.
·       People with disabilities and health problems are more sensitive to stress than other people due to our disabilities and health problems.
·       If people have their benefits cuts they won’t have access to counselling because there will be money to pay for it without benefits.
·       People who have their benefits cut are in risk of hunger and or debt.
·       People worry about owing money which can push them to end their lives.
·       So many people have overdosed.
·       Not everyone who has their benefits cut or stopped has a negative ending. ·    
·       Winning appeals doesn’t necessary they are going to be better off than before they lost their benefits?
·       People may worry that they may not have enough money back to pay what they may owe.
·       This is where they are in risk of going hungry and homeless.

§      People can’t affront to live when they have lost their benefits for example paying bills, eating, rent, they may end up homeless and or etc.

   Most people take longer.
•        Some take longer than others.

The wait depends on.
•        Peoples’ issues
•        On people’s Disabilities and Health Problems.

The waiting time is a big risk to people's’ health.
•        People with disabilities and health problems are more sensitive than other people.
•        People worry about owing to people and services money.
•        These worries and stresses put people at risk of taking their own lives.
•        Most people have taken overdoses.
•        Just to let you know that there are some people who do pull through.
•        Not all GPS can check peoples’ health while people are waiting for their appeal. 
 •        People should have their health checks even more so while going through appeals but there’s not always the funding and time according to the system.
•        People are in risk of being more stressed hungry or and going into debt.
•        The food banks can only give people so much food.
•        A lot of people feel embarrassed by having to have free food.
•        Most people live on their own and they have very little support even harder if their benefits are cut or and stopped.
•        People are in risk of losing their homes while their benefits are cut or stopped.
•        The government has been known to cut and stop people's’ money with or without a reason just to save money.

  • Most people have taken overdoses.
•        Just to let you know that there are some people who do pull through.
•        Not all GPS can check peoples’ health while people are waiting for their appeal.

How stress affects people’s health.

§     Due to peoples’ health problems Stress push them into taking their own lives if life gets too much for them. 
§      Stress can mostly affect those who have such health problems like Anxiety, Depression, Epilepsy, Asthma, diabetes, and etc
§      Many people have taken overdoses.
§       Many have taken and lost their own lives.

The risks people are in.

The waiting time is a big risk to people's’ health.
•        People with disabilities and health problems are more sensitive than other people.
•        People worry about owing to people and services money.
•        These worries and stresses put people at risk of taking their own lives.

§     People are finding it hard to affront living experiences.

·       Risk of people going hungry or in debt.

Last year’s 1st year January to March 2015.

Benefit cuts awareness Feedback.
I really emphasised with what Sara was saying.  I could see that the benefit system doesn’t seem to understand nor care about people with LD.

It was good that Sara highlighted the emotional, physical and psychological problems facing people with LD. It is bad that the Government, who are meant to be looking after the people, have put laws and systems in place that leave people with LD in such distress.

People with LD can experience anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, illness, lose their homes, be without money for long periods of time, due to their benefits being stopped or assessed. 

It was good that Sara highlighted the emotional, physical and psychological problems facing people with LD. It is bad that the Government, who are meant to be looking after the people, have put laws and systems in place that leave people with LD in such distress.

People with LD can experience anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, illness, lose their homes, be without money for long periods of time, due to their benefits being stopped or assessed. 

People with LD need as much help as possible when it comes to benefits. And as future LD nurses, we will be aware of their plight and in a position to help with applications, as advocates, and with calming their fears.

At this particular moment in time it is all about awareness, understanding, and empathy.  If a LD nurse is aware of the issues then we will be in a better position to help people with LD who is in this situation.

Last year’s 2nd year Student's feedback from the Benefit cuts awareness session Monday 11th May 2015 University Of Wolverhampton Walsall Campus.
Benefit cuts:
·         Services cuts / already some services are closed
·         Limited / no respite services for families
·         Increased crime figures due to cuts?
·         Lack of support in the home people are just left to cope alone because of lack of funding
·         Mental health problems increasing
·         Isolation / decreased socialization lack of activities
·         Increased immobility = health issues
·         Government plans to be aware of these so as to help service users
·         Community after hospitals closed but there is ever decreasing support available
·         Increased likelihood of not getting roles due to CV changes or limited chances
·         Job centres not always in line with work areas – availability of posts etc

·         Increase in homelessness

·         Suitable job – not just any job
·         Direct payments = effects on people
·         Abuse of the vulnerable
·         Increase in protests / strikes?
·         Lord Willis Raising the bar report 

Feedback on the benefit cuts awareness session from last year’s 3rd year.

I am glad you enjoyed the presentation; my confidence and presentation content those of you who were in my session.
I am glad you have learned how to help people who have had their benefits cut.
Yes this topic is your role when it comes to looking out for your patient’s health.
Sara’s feedback: I am very happy that you’re happy with my feedback. I have learned as much from the students as they do from me.
 Each session I do I will learn better for the next time I do a session? I feel I remembered to explain more what a student job role is this time than I did last time. The role of a learning disability nurse is looking for the health of learning disabilities and health problems. The state of the system with services going through cuts and benefit cut is a huge risk to the health of patients.
The changes that need to be made are that the health needs of people with disabilities and health problems need to be take care of to save lives. People with disabilities and health problems are human just like other people so do their lives matter just like other peoples.
I am glad you have learned about the insight of the benefit cuts and how they affect people with a learning disability.

Risk of people being from service to service with no help prevented can be a huge affects on their health with Anxiety and Depression.
 Thank you so much for your great feedback I’m so glad you enjoyed listening to my information. I am just so sorry about the limit of time so yes please look at my website to learn more thank so much for taking time to be in my session and I thank you everyone as well for your patience’s in yesterday’s class.

The risk can be with most people there doesn’t seem to be very clear information people with disabilities and health to when they have go through when they are going through benefit change. For example: DLA changing to PIP some people have gone through it others haven’t. Most people worry like myself for example when am I going to get this over and done with? Benefit letters don’t seem to be very clear and there’s far too much information for a lot of people with disabilities and health problems.

I have joined a few other things about Person Centered Planning and disabilities and health problems which could link into your work.

Last year’s 1st year January to March 2015.

Benefit cuts awareness Feedback.

Feedback on the benefit cuts awareness session from last year’s 3rd year.

I am glad you enjoyed the presentation; my confidence and presentation content those of you who were in my session.
I am glad you have learned how to help people who have had their benefits cut.
Yes this topic is your role when it comes to looking out for your patient’s health.
Sara’s feedback: I am very happy that you’re happy with my feedback. I have learned as much from the students as they do from me.
 Each session I do I will learn better for the next time I do a session? I feel I remembered to explain more what a student job role is this time than I did last time. The role of a learning disability nurse is looking for the health of learning disabilities and health problems. The state of the system with services going through cuts and benefit cut is a huge risk to the health of patients.
The changes that need to be made are that the health needs of people with disabilities and health problems need to be take care of to save lives. People with disabilities and health problems are human just like other people so do their lives matter just like other peoples.

I am glad you have learned about the insight of the benefit cuts and how they affect people with a learning disability.

 Feedback from students and myself of the benefit cuts awareness sessions.
When I have done the benefit awareness session on Wednesday I would have done it four times so therefore I won’t be teaching it again till next September - October 2016 when next year’s 1st year comes in. After Wednesday to next Autumn I hope to be setting up other sessions. I understand it will be hard for last year’s 3rd year to share the feedback as they are not with us now unless they manage to have time to look at my website. As it’s my last benefit awareness for twelve months, I would like us to after plan after this session for this year’s 1st, 2nd 3rd year plus myself, Lynne and Steve to get together to say what we have learned off each other’s feedback, which will be put into this report.

I have joined a few other things about Person Centered Planning and disabilities and health problems which could link into your work.

Feedback to and from first students 21st October 2015.

Sara’s feedback I am more than glad you guys learned out my benefit session today. Well done everybody.
Here is your feedback to me.
List three things you enjoyed.
The presentation
 Learning to identify the barriers people with disabilities and health problems face on the benefit system.
How long it can take until people have their appeal. Next step is to research update information whether or not appeals are still going ahead for people, please email me on sarajgorman@gmail.com
List three things you least enjoyed
I know it’s not always easy but please try to be on time for your sessions, if you are your going to be late someone know so they can feedback to you on what you may have missed.
Thank you NJ for saying someone walks in I can easy lose track with what I am doing, this easy happen. I know it does not easy please try to be on if you can’t be please make someone aware.
Text colour on white background not the best, if anyone wants the presentation done in any kind of way please tell Lynne if you are aware I am doing a session then she can tell me thank you.

What to learn!

Please research to see if there is any other benefits other than the ones I made you aware of today, then please feedback to me on sarajgorman@gmail.com  also find out there are other places that have signed vulnerable people off fit for work without support in work they can’t manage.

A lot of you have said  DWP, PIP and Altos!
See if you can find out more research and information yourself now.
Please do your research on these sites then feedback to me on sarajgorman@gmail.com
 Find out about these Mental Health services!
·       Healthy Minds
·       Rethink
·       Mind

What have the students learned?

·       The students have learned that the benefit system is too much to bear.
·       They have learned about some of the benefits that are around but they are going to research to see if they are other benefits around that I am not aware of to make me aware and how they work.
·       They have said I have taught them a good insight of the stress the benefit system on how the stress affects vulnerable people’s health.

  • Well done to you all guys and if there was anyone not able to get there that would have done please feedback to them thank you.

Comments from my work colleague Lynne.

Fantastic session well explored of all aspects of all the topic.

My Comments.

I have tried to encourage the students to research online to find out what benefits are around.
I have told them the risks to disabled people’s health the benefit cuts do have for example not having enough money to eat and the risk of them losing a lot of weight but the risk of debt if they have to borrow money.  Students need to learn more of the stress these situations have to vulnerable people’s health. Well done to everyone who was taking part in the session.

 Anxiety and Depression isn't all black and white no one knows what is under a smile but then you shouldn't have to look and seem sad all the while to prove you suffer from Anxiety and Depression. Even people who made you laugh can feel very sad inside. Anxiety and Depression is a sad and angry feeling, which you can spend you all your life to fight.
It's understood at different place you work you are under management, laws and etc but try putting yourself in the person's shoes as well having to try everywhere that can't help people in the way that they should be able to. For most people there comes a point they may give up asking to a point they may suffer in silent which is a huge concern.
On the bright side people with disabilities and health problems are not helpless and we are not useless there's just a limit of what we can do. We may well need support with everyday living but then a lot of us if not all are talented in other ways but then with these cuts going now it's a case of managing the best way we can because support is limited compared to what it used to be,

In terms of your possible work.

This is where I feel sorry for a lot of services, hospitals, GP surgeries and etc in one way. It can be hard to know whether or not most people are lacking for attention or not in the terms of pretending to be someone they are not just to get proof to go benefits because they don't want to work yet there are most that are the complete opposite, it can be hard to prove one way or the other. This is one of the things that can cause a lot of mistakes. For example about twelve months ago I saw a report online about a GP having wrote a sick out for a patient who had a cold and yet there's been those who have had more serious that can't seem to get any proof for themselves at all. 
Different seem to have different experiences with the GPS. Some people will say that GPS don't have enough training and others see it in a way that most of the job they don't want to but yes there have been other who have said they have had bad experiences with the GPS but then many have with hospitals too.    

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