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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Plan for the Disability Hate crime presentation and handouts.

Introduction. What is Disability Hate Crime?  The purpose of the presentation is about Disability Hate Crime.
Why am I creating this presentation? I am creating this presentation because People with disabilities and health problems face hate crime more so that other people because they are more likely to be understood and disbelieved by others. Many people with disabilities and health problems can’t communicate in a way others understand. For that reason people who commit hate crime know that most people with disabilities and health problems are less likely to report them.
Mostly evidence can be very hard to prove as there cannot be CTTV cameras everywhere. A lot of people who commit crime can be less likely to get caught because they can find a place to target their victims where there are not any people around or very few. Since the government have bought in the cuts, most people can find it hard to accept being poor then they can take it out on their victims. Most people relate to drugs, break into buildings, shoot or and stab their victims.
It is unknown to how many people report hate crime as it is so high today. At least thirty – two percent of people who have faced hate crime disabilities, crimes have been reported to Mencap in 1999, these cases have likely to have risen since then. https://www.mencap.org.uk/search/apachesolr_search/Hate%20crime%20cases
How can we prevent crime? One way to prevent hate crime is. It would be better if there were more places for young people to go and more things to do such as hobbies, interests and careers but not all hate crime is down to young people. Not everyone who is poor takes it out on others.

Creating the Disability Hate Crime handout.
Anti – Social behaviour is a form of bullying and Hate crime. There are different types of Anti – Social behavior that can affect different victims in different way.
1.   How can hate crime affect your patience’s physically and mentally?
2.   What kind of disabilities and health problems have your patience’s got?
3.    Learn about disabilities and health problems off these links http://www.mind.org.uk/  https://www.rethink.org/  https://www.mencap.org.uk/?gclid=CL3C3M6o-qsCFcRO4QodcRHSlQ such as Anxiety and Depression, Epilepsy, Autism, Dyspraxia and etc.

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