Dyspraxia and ADHD Month.

Depression and many more.

These awareness’s shouldn’t be just raised certain times of the year but all year round.
What do you already know about these disabilities
and health problems and what do you need to know?

Case 1 Dyspraxia study. Ben was seven years old when he was diagnosed by the Occupational therapist. There were reports written by other professions that Ben wasn’t diagnosed Dyspraxia. Ben’s parents were very angry told that the one Occupational therapist was saying he was Dyspraxia and other professionals were writing in his notes he wasn’t. This wasn’t news the parents accepted, even the Occupational therapist told the parents she was confused to why the other professionals had written the opposite in Ben’s notes. Other professionals had written that Ben had been diagnosed for having a Specific Learning Disability and they suggested help and support for that.

Case 1 Dyspraxia study. Ben was seven years old when he was diagnosed by the Occupational therapist. There were reports written by other professions that Ben wasn’t diagnosed Dyspraxia. Ben’s parents were very angry told that the one Occupational therapist was saying he was Dyspraxia and other professionals were writing in his notes he wasn’t. This wasn’t news the parents accepted, even the Occupational therapist told the parents she was confused to why the other professionals had written the opposite in Ben’s notes. Other professionals had written that Ben had been diagnosed for having a Specific Learning Disability and they suggested help and support for that.
The Occupational therapist taking care of his case
at the time though she’d might be able to give Ben’s parents some hope to get
him diagnosed in hopes Ben get the help and support he needed in his life. Ben’s coordination problems give some proof that he had some forms of some disabilities plus his speech was hard to understand too. Ben was three years behind in all
and he had a very low IQ.)
With a lot of beating round the bush the truth
was told so the Occupational therapist suggested to the parents the help and
support Ben needed.
Whatever service Ben’s parents were
accessing, what does it say about the service with different things in Ben’s
notes to what the Occupational therapist told Ben’s parents?
How is it possible for these mistakes
to happen?
Everyone knows everyone makes mistakes
but when it comes to health, what is important?
As Ben is Dyspraxia what support should
he be getting? ( What is Dyspraxia?)
How can you compare two persons life
with Dyspraxia who is getting support to someone with same disability who isn’t
getting support?
If you can send me an email on sarajgorman@gmail.com to feedback to me what you have learned on this study case and how it's going help your job then I will be most grateful thank you.
awareness needed.
People with epilepsy should be able to their lives equal to other
people. Epilepsy is also very strange condition some people can be seizure free
for years then it comes back, others are on medication all their lives and
others could be lucky enough to never have any more seizures.
Roughly about a few months ago a teacher about fifty or just over
died drowning in the bath through having had a seizure. This was the first
seizure she had in twenty years. I myself were born with Epilepsy, from the age
of twelve to thirty – one I was seizure free, I’m now nearly forty – six and I
have my last seizure when I was forty – three. To me Epilepsy is a very strange
condition as well as a very serious risky condition.
As you have just read in the paragraph I have just written Epilepsy
can vary so much. I would like to read what I am saying next then I want to
answer a few questions on the last paragraph I wrote. Please feed back to me on
this study case to say what you have learned thank you. sarajgorman@gmail.com
Epilepsy is a health condition that can affect different people in
different ways.
For people Epilepsy can come and go at different stages of their
Other people have Epilepsy once in their live but never again.
Other people have Epilepsy all their lives.
Other people get Epilepsy later on in life then for life.
Research online, videos, DVDs, books or etc!
1. Now I would like you
to find out why Epilepsy can vary so much from person to person!
2. What is Epilepsy?
3. What cause Epilepsy?

My boyfriend Tim was up town early
hours on a Saturday morning with friends near his home area. Tim had a seizure
in a night club. One of his friends made one of the bouncers aware he was in a
seizure. The bouncer pushed his friend to one side then pulled Tim off the
floor while he was in a seizure. The bouncers pulled
him upstairs by his arms, then pulled him the stairs and out
the entrance until he was outside the door. Written by Sara Gorman
Despite of
Tim having been out till early hours of the morning he hadn’t drank alcohol
despite that the bouncer still misunderstood Tim for been drunk.
Tim has shared his report on face book, most people have made
on comments on it and Tim has contracted his local newspaper service to
raise awareness of how people should be treat but able to have the same rights
to life as other people. Whether people have disabilities and health problems
or not they should treat equal to others with the right support as long as
others are aware. Tim also made
epilepsy action aware of this and they might put it in their magazine. Yes Jemguin quarry + Rachael purchase like
the thing I put on here about my relationship with Sara. Who is Rachael? Rachel
is Jemguin’s friend. Written by Tim Hodge
Tim asked his GP to write to the manager of the night club to make
him and the bouncers aware of his Epilepsy and the bouncers are from an
· Today we all live in a stressful world
more so than we ever did before.
· Stress is the biggest risk killer of
· To be truthful no one at all can avoid
stress no matter how hard we try.
· Whether we have disabilities and
health problems or not we all have to face all kinds of stress it’s not right
one person to be treat one person any special or worse than the other whether
we have disabilities and health problems or not.
· Saying that stress has a double risk
to your health if you do have disabilities and health problems which others
need to be aware of but it shouldn't take away the rights to your life.
· With the right support and possible
treatment you should be able to have your rights without being over protected
but taken care of if or and when is necessary.
· Epilepsy is a health problem.
Research from any study references you want about how epilepsy
affects people and how stress affects Epilepsy. Please feedback on what you
have learned on sarajgorman@gmail.com
NEWS the news of the the Manager of the night club thought what happened is
well not what I was hoping for at all. About my mate Jane trying to make the
bouncers aware of my Epilepsy he says the bouncers was not told by any of my
mates of my Epilepsy. The manager said neither of his bouncers didn't push Jane
away, Jane was only trying to help me out. Jane tried to make the bouncers
aware of my Epilepsy. He said his bouncers thought I needed some flesh air that
is why they took me outside but he is making out I was out of the pass out
before they took me upstairs but I ought to when I was starting to coming
around which was when we were at the top of the stairs. I had a few warnings and was stress out.
I have an Epilepsy card in my wallet to show people or they will find it + I
have lifeline in my flat.
It is a push a button which is on the wrist band I wear and someone
will come on and see if I’m okay I have just had a seizure if they cannot hear me
they will automatic send someone out.
1. What are your
thoughts on Tim’s case?
2. How do you think the
bounder should have handled the situation?
3. Do you think Tim was
treated unfairly?
4. How would you have
reacted if you were in Tim’s shoe?
5. How do you think
this situation has made Tim feel?
6. How do you think
negative situations and stress affect the health of people with Epilepsy?
7. Tim has added a bit
more to his case, what have you learned from Tim’s case?
8. Please send your
feedback onto me then I will forward it onto Tim by saying what you have
learned and your comments on his situation!
When Janice was told she had got Epilepsy she had suffered several
months of Depression. Janice had felt she had lost her youth and she looked
back on times she didn’t have Epilepsy. Janice was frightened and overwhelmed
by the prospects of regular doctors’ appointments, medication and general
disruption into her work and family life.
Janice was scared of the medication causing her to have more kind
of seizures; it gave her a fear of dying.
Janice was told by the doctor she had to have several months of
work, which was very upsetting for someone who worked all her life even though
it was for her own good plus it started to make a worse difference on what her
and family were earning money wise. Bear in mind this was a woman with husband
and children even though the husband was working.
With a lot of beating round the bush Janice managed to be put on
the right medication to control her Epilepsy.
In the end Janice’s life didn’t change much, it was just the fear
of it changing to start with. Janice was still Janice.
Your research. Feedback to me on what you have learned on sarajgorman@gmail.com https://www.epilepsy.org.uk/research/take-part/projects-you-can-take-part-in/using-your-regular-medicines
1. What do you think is
like for someone who hasn’t has Epilepsy before compared to who’s had it on and
off in their lives or someone whose had it all their lives?
2. What kinds of
Seizures are there?
3. What kind of kind of
medications are there for Epilepsy?
4. What kind of
medications for Epilepsy can cause Anxiety and Depression or and any kind of
emotional disorder? Name the emotional and mood disorders patients can have
through different seizures and medications!
5. What kind of
medications can cause other kinds of seizures to the kind of seizures the
patient has in the first place?
6. What kind of
seizures and medication for seizures can cause memory problems?
7. What kind of
Epilepsy and medications are likely to change patient’s live if any?
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