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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Benefit cut awareness 2015 1st year students University OF Wolverhampton Walsall Campus.

Pepair yourselves first year students at THE University Of Wolverhampton Walsall Campus for the Benefit Cut Awareness session the 21st October 2015. What do know you about people disabilities and health problems having their money cut or stopped?

Awareness of learning disabilities and Mental health awareness cuts.
This is an update of the Benefits cuts awareness presentation.
Lives of vulnerable peoples' lives matters as much as yours.
As you know stress is the biggest killer of all but if you are a vulnerable person, you can't cope with it as much as other people.
What professions need to be aware of is that 10’600 people with disabilities and health problems died last year due to the benefit cuts.

I was only aware the figures on Sunday 29th March 2015.

Waiting for the appeals.

Money problems.
§At least 9 out 10 vulnerable people can’t affront to live when they have lost their benefits for example paying bills, eating, rent, they may end up homeless and or etc.
§ Many people find themselves borrowing money off other people, services, loans and etc.
§ Just because they may win their appeal doesn't necessary mean they will be given enough money to pay back to whoever and whatever they owe.
§ People who have their benefits stopped are in risk of going hungry or and going into debt.
§ People worry about owing people money.
How long? 
• The wait can vary to a year or two.
§•Most people might wait longer.
§•Some appeals can take longer than others.
§Now the Tories are still after voting in Britain is in risk of more benefit cuts, homeless people and deaths.
 The wait depending on.
§•On peoples’ issues .
§•On peoples’ disabilities and health problems.

Risk of people been forced into things they can’t manage.

§Many people have been forced into situations they cannot cope with without support due to the benefit cuts such as DWP and Altos signing them off fit for work.
§Please from the handouts are on my website sararevealed.blogspot.com/ and follow the power point.
§Please feedback to me on  what you have learned from the power point and website on My email address sarajgorman@gmail.com

§ I’m not saying people with disabilities and health problems can’t work but health, safety and support needs to be taken into account.
§With the cuts the government have been making, a lot of people haven't been getting the support they need.
§The benefit cut are people risks of injury and accidents at work if they are not supported.
§Risks of as I said dying of hunger.
§Risks of taking their own lives.
§Risks of being in big debt.
§Risks of people been more unwell.

§Due peoples’ health problems Stress push them into taking their own lives if life gets too much for them. 
§ Stress can mostly affect those such health problems like Anxiety, Epilepsy, Asthma, diabetes, depression and etc.
§ Many people have taken overdoses.
§  Many have taken and lost their own lives.

End of task.

§Please study from the handouts are on my website sararevealed.blogspot.com/ and follow the power point.
§Please feedback to me on  what you have learned from the power point and website on My email address sarajgorman@gmail.com

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