Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Sorry to say the government are failing people with disabilities and health problems everyday.

Sorry to say it's very true sad fact that the government is failing disabled people each and everyday. Many disabled people do understand that other people face barriers with government too for their needs in their life too. All the same there's just a difference a way disabled people are able to cope compared to other people, the government know disabled need more support than other people so they fail disabled people more.

Whether not we want to work is not an issues but then it's hard understand what the government wants out of us when they can't make up their minds. There's not the jobs, courses and support for us but we can't just do nothing either. Saying that different disabilities and health problems work in different ways. The whole the jobs that are out there are just not skilled for many people with disabilities and health problems so that makes society think of us as people who are no good for anything or nothing when that's not true we are but on the whole not in the way other people are good things. I believe talent is mostly the skill most people disabilities and health problems have got, that doesn't mean I am saying that other people aren't talented.

Everyone on benefits knows that there are rules round the benefits and if they are broken, people on benefits are in risk of having their money cut. The rules are for example, if you work over this many hours or and earn over this much money your in risk of your benefits cut and or even more stopped. Saying that the way the government tells people with disabilities and health problems is so much jargon and not clear to a lot of us. Despite of all that the government is going to be cutting ESA £30.00 a week whether we have broke any rules or not. The way these rules are written are not accessible and a lot of support is cut so many people disabilities and health problems have very little support or none. It's just as hard for those with families, parents and even carers.

As sad as it is but just being honest people with disabilities and health problems need to prepare ourselves for the worse with these ESA cuts as much as I don't want to be bring negatively into my work. More to the point health professions need to be aware as services are facing cut backs and they can't really support people with disabilities and health problems who need support in different ways because there's so many disabilities and health problems. This could cause even more of a rise of Anxiety and Depression to a point the risk of people taking their own lives could be even higher. Never see it as black and white because everyone is different meaning all cope in different way so you will face different off different patients depending not only on them, their disabilities, health problems and the situations they face. What's also hard as well the NHS suffering cuts in different ways but that can even vary. The curtaining thing is no one knows until if it happens. Everyone's hope is that is doesn't but sadly everyone involved in disabilities and health problems need to be prepared in case they need to support someone whose lost their ESA, professions need to know more about check ups and that/ There's so many things that people need to be prepare for but different for different people.  


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