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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Benefit cut awareness handouts.

 Handout 1 Waiting for the appeals.
How long?
•        Appeals could take up to a year or two.
•        If you have access online a lot please check every now and then to see if the information I teach like for example to find out whether or not people can appeal still if they have their benefits cut, please try to keep yourself up to date with these things when you time to do so.
•        Some people have said that the government have said they are thinking about stopping appeals, it may or may not be true, they may have stopped them now or will be in the future so try to keep up with what’s going on as much as you can.

 •        Most people take longer.
•        Some take longer than others.

The wait depends on.
•        Peoples’ issues
•        On people’s Disabilities and Health Problems.
 The waiting time is a big risk to peoples’ health. 
        People with disabilities and health problems are more sensitive than other people.
        People worry about owing to people and services money.
        These worries and stresses put people at risk of taking their own lives.
        Most people have taken overdoses.
        Just to let you know that there are some people who do pull through.
        Not all GPS can check peoples’ health while people are waiting for their appeal.
        People should have their health checks even more so while going through appeals but there’s not always the funding and time according to the system.
        People are in risk of being more stressed hungry or and going into debt.
        The food banks can only give people so much food.
        A lot of people feel embarrassed by having to have free food.
        Most people live on their own and they have very little support even harder if their benefits are cut or and stopped.
        People are in risk of losing their homes while their benefits are cut or stopped.
        The government has been known to cut and stop people's’ money with or without a reason just to save money.
        Altos and DWP have signed people off fit for work when people haven’t been fit for work and also without support.
        Just to let you know that not all people lose their lives over this.
        As strange it sounds most people lose their lives because the stress is just far too much.
.  Anxiety and Depression is more of serious health problems than that what it looks like and the stress of everyday life is to blame for it.


•        Here’s my website address to study the handouts to today’s session or and anything else you may find useful to learn off my website sararevealed.blogspot.com/
•        Here is my email address sarajgorman@gmail.com

•         •        •        http://www.focusondisability.org.uk/brates-1.html

•         •        http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/08/27/fit-for-work-government-figures-seven-people-who-died_n_8047968.html Here is proof those who have died.

         Please tell me at least three things you have learned to today or email me to feedback.
•        Please enjoy any other session you may have today.
•        Please have a safe journey home.
•        Bye for now. 


As for personal budgets here’s exercise for you.
·       Remember what I said about checking what information is in and out of date.
·       Check the updates with the benefit system online 2015 – 2016.
·       On the some reports they may have at least rough budgets what people are getting different benefits.
·       Check up what the difference in food prices in shops by where you live and even online.

·       Which is the cheapest healthy food or unhealthy food, is it affordable to what people are getting on benefits when they have bills, even council taxi to pay, support worker/carer and etc to pay? 
Example of proof if your patient is in any health and safety risk by services or force into situations not in their limits or and needs.
The best job you can do guys is keep an eye on their health the best you can. If they are going through anything that affects their health or a service or even the GPs isn’t giving them the help they need and their health and safety is at risk you need to put something in writing for proof if your management lets you.
Limits of what we can do.
 For example: if they are forced into work they can’t manage without support. As for employment that doesn’t affect a person’s disability and health problem, unless we can’t move and can’t do anything for ourselves at all there’s no reasons for not choosing work that doesn’t affect our disabilities and health problems. Some of us have physical disabilities and others have mental disabilities, some like me have a bit of both. 
Disability, health problems and work.
 I wouldn’t be very good with physical and Manual work but I will be alright with say office work and teaching like I am doing now.  Along as long as we are within our limits and we have the right support then we shouldn’t be a danger to ourselves and others.
Most GP surgeries do health checks and others don’t but even ones that do don’t necessary what you call full health checkups, which can vary. Bear in mind that it’s getting with the talk of NHS going private which is hard with a lot of people who are not on much money but it’s twice as worrying and probably harder for people who are vulnerable such people with disabilities and health problems. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-34186624
 For example: I was even finding them checking my weight and not telling me what it is, whether or not I need to anything about it or not. Mind you most people with disabilities and health problems say that the shop just can get they can only afford unhealthy but that can vary so much to the person’s needs and how far they can travel to get to a shop that sells healthy food to a price they can afford.

Everyone who suffers from for example Anxiety and Depression the way they cope with it is different and how it affects them is different. Some people can go from not having any get up and go to needing to always having something on in their lives others are one or other. For me I go both ways.
Myself for example: I don’t only love my job but it gives me something to look forward to and not only something to do. I am a very unhappy person if I don’t have anything to do but do have times I can’t bothered with much either, that mostly when I have times things are bothering me.
Those of you who have read my website before may have read me saying that Anxiety and Depression is a feeling of mood and sadness whether have a reason to or not. For me to have something positive in my life can stop from taking the negative that’s inside me out on others.
I have had my fair share down points when I was very young where now I think my word why did I let them bother me so much?

When I was twenty I took an overdose of my epilepsy tablets because I was force to carry taking them when I wasn’t even having seizures.
After I had cancer when I was twenty – three I nearly climbed out the window while I was going through radiography because I was so fed up of been stuck at home.
1997 I had a breakdown over a broken relationship I thought was very serious. Now thank goodness means nothing to me but meant a lot to me at the time. If you read my poems a lot of them will relate that experience. 

  Another example of stress: has your patient got an Advocacy? 

What is the difference between negotiation and advocacy?

In class, we did an exercise where we had to answer whatever it was advocacy or negotiation for a given situation. I feel this was difficult as I didn’t have all the information about the cases but I was able to understand why situations required different outcomes.

Identify when negation is more approached by negotiation rather than straightforward advocacy? Consider also if a mixture of the two to be used.

·                  It’s a mixture of the two when an electricity company has written to a client to say that he/she owes £250.00, they are on a very low income. The company wants the money in full in seven days. It’s the advocate’s job to find out if the client owes that amount of money. If the client owes that money the advocate should negate installments
·                          A decision by the DSS to refuse a grant from the Social Fund because there is insufficient money in the local budget. This again could be a mixture of both.  The advocate needs to find out if the client is entitled to the money, if any money in the budget. Negotiate a lower amount. (More money is to come from the budget.)
·                        A decision is made by the local hospital to put someone on the waiting list to see a consultant. The waiting list is 12 months. (Advocacy) This again is a mixture of both. This will depend on how will the client is.
·                          A refusal by the council housing department to grant a tenant with rent arrears a housing transfer in order to be nearer relatives who provide care and support. This is a mixture of both again. Find out if the client owes money; try to negotiate with the council housing if they can transfer them with a training plan to pay back their arrears. At some point advocacy can only go so far.
·        It’s people like these people who don’t need to be on benefits who are making it hard for those who do.http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-previews/britains-most-shameless-mum-cheryl-6620148#ICID=FB_mirror_main

Handout 3
Work and benefit awareness.
Different people have different disabilities and health problems can vary so therefore it can on what benefits they are on, what disabilities and health problems they have what work they do and how often they work, this needs to be looked into more properly.
 Like I have said on other reports on this website if people are in a job they can manage, they have the knowledge of and they are more likely to be safe less support they are likely to need. Whether they can work full time or part time should be depending on the disabilities and health problems. For example with some peoples’ health problems some people may need a sleep in the afternoon.
Saying there’s no reason for people with disabilities and health problems to do not anything at all unless their disabilities and problems affect them from moving and they need a lot of care, they are in real severe shocking pain or and very seriously ill.
If necessary more awareness needs to be raised to employers about medications because of the side – effects they can cause people and health and safety reasons too. Some medications are not necessary all could affect most peoples’ to do their job, therefore it could be possible for employers to provide the support. This is could depend on how severe the side – effects of the medications are.
Hand 4.        The benefit cuts.
This has become a worried because it’s costing Britain a lot of money but then not because a lot of places that help and support people with disabilities, health problems and the elderly the government seem to make cuts on, which is more of a worry that these people are getting either very little help or no help at all. 
I have a huge concern on what people with disabilities, health problems and the elderly are going through with the cuts this day and age. The benefit cuts seem to have a huge affect on the lives of people with disabilities and health problems. 
The problem seems to be that there are too much people on the benefit system now that there are too many people who don’t have good reasons to be on benefits as well as the people who do.
 Nine times out of the ten the people who want to work are the ones who have good reasons for being on the benefit system yet and a lot of the people who don’t have a good reason don’t want to work but I won’t say all. http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-previews/britains-most-shameless-mum-cheryl-6620148#ICID=FB_mirror_main
 I feel it’s very wrong that the wrong people are getting punished, which are mostly the people with disabilities and health problems. It seems as if society sees vulnerable people as hard work, that we cost too much money, we are useless and helpless. It’s wrong to treat us as if we are to blame for giving ourselves disabilities and health problems in the eyes of society. We shouldn’t have been born to start with. This way society puts too much negatively into our head to make us believe we are hopeless and useless but we are not we just need the right help and support to get by in life. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/disabled-girl-mental-age-four-6630369
 This report needs to be seen more than just an awareness and study but these matters should be taken up with the British government to set up a system to find out who has a good enough reason to be on benefits and who hasn’t.

Most people who have good enough reasons to be on the benefit system suffer enough in stress as it is within their own disabilities and health problems.
 Throughout this year I have raised awareness to the 1st, 2ndand 3rd year students on the benefit cuts but I feel now because a lot of people with disabilities and health problems have died because in some peoples’ cases, they haven’t had any money or not enough money to feed themselves, other people have not been getting any or enough help and support to a point they have taken their own lives. Now I will be teaching this year’s first the benefit cuts awareness. Now I am teaching this year's first year.
 This is why I feel the government needs to take these matters more than seriously.  There needs to be a stop to this now, fair enough to save money but not to take it off those who need it most. This has become a huge risk to vulnerable lives. Anyone would think we have purposely planned to have disabilities and health problems to make life hard for others. Does anyone think we would choose to have disabilities and health problems? I certainly wouldn’t, I have learned to live with it but I don’t like it and I don’t think anyone else like myself would make that choose do.
  Would you choose to have disabilities and health problems if you could? I would have thought not. I would be shocked to hear anyone to say yes they would have disabilities and health problems if they had a choice to.
Here are some matters that I have raised with my students which do need to be raised with the government. People who have had their benefits cuts should be having health check- ups while waiting for their appeals. We need to be checking to see whether or not the government are doing away with appeals. People hate depending on food banks. Places like DWP and Altos signing them off fit for work by forcing people into jobs they can’t manage were their health and safety is at risk without support. A lot of people suffer from such mental health problems like Anxiety and Depression and risk of taking their own lives, the stress of the benefit cuts is more risks to their health. Many people have found when they have tried to get support from a lot of services that can’t help them due to the funding, which now always seems to be the case. This even worse when people have had their benefits cut. Now the more people hear it the more they start to think it’s an excuse not to help them. The government needs to be aware of how serious these matters are affecting peoples’ lives. Everyone’s situation is different some are likely to need more support than others.  

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