Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Awareness of disability and talent.

Poetry Introduction to 2015- 2016

Introducing poetry 2015 - 2016.

Purpose of this page.

Hi everybody and Happy New year for you for 2015 - 2016. Hard to believe it's that time of year again, each twelve months just gets faster and faster, mainly when you older and older doesn't it?
I want to try something a bit different with my work on here this year so let's see how it goes.What I want to do is create a poetry page for children, a poetry page for teenagers and a poetry page for adults. Just because I'm doing a children s, teenagers and adult's page doesn't mean you are restricted  to what and which one you read, that's your choice.

 To be honest without been nasty it can be very to please peoples' interest so I am sorry if my writing gets rather dull at times, I try to make it as interesting or even as possible but it's not that easy. Like I have said in many of my poems may be not in so many words just random thoughts go through my my mind that I can't express any other way. Also the joy of poetry is to share those thoughts with others which could mean readers or and other poets. I may not always have time to reply but your comments always matter whether or not they seem  fair in my opinion or not.
As much as I enjoy what I do it can be hard to please everyone so I do my best write about all kinds of subject, well things I know anyway and do my research on the things I don't.

 The purpose of this page is poetry of all areas of life for people with disabilities and health problems, family members, carers, support workers, professions and employers to share. We all have different ways of coping in life so it will be fair to someone to deal with their life the same someone else. This page is here for people to read for their own reasons.

All the same I have a huge concern that in nearly in the last six years now that a lot of people disabilities and health problems have died due to them having their benefits cut, which has caused huge stress their health. Like I said we deal with life different ways. All the same for what's happened to these people my heart goes out to those who them, sorry there's no easy way to express the right words. Like I said talent, it doesn't help everyone but for others it may help them to get through day to day life. I know this cannot be promised but I hope this page will help cut down the unnecessary loss of lives  vulnerable people this government is causing.

Such health problems as Anxiety and Depression is hard to explain to those who suffer from it only mainly Depression a very serious illness which doesn't seem to others because it is so hidden. It's too easy to say to someone if your feeling this way, why don't you take a hobby, interest, job or even talent for example. I admit my poetry has helped me through times I hit a very big state of Anxiety and Depression, which has happened more than one for other reasons but it doesn't help everyone.

By all means people can look at this page how you want to. It doesn't have to be this way but I hope this page will be some help for those who are into their talents, for those to read it for reasons of their own or for some people just the sake of reading may be.

What is poetry?

Poetry is an art of language.
Poetry is a way of words.
Poetry is thoughts that come from the mind.
Thoughts of expression.
Thoughts of communication.
Writing than talking.
Poetry is talent.
You write how you see things as well as drawing and painting.
Word can be expressed in stories, novels, plays and etc. 1.1.2015

Happy New Year 2015.

Now we have blown away 2014.
2015 on New Year's day is blowing the hangovers away.
It's a winter dull and grey New Year's day.
Christmas and New Year seems like a long Bank holiday yet it come and goes so quickly.
As the old year goes, you wake up to the 1st January except things to change but they don't as if you except to see a different world. 1/1/2015

Now it's New Year's day. 

New it's New Year I recovering from plenty of beer on New Year's eve.
The future is so unknown.
Close the door on yesterday and look to today.
We just need to get the winter out the way.
The days and nights are far too short.
New Year's day is quiet because people are recovering from the night before. 1/1/2015

New year is here: January is here.

We wake up the 1st January New Year's day 2015 blowing up a windy storm.
Every twelve months seem to fly by faster the older you get.
Now I'm recovering from New Year's eve the rainy storm is changing from light to dark.
Roll on the spring when we hear the birds sing, winter is such a depressing thing. 1.1.2015

So I need to make a new start.

I need to make a new start this new year with this blog with my poems, stories, reports and etc.
I want children, teenagers and adults to have their own poetry page.
It's hard to believe we have been in the 2000s now for fifteen years. 1.1.2015

I miss you more than just on New Year's day.

I miss you enough as it is without not been able to chat to you online but I understand we will online again in time.
It's so sad to know your in hospital mainly on New Year's day.
Even though we live so far apart we will be together soon again some day.
When your in love soon isn't soon enough but then it will be worth the wait.
New Year's day is even more cold without you.
The wind and the rain is all too much. 1.1.2015 - 2.1.2015

Is falling in love wrong?

Is falling in love wrong?
Well with the wrong person yes it is.
With the wrong person falling in love is a lie.
To move on is the hardest thing to when feelings are strong for the wrong person who has hurt you.
Before they hurt you and or even they hurt you.
They love you and kiss you and hold you as they really mean how they feel about you.
When that happens it's so easy to believe.
The longer you love them for the harder it is to stop loving them.
Then you start to feel bitter and angry, which makes it hard to get on with life as if you didn't know them at all.
Whether you move on to love someone else or you don't it can take a long time to get completely over the last, the pain can hurt so pain.
Before meeting the next person you need to build up your trust again, which is very hard to do. 4.1.2015

Here I am.

Here I am just come from my local pub.
Not at all drunk.
I only drank one and a half bitter.
I was only there from 10.45pm to 12.00am. 
I may well drink seven nights a week but I don't come in until the night is near enough to end.
Nothing to be please about I admit but then I could have done worse even though I could do better. 5.1.2015

Never say never.

Never say it can't happen to you, I only hope that it doesn't.
You life completely changes from good to bad but there's always someone worse off than yourself.
Make the most of the good you have got because you never know how long it may last but then you may be lucky enough to have that good in your life forever.
Hopefully not but you could lose something good you have had all your life.
Stop to think what it must be like to depend on others a lot.
No one enjoys asking for help a lot but it's not easy when you don't have a choice on most things.
Despite of us been dependent in one way we are independent in other way but each of us in different ways.
We are no different to you we just need more help than but don't ever think it won't happen you, hopefully not but it may. 4.1.2015  

Being a teenager.

Years come and go so fast after teenage years, it can be easy to forget what it was like but you don't forget.
Being a teenager is not an easy time.
No matter what people are like around you are you and you feel know best.
I and many others were once like that but one day most of us our lives different to what we used to even though we never saw it coming.
We all understand being a teenager is tough because everyone seems to know better than you, confusing as it sounds we don't but we do.
I have to say I feel more sorry for your time than it was in my own, with money being as tight as it is today getting a career is hard.
The worse thing for me was the bullying school and my emotions were all over the place, which is no different to others.
I admit it seemed as if I was having it hard at the time but I don't think I was really when I think about now. 3. 1.2015 - 4.1.2015

Many would say poetry is boring, I admit it can be.
I guess it puts us poets at shame when the truth hurts.
Okay one could say a poet isn't poet we just have art with words.
May be the truth hurts that we don't.
I remember when I was young thinking I was right and everyone else was wrong, yes I know that's shameful way to be but I learned the hard way because without realizing it I chose to.
Now I think the opposite to what I used to and 99% of the time I'm still wrong, I feel I have learned my lesson so much to a point where now I think I'm always wrong.
I believe you never really get older you just live and learn.
The way we feel and think can be so hard to understand, our minds are a learning processor. 
In the end my poetry, my words whatever you want to call it are just saying what I have learned in life.
It's not to say you have to agree, it's just to say life isn't always what it seems. 4.1.2015

Long school days have gone.

To me the years of school seemed so long but through adult hood the years go far too fast.
I learned nothing.
I  did nothing because I could do nothing mainly as far as the rest of the world was curtained
It's hard to explain what it's like to feel useless.
Anyone could be a slow learner.
Anyone could find it hard to learn.
The teachers used to say far too much for me to remember.
Bully got far too much from the other kids because they saw me as dumb.
It just all seemed as if life wasn't worth living.
I honesty thought I couldn't get any kind of work.
I honesty thought I couldn't achieve anything at all.
It seemed no one liked me but why should I have had to proof myself to anyone?
I just felt as I wasn't a nice person.
I felt useless.
Adult was a big change round for me even though even at the age 45 I still have a long way to go.
I can't believe I achieved a good many exams and although I haven't a proper job, I have come a long way off than the start of my life by helping others worse off than myself.
I haven't done this to prove anyone but myself.
Now I have more friends than when I was in school.
I couldn't write poetry when I was in school.
If you come across some who can't learn easy, don't bully, they are not thick or dumb they are just a bit slow.
Never judge a book by it's cover!
Be careful what you say because they may prove you wrong one day well not you or anyone else but themselves. 3.1.2015  

I saw a bunny rabbit.

I saw a bunny rabbit jumping all down the street, he was a really nice bunny rabbit to meet.
As he jumped you could see his very long feet, he was very sweet. 2.1.2015

It's a strange old day.

It's a strange old foggy, misty and depressing January day, it's been like this all day.
I wake up this morning to see frost on the roofs of houses and on cars.
Then all I could see is white in the sky like a sheet flying by.
Later on the white sky turned to black as if the back houses were fading away into the foggy mist.
The white sky was like a block of ice as it changed from black to white, it was only just after 4.00pm.
With no leaves on the trees it's looked like a proper winter's day. 4.1.2015

Oh these winter Misty nights.
It' so hard to tell fog from mist, mist to fog.
It's seems so dark to see a thing yet there are hazes of mist by the hidden back houses by the street lights.
All I can see is bear trees by the chimney pots of the houses.
Drafts are coming under the doors. 4.1.2015

The Unknown.

Hard to explain and not to believed.
May be I didn't understood in a way adults understood.
Nevertheless they have got away with what they have done, there were adults there.
When it comes to being a child what's not seen is never believe like you seen and not heard.
Still lived through I pulled through but it doesn't make it right that it should happen.
Some how, some way I managed to get by each day in the best way.
Most shocking and unforgettable memories in the so hard to forget no matter how hard you try to do so, even after thirty-five years.
School may have let me down but adult life hasn't been so bad. 2.1.2015

Give a voice for all.

We were seen but not heard.
We were  far too young to know what was going on.
How do we draw the line with such a subject?
This is a tricky one.
Children shouldn't know but they should if it's happening to them.
There again yes, how do we balance that with children growing up fast?
Adults should be more responsible to know what's going on round the schools.
It's not though always the case that adults can be to blame children to other children. 
Let's learn from the past to build the future. 5.1.2015

This is poetry.

This is poetry.
This is words from the mind.
This poetry about life.
This poetry about education.
This is poetry about people.
This is poetry about places.
 This is poetry about everything that possibly could be.
Just tell me the words then I will write them.
I just think of words and I write them. 4.1.2015

This is my ability.

Needing support with every day living skills is my disability.
My talent, my drawing, painting and poetry is my ability.
My job helping others worse off than me is my ability.
In the end I'm as human as you.
Only that I'm a slower learner than you. 4.1.2015


Poetry is power.
Poetry is voice.
Poetry is choice.
Poetry is you.
Poetry is me.
Poetry is a way of expressing thoughts and feelings in a different way to talking.
Poetry is thoughts in the mind and feelings inside. 5.1.2015

Your beauty.

Your beauty isn't just what you look like but the kind of person you are.
You may not have as much beauty in looks but you do inside.
You may not have much beauty inside you do in looks.
Beauty can vary so much.
Never judge the book by it's cover.
Sorry for swearing but it's the bloody truth but then if we were all the same what a boring world it would be.
Beauty is also being kind to one another. 5.1.2015

Leave my Mind alone.

Leave my mind alone.
I have learn you were all in my mind.
I never knew you or saw you.
I was just seeing and hearing things.
I seemed to like you forever but not anymore.
I waited and hoped for to change but enough was enough.
I don't care whether she's waiting for you or not, you both belong together if you want each other.
There's so much far away under the bridge I'm far than over you.
Now I have moved on to a new love.
I won't back because you play far too many mind games.
I just need the words to get out my mind which is why I write the words I write.
My pen will write too fast for my mind.
My mind will work too fast for my pen.
More words I write than I typed .
No more are you my type.
Like when I wrote lines as a child because I was naughty the more I learned to stop doing wrong.
The more poetry I write the more I'm over you.
I must learn to do and I must learn to not do.
I can live without you forever now.
Your loss to have not loved me when I loved, not that I'm bothered whether you bothered or not. 10.4.2015

It all ends here.

It ended before it finished so long ago yet it carried on longer than it should have.
We forced something to carry too longer than we should have done.
I spent too much time saying sorry to you but no way anymore.
I spent so much time regretting what I shouldn't and should have done, think all you like that I'm selfish so I am, I'm taking no more.
What about you?
I never heard you blaming yourself yet you were the one who were playing games with my feelings I had for you at the time.
For far too long I was the victim of your love but not anymore.
I'm not your pushover or doormat anymore.
I feel nothing for you anymore which is amazing after I felt strong loving feelings for you for so long.
You're nothing.
You're no one.
I just dreamt you were.
I just had nightmares you were.
You were just all in my mind.
I wrote these words of creation to get these words out my mind.
I really do need to clear my mind.
Time to move on, I love someone new not you.
I should have known sooner or later that my mind was blind, I was so glad I realised in time. 10.4.2015

ou left me.

You me with tears coming down my eyes.
You left at the wrong time and the wrong place.
Still in the end I had no feelings to care.
You wouldn't there try to love me again because you never loved me and you never will.
For 13 and a half years you just lied about your feelings towards me, which turned on and off like a light.
When your words are just like lies I despair that you don't care.
Therefore why should I care?
You just don't know what I write, you don't even know I'm writing about you.
I should you my poems when I loved but you didn't like me writing about you.
Now I hate writing about you but you have just gave me so much anger in my mind.
It's just my way of getting over you, I keep thinking I have got over you, then you anger my mind.
The bright side is without you knowing it you create my talent.
Little did I once realized that there's a way of making negative into positive so you haven't knocked me completely.
I'm still alive I'm still here.
You thought you'd make me worse you're wrong.
You thought you'd make me a wreck forever, you may have knocked me down but I got back up and here I am to tell the world what a jerk like you put me through.
You never thought I'd change over the years but neither did I.
No way was I hanging around where I wasn't wanted.
I had to force myself to stop loving you otherwise I would have been carried been hurt by your childish game, I thought I'd walk away from you.
To be honest it's hard to explain what comes out of my mind to paper.
What I say on paper it's looks either here or there.
The words that go through my head are just unknown why they do.
The words just coming rushing to my brain to a point I need to write them down then my pen can't write fast enough.
I don't know why I write what I write, just a load of rubbish that don't make sense but strangely creative poems.  10.4.2015

If only I knew.

I'd gone from soft as a brush too hard on you. 
You saw a side of me you never thought you'd see so did I.
My feelings for you went on far too long to ever see myself hating you.
In the end there was nothing to show.
13 and half years of a long dream and nightmare yet it's nearly eight years since I woke up from it.
I don't know why I still away of what you put me through I should be well over it by now but then I keep thinking I am.
I believe I will get there in time, I've come this far now.
It's no certain of yours because we don't see each other anymore.
I'll get on with my life I'm more than happy to do so, you get on with yours, I couldn't give a damn what you're doing.
Tiredness overtakes my mind to words that cross my mind in time. 104.2015 

I must have been mad to think.

I must have been mad to think I could love you forever.
I must have been to believe that you loved me when I loved you.
Yet when I had gone out your life then you wanted me back in your life, I knew that would be a lie.
That was when I knew I'd stopped loving you.
Why was I too blind to see you didn't love me, all those years I was living your lie?
I must have been mad to hang on and hope that you would change then mean what you said.
I must have been mad to love you as long as I did but the difference between me and you is I didn't lie when I told you I loved, your loss now because I don't love you now.
Now I love someone new and there's nothing you can do.
I must stop telling myself off for having been a victim of your love.
What's done is done.
I can't change what's happened in the past but I can try to do better in the future.
I'm not the first and I won't be the last to have believed a liar who says he's loves you and he doesn't.
I must forget I ever knew you infact I don't know you anymore.
My gain your loss, I'm never ever going back to you.
For a lot of years I gave so many chances of romances, you just broke my heart so I'm through with you.
If only I listened to others, they told me what you are like, I was blindfolded by your love.
Hurt me now all you want, I'm now made of wood, I don't get upset easy by you anymore.
I will live the rest of my life without you more than happy to do so. 6.4.2015

Daisy Chain.

Daisy chain, white petals and yellow in the middle.
I sat many hot sunny days as a child making daisy chains.
I walked through many lanes on hot summer's days to pick daisies for daisy chains. 29.3.2015

Bumble bee.  

Bumble fat and furly. 
Stop looking at me bumble bee!
I have nothing for you to see bumble bee.
I nothing for your tea bumble bee. 29.3.2015

I'm Mr Tortoise.

My name is Mr Tortoise.
Give me a lettuce leaf to eat!
I eat anything that's green.
I don't eat meat.
I spent a lot of time a sleep.
I walk very slowly with my feet. 29.3.2015


Poppies in the field.
Poppies are bright red.
Poppies are out when the sun is out.
Poppies are on remembrance day on the 11th November to remember soldiers who have died in the wars.
Poppies blow with the wind. 29.3.2015

No daffodils in March this year.

I see no daffodils in March this year.
Just wind, rain and not handy any sun and warmth. 
No April is on it's way.
The sun seems a long way.
Last night clouds blew through the moon until the moon disappeared too.  29.3.2015

The buttercup day.

Love butter.
Love butter too much.
I keep forgetting my body is too old to cope with the foods I love too much.
Buttercups are golden yellow, bright yellow and sweet but not sweet enough to eat but they tell you whether you like butter or not, I only wish I did not, my belly wouldn't be fat. 29.3.2015

What flowers do I like?





Buttercups 26.7.2004

Go for it!

If it's moves round in your hand, draw it paint it and write about it!

If you want to do something in life, then do it, never waist your own or anyoneles' time.

Tomorrow will never come unless you make it come.

Today is too long without doing anything at all.

There will be no looking back, you cannot make yesterday into today.

If it stays, draw it!
Draw it with a pencil.
Paint it with a paint brush.
That's the picture you get, that tells the tales and stories in words.

If you want to do something never waste time.
Tomorrow may never come, you sadly may well be gone.
There will be no looking back at time that has gone past.
So go for it now!
You will never know what's round the condor.
You only live once go for it!
You may live to hear the tale. 1.6.2005

I went to bed with the clock as a child.

When I was a little girl, I went to bed with the clock.

I think I loved the clock more than my toys, even if I had the toy clock, I still learned to tell the time at three years old.

12 o, clock was two fingers of the center of the clock.

40 to the hour were 8 to the hour.

Quarter to the hour was 9 to the hour.

Oh not forgetting my alarm clock when I get the right battery to help the clock wake me up. 16.7.2005

You were right to end it how you did.
You were right to end it how you did even though it’s broke our heart.
Like I said there are times in life the truth hurts and we have to face what we don’t want to face.
Our feelings were too strong towards each other to face the fact that things weren't going to work out for us but I don't know about you, I have no regrets trying otherwise we wouldn't have known.
All the same we should have thought harder through but I did then we wouldn't know one another if we had have thought through sooner.
We should have thought living too far apart would rip us apart but we were too much in love to face the truth.
Even though it’s over I’m still facing the truth, how long will take I don’t know.
I’m not refusing to be your friend but I just need time to come to terms with not being your lover.
I will write my poems, which may help come to terms with it all a bit a quicker, I can say till I write.
I know you were right to leave me this way.
It may not feel right now but it will as time goes on.
I know there’s no easy way but time can only say.
We both need to come to terms with the way we feel for another. S.J Gorman 7.6.2015

Thank you.
Thank you for your kindness.
Thank you for your love.
Thanks for the time we had together it was great while it lasted.
I’m so sad to lose you but so happy I tried to be with you.
I have no regrets for trying but as hard as it is, I must do the hard bit and that is move on.
It wouldn’t have been good to carry on even though we wanted to carry on.
Believe me I have been through a lot worse pain, fall down and got back up again so I can do again.
So another bites the dust, I’m not looking for love again, if it’s going happen again, love can find me this time.
You never know your turn could come again, you never know someone new and local to you.
Only hope she doesn’t hurt you otherwise she will have me to answer to even though you and me will never go back to how we were.
You never someone will love you as much as I love you and wanted to carrying loving you but hopeful she will live a lot closer to you.

I hope you find someone who loves you for you like I do not what she can get out of you. S.J Gorman 7. 6.2015

Everything I touch.
Everything I touch, in time it turns to rust.
You took my heart then throw it all away.
Back in the day you were my lover and best friend for a lot of years.
You were my world nothing no one else mattered, how selfish could be to lose myself so many people because of you?
I gave 100 % of my time because that’s what I wanted was you but then I guess I drove to be the person you were towards me without realizing it.
To think at one time I used to think you were so special but now I hate your cuts.
It was the biggest mistake I ever made.
You filled my life with happiness so I thought then you filled my life with bitterness and emptiness.
In the end you tore my world apart and broke my trust towards other men.
We have now split nearly eight years and I am still trying to build my life back up again after the damage you put me through.
If only I wasn't so love blind for all those years.
I never listened to anyone I thought I knew all.
In my mind no one could say a bad word against you but my word they were so right and I was so wrong.
I was wrong to carry on with you for so long until over loaded myself with pain from you. 7.6.2015

How could you?
How could you?
How dare you?
Walk out and come back in my life as if nothing happened.
It happened so many times I'm a lot then sure, it’s not happening anymore.
I’m a lot more than sure I don't love you anymore.
You don't want me back for me; you want me back to be your victim of love. S.J Gorman 7.6.2015

Enough is enough.

Sorry to say I was wrong to take you back again I have to be honest and sorry if the truth is wrong.
Knowing you have the same reason as before fair enough you should not have had me asked back, I should have know not to take you back.
I did refuse for a while but my mistake was giving to you.
Sorry to say there's no going back, there's only so much I can take.
I may live too many miles away which makes sense while you ended but you should have stuck to your word and I shouldn't have gone back despite of how we may feel.
You keep saying you want to put stop to it before we hurt each other so stick to your.
If there's no future for us then put a stop altogether before things go too that mistake I made before I knew.
Sorry to say this but we need to face the truth.
None of us are getting any younger but never think you did me wrong but both of us have to been honest with each other.
To be cure to kind then let's part completely no matter how is hard is otherwise our lives could be never ending rolling coaster.  
Sorry to hurt you but we need to do something about this before it's too late otherwise we could no where.
All same thanks so much for the time together I have no reason to hate you but it just didn't work out to how we hoped so let's think about this carefully whether we both like it or not.
Just remember there's not just one us hurting but both of us and we both need to come to terms.
I will be sorry to say that I have only just got over been hurt before but that was a lot worse hurt but now sorry to say I don't need it anymore.
You may not have meant hurt but more i am disappointed than hurt because of what I have been through before but not the only reason I was hoping for a happy future with but like I have been I have built hopes up too much, shouldn't have done.
Sorry I hoped for too much, i will learn to hope too much with anyone in future. 23.8.2015

The truth hurts.

My last ex hated me writing poems at the time which was very strange to how I was feeling at the time, I guess at the time he understand how much I loved him but that's his loss, now I can't stand the sight of him.
He once said if Mum dies I won't have anything to do with you again.
Through years when his Mum died he didn't want me to walk away but in time I did because of the way he treated me.
It was hard because I didn't want to walk away from his Mum she did nothing wrong he but they both lived in the same house.
This was one the reasons why it took so long to get over plus the years we were together.
His Mum did me no harm I miss her and she was a good friend and despite been his Mum she stuck for me more so than for him but how much of a great friend she was it was hard for me to walk away from him even though I did in end.
So sad it was I found myself waiting to walk away from him when his Mum died, still that's by the by,
After such a battle to leave him you came into my life therefore I thought I was over him but stopped loving him because he gave me so much pain to stop loving him.
Like said on the phone it's now hard not to feel in love with you because you gave me no pain only that I'm hurt lose you but all the same that's way it is, i shouldn't surprise through the things I have gone through before.
All the same I can't go through on and off whatever the reason.
Sorry about the truth hurting but I need to get over you like I had to get over the others even though you have done no wrong.
Poetry may be the only way can express myself. 23.8.2015

You should be able to be yourself.

You should be able to be yourself.
You shouldn't have to proof yourself to anyone other than yourself and others like you.
Talent can be in you whether you have disabilities and health problems or not.
We all have different ways of coping with the negative in life whether we have disabilities and health problems or not.

Most of us can make the negative to positive in talent.
My way for coping with sadness, negative and hard times is my poetry but I don't need to be feeling bad for whatever reason to feel like writing poetry.
It's just what's in me the same with whatever you do and feel what's in you.
Talent comes out when feel like and sometimes without you even knowing when it is going to, whether it's drawing, painting, picture taking poetry, all or whatever it may be.

Most people who are famous have disabilities and health problems too others don't.
Talent is a skill you have you don't to be famous to have it, you just need to be credit for it, it should be a job created just as much as one another we don't have to have the whole world needing to know whether you have disabilities and health problems or not.

You can have talent without fame but there's no fame without talent. 20. 2.2016

The Sea. 
 How I would like to go back and see to Mar-gate again to see how much it has changed compared to how it was twenty odd years or more.
I remember very little about travelling on the train as a child, other than sitting on single closed cartage's there and back to London. I would take the coach or the train but the travelling may have changed a lot since I was a child.

I remember very little about travelling on the train as a child, other than sitting on single closed cartage's there and back to London.

When I was a child loved the beach and the sea. I loved seeing the tide of the sea going in and out as the waves got angrily and mad. I saw the waves of Mar-gate Sea on the beach rushing very loudly as the tide went in and out. The beach and the sea always seemed is a romantic place to be for me. I love the sun shining and rising over the deep blue sea with a lovely yellow sun set. To me the sea was the place to be.

I saw the waves of Mar-gate Sea rushing very loudly as the tide went in and out.
Even when the weather was beautiful, sunny and the sky was blue, it was blowing hot and cool breeze as the sea crashed into cliffs and rocks.

The seagulls were flying shrieking very quickly as the sun and breeze change from hot to cold. The seagulls were making a very angrily nose as children shouting, screaming, laughing and crying as they were building sandcastles in the sands.

  The seagulls were flying very quickly as made a shrieking sound of a tone of language that we humans don’t understand. If only we knew what the seagulls like all animals say to one another but then what business is it of ours?  Is that why animals speak in a language humans don’t understand?

I used to swim like a fish all very slow, adults wouldn't let me swim any further than they were.
It was a lovely feeling the warmth of the air but a very light breeze blowing down on me as the sea was rushing with tide going and out as I swam.  

So we don’t know what they say to each other but they right away leave it to us to work out what they say to us.

I loved the yellow sand; it's lovely to lovely make sand castles with children by the sea. I would spent hours making hours on sunny days making sandcastles and swimming in the sea.

The rides were too fast on the dreamland fair grounds, which felt like been on a roller coaster.

Never eat candy floss before a ride as you may feel dizzy and sick.
The smell of fish and chips you couldn't miss.  20th century to 2016.

Talent is all about the mind.

Talent is all about the mind to express and explain just how you think and feel.
Talent is a chance to say what's on your mind even though not everyone does or has to.
Talent is a way and a chance to make yourself understood.
Poetry is not the only talent you can express yourself; drawing. painting, picture taking and many more.
You could express the unknown in an unknown way.
A story about something or someone but not you.
A character that's based on someone or yourself.
You could be thinking all the time but finding it hard to get it off your mind.
Words can be hard to explain in many different ways.
Not easy to express one's self in the way others understand. 21.2.2015

The Voice.

The face is seen but the voice is not heard in the way others seem to understand.
Words just can't come out the right way, something that could be said a short way comes out a long way.
The mind is thinking all the while but not all is coming out that needs to come out not that everything needs to be said.
A closed mind is not alone but it would be a very strange world if nothing at all was said. 21.2.2016

What is Poetry? 

Poetry is for enjoyment if you make it enjoyably.
Poetry is only boring if you make it boring.
Poetry is words of everything but it's impossible for the mind to think of everything.
If we think of everything there will be nothing left.
Poetry is a type of writing about good and bad how life is.
It would be a boring world and life if it was any other way. 21.2.2016

So long so unknown.

I was so young I didn't want to say.
I didn't want to step in your way.
My voice may never be known yet you never except to know my voice.
I would never except to have it my way.
I never understand why I have always felt this about for so long.
I never said a word because I thought it would go away.
Understandably I was just a kid unknown if I'd be any interest to you.
Your not old enough to be my Father but your a fair few year old not that many.
I can accept you more than likely wouldn't feel the same way.
All the same one never knows because neither one of us have set eyes on one another but I know of you from a far.
I can only say this is what I have to live with in my mind my problem not yours.
I have lived with it since I was fourteen.
I will just accept we will ever see each other.
Sorry I can't help but like you, if I say something I may make a fool out of myself, if I don't anything I will never so I can't win at all. 21.2.2016

If only why.

If  only why I knew why I love you.
If  only I knew why I feel for you like I do.
If only only my mind was different not building hopes on something that's not going to happen. 21. 2. 2016

He was a confused man.

He didn't love me at all even though he said he did.
He loved someone new then he loved me again but then he didn't.
In the end I never knew.
He never seemed to know what he wanted he never seemed to know what to do.
In the end I said god bye even though I didn't feel I wanted to at the time but I am glad I did now.
Enough was enough he was breaking my heart too much.
I was taking no more.
He was nobody no one at all.
I just dream't  it all.
I only just made it all up, I only wish I did.
He was only in the mind, if only he was make believe.
Now it needs to stop and pretend that he is make believe. 21.2.2016

Winter heading to spring.

December and January well gone.
February slowly coming to a close.
Grey skies and white clouds.
Winter months too depressing even the lights are not bright enough.
There's no happy England no more.
The winters have changed from snow to storms.
Soon will come a few green leaves.
The weather is unknown for the rest of the year.
Spring, summer, Autumn and winter four seasons in one day everyday.
Bring in the mixer of happiness and sadness it would be boring if it was all one way.
It's not all black and white, it's not all about the weather at all. 21.2.2016

Sunday great day for poetry.

Sunday is a rest day at it's best.
Nothing more or nothing less.
Sunday sleepy head is what I said.
Time for the chair, settee or the bed.
A boring day at it's best.
That's enough said.
Words just think in your head.
Oh what a funny old day.
So little and so much to say.
Full of sleep after a huge Sunday dinner and an black and white cowboy film back in the day.
Now computers, ipads. ipods, iphones, eggs, chips and so on. 21.2.2016


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