Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Managing health problems.

To try and keep the mind busy is the best thing to do.There are different forms of depression, very mild and very major. Different people tend to need different treatment but some people with Anxiety and depression there isn’t any other treatment for them other than keeping the mind or and body busy but some people depend on both.
It can be very hard for GPs to know how Anxiety and depression can affect each patient and what can cure each patient.
Some people keep a diary on how they feel each day.
Many people find it hard to put the past behind them, this can cause some people to suffer from flash backs. Many of these things can cause Anxiety and even panic attacks. This is where some people can be victims of crime, others cause crime and in others both the case may be. This can depend on how or not so well that each person can help themselves. For some people walking out their front door is a start to help them.  In many cases some people find it hard to help themselves.

Most people can be misunderstood mainly when they have a lot of information to take on board.

I always have to have things going on in my life; otherwise I get very angry, depressed and bored.
My Gran died in 2007 and my last relationship broke down for the last time.

If it hadn't of been for Employment Pathways getting me on to Mencap, I don't know how I would have coped with my life now.

The first longest my relationship broke up at the end of 1996, which was two and a half years.

I couldn't stand sitting in the house alone but I wasn't in the mood to talk to people either.

I just used watch the world go by.

·       Too much stress can drive most people to end their lives.

Planning services.

·       To be truthful the answer is either yes or no not both.

Managers need to inform all 

·       all staff on what the rules are otherwise it confuses people.

·       Sometimes crowds can panic me where there are too many people around me.

I am a bit better than I used to be.

It can depend where I am and how many people there are.

I am easy misunderstood mainly when I am accessing services, when information doesn't seem straight forward to me.

Most people manage their health problems with hobbies, interests, talents and or career.

·       It’s the same with depression a feeling of sadness that comes on whether there’s a reason to be sad or not.
·       It’s hard to know whether these health problems are illnesses or conditions, I don't think anyone knows for such.
·       One always says that’s it best to keep the mind and body busy but that works for some people not for others. Many people tell people who suffer from Anxiety and depression that it’s all in the mind.
·       In my case I can go from losing interest in what I am normally interested in to climbing the walls when I have nothing going on in my life. I can feel angrily, sad, down, stressed, depressed, worried and etc for a reason and no reason at all.
·       I have so many thoughts in my head I very rarely talk about or I don’t talk about them at all such as feeling as if life isn't worth life.
·        I try very hard to fight those thought, which isn’t easy. It could be for the silliest reasons or yet again no reason at all.
·        Professions advice this that and the other but these things are there to try.
·        What works for one person doesn’t for the other. That could mean exercises, diet and many things that may keep the mind and body busy.
·       Like for example for me and for those of you who have read my website will know my poetry helps my Anxiety and Depression in the sense of anger and sadness, when comes to relationship break ups for example or someone who I know who has died.

·       The slightest little negative thing for most people can bring on person Anxiety, depression or and even cause them to have fits.

 It’s surprising how many people who are sensitive to stress even though no one can avoid stress and negative things going on in their lives.  

 What are Learning Disability and Mental Health problems?
Learning disabilities are caused by the way the brain develops.

·       Here are some forms of disabilities.
People with profound disabilities need a lot of help with their daily lives. They find it hard to communicate.

·       People with Severe disabilities need help with daily lives. Some people may have physical disabilities and find it hard to communicate.

·       People with Moderate disabilities mostly need a small amount of help. They mostly need help in social and emotional issues.
Causes of Learning Disability and Mental Health.
·       The causes of learning disability and mental health can happen before, during and after a child is both.

·       Things can happen to the Central system.

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