Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Reminder of accessible information.

Mencap’s Make it clear.

·       A guide to making easy read information People with a learning disability have helped Mencap make this guide.
·       The words you use Good easy read tells you what you really need to know.
·       Use words that we use all the time.
·       Use numerals for numbers not words.
·       23 instead of twenty three.
·       Write in short, clear sentences.
·       Just have 1 idea in every sentence. Use active verbs. Verbs are doing words.
·       They describe what someone does.
·       For example John loves Mary not Mary is loved by John.
·       Use full stops.
·       Try not to use other punctuation.
·       Use bullet points for examples and instructions.
·       Do not use abbreviations.
·       Use for example and do not, not e.g. and don’t.
·       Where to put words on the page Keep everything about a subject on the same page.
·       If you have to use more than 1 page for a subject, start each new page with more about then whatever the subject is.
·       Do not split words over 2 lines. Do not split sentences over 2 pages. If you can not finish a sentence on a page move the whole sentence to the next page. Use page numbers.
·       On forms leave a lot of room for people to fill in their name, address and so on.
·        It often helps people to have a box to write in rather than lines to write on.

·       How to use pictures Be consistent.
·       Use the same picture to mean the same thing in your document.
·       Pictures on the left, words on the right because we read English from left to right.
·       It could be different if you are writing in another language. Do not float text on top of or across a picture.
·       Show times with clocks.
·       Times should be in 12 hour format. Some pictures in a cartoon style can be confusing or childish.

·       Maps are difficult to understand.
·       Use pictures of places that people will recognise.
·       Explain how to find the place in words as well as pictures. Charts are often difficult to understand.
·       Try not to use them.
·       Using a pretty picture on a poster or leaflet will not help if it does not make it clear what the information is about.
·       Choosing the type of writing and the paper Use a typeface that is clear like Arial or FS Mencap.
·       Text should be at least 16 point or bigger.
·       Make sure headings are clear. Make sure the writing stands out against the colour of the paper. Green is not a good colour for paper.

·       Words in white (reversed out text) on a coloured background can be harder to read.
·       If you are writing something with a lot of pages think about using colour coding to make the different sections clear.
·       Use the same colours in the index and the contents page.
·       But remember not everyone can recognise colours.
·       Shiny paper makes it harder to see the words and pictures because it reflects light.
·       Making it easier for everyone to understand Information that you can read like a book is easier to follow than lots of sheets.
·       Make your book A5 size or larger so it is easy to hold and turn the pages. Make it available in other ways if you can like CD or DVD. Use bold to highlight important words.
·       Italics and block capitals change the shape of words and can make them harder to read for some people.
·       What would you rather read?
·       Something that is full of jargon, jumps about from 1 topic to another and makes you work hard to find out what you really need to know?
·       Or Something that is clear, well structured with all the key points and information?

·       Contact Mencap’s accessibility unit Contact us to find out about • our easy read writing service •
·       communication training accessibility@mencap.org.uk

·       0207 696 5551 If you want to reproduce all or part of this guide please talk to us first.   http://www.cqc.org.uk/sites/default/files/documents/health_care_for_disabled_children.pdf


 Handout 5.     Understanding disabilities.
In the past Dyslexia has been known as word blind, which cause problems with reading, writing and memory but it doesn’t mean the person can’t read and write. Dysgraphia is known as a handwriting disability, the person may face motor skills problems such as finding it hard to tie their shoe laces but it could be Dyspraxia as well. Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADD, ADHD and Dysgraphia are not much different kinds of disabilities one another yet it’s possible you can have all of them, either one of them or some of them. Some peoples’ learning disabilities may slow them down for them to be slow learners. Motor skills problems could mean either the person has Dyspraxia or Dysgraphia or even both, which is classed as a hide physical disability which could be classed as learning difficulty.

Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dysgraphia.
Issues in emotional disturbance can be caused from different disabilities and linked on mental health problems such as Anxiety and Depression. ADHD for example is class as a mental health problems as well as a learning disability. ADHD can make the person easily upset, uptight, may be moody and emotional at anytime, anyplace or anywhere with or without a reason just like Anxiety and Depression.
 In the sense of ADHD being a learning disability is that it can affect a person’s ability to learn for example; they very often have problems coping with too many things at once, which can be concentration as well as coordination, which other things could link in Dyspraxia, Dyslexia or and Dysgraphia. http://www.adhdawarenessmonth.org/

  Poor motor skills, poor coronation, most people can be clumsy and immature movement. Some people may find it hard to tie their shoes or and they may put their shoes on the wrong feet. Some people may find it hard to do up zips or and buttons. Some people may find it hard to skip or and clap to rhythm. Some people may find it hard to throw or and catch a ball. Most people may find it hard to do things in a limit of time. There might be a limit of things most people can do.

 Most people such as myself are better off learning on one to one to make sure things are done to time also to make sure task or job is completed but that’s not always possible due to funding as the case is these days.
 Lack in development milestones leg; (motor language.) Some people make find it hard to understand prepositions words such as up, down, under, forward and backwards. Some people might find it hard to understand undermined hand preference. Some people may have poor handwriting possibly due to Dysgraphia.

Hyperactivity and impulsive is likely to come into ADHD.  Concept of body image, General awkwardness, Poor visual motor skills, slow at complimenting work, Poor organizing skills that could cause by Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia, ADHD or and even all.  Some people do have poor short and long term memory.  http://blog.scope.org.uk/2015/09/29/i-have-dyspraxia-but-rude-people-tell-me-im-drunk-endtheawkward/?utm_content=buffer37ae2&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer 

Some people may have poor concentration due to such disabilities as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia, ADHD or and etc. Some people may find it hard to explain things like shape, size, colour or and etc. Some people may get mixed up with ps and qs bs and ds.
 Some people may not be good at sport due to coronation, grip problem. Some people may be easily furstraighted possibly due to Anxiety or and possibly ADHD.

Most people can be gifted such as having talents such as people with Dyslexia. Some people may grip the pen too tightly, which may cause their handwriting to be untidy. Most people may avoid most tasks in fear of failing mainly they have had other people their live who haven’t had any faith in them. Most people may find it hard to achieve success on a time scale.
 For some people the brain work too fast for their pen to write or the other way round for some where mistakes are not always notice but other times they get stuck what to write, which come into Dyslexia.
 Visual problems could be things like Dyslexia, memory problems, seeing and writing things the wrong way round, misreading and misunderstanding information, missing words and information when writing.  Most people may find it hard to take in information which is where easy read comes in. Visual impairment such as Dyslexia may affect a person’s memory, they may have spelling problems, they may miss words out in writing, they may misread for example they may not notice most mistakes they make in their work. Some people can talk too lond while they are saying and thinking out and what they are writing in order to remember what they need to put down which can be a form of Dyslexia. Work can be unfinished for most people if they have been rushed to do. Most people find it hard to be organized. Most people find it hard to think about things in order.

Some people have a short term memory span.  Some people have poor listening skills. Some people find it hard to follow directions and instructions which can vary from person to person. (Accessible information) (Easy read.) Most people may find it hard to leave a space between words typing; writing and talking some people can vary. A lot of people find it easy to give up if they feel others don’t have any faith in them, others can misunderstand them as thick and lazy, they are not, they are just slow learners that’s all, they just need the right support.  Some people may find it hard to put pen to paper.  For example; some people may have a talent in some kind of sport. See the positive of the person as well as the negative.

Some people may find it hard to remember the days of the week, months of the year and etc. Some people may find it hard to remember times tables. Some people may have poor time keep or and some may have problems tell the time.

Language barrier.
  A learning disability can affect the way the person understands information.
People with disabilities and health problems don’t like words like handicap, retardation and Chronic medical.

Handout 6 -7 Impulsive behavior.
Emotion is a way a person feels towards life. In the case of people with disabilities and health problems it’s been hard enough as it is the fact we have had to face having disabilities and health problems without society treating us as if we are to blame for the way we are.

As it is with Mental Health problems such as Anxiety and Depression people have a hard job believing the positive in their live as it is. Many of us are slow learners but we get there slowly. People have mental Health problems such as Anxiety and Depression can cause people to be emotional and sensitive to life.

Some people may suffer from behavior problems such as Anxiety, ADHD many get up tight easily over certain situations.
 People with most forms of Autism can be unaware of the feelings of others. Some people with some forms of Autism may find it hard to accept change.

 More about learning disability.
Hearing impairment for example; deafness Sign language is a good form of communication for you to learn. If they suffer from deafness they may talk too loud unaware others can hear them. Deafwebsites.com

Some people have a lack of social skills finding it hard to make friendships, relationships and get along with people, which make them very lonely people. A lack of communication and understanding can lose people a lot of friendships, which they can't help because some disabilities and health problems can cause them to communicate in a different way that most people don't understand. They may even say something that the person has the right to be defended but totally unaware how they have made themselves come across, if anything it may be have not turned out the way the person planned it to be or and they may have said the opposite to what they planned to. For some people, I can be the same for what's in head to say doesn't always come of my month correctly.

Speech or language impairment.     
Some people may have slow speech development. Most people may find it hard to understand they are saying, therefore a lot of people may lose patience’s with them by cutting then off the phone or even telling to go wherever they are talking to them. There are very few people who may understand all or  even some of what they say meaning those who may well have the patience’s to listen to them. The person may not be able to get a word in edgewise because they person rightly wants to make sure they have their say because there have been others who haven’t had the patience’s to listen to them.

 People with speech problems can find it hard to get along with people too because a lot of people understandably can't understand what the person is saying but it's not their fault either. It's down to the other person understand that the person as a speech problem, which is wrong of person is talking to them when they can hear them. Many people misunderstand them for being drunk even. Making take the mickey of the way it sounds when people have got speech problems even people like myself who have the odd st udder problem.   

People with speech problems very often find it easier to communicate by internet, emails and text, the only disadvantage.  When something is important sometimes it takes longer for people to reply mainly with email but then it's understood that people can't be in their offices 24.7.   

Feedback from last year’s first year on the benefit cuts awareness session.
I am a trainee visiting literature so I can learn off the students what they want to learn and how they want me to teach them as much as they learn of me. 
I would also like this year’s first year to learn from this feedback of the sessions of what I did with last year’s first and second year plus last year’s 3rd year. Hopefully during in your three years of being at the University I will be doing some work around the benefit cuts with you so this study is to prepare for whenever that time comes.
In future each time I do a session off each class I will write up the feedback on here for other classes to learn for other sessions not only what you may have with me but other Literature too such as Lynne, Steve and Mick over all topics.

Benefit cuts awareness Feedback.
I really emphasised with what Sara was saying.  I could see that the benefit system doesn’t seem to understand nor care about people with LD.

It was good that Sara highlighted the emotional, physical and psychological problems facing people with LD. It is bad that the Government, who are meant to be looking after the people, have put laws and systems in place that leave people with LD in such distress.

People with LD can experience anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, illness, lose their homes, be without money for long periods of time, due to their benefits being stopped or assessed. 

It was good that Sara highlighted the emotional, physical and psychological problems facing people with LD. It is bad that the Government, who are meant to be looking after the people, have put laws and systems in place that leave people with LD in such distress.

People with LD can experience anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, illness, lose their homes, be without money for long periods of time, due to their benefits being stopped or assessed. 

People with LD need as much help as possible when it comes to benefits. And as future LD nurses, we will be aware of their plight and in a position to help with applications, as advocates, and with calming their fears.

At this particular moment in time it is all about awareness, understanding, and empathy.  If a LD nurse is aware of the issues then we will be in a better position to help people with LD who is in this situation.

  Feedback from the session I did for the students a couple of Thursdays ago.
Last year’s 2nd year Student's feedback from the Benefit cuts awareness session Monday 11th May 2015 University Of Wolverhampton Walsall Campus.
Benefit cuts:
·         Services cuts / already some services are closed
·         Limited / no respite services for families
·         Increased crime figures due to cuts?
·         Lack of support in the home people are just left to cope alone because of lack of funding
·         Mental health problems increasing
·         Isolation / decreased socialization lack of activities
·         Increased immobility = health issues
·         Government plans to be aware of these so as to help service users
·         Community after hospitals closed but there is ever decreasing support available
·         Increased likelihood of not getting roles due to CV changes or limited chances
·         Job centres not always in line with work areas – availability of posts etc
·         Increase in homelessness
·         Poverty
·         Suitable job – not just any job
·         Direct payments = effects on people
·         Abuse of the vulnerable
·         Increase in protests / strikes?

Feedback on the benefit cuts awareness session from last year’s 3rd year.

I am glad you enjoyed the presentation; my confidence and presentation content those of you who were in my session.
I am glad you have learned how to help people who have had their benefits cut.
Yes this topic is your role when it comes to looking out for your patient’s health.
Sara’s feedback: I am very happy that you’re happy with with my feedback. I have learned as much from the students as they do from me.
 Each session I do I will learn better for the next time I do a session? I feel I remembered to explain more what a student job role is this time than I did last time. The role of a learning disability nurse is looking for the health of learning disabilities and health problems. The state of the system with services going through cuts and benefit cut is a huge risk to the health of patients.
The changes that need to be made are that the health needs of people with disabilities and health problems need to be take care of to save lives. People with disabilities and health problems are human just like other people so do their lives matter just like other peoples.
I am glad you have learned about the insight of the benefit cuts and how they affect people with a learning disability.

How the benefit cuts can affect all people.
Sara’s feedback is.  This is an important question but a hard question really. The amount of people on the benefit system is very high. A lot of people are on there for different reason. There some peoples’ reasons that are not good enough reason to be on benefits, which make it hard for people who have good enough reasons to be on benefits. For example people who don’t want to work most of them may have a lot of children excepting the government to pay for them. Even most people are pretending they have disabilities and health problems but they haven’t so they don’t have work. Even those who can’t seem to find a job but they have tried for a lot of years yet some have never done a hard day’s work in their lives. The answer to this question is yes and no because everyone’s reason is different but not everyone’s reason is good enough. Nine times out of ten those who want to work can’t and those who can don’t want but it’s not the case in everyone. This can depend on the proof they have got but the worry is I guess for Learning Disability nurses it could be hard to really know other for those who have really strong proof.
Think about your Person Centered Planning!
Think about how much choice and control that person has.
When it comes to someone working and someone not working you will come across all kinds of cases.
For example people with disabilities and health problems with most people. There could be not that they can’t work but limits of what they can do, how many hours they can do and how much money they can earn, onto of whatever benefit they are on for those who have got their benefits.

Before doing this job you need to be asking your manager because they have to follow certain rules, laws, policies and etc. Whether they are on benefits or not when it comes Person Centered Planning. What means by there are some jobs that some disabilities and health problems stop people from doing but their other jobs that their disabilities and health problems don’t affect. Whatever job they are in for that person’s health and safety it’s important they are support mainly they are put into work that’s not for them for whatever reason, either they can manage the job, their health and safety is in risk both reasons in the case may be. Where you job comes in is if your patient provides you with any proof that they are not getting support in the workplace. If you see any reasons for that person to need support in the workplace due to their disabilities and health problems, it could be for example there are limits of jobs this person can do and the person’s health and safety could be at risk for whatever reason. It should be your right and your job in certain of the patient put something in writing to the workplace if the person’s GP doesn’t do so.  You could well be in a position to contact the person’s GP to ask why they may refuse to write the patient proof on this possible important matter.
Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.
Yes you need to tell your patients the truth but then you wouldn’t like someone telling you what you can and can’t do.
What may these things may be?

·                  Having a home of our own or sharing with whomever we want to share with.
·                  Coming off benefits into full time work.
·                  Going to college or university.
·                  Going out more in the day and or night when we want to.

I am glad you enjoyed the discussion and benefit into people with a learning disability.
Sara’s feedback is how could I improve my session?
Please say a bit more on what you enjoyed my session!
Please read more on the handouts on my website sararevealed.blogspot.com/ and give me some feedback on sarajgorman@gmail.com thank you.
I am glad you enjoyed listening to my PowerPoint.
They thought it had an insight about the effects of benefits.
They want to learn more about how the benefit cuts affects people with disabilities and health problems.
Sara’s feedback: please learn more my website sararevealed.blogspot.com/ feedback to me sarajgorman@gmail.com thank you.
There are many sites you can go on that you can learn about what people go through they have their benefits cut or stopped.
The kind of benefits there are, how they are, how much money they pay and the rules people have to go along when being on these benefits.
How it affects people with disabilities and health problems face through the benefit cut pretty like I said on the PowerPoint.
·       No money or should I say very little money!
·       Worrying what’s going to happen one minute to the next let alone one day or week to the next. (Anxiety). For example worrying about owing money.
·       Risk of people taking their own lives. (Depression).
·       They don’t like depending on food banks so they can feed themselves plus food banks can only give so much.
·       Losing weight.
·       Even risk of getting into debt even if for example they paid their bills and buy food.
·       Most people may not be able affront to buy healthy food depending the shops by them, whether or not they get support to travel to shop if they only can get healthy food further afield.
·       It could also depend whether or not their disabilities and health problems prevent from travelling without support.
·       One thing I even forgot to say even on my website is, if their benefits are cut they only get their DLA or PIP once a month which pays for shopping and bills but doesn’t necessary last that long.
·       Most benefits may pay for a carer or and support worker others may not.   https://www.gov.uk/dla-disability-living-allowance-benefit/overview
·       Risk of people going hungry or in debt.
Risk of people being from service to service with no help prevented can be a huge affects on their health with Anxiety and Depression.
 Thank you so much for your great feedback I’m so glad you enjoyed listening to my information. I am just so sorry about the limit of time so yes please look at my website to learn more thank so much for taking time to be in my session and I thank you everyone as well for your patience’s in yesterday’s class.

The risk can be with most people there doesn’t seem to be very clear information people with disabilities and health to when they have go through when they are going through benefit change. For example: DLA changing to PIP some people have gone through it others haven’t. Most people worry like myself for example when am I going to get this over and done with? Benefit letters don’t seem to be very clear and there’s far too much information in those letters for a lot people with disabilities and health problems to read and understand. Due to the cuts now very few people have carers and support workers plus everyone’s family can be different so there are worries that nothing has been done if people with disabilities and health problems can’t support read and understand the letters, the worry is for some people things can get left alone time before anyone sees the letters.  

PCP Person Centred Planning?

What is Person Centre Planning? Person Centred Planning is giving the same choice and control as what other people get but with the right support, which is not always the case for people with disabilities and health problems. There needs to be a balance between independence and support.
The beginning of this year I asked last year’s second year students to what they want in their lives. Now no one is saying that everyone can get what we want we know life isn’t like that. Everyone knows they can’t have it their way all the time. For people with disabilities and health problems our rights seemed to be over protected compared to other people because of our disabilities and health problems in the minds of society. We can be over protected by such people as families, parents, Support Workers and Carers but with the right support we there should be a way round independence and support as a balance. Now that the cuts have come in a lot it makes it harder for people with disabilities and health problems to live our lives how we want to.

·       I think we need to be working a lot around accessible information on this topic like many others, such as a lot easy words and pictures.

·       When I was a child I was on very strong tablets as child which made me unaware of what was going on around me.

·        There’s been very little understanding from Health professions back in those days going back 30 to 40 years ago even up to 10 to 20 years ago, it’s now got better but we still have long way to go.

·       I would have thought pictures would be easier to understand in the terms of a Health profession telling a child what is going to happen to them step by step. 
·         They maybe lot of medication they can find it hard to take in information.
·       Lots of medications can affect a person’s memory.
·       There may have problems taking in what they have read if they can read or what someone has said to them.

·       It is natural if a person’s awareness is affected by medication by too much medication or a very strong dose.
·       The person may need someone there to speak on their behalf but otherwise they should be able to have the capacity to speak for them as much as possible.

·         Health Professions should listen to the person more than someone else who may be sitting in the room.

·       it’s possible that the person or whoever is in the room may have different view on whatever, which could make the Health profession’s job very hard but that could be depending on the person’s situation, abilities, needs and support.

What is stopping us doing what we want to do?

·                  Family, parents, carers and some support workers.
·                  The government and their cuts. 
People with disabilities, health problems and the elderly have less choice and control than other people. Not all vulnerable people have the same independence and they don't all have the same support either. Society controls different people's lives in different ways.

How does someone know when to support and when not to?

Different people with disabilities and health problems have different disabilities and health problems so they need their support and independence in different ways.  Everyone has weaknesses and strengths whether they have disabilities, health problems, and elderly or not. There are some new skills our disabilities and health problems will allow us to learn but other they won't depends on what disabilities and health problems we have got. Its needs to vary from support to independence by getting the balance between the two.  

Person Centered Care.

The word person - centered means the person themselves, their choice, their control and their life but support should be given when it's asked. Many people tend to think that some people don't ask for help when it is needed, yes for most people its true. Very often the reason for that is mainly when it's comes to today's world a lot of services lacking funding due to the point a lot of people give asking for help and they are left to do without the support. Yet more often than not the odd bit they may often could be on things on what they can manage without help.

The idea of Person - Centered care is to see that the person get's the care they need to their choice and control and to balance with the family's thoughts too. A lot vulnerable people have been cared for wrongly in the past and even been neglected. A lot of vulnerable people and even their families have lost have lost a lot of trust and faith in services because they have been badly let down in the past. This could mean hospital's dentists, doctors, employment services, education services or anywhere.

User friendly is about been friendly towards people with disabilities and health problems. How would you like to be treated and spoken to? People with disabilities and health problems like to be helped when it’s needed. Just because people with disabilities and health problems need help more than others people shouldn’t treat them like babies and small children. Everyone needs help at some time no one should be wrapped in cotton wool to a point they can’t live in the big wide world. Why should people with disabilities and health problems be treated any different to other people just because we need more help than other people?

History of how people with learning disabilities and health problems were treated.

In the past in war times, Adolf Hitler came into power in 1933, roughly six years before the war broke out. The German Nazi party passed a law that called for the sterilization of people with 'diseases' that were thought to be hereditary.

Between October 1939 and August 1941 the Aktion T4 euthanasia programme operated in Nazi Germany. It aimed to rid society of those the Third Reich called 'Useless eaters.' It is estimated that between 70,000 and 100,000 disabled people were killed. Most were large-scale killings poison gas - a technique later used extermination of Jews in 'The Final Solution. This included people with learning disabilities, Mental Health, blind and deaf people.
People with disabilities have been classed as mental and physical handicap. The reason why people with disabilities were look upon that way is because no one understood us and we were a dangerous to society. We were treated very difference to non - disabled people but Adolf Hitler was against all races. We were very easy to target mostly by the likes of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in World War 2.

Hitler finally called an end to the T4 programme following pressure from church and public. However, killings continued until the end of the war, often by lethal injection or starvation.

This was because all disabled people were seen as depending on the care of non - disabled people, which was hard work for the likes of Adolf Hitler, he saw people with disabilities as useless. Hitler didn't only hurt people with disabilities, he had a big problem with race full stop. For eg: he didn't like you if you were a Jew or if you were gay.

These day people with disabilities are feeling less useless and less guilty of how our disabilities affect our lives. There's a lot hard work to do yet. There are still people like Hitler about. We are all human beings whatever our race. We are human whether we have a race or not. Whatever kind of person we are we are there by choice or none at all. How people are in their race shouldn't worry you, there is more to everyone than just race. We all know the world is not perfect but let’s have far less Hitler’s now if not at all.

We would like to think things have moved since then but no. There's a bog concern that people who have their benefits cut get force into work they can’t without support by such places like DWP.  If you or anyone you know have faced these experiences you are more than welcome to email me on  sarajgorman@gmail.com

Today the hospitals would have been paying a lot out of money for families who have experienced
neglected births. I was born with lack of oxygen to
the brain. This is was what caused me to have autism, epilepsy, dyslexia and may be even dyspraxia, which most things weren't known about. I know I never been badly disabled but I could have done without with what I was born. My Family couldn't claim any more in those day or they didn't know they could. I was born at the Beeches
old Nursing home on the Tettenhall road Wolverhampton; they neglected my Mum when she was having me. It doesn't mean I would have expected any of the money. In those days you had Terry toweling nappies and you were lucky if you had a washing machine, my Mum didn't. My family could have done with the money at that time because I had to wear nappies longer that I should have. It doesn't mean to say that all these unnecessary things have stopped today. We would like to see that families and carers of people with disabilities get more support in everything that what we did.

I know I keep saying that it's about time people with disabilities started training and educating non - disabled people mostly to learn to understand is as human beings. Non - disabled people need to learn that we try very hard to learn from our mistakes. Understanding us would be a big help to create a better future from having to learn from a very dark past now it's the 21st century.

All my family had extra hard work with me due to my disability, support was very little or not at all.

I think it took years to diagnosis my disability, now I don't think even now we are really sure whether I have autism or not. We know I have a disability of some sort for sure. Who knows if we have been told the truth or not? We know for sure that I have epilepsy because I had it in the past and it came back.

As for being hyperactive little did we know that too much sugar and may be even too much salt can cause some people be hyperactive mainly children, even now that we have been told more things, who really knows for sure?

Please drop me an email if you have any views or need any support the kind of subject I have just written about now. My email address is for all subjects to do with disabilities on this website. sarajgorman@gmail.com
   We are hard work for society.
·       We are a danger to society.
·       We cost society too much.
·       We are to blame for our disabilities and health problems as far as society is concern.
·       We are made to feel guilty and ashamed to have been born in the first place.
·       We are only human just like you are so how can society make people with disabilities and disabilities and health problems feel life is worth living?
·       No wonder the rate of Anxiety and Depression is high.
·       What can society learn from the dark past to create a bright future?
·       How much has got better?
·       How much has got worse?
·       What’s good?
·       What’s bad?
·       What isn’t good enough?
History of learning disability and health problems.
·       search.tb.ask.com/search/GGmain.jhtml?searchfor=history%2C+present+and+future+of+learning+disabilities+and+health+problems.&st=tab&ptb=EAC85840-C98E-43C2-BF3C-
One straight answer to one question.
Services need to let all their staff know of any changes in rules not only for people with disabilities and health problems but for everyone for example; can you support to fill my benefit form please, it needs to be posted for Monday? The answer shouldn't be yes and no off different people someone should know sure, it should be yes or no not two answers to one question one answer to one question.
Communication website

Transport information. Some people have no sense of direction mainly those people with Dyslexia, Anxiety and Depression. A map that stands out with different colours would be rather useful for most people whereas others it could be 123, ABC or and bullet points for example.
·       Turn left.
·       Turn right.
·       Straight on.
Some people may want that format in colours for example.
·       Turn left
·       Turn right
·       Straight on
Person centred planning.
Today’s health care for people with learning disabilities and health problems.

Teaching programme
Paper Aeroplane. 
Instructions were easy to follow.
 For example someone like me with Dyspraxia may have problems with get the paper straight and equal.
 This task is an example of teaching all kinds of things such as wiring plug, putting and light bulb, they may have followed your instructions correctly their hands like mine may not be strong enough for example to be able to connect the wires safe and secure into the plug.
 A duvet on a bed cover might not be put into the condors tight enough.
A lot of equipment has changed compared to years ago, kettles now turn off on their own but they never used, it used to seem as if the kettle was never going to stop boiling.
 I was at least fourteen until I made my Mum a hot cup of coffee.
Microwaves are easier and safer than cookers for people like me to use but then food doesn't stay hot for long.
  Those who need a lot of support to cook fresh food can’t always get that support to do so. Now that a lot of care and support services need to be paid for not everyone has enough on their benefits to pay for it.
Clear pictures and easy words could be another easy way for a person to follow instructions to learn do things step by step but they may need support to do and complete the task. For other people they may need support to read the instructions but they may do and complete the task fine so therefore you won’t find everyone has the same strengths and weakness.      http://www.housingcare.org/service/type-12-aids-equipment.aspx


Making and getting phone calls.
Mainly when making an important call you can always get to speak someone right away. Nine times out of ten you get the answer and the person can talk too fast you. Please leave a message after the tone that is all well and good but not always when something is important, which can depend when that person can reply to your message in the first place. It can work the same with emails and texts. I find they talk too fast when they say press this number for that and that number for this.

 Without discriminating not many people with disabilities and health problems can understand foreign languages, mainly those of us who have problems with our speech which can make it hard for us to learn foreign languages. This can be very hard if we have made a call to a service and even harder if we get a call that we don’t except. 

Wednesday 23rd September 2015

Memory problems.
·       What causes memory problems?
·       Dyslexia
·       Dyspraxia
·       Dimension
·       Side effects from most medications
·       Epilepsy
How can you support memory problems?
Accessible information (Easy ready).

Forms of communication.
· Give enough time to listen to your patient mainly if they haven’t bought anyone with them for support.
·       Mackinton
·       Pecks
·       Sign language
·       Flash cards
·       Brail
·       Touch
·       Body language
·       Eye pointing
·       Tap pack
·       IT Communication
·       Lip reading
·       Face expression happy face, sad face or and OK face.
       Behavior
·       Symbol time table
·       Thumps up
·       Thumps down
·       Life stories and pictures
·       written communication
·       Play studies
·       ABC boards
·       Talking
·       Short form of communication
·       Health Passport
·                  Verbal
·                  Nonverbal 
·                  Visual
·                  Non-visual 
·                  ·        Sing-along for people with Autism
·        ·       
·                  ·        Talking mats
·                  ·        Widget
·                  ·        Symbol world
·                  ·        Clear For All
What disabilities and health problems would you use those forms of communication for?

We need to make sure the patient understands all the information, the information needs to be accessible.

·        Easy Read
·        Clear written/audio information
·        No Jargon!









Your feedback and my feedback to the session.
Feedback from Colleagues. Sara supported the students first session on this module. She helped them to appreciate the importance of communication. She led this part of the session. She also assisted me with the remainder of the session introducing her and helping the students to do the same.

Feedback from students. The students greatly appreciate the time they have with Sara. They enjoy her contributions to the class and learning situation.

Sara’s feedback. I and my colleague Lynne set up the power point for the students to get to know one another plus we jointed in ourselves too. For example
·        Who are you?
·        What are your likes?
·        What are your dislikes?
The students answered the questions on the Power point by drawing pictures.

I explained to the students what the PCP Person Centred Planning is, which is choice and control, the balance between indepence and support.
I asked the students about the forms of communication people with disabilities and health problems use for example Mackinton.
I asked the students to find out about what disabilities and health problems can cause Memory problems? Such as Dyslexia, Dementia and even side effects of most medications.

We even spoke just a bit about (Accessible information) (Easy read.)  

There are no changes to be made.
Sara’s feedback to the students.

Evidence of planning.
 My feedback the first year students University Of Wolverhampton Walsall.

I hope to be doing some work with the students on Person Centered Planning in the future.
Well done to you all for what you have done but your next stage is to study different disabilities and health problems and to how these people communicate with other people.

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