Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Stress management.

The brain and Spinal cord.

·       Gene is chemicals in the bodies that contain information about us like we look.

·       Many say that not all disabilities and health problems run in the family.
·       A child can be born lack of oxygen during birth or too early.

 Learning disabilities and mental Health affects the body and mind.
  People with Mild learning disabilities need a small amount or no help.

·       People with disabilities and health problems find it hard to be believed and understood.
·       Most people don't understand disabilities and health problems.

·       We would like to help you to understand learning disabilities and mental health.

There are different disabilities and mental health problems.
·       For eg; hidden disabilities are mostly misunderstood because no one can see peoples' disabilities or and mental health problems.
·       When people can walk and talk it's too easy to think they can learn as quickly as you.
·       Accept anything off anyone, never think that they can learn has quickly as you just because they can walk and talk.
·       Never think they can cope with their lives like you just because they can walk and talk.
·       Many peoples' disabilities and health problems haven't been diagnosed because they have lived with it for so long.
·       For eg; if you are 40 or over it's hard get diagnosed because they didn't diagnosed in the past.

   The best time to get diagnosed is a baby or child so people get an understanding of their disabilities and health problems from day to another.
·       People who have their disabilities and health problems after birth should get diagnosed as soon as possible the same as people who have disabilities before and after birth.
·       Asperger Syndrome is a mild form of Autism for eg; of a hidden disability linked with other disabilities such as Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Epilepsy, Anxiety, Depression and ADHD.
Most disabilities and health problems affect the way people communicate.

·       There are different disabilities and different health problems.

·       Disabilities and health problems affect different people in different ways.

·       Expect anything from disabilities and health problems.

·       For eg; not everyone with the same disability and health problem needs the same help.

Disabilities and health problems affect the brain, body or and both.

·       Society sees people with disabilities and health problems as a Health and Safety hazard.

·       We can't work or think as fast as other people.

·       People with disabilities and health problems are good and not good at different things just like you.

·       We are mostly seen for the things that we can't do rather than what we can do.
·       We achieve our goals quicker if we are given the right support.
·       Britain has very little money now; the help for people with disabilities and health problems is getting very little because of the cuts the governments are making.
·       Please learn more about learning disability and mental health on this website sararevealed.blogspot.com/ WWW.mencap.org.uk WWW.rethink.org and WWW.mind.org.uk   https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152779904689403&set=a.10151162503564403.462446.673079402&type=1
·       My email sarajgorman@gmail.com

Understanding Anxiety and Depression.
·       Anxiety and depression is very hard to understand if you don't face it yourself.
·       Anxiety is when life seems harder than it is.

·       Anxiety can be a fear of things going on when they are not.
·       A person could be worrying more than they should.
Even though they may be right, they need to be you to understand why you worry like you do.
·       The world seems big when it is small.
·       What seems a small problem to you seems big to us.
·       As mad as it sounds we may feel lonely even when we are not.
·       It seems hard to believe when people tell you have nothing to worry about or not that much to worry about.
·       Anxiety and depression can be linked into learning disability.
·       Anxiety and depression is bad for enough anyone.
·       Everyone suffers from Anxiety and depression one way or another.
·       Sadly there's not enough said about stress I think we need to raise Stress awareness for everyone, that includes people with LD and Health problems.
·       Some people don't know that some people stuffier Learning disability and Health problems together, that's what I have otherwise, I wouldn't have known that.
·       Anxiety and depression are forms of stress in every ones' lives.
·       Many things can get on top of people, paying bills, not enough work, too much work, marriage, relationships, children and even loneliness.
·       It's very hard to make a balance to keep healthy and happy.
·       This can be why a lot of people can turn to smoking, drugs and etc.
·       When you have learning disabilities there can be a lack of support off society because we are slow and find it harder to cope with our lives than other people yet we are easier ill than other people.
·       Stress, Depression and Anxiety can last short term or for life.
·       If you think about it we can all stuffier stress one way or another.
·       Anxiety and Depression can link to my learning disability.
·       Anxiety and Depression can be linked to other disabilities and health problems or just be on its own.
·       Anxiety and Depression is bad for enough anyone.
·       Everyone suffers from Anxiety and depression one way or another.
·       Sadly there's not enough said about stress I think we need to raise Stress awareness for everyone, that includes people with LD and Health problems.

·       Some people don't know that some people stuffier LD and Health problems together, that's what I have otherwise, I wouldn't have known that.

 Anxiety and Depression are forms of stress in every ones' lives.
·       It's very hard to make a balance to keep healthily and happy.
·       This can be why a lot of people can turn to smoking, drugs and etc.
·       When you have learning disabilities there can be a lack of support off society because we are slow
·       Stress, Depression and Anxiety can last short term or for life.
·       If you think about it we can all stuffier stress one way or another.
·       It's so easy to worry about things that you didn't need to but with something you were right doing so.

 If you would like to have more understanding with the mind.
·       You may learn what’s, whys and how the mind is or can be affected.
·       Some people can panic in crowds.
·       Other people worry in case they haven't locked the door.
·       Some people worry in case they have forgotten important things for eg; keys, bus pass and etc.
·       For eg; some people it's too easy to make a mountain out of mole hill.
·       Some things may seem worse than what they are.
·       We understand for eg; that we have to pay our bills like everyone else but with the problems we have already, we have double stress.
·       A person may feel tense.
·       A person may feel as if the world is controlling them.
·       Some people panic when they walk into a service when different staff tells them different information about one thing.

·       Managers should make staff aware of what the rules are and of any changes.

  Tap in Mind and Rethink in the Google engine or whatever you have got.
·       Save it in your favourites or Bookmarks if you can.
·       Whatever Health problems and disabilities we have that's our stress on its own.

Out of sight out mind.
Look behind you.
Not knowing what is going to happen next.
The pain never ends.
You are too young to know what's going on and the reason why but there's no reason why anything bad should be going.
As the years go by you still don't forgot.
You can see it in your mind.
It's still hard to come to terms with even after years.
There's more to you than just a victim of Domestic Violence.
Even after years and years the bad memories go through your mind.
Every day and night seems very dark.
It goes over and over in your mind don't you find?
You’re sitting up and looking round accepting someone to hurt you can again, it's so easy to live your life in fear.
Every 5 minutes going to the bathroom, vomiting in fear in case anything could have happened next.
You are still strong enough to live your life and look forward to the good to come.
They lose you win, they may well get away with it now but in time they have hell to come.
Weak to strong.
 There’s not anything worse than not knowing what's happened to you.

The nasty pictures are in your mind for life.

f life is like this, you just don't want to live anymore you want to put your fingers down your throat and make yourself sick.
·       You want to run away from school.
·       No you don't want to do these things the dark is very scary when you’re a child, that's what keeps you strong.
·       Years on you're still here, the victim child is now an adult, no more flash backs.
·       The weekend can't be slow enough, if it goes any faster, it will be time to go back to school and face all over again.
·       Don't run away, someone will hurt you, and then your family will be worried about you.
·       Not nice to leave your family wonder why you don't enjoy life so this leaves them in the dark to why you may end your life!
The dark isn't a nice place for a child.

·       Give it time your true nightmare will be over then you can look forward not back.
·       Age 16 seems a long way when your only 7 years old.
·       You feel as if you have a lot to say that you don't how to say so you will never be understood.
·       As a child you feel alone learning about the big wide world.
·       You wouldn't wish on anyone yet you feel alone.
·       Slowly people are learning to understand.
·       Some things are hard to talk about.
·       It takes long enough to talk about even then it's not explained or understood.
·       Little do you know you have so much to learn?
·       Disability, Bullying and Hate Crime.
·       We are seen but not heard.
·       It's hard to believe it if you don't see.

·       It's hard to know what's happened when you’re not there.
·       People with learning disabilities find it hard to make ourselves under stood.
·       We can't help the way we are.
·       Most things are hard to talk about it can be hard to get things off our minds.
·       It can be hard to get Hate Crime off our minds.
·       People who do Hate Crime should get a life time.
·       Most people who bully as children do Hate Crime as adults.
·       Most people today get away with bullying and Hate Crime because the law lets them.
·       There used to be a time that children were taught to learn right from wrong.
·       People who bully and do Hate Crime get away with it forever or for a long time.
·       Just because people don't see us get hurt it doesn't mean we don't.
·       You see some of us can't stand up for ourselves.
·       Not many of us who can stand up for ourselves.
·       Those of us who do manage to stand up for ourselves get misunderstood for the bullies.
·       The world thinks we are bullies instead of victims.

·       People who bully and or do hate crime don't always get found out.

Rape, rape.
Rape rape has damages the body and mind.
Rape rips you up inside.
The world seems black and white.
The flash backs don't from when it happens until your life ends.
No matter how hard you try to put the past behind it is still there
Years later it's hard to explain.
It's not surprising its hard be understood and believed when not seen.
Your stronger and braver than you think because your still here after all those years.
And find it harder to cope with our lives than other people yet we are more easily ill than other people.
Worry about.

  Reading the signals of

When you or a person you support is in pain. For example when being in hospital, a lot of patients aren't treated how they should be.
There seems to be a lack of communication between patients and health staff mainly when the patient has disabilities and health problems.
Health staff can talk over the patients and their carers when both of them may not be able to have their say.
People been sent from one place to the other to get help to sort one thing out (for eg; benefit forms)

All these things can cause people to be angry and upset whether it’s for them or and people who they are supporting.

Anxiety and Depression awareness.
There’s only so much stress you can take. There are times you find yourself getting angry with the stress of services because yours or someone else’s needs aren’t taken into account.
People who have mental health issues for eg; Anxiety, depression, panic attacks and Epilepsy can become very ill if stress get too much for them.  This can cause a lot of emotional problems. Not everyone is lucky enough to get the right treatment for whatever illnesses they have got. Many treatments can cause a lot of side affect, which cure one thing but bring on another.
One can feel depressed whether they have a reason to do so or not. You feel sad, and then you can feel angry, which can be side effects of treatments, lack of sleep, worrying or no reason at all. Most of us can feel a sense of shame and guilt even if we haven’t done anything wrong to feel that way.
There world isn't all black and white even if it may seem as it is black and white. There are ways of coping with these things but many people don’t know how. Some people cope with it by keeping the mind and or body busy. We have different ways of coping with our everyday lives. For people it could be art and for others it coule therefore because they may be a danger to themselves or and society.
There can be more and more cases of Anxiety and depression when people are trying to get the right support from services for themselves or people they support or and care for.
·       Travel expenses prompt payment.
·       ID badges - interviews
·       Accessible, Access maps and instructions to be able to be understood as SC/U plain English.
·       Belle, quick means of Rupy f/t?
·       Someone to cover ground floor teaching rooms.
·       Better, quicker means of communication.

·        Interviewing credibility.

   Academia instructions for Su/c issues – having choices, access and travel.

Collage/ friendly face.
·       University new approach SHDH - Shaw
·       Background
·       Notes
·       Orientation meeting
·       Master list of meetings access to IT.
·       The interview skills
·       MH- MH DOA Desisnefing
·       Mentor for beginners
·       Back ground notes – orientation meeting
·       Differences in interviewing between nursing courses and mental health – debriefing in my.
·       The interview cells
·       Paid £25.00 per session
·       Disability awareness – working
How Services and carers are treated.       
·       Lack of awareness
·       Made to look stupid
·       Misunderstood
·       Ignored
·       Apathetic
·       Stuck out
·       Worthless
·       Allocated
·       Resigned
·       Incapable
·       Useless
·       Helpless
·       Thick

·       Know nothing

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