Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Awareness of benefit cuts.

More Cuts to fight now the Tories have won the vote again.

I can only be sorry for writing such a negative report to today but I can only see what is honest.
I don't need to guess that you all are aware that the Tories  have got in. Okay those of you who have voted the Tories I know you have your reasons but I guess have no idea or understanding to what it is like to be vulnerable one way or the other. Sorry sound as centre of attention, as far as I'm certained this is not about me but others like, the same or even worse off than me. Tories are now going to spend the rich richer and the poor poorer. My advice is to the poor and Vulnerable is just to be there for one another.

Believe me the poor don't mind paying our way but there's only so much we can affront. This will mean the poor and vulnerable will be misunderstood for people we are not. This will mean the people who are getting away with cheating system will get away with it and the ones not at fault will suffer for it, which is mainly the poor and vulnerable. I dread to think how many vulnerable people with lose their benefits in the next five years and how many people disabilities and health problems will die in the next five years compared to the last five years, that will ten years of the Tory government, the last Tory government was about eight years but they cause half as much damage as this Tory government.

To a lot of people the benefit system seems to be a way of life without going to work. Some people have even got a lot of children and living off the benefit system. There again there are vulnerable people who hate living off the benefit system, we would to work hours we want and earn hours we want without being on the benefit system. We know that jobs are hard for other people to get but then it’s twice as hard to get work if you have disabilities and health problems proper work anyway. There many out there without disabilities and health problems who could get proper work but don't want it but it are not the case with everyone without disabilities and health problems. The government needs to set up a system to find out who needs to be on benefits and who doesn’t. They will find those who need the benefit system don’t want to be on it and they want a proper job like other people.

  Not that it makes much difference when the Tories are not paying employers enough money to pay people to keep to keep their homes and have enough for them to have a life that they should have. The Tories lie when they say they have creative plenty of jobs and they haven’t. They except people to look for work, employers either can't afford to pay or places close down so nothing works both ways but the Tories seem to think so.

This will mean we will be hearing David Cameron's lies telling us to get jobs when they are not out due to cut of funding or places closed or closing down but then we will get punished  one way or the other whatever we do and whatever happens.

Alot of people will stop using the NHS because they won't be able to affront it so sadly except a lot of deaths.

Sorry to say guys this is a depression that will be hard to see the end of.
All the same those of us in poor and vulnerable situations must there for one another the best way we can as possible.

Task one.

Awareness of Learning Disability cutbacks.

        For five years now since David Cameron came into power after voting he’s back in power.
        Now there are risks of people losing their council homes, the poor and the vulnerable can’t affront to go private, therefore they are in risk of going homeless, which means people's’ health is at risk.
        A lot of people with disabilities and health problems have had their benefits cut.
        Most people with disabilities and health problems suffer from such health problems as Anxiety, Depression and Epilepsy.
        People disabilities and health problems are twice as likely to become unwell and emotional to stress more so than other people.
         Not all Health staffs are trained to treat people with disabilities and health problems.

Waiting for the appeals.
        How long? 
        • The wait can vary roughly to a year or two.
        •Some appeals can take longer than others.
         It depends on peoples’ issues.
        • It depends on people's’ disabilities and health problems.

Short on money.
        Some people win their appeal others lose.
        Please find out what happens to those who lose their appeal.
        When or and if people lose their benefit, it leaves them with very little money to live on to pay for.
        Transport to get out and about.
        People worry about owing people money.
        People can't get cancelling when they are not on any benefits so the stress can be very hard to cope with.

        Stress can mostly affect those who suffer with such health problems as Anxiety, Epilepsy and depression.
        •People can't get cancelling when they are not on any benefits so the stress can be harder to cope with.
        These kinds of worries and stresses have driven a lot of people to suicide.

•Many people have taken overdoses.
        Many have taken and lost their own lives.
        People who have their benefits cut are at risk of going hungry or and going into debt.
•People worry about owing people money.
 • If they do win their appeal, it doesn't mean they will be able to affront to pay out the money they owe.
Money will be tight for them during the time they wait for the appeal.
End of Task 1.

        Handouts on my website sararevealed.blogspot.com/
        My email address sarajgorman@gmail.com email me what you have learned off my website and off the power point.
Task two.
Awareness of learning disabilities and Mental health awareness cuts.
        This is an update of the Benefits cuts awareness presentation.
        Lives of vulnerable peoples' lives matters as much as yours.
        As you know stress is the biggest killer of all but if you are a vulnerable person, you can't cope with it as much as other people.
        What professions need to be aware of is that 10’600 people with disabilities and health problems died last year due to the benefit cuts.
         I was only aware the figures on Sunday 29th March 2015.

Waiting for the appeals.

How long? 
• The wait can vary to a year or two.
  • •Most people might wait longer.
  • •Some appeals can take longer than others.
  • Now the Tories are still after voting in Britain is in risk of more benefit cuts, homeless people and deaths.
 The wait depending on.
  • •On peoples’ issues.
  • •On peoples’ disabilities and health problems.
Money problems.
  • At least 9 out 10 vulnerable people can’t affront to live when they have lost their benefits for example paying bills, eating, rent, they may end up homeless and or etc.
  •  Many people find themselves borrowing money off other people, services, loans and etc.
  •  Just because they may win their appeal doesn't necessary mean they will be given enough money to pay back to whoever and whatever they owe.
  •  People who have their benefits stopped are in risk of going hungry or and going into debt.
  •  People worry about owing people money.
Risk of people been forced into things they can’t manage.
  • Many people have been forced into situations they cannot cope with without support due to the benefit cuts such services as DWP and Altos signing them off fit for work.
  •  I’m not saying people with disabilities and health problems can’t work but health, safety and support needs to be taken into account.
  • With the cuts the government have been making, a lot of people haven't been getting the support they need.
  • The benefit cut are people risks of injury and accidents at work if they are not supported.
  • Risks of as I said dying of hunger.
  • Risks of taking their own lives.
  • Risks of being in big debt.
  • Risks of people been more unwell.

  • Due peoples’ health problems Stress push them into taking their own lives if life gets too much for them. 
  •  Stress can mostly affect those health problems like Anxiety, Epilepsy, Asthma, diabetes, depression and etc.
  •  Many people have taken overdoses.
  •   Many have taken and lost their own lives.
End of task two.
§  Please from the handouts are on my website sararevealed.blogspot.com/ and follow the power point.
§  Please feedback to me on what you have learned from the power point and website on My email address sarajgorman@gmail.com
§  Thank you.

Task 3.
What is Epilepsy? 
        Epilepsy is a disorder of the nervous system, which is either major or mild.
         Mild Epilepsy is( Petit Mal) which is a episodic loss of attention sleepiness.
         Major Epilepsy is a more severe form which is (Grand Mal) .

Know cause of Epilepsy. 
        Head/Brain injuries
        Infections like Meningitis
        Brain tumours
        Subarachnoid haemorrhages
        Problems developing during childhood

Known triggers of Epilepsy.
        Stress and Anxiety
        Some medicines please look up online or in books on what medicines can trigger seizures. Bear in mind that many Epilepsy medicines can treat one type of seizure but can bring another type of seizure on which can be side effects.
        Lack of sleep
        Heavy alcohol and drugs
        Flicking and flashing lights
        Menstruation ( periods) 
End of task 3
Time to feedback to me on what you have learned.

        What have you learned from the Epilepsy handout power point?
        Please feedback to me on sarajgorman@gmail.com
        Handouts are on sararevealed.blogspot.com/
        Thank you.

Task 4.
What is depression, Anxiety and stress?

        Stress is the biggest killer of all, which can give us Anxiety a sense of worrying, panicking and anger.
        The purpose of this powerpoint is to raise awareness of Anxiety and Depression.
         In February we had mental Health and Depression week.
        We all know that Depression is a mental health and it needs to be understood.
        There are other Mental Health problems like Anxiety and stress.
        Therefore without knowing we all could be suffering from Anxiety, Depression and stress when we feel sad and angrily.

Understanding Anxiety and depression.
        Depression, stress and Anxiety are feelings of sadness and anger whether you have a reason to feel depressed or not.
         Depression, stress and Anxiety makes you feel alone whether you are or not.
         You are not alone if you mix with others who suffer from Anxiety, stress and Depression but raise more understanding to those who don't suffer from it.
         We shouldn't make a person with Depression feel bad if they feel sad for no reason.
          No one should be made to feel bad about them.
Putting yourself in the shoes of others.
        We can be so easily be misunderstood by others for someone we are not.
           This is because depression is a hidden mental health problem.
        We may not always be aware of the way we may say or and do things to how it may sound to others.
         This can make us misunderstood.
         Others may find it hard to understand if you are feeling down for no reason
         If we have depression it’s part of us whether we like it or not.
         Naturally those without Depression don't understand us.
        Most of us may find it easy to be alone so others don't misunderstand us and don't make us feel bad about ourselves.

The signs and symptoms of depression.
        you can’t sleep or you sleep too much
        you can’t concentrate or find that previously easy tasks are now difficult
        you feel hopeless and helpless
        you can’t control your negative thoughts, no matter how much you try
        you have lost your appetite or you can’t stop eating
        you are much more irritable, short-tempered, or aggressive than usual
        you’re consuming more alcohol than normal or engaging in other reckless behaviour
        you have thoughts that life is not worth living (seek help immediately if this is the case)
        Verb (used with object), misunderstood, misunderstanding.

How can depression be misunderstood?
        When I say depression is a feeling of sadness it doesn’t mean we are going to show sadness twenty – four hours a day.
          A lot of comedy famous actors who make us laugh suffer from Depression as well.
        A lot of people find it hard to understand how people who can make us laugh can feel so sad.
         Robin Williams took his own life in 2014 last year.
        People with Anxiety and Depression have to hide so much of everything we feel about life but some of us cope better than others.
Managing Anxiety and Depression.
        It doesn't mean that everyone with Anxiety and Depression takes their own lives but that doesn't mean we haven’t been close to it.
        That doesn't make the people who have taken their own life as losers.
        Society is a loser because society doesn't really understand how a person really feels.

End of task 4.
Trying to Fight Anxiety and Depression.
        These things happen to everyone but everyone deals with it in different ways.
        Relationships can be a hard one because your partner can think you are someone you are not.
         I even found for years after my last relationship broke up I put the blame to all myself.
        In fact Anxiety and Depression is big fight with a person’s mind to be able to cheer them up.
           Some people do pull through despite of finding life tough feels to go through it others.
        For others life is too much to stay alive.
        For most of us we don’t know our strength, we are strong than we think.
         Hard times in your life broken down relationships and someone who has had someone they know who has died can set their depression off however long or it short it’s going to last.
         These things happen to everyone but everyone deals with it in different ways.
        Relationships can be a hard one because your partner can think you are someone you are not.
         I even found for years after my last relationship broke up I put the blame to all myself.

2nd year Student's feedback from the the Benefit cuts awareness session Monday 11th May 2015 University Of Wolverhampton Walsall Campus.
Benefit cuts:
·         Services cut / already some services are closed
·         Limited / no respite services for families
·         Increased crime figures due to cuts?
·         Lack of support in the home people are just left to cope alone because of lack of funding
·         Mental health problems increasing
·         Isolation / decreased socialisation lack of activities
·         Increased immobility = health issues
·         Government plans to be aware of these so as to help service users
·         Community after hospitals closed but there is ever decreasing support available
·         Increased likelihood of not getting roles due to CV changes or limited chances
·         Job centres not always in line with work areas – availability of posts etc
·         Increase in homelessness
·         Poverty
·         Suitable job – not just any job
·         Direct payments = effects on people
·         Abuse of the vulnerable
·         Increase in protests / strikes?
Why are vulnerable people suffering benefit cuts? The answer is people like this  http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/benefits-cheat-who-scammed-30k-5692583?ICID=FB_mirror_main


Stress isn't a new thing it’s always happened and it always will. Britain has been suffering from a credit crunch since 2009 and many other tough times like World War 1 and 2 1914 – 1918 and 1939 – 1945. Now the Tories have been voted back in there’s a lot more stress to come, which is a huge worry for the poor, the vulnerable and the risk of the NHS going private. This is likely to increase the number of deaths in Britain. 

Stress is the biggest killer of all.Stress is the biggest killer of all. Stress is tough whether you have disabilities and health problems or not but if you have got disabilities and health problems stress is added on top of your disabilities and health problems which are mostly the problems other people go through as well. Stress can make people ill if they get too much stress, you don’t need to be having disabilities and health problems for stress to bring on for example a heart attack.

 Many people have got to the point they don't feel as if life is worth living. At the end of this report I will leave some websites for those of you who feel you need emotion or even counselling support.
 Stress can make people feel angry and worried, which can cause people a lot Anxiety and depression. This can be just as bad if not even worse for those of us who suffer from Anxiety and depression ready. If you don't have disabilities and health problems as it is this credit crunch is enough to cause you to.
What can cause stress?
·      Loss of business
·      Loss of Job
·      Loss of home
·      Moving house
·      Loss of family
·      Relationship break up
·      Marriage break up
·      Divorce
·      Caring for children
·      Being a child
·      ·      People disabilities and health problems could have to be taken off benefits into full time work with little or no support.

  • ·     ·      Benefit cuts 

It’s big worry that the councils have cut back, which it makes it for people to find homes yet people can't afford to buy homes.

Treatment for Mental Health problems http://bemindful.co.uk/
http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/pages/mindfulness.aspx this may work for some people but not others.

      People with disabilities understand it’s not always easy for people to make information accessible for us due to cuts in funding and materials different places have got.
        If it is impossible for you to make the information easy for the person read and understand, ask the person if they understand the information, if you don’t have time to go through the information, ask them if there’s anyone who could go through it with them.
        If the information is very private just go through it with them the best you can.  
         Easy read is seen different to different people even people with disabilities and health problems so ask people first, don’t just guess.
         Does the person need larger print?
        Do some people like most their information in bold?
        Would some people like their information in a different way?

        Some may want you to use words that we use all the time.
         Some people may want short words and clear short sentences.
         Just have one idea in each sentence.
        This means shorting words or a few letters.
        Using fewer words.
         You may need to find short words for long words in a thesaurus.
        People with disabilities understand there are some short words can't always be found for longs words.
        Some short words can’t be found for long words so some people may be able read them.
        Use one active verb for eg; John loves Mary not Mary is loved by John.
        Think about key points that can be made easier for the person.
        Don't use words that only specialist would understand or acronyms.

         Would the person like information written in colour? For example most people with Dyslexia are likely to like different coloured writing on different coloured paper.
        What kind of font does the person like?
        What size fond does the person like?
        Bold, underline, italics and or etc.
        Some may want their information written in Comic San, Ariel, Black Ariel or by FS Mencap.
        Use bold for highlighting words.
        Use size 14 text.
        Titles and headings size 16.
        Italics and block capitals change the shape of words and make them hard to read.
        Instructions and directions in bullet points or for eg; ABC 123.
        No jargon and no words jumping off the page, which means large print for it to be clear enough for people to read and understand.
        Jumping from one topic to the other makes it harder for you to write and us to read.
        If you have to write about a lot of topics, sub head each paragraph, which could make it easier for some people that you are writing about something different each time.
        Something clear and well planned with all key point information.
        What colours would the person like?
        Some people may what different writing on different colour paper.

Codes and colours.
        If you are writing a lot of pages use colour codes.
         Use clear coloured paper.
        Green is not a good colour to use.
        Words in white (reversed out text) on coloured back ground can be harder to reader.
        Some people might need things to be printed onto coloured paper.
        Remember not everyone manages with colour so ask them first.
        Use full stops.
         Try not to use other punctuation.
         Use bullet points.
          Do not use abbreviations for eg; do not don't.
        One subject on page.
         If you have to use more than each page with more about then whenever the subject is.
         Use page numbers.
          Avoid columns.
         It's easier to read across the page.
        Make sure there are plenty of space forms for people to fill in.

One subject on page.
        If you have to use more than each page with more whenever the subject is.
        Use page numbers.
        Avoid columns.
        Using photographs by asking permission off different places first if you need to.
        Photographs should be of people, places or and other objects meaning nouns.
        Find out if the person wants the pictures on the right and writing on the left or the other way round!
        It could be different if you are writing in another language.
        Do not float text on top or across the page.
Useful tips.

Some people may want the time written as 12.00pm others may want a picture of a clock with fingers on.

           Some people find cartoon pictures childish.
          Explain how to find a place in words as well as pictures.
        Some people find a pretty poster on a leaf it easy to understand.
        Some don’t like shiny paper others do.
          Some people find an A5 notepad or book easier to hold rather than following lots of sheets.

Information on CD and DVD.
        Ask people if they would prefer to watch a DVD or CD if necessary.
        Make information available on DVD or CD
        Make information easier for people to find.
        Use a buddy system where people have somewhere to go through information with them or ask questions.
        Sent information at least 4 weeks before appointment or meeting people may need or and want to go to.
        This will give people time to get help if they want or and need it.
        This also may help most people understand the information.
  Contact WWW.officefordisability.gov.uk accessibity@mencap.org.uk 0209 696 5551
        If you want to produce all or part of this guide please talk to us.

·        Low mood and sadness at any time.
·       Feeling hopeless, helpless and useless.
·       Guilty as if everything is your fault.
·       Feeling irritate and intolerant.
·        Lack of motivation little interest in anything.
·       Everything is an effect to get going.
·       Find it hard to look forward in a positive way.
·       Tend to have a lot suicidal thoughts.
·       Feeling anxious, panic attacks and worried, Anxiety linked in.
·       Easily affected by for example relationship break ups and deaths.

·       Confused with numbers.
·       Hard to tell which two numbers are larger?
·        Use fingers to count.
·       Find it hard to read clocks.
·       Find hard to budget.
·       Find it hard to work out times tables and mental arithmetic.
·       Find it hard to judge time.
·       Find it hard to know left to right.
·       Poor sense of direction.
·       Find it hard to measure distance.
·       Find it hard to score games.
·       Find it hard to take part in actives.

·       Problems with reading, writing and spelling.
·       May learn better visual.
·       Find it hard to concentrate.
·       Stutter in speech.
·       Poor and slow hand writing.
·       Clumsiness.
·       Even simple things can be challenging.

·       Clumsiness and poor balance.
·       Find it hard to tell left to right which can be Dyslexia as well.
·       Prone to panic attacks linked to Anxiety.
·       Find it hard to sleep but over tired.
·       Day dream.

·       Frustrated and low self – stream.

·       Motor skills and coordination problems.

·       Grip problems.


Introduction to power point plan for Epilepsy, Anxiety and Depression awareness.
·       Introduction to Epilepsy.
·       Cause of Epilepsy.
·       Diagnose.
·       Anxiety and panic attacks.
·       How to treat Epilepsy.
·       Living with Epilepsy.
Please send me some feedback on this revision on sarajgorman@gmail.com study on the handouts sararevealed.blogspot.com/

 What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a disorder from the nervous system, which can either be mild or major. Mild Epilepsy is (Petit Mal) and major is (Grand mal). Grand mal is if the person loses consciousness. Petit Mal is an episodic loss of attention sleep. Major Epilepsy is a severe   form of Epilepsy.  Some causes are due to either mild or major brain damage, it’s possible that major Epilepsy is cause by major bran damage and mild Epilepsy is caused by mild brain damage but not all people’s seizures are caused by brain damage, which I will list down in a while from now in this study.

Known causes.
·       Head injuries, birth injuries, brain tumours or and brain damage.
·       Infections like Meningitis.
·       Subarachnoid haemorrhages.
·       Stroke
·       Problems developing during.
Find out what is what on WWW.brainandspine.org.uk
Known triggers of Epilepsy.
·       Stress of Anxiety.
·       Some medicines.
·       Lacking of sleep.
·       Skipping meals low blood sugar.
·       Heavy alcohol and drugs.
·       Flicking and flashing lights.
·       Menstruation (periods in females).

Mild seizures.
Generalised seizures.
Generalise seizures can come without a warning. The person is unconscious this could last for a few seconds. They will not remember what happened during the seizure.

Absences seizures know as petit mal).

Absence seizures are when a person loses control of consciousness and they may stare into space. Absence seizures are most common with children, which I used to get as a child myself. They become unconscious for a short while. They may look blank or eyelids may flicker. They will not be aware of what is going on around them. If they are walking they may not be aware of what they are doing. Absences can be confused with day dreaming but unlike day dreaming. (They will not respond). They are what you call blank spells, which happen if they are doing things. Absence seizures are normally quick and brief to notice what happened.

Atypical absence. Often last a bit longer with physical movement such as a brief nod of the head.
Tonics seizures.  Tonic seizure is when the person is having a dropping attack where the muscles drop and flop. Tonic can brief without a warning.
Tonic – Clonic seizures the person loses full conscious, stiffens and suffers from convulsion. After the seizure the person is confused, disoriented tired.
Atonics Seizures. The person’s muscles go stiff. It can happen when standing up unaware they are banging their head backwards and forwards. Strangely this is another seizure that is brief and happened without a warning.

·       Myoclonic seizures are movements in the muscles. The muscles contract and relax rapidly causing jumping movements.

Understanding the needs and wants of people with disabilities and health problems.
The government are doing everything in their need to save money. Therefore everyone will have to be in full time work unless they are so severely disabled they can more at all to a point they can’t feed themselves or get out of bed. At least 100 % or more of people with disabilities and health problems want to work the same hours as others and earn the same money as other people. All what is needed is the right jobs and the right support for these people, then there wouldn’t be any problem people with disabilities and health problems working unless they are so disabled they couldn’t move to a point they need 24 hour care. 

The government needs to make their minds because they say on one hand they want people to work but the jobs are hard to find.
There are not a lot of jobs for other people so what chance has people with disabilities and health problems got?
There needs to be jobs created for people with disabilities and health problems. For example it would be dangerous putting someone who has epilepsy on a job going up ladders.  
Everyone has a skill even people with disabilities and health problems we just need the right support to find the right job and support in the job.

People with any forms of disabilities and health problems.
People all forms of disabilities and health problems get misunderstood and disbelieved one way or the other through a lack of communication and understanding.
When I left school twenty – nine year, I found it hard to know what was going to happen because I left school with nothing to show. This was a huge disappointment because I couldn’t see what a head of me was until I started a living in job over mid Wales Newtown Powys called the Camnant centre. It was a Riding for the Disabled centre; I was there for five years. I left school March 1986, then started Camnant April 1986 and achieved my first Riding for the Disabled Grade 1 certificate July 1986, which was when I started to see my way forward from there. All the same nothing was as straight forward as seems but I haven't spent the last twenty – nine years doing nothing either.

  What is Dyspraxia?

Dyspraxia has a big affect on people's' lives a lot more than a lot of people without Dyspraxia realize but why should life stop for us because of  it with the right support we should be able to get by equal to other people? Dyspraxia is very often notice because the person can walk and talk as much as you then the person are this believed until people spend a good amount of time with them. Even then it's as if most people don't accept us in society or treat us like other people when either we or someone makes people aware of our problems. I am not saying the world is all black and white some people treat us equal others don't. All same a lot more awareness needs to be raised. Not that I am saying that Dyspraxia is the only disability that needs to raised awareness of they all do.
Dyspraxia is more of a learning difficulty than a learning disability; it can happen to people all ages. Dyspraxia is a coordination and motor skills problem; it causes people to have such difficulties in tying shoelaces. Cooking, cleaning, household jobs whereas they are likely are skilled mentally rather than physically.  To make for not be very good physically most people call be mentally creative such as story writing, poetry, drawing and painting.

I guess the younger someone is to get diagnosed the better help they should be able to get through life. The old you are to get diagnosed the harder I guess it is the less help you get and the less understood you are. I will admit for me it's still unknown whether I have Dyspraxia or not because there are many disabilities if any are hard to diagnose the older you are. For example I was born with whatever disabilities I have forty - five years ago, which back then before and even after they knew handy anything about disabilities and health problems.
What I do know it has been hard for me to full time work because I am limited to the work I can do and can't do like I wouldn't be able to do, cooking, cleaning, factory, manual and machine work yet I am rather good with computers.  In these times now the government except people to work whatever jobs there and whether they get the right support or not, which is no different from when I was young. There again employer saw me work they wanted me out even though I made them aware of what to expect when they interviewed me. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-ouch-31838006 this day and age now young people should get diagnosed and get their needs supported which would save them a lot of stress, discrimination and misunderstanding throughout life.

When you have Dyspraxia you can be misunderstood as clumsy. You are not well balanced when it comes to say climbing things, not very steady with carrying a hot heavy roast joint out the oven, straining vegetables, you can easily  fall over fresh air and you are likely to be more messing doing physical things than other people. As babies you are likely to be slower at feeding yourself, even crawling and walking more so than other babies. You are more likely to hurt yourself more so than other people all through your life. For me I have to carry one cup at a time when something is hot and heavy. My left side is weaker than my right so if anything I carry light things with my left and heavy things with my right but if something is really hard I ask for help. 

 We also need to think of the employer as well in terms of health and safety as well as whether or not the person can do the job or not. Without the right tools, diagnose and support for the person it's a lot for a employer to take on board in the terms of health and safety but then very frustrating for the person themselves trust me I have been there. There's nothing worse feeling you are no use to anything or anyone to a point don't even feel you any use to yourself even. Why are we born if we are meant to feel that way? Different disabilities can link with Anxiety and Depression. If a person is made to hopeless, useless to a point others don't believe in them which then they are likely to feel as if life isn't worth living and they don't have a future to look forward to because others run them to think they can't have an equal life to others then Anxiety and Depression is more than likely to kick to a point they are likely to have thoughts of taking their own lives and some may just do that because they will feel as if they will have no reason to be here if they feel they can't make a success out of themselves. Saying that I have only been doing Awareness training and Advocacy for eight years in September whereas before then I had been put here there and everything, very few jobs were for me and very little support then compared to now even though I'm in full time work yet but I hope I am getting there. When I had lost my work with Mencap back in May 2011
- December 2011 because the government cut the funding. I couldn't get a course let alone a job then depression kicked because I had nothing to do, then in time I aimed towards my poetry and I think I did a bit drawing and painting even though I was having counselling. On top of that I was still coming to terms with my last relationship having broken up after 13 and half years even though it finished in 2007. Mencap was the first job I lost within my field whereas the ones before I felt a mixture of emotions so it's good to keep the mind busy.

There's nothing more rewarding when you feel as if you achieved, you’re successful in life and you have done a good job. People have hidden talents that they find it hard to show and without sounding big headed they are people the likes of me because a lot of people see us for our weaknesses. We just need the right support to go about our strengths. Having said that with most things the things that we are good at less support we need us need more support with the things we are not good at.     

Despite of Dyspraxia being a physical disability in fact physical difficulty  I should say it is a very hidden learning difficulty because these people can walk and talk just as much as anyone. The only difference is they are just a bit slower than other people and that includes me. To look at us you wouldn't think we have problems with our hands, we haven't got as much strength and grip as other people have which can cause us to have problems with opening, jars, tins and etc but some jars, tins and etc are tougher than others for us. Some disability aids work for us others don't plus some disability aids can be rather pricey too. 
A lot of people tend to think people with Dyslexia can’t read and write all but there may miss words out of sentences, put letters in the wrong places of a word, some things could be the wrong way round or a word could be spelt the wrong way round, dog might bog, p may be q, m and n may get mixed up I and l meaning L may be mixed up. Number 28 may be mistakenly written down as 82.
How can people be misunderstood? People with Dementia are likely to be misunderstood as loopy, crazy, senile, dotty, past it, not all there and in a world of their own.
They may feel depressed, anxious and confused.
Memory loss.  They may feel angry because they may not remember the things they used to remember. They are likely to find it hard to take in information mainly the elderly, people with disabilities and health problems.
Sadly there’s no care for Dementia, it is scarier than cancer.
 Lewy body Dementia affect people with such health problems and disabilities as Parkinson’s diseases and Epilepsy.
Vascular Dementia is likely to affect people with a Stroke. It’s uncertain what Dementia a person the learning difficultly Dyspraxia is likely to have.

Autism awareness mouth was on the 2nd April 2015 all through the mouth.
         I wrote an Autism awareness report on my website sararevealed.blogspot.com/ on the 2nd April 2015-06-02 for all through the mouth. Like all disabilities and health problems there should be Autism awareness all year round.
Autism is mostly social disability please find out on.

·       Autism is there with a person for life.
·       Autism affects different people in different ways depending on the kind of Autism the person has and the person themselves.
·       There are many different causes of Autism.
·       Most people with Autism have disabilities and health problems.
·       Find out what other disabilities and health problems link with Autism.
·       What kind of forms of Autism are there?
·       There’s around 10% of the population with Autism meaning round about 620’000 people.
·       Autism can have an effect on behaviour than even more people with Autism are not aware of, which makes them most misunderstood by others.

Signs and symptoms of Autism.
·       Speech delay they may not say a lot until they are two years old.
·       Not responding to their name.
·       Rejected cuddles.
·       In their own world.
·       Unaware of others.
·       Entering people’s space.
·       Now seeming to enjoy company of their own age, such as social events and parties.
·       They may well prefer to be and play alone.
·       Problems with facial expression.
·       Avoiding eye contact.
·       Flopping hands, rocking or flicking fingers.
·       They may be fussy about toys, colours, size and style.
·       They may stick to a certain route for a long time, then it stops when they decide to then stick to the next route for a long time.
·       They may be fussy about foods texture, taste and colour.
·       They might find it hard to share a topic when talking and share things with others.
·       They might find it hard to communicate and understand others
·       They may behave in an unimaginative way.
·       They may find it hard to have an interest and take in information.

 A lot of people with Autism have problems with communicating and understanding others, which they may find it hard to get along with others, which makes Autism a social problem. Most people with Autism seem left out of the company of others because they find it hard to communicate with others around them. They find it hard to cope with the big wide world. Crowds of people can be very hard for people with Autism to cope with. Autism can link with Anxiety when it comes to copying with too many people around them, which is where panic can set in. This can be the same when it comes to quos in say post offices and shops. The seats may be full on the bus. Most forms of Autisms can be hidden disabilities meaning the person can walk and talk but not necessary well balanced on their feet so people are less likely to give up their seat mainly if it is a young person with Autism. The person with Autism is likely to feel embarrassed to explain themselves to others mainly they are strangers to them.
·       Difficulty with social communication. Communicating with others.
·       Difficulty with social interaction. Finding it hard to cope with too many people around them.
·       Difficulty with social imagination. Finding it hard to tell if someone is serious or joking.
People with Autism may seem nasty and rude to others but that’s not the case, they are just awareness of people’s feelings and the world around them but people with Autism have faults as much as other people do. Autism is Mind blindness.
Due to lack of social communication a person with Autism can be left out of what others are doing and what they are talking about. A person with Autism may talk about something completely different to what others are talking about because they very often find it hard to take information and they may be unaware of what’s going on around them. This can make them misunderstood for being thick but they are not then others are likely to push them out of their company.

Find out online how the benefit system works these days such as DLA changing to PIP and about Employment and Support allowance. For example find out how the assessment of the PIP works https://www.gov.uk/pip/eligibility

How do we treat health problems?
Most medications that treat health problems through side effects are likely to bring other health problems on. http://www.drugs.com/sfx/

 Student’s feedback.

Well done to the first and second year students and I’m more than looking forward to meeting the 3rd year students.
Yes 2nd year students you are right to say that the cuts are getting worse and there’s going to be no help but all the same I’m here to do my job. What we need to be doing is some work around the benefit cuts and changes. I have put a link above this page which will tell how the changes of DLA benefit is going to change to PIP benefit. I’d be most grateful if you can also find out about the Employment and Support allowance benefit please to see how that works. Most people I know find the unhealthy food are cheaper than the healthy more times than not but it can vary.

You are right to say that people are getting less support in the home. Most people on benefits can’t affront home support. Some people need more support than others.
What happens if support isn’t given?

Dietitian’s advice people with disabilities and health problems to eat healthily foods. As you are awareness not many people are getting support in the home according whether not their benefits pay enough for them to have a support worker maybe you can check support services online to see how much they change and see check the income  on the benefits. To get to the point most people with disabilities and health problems may not now be getting support to budget their money to know where they can affront to shop for healthy food. Bear in mind some places could be too far where they live and for most people transport problems could be involved.

It would also be good to check out prices in shops and even online to see the prices of healthily food.  When you study the benefits, get a rough idea of how much peoples’ incomes are to the food prices in the shops. Bear in mind people on benefits have to pay bills, things for their home, food, wash things and etc and for the last two years people on benefits have had to pay council tax. Also bare in some people like myself are doing a little bit of work, which could be about 16 hours a week and we can work up to £101,00 per. I am on Employment and Support, which is working related Permitted work.

You are right to say that people’s mental health is increasing as times get tougher and there are more risks of deaths. How long people have to wait for their appeals is anyone’s guess but the longer they have to wait the more stress it is on people’s health. Even worse I have heard that the government is doing away with appeal because of the cost and they are too much on people’s side. I watched an 2 years old YouTube clip of the Liberal government say that these benefit cuts and appeals is costing the tax payer thousands.    

What do you think it would do to vulnerable people if the NHS goes private?

The government needs to make up their minds.

Iain Duncan Smith has been getting people with disabilities and learning difficulties into factory work. Factory work bosses fear that it will be hard to employ other factory workers. Staff could be made redundant leading to seventy – five job losses, staff are very angry.

David Cameron says in another report people who bath cannot independently will no longer quality for a carer. Employed people with disabilities will be force into unemployment because PIP will not be able to facilitate their role in the workplace. Yet it says the PIP website people can claim for PIP whether they are working or not.

What do you think about the way the government is treating disabled people when it comes to careers?

My experience of having disabilities and health problems.

When it comes to access services I have there can be a lack of communication and understanding. In my opinion may it’s me but it seems as if one hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing. Managers should inform staff at all times of rules and changes to their services. Surely there’s not more than one answer to one question. For example; can you help me fill my benefit form please? Nine times out of ten you get yes from one person and no from the other. Then they may tell you the place down the road with help you. You try the place down the road for them to send you on a wild goose chase or and to send you back where you were in the first place.

When I was younger I have had employers dishonest with me, when I have already made them aware of my disabilities and health problems. In the interview they have told me that they would take me on board but then when they have seen me work, they have changed their mind. I have already told them I am a slow worker and I will find it hard to complete a job at a certain time but they only refused me when they saw me work. At the time I was on schemes, they have even put me down in front of my training officer. On top of that it does not only know that failed the job but there attitude, tone of voice and a feeling that they didn’t like me. I understand no one is not a success in everything, that’s impossible but there’s only so low one can make a person feel in them. I found it hard to believe in myself for long time. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-ouch-31838006

When you have disabilities and health problems you are limited to choice, freedom and control of your life. What those limit are depending what kind of disabilities and health problems you have and how they affect your life. The barriers I have had to face are not able to drive, marry and have children. I am not saying that’s all there is to life and that’s all the barriers I have had to face but it’s just some of them. Whether I would have liked those things or not isn’t beside the point. My disabilities and health problems have taken away those choices from me whether I like it or not.

Going to another county would be another hard barrier for me, busy airports, too much information and too much jargon and risks of missing my plane. It would be a huge task for me to cope in a strange country without any support.


Dyspraxia is more of a learning difficulty than a learning disability. Dyspraxia is a learning difficulty with movement. Dyspraxia is much a hidden learning difficulty where the person can walk and talk just like other people but they could have a very mild speech problem.
 It can be cause from a very mild brain damage at the birth but there could be other causes to Dyspraxia too. It depends which side of the brain is mildly damage the left or right, it will make a person’s one side of the body weaker than the other.
 I can only speak for myself but I have no idea whether or not would be possible for Dyspraxia affect both side of the body but if both sides of the both are affected I guess it is possible. For me my right arm and hand is stronger than my left but I have found medications have made me weaker and shaky.
Dyspraxia can be linked to other disabilities such as Autism Spectrum, Dyslexia, ADHD and Dyscalculia.
There’s not much difference between Dyspraxia and Dyslexia. Dyslexia is classed as a mental learning disability whereas Dyspraxia is classed as physical and mental. People with Dyspraxia can face reading, writing and maths difficulties and disabilities but that doesn't necessary mean they can do reading, writing and maths, they just see things the wrong way round even miss things out. Dyscalculia is a maths disability.  
On the physical side with Dyspraxia people can have problems with.
Dyspraxia isn't new a learning difficulty but it's it is new as far awareness is certained so please learn more online about Dyspraxia. Dyspraxia has always been misunderstood because of it been a very hidden learning difficulty  therefore such people born before 21st century wouldn't have got the support they should have had, in fact by a guess Dyspraxia awareness have been only going on about ten years.  People before about ten years ago wouldn't have been diagnosed because no one knew about Dyslexia. For example it may be possible that I may have been born with Dyspraxia nearly forty - six years ago because I have always had grip and motor skills problems but I could have had mixed of plenty of people in my life who faced the same problems but not known and the same for them with me. As child, teenager and young adult I felt useless, helpless and clumsy and never understood why I was like I was and others thought of me the same, which didn't make me feel very confident about myself. Now I know awareness is starting I am feeling less alone and more confident so let's learn more and raise more awareness so others start to feel more confident about themselves!  

Assessments for dyspraxia typically require a developmental history, detailing ages at which significant developmental milestones, such as crawling and walking, occurred. Motor skills screening includes activities designed to indicate dyspraxia, including balancing, physical sequencing, touch sensitivity, and variations on walking activities. There are six main areas of difficulty which can be profiled within dyspraxia; the four main areas are listed below:

Speech and language
• Difficulties controlling the speech organs.
• Difficulties making speech sounds
• Difficulty sequencing sounds
• Difficulty controlling breathing and phonation
• Slow language development
• Difficulty with feeding.

Fine motor control
• Problems with handwriting, which may be due to either ideational or video-motor difficulties
• Learning basic movement patterns in writing
• Establishing the correct pencil grip
• Hand aching while writing.

Whole body movement, coordination, and body image
• Issues with walking, running, climbing and jumping
• Poor timing
• Poor balance
• Difficulty combining movements into a controlled sequence.
• Difficulty remembering the next movement in a sequence.

Physical play
• Physical play
• Mistiming when catching
• Difficulty in using scissors
• Problems with dressing and feeding.

Dyslexia is not a physical disability.

Introduction of Autism.
What is Autism?
Autism is a long life disability that affects different people in different ways mainly when it comes to communication. Most people with Autism find the world an even bigger place than what it really is, mainly when there’s a lot of people and a lot of busy places; this is when Autism can link to Anxiety.
Socialising, communicating and joining in with people.
A lot of people with Autism find it hard to cope with facial expression, jokes, sarcasm like break a leg, common phases cool which may mean good to you but cold to them.
It’s possible I may have lived with Autism for nearly forty-six years since birth but not been diagnosed. Whatever my disabilities and health problems are they have made me the person I am today. A lot of these things I am going to write about I have faced and overcome, others I have never faced and hopefully never will.
The disabilities and health problems I have I face for life like it is for Autism.
I am going to write down the signs and symptoms of Autism. Just because a person may not face all of them that doesn't mean I don’t have Autism. It’s hard to know how many of these signs and symptoms you have got to have to know whether you have Autism or not, which is down to a Specialist to know.
This kind of behaviour can be misunderstood for someone not being a very nice person but then hard to tell whose behaviour is on purpose and whose not. The behaviour of people with Autism may appear odd to other people. People with Autism very are unaware of how they appear to others but then feel guilty and ashamed if and when others tell what’s happened, this also is rather embarrassing for them as well. 

·       As a baby most people may be slow at talking or they don’t say enough compared to other children.
·       They may not respond to their name.
·       They may reject cuddles.
·       They may be in their own world.
·       They may find it hard to communicate with others around.
·       Having too many people around them may be too much for them, which Anxiety could be linked as well, they may feel as since of panic but you don't have Autism to have that kind of Anxiety.
·       They may not be safe out alone until at least after leaving school age, they may have no sense of direction and unaware of others around them, traffic and etc, Anxiety could link into this as well.
·       They may not like others entering their space but they may enter the space of others, Autism is a sense self meaning they are unaware of others and things around them.
·       Not seeming to enjoy being with others but not seeming to be alone either.
·       They may find it hard to fit in what others are talking about.
·       Others may tend to leave them out of their company.
·       How people with Autism may say something might be upsetting to others but not mean to be.
·       There are certain behaviors that others can laugh at but the person Autism may feel hurt or and bullied.
·       Some people with Autism can be easily led, for eg; if someone said to them go and take a run and jump, they may will because they may feel bullied by the person who said it.
·       The way you say something very important to how you say it to people with Autism for eg; if they are in hospital and you say wait outside, they may wait outside instead of the waiting room.
·       Facial expression, they may stare at people when not needing to but not being aware they yet they may not like the way some people may look at them, which could make them nervous, scared or even shy. Due to the fact that the way they are appears odd to others but it doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t accept the way they are but then it gives the person with Autism that fear because they face it so much in their lives.
·        They may avoid eyes contact meaning if they have to look at you they find it hard to do but they may stare at you when you don’t want them to without being aware of how people see their behaviour. Very they are not aware of how they behave.
·       They may rock, flop their hands and ever flick fingers.
·       They may stick to a certain route for a long period of which they may or not change but if they do, it will in their time they will change it then the same will go again with another route, which will go on all their lives.
·       They may be fussy about toys for example, colours, texture, style, size and etc.
·       The same with food, colour, taste, texture and etc but it’s not in everyone, even people without Autism can be like that.
·       They may find it hard to share for eg; they may go off the topic others are talking about and find it hard to share things with others.
·       They may find it hard communicate in the way others do with each other.
·       They may behave in an unimaginative way but others have got a good imaginative. Most People who have Autism play on their own which imaginative some even grow to be fiction writers.
·       Many may be slow at having an interest due to comprehensive problems and memory, if they face this problem they also could have Dyslexia, Dyspraxia or both.

Introduction of Anxiety.

Anxiety is a feeling of worry and even anger whether we have a reason to feel that way or not. We all worry about something or someone one time or the other but it’s more of a worry for those of us who worry a lot. To worry about an exam, driving lesson or test and or etc is normal for everyone.
There are at least five forms of Anxiety.
·       Panic disorder
·       Phobias
·       Post- traumatic stress disorder.
·       Social Anxiety disorder (social phobia)
·       General Anxiety, which is all the Anxieties all in one

Anxiety can be mostly linked to Depression.

Is or can Anxiety and Depression be a birth to life time health problem? 


What is depression and Anxiety?

What is depression?

        Stress is the biggest killer of all, which can give us Anxiety a sense of worrying, panicking and anger.
        The purpose of this power point is to raise awareness of Anxiety, stress and Depression.
        Mental health awareness needs to be raised all year round not just once a year.
        The way the Tory government has treated people for the last six years is enough to make the most poor and most vunable depressed.
         In February we had mental Health and Depression week.
        We all know that Depression is a mental health and it needs to be understood.
        We feel sad and angrily.
        There are other Mental Health problems like Anxiety and stress.
Therefore without knowing we all could suffering from Anxiety, Depression and stress when

         Understanding Anxiety and depression.
        Depression and Anxiety is a feeling of sadness and anger whether you have a reason to feel depressed or not.
         Depression and Anxiety makes you feel alone whether you are or not.
         You are not alone if you mix with others who suffer from Anxiety and Depression but raise more understanding to those who don’t suffer from it.
         We shouldn’t make a person with Depression feel bad if they feel sad for no reason.
          No one should be made to feel bad about them.

  We can be so easily be misunderstood by others for someone we are not.

  This is because depression is a hidden mental health problem.

  Signs and symptoms of depression.
  • you can’t sleep or you sleep too much
  • you can’t concentrate or find that previously easy tasks are now difficult
  • you feel hopeless and helpless
  • you can’t control your negative thoughts, no matter how much you try
  • you have lost your appetite or you can’t stop eating
  • you are much more irritable, short-tempered, or aggressive than usual
  • you’re consuming more alcohol than normal or engaging in other reckless behaviour
  • you have thoughts that life is not worth living (seek help immediately if this is the case)
·        Verb (used with object), misunderstood, misunderstanding.
·        1.
·        To take (words, statements, etc.) in a wrong sense; understand wrongly.
·        2.
·        To fail to understand or interpret rightly the words or behavior of.
·        Origin Expand
·        1150-1200; Middle English misunderstanding. See mis-1, understand
·        Related forms Expand
·        misunderstand, noun
·        Synonyms Expand
·        1. Misconstrue, misapprehend, misinterpret.
·        Everyone in the world has faults we are all to blame for something but not everything but then having disabilities and health problems doesn’t help or excuse us for and with everything either.

·          We may not always be aware of the way we may say or and do things to how it may sound to others.
·         This can make us misunderstood.
·         Others may find it hard to understand if you are feeling down for no reason.
·         If we have depression it’s part of us whether we like it or not. Naturally those without Depression don’t understand us.
·         Most of us may find it easy to be alone so others don’t misunderstand them and don’t make them feel bad about ourselves.

How can depression be understood?
 Never Say health problems are all negative, there are famous and talented people with health problems even or and disabilities.

  When I say depression is a feeling of sadness it doesn’t mean we always showing sadness.
  A lot of comedy famous actors who make us laugh suffer from Depression as well.
·       A lot of people find it hard to understand how people who can make us laugh can feel so sad.
·       Robin Williams took his own life in 2014 last year.
·       People with Anxiety and Depression have to hide so much of everything it’s the easiest way for us to cope without being misunderstood.
·       It doesn’t mean that everyone with Anxiety and Depression despite of how hard it is there are most people who can fight it.
·       That doesn’t make people who have taken their own life as losers.
·       Society is a loser because of the way it treats and misunderstands us.

 People with Anxiety and Depression have a fight with our minds because we don’t stop thinking.
   It takes a long fight with the mind for us to be truly happy.
  For others life is too much to stay alive.

 For most of us we don’t know our strength, we are strong than we think.

 Crises like broken down relationships or the death of someone a person knows can play a big part on someone’s Anxiety and Depression.

·       These things happen to everyone but everyone deals with it in different ways.
·       I even found for years after my last relationship broke up I put the blame to all myself.
·       I wondered whether or not I did or said anything I was unaware of that seemed wrong unfair to him, even though he was just as bad.
·       In nearly eight years of our break after 13 and half years I have had at least six lots of counselling.
·       I am please to say now I had four sessions left, which I have cancelled due to my work and my new partner I don’t them.
·       Now I am all for helping other who is going through not much different to me.

  Its turns out my last counsellor said I was suffering from Mental abuse from my ex partner who made feel as if everything was my fault yet he could never make up his mind what he wanted.  

·       How does your counselling work out for you?

I must admit I have not had a bad experience with counselling but there are lots of people who have.
·       There's a big certain that one day but then may be not that the government may cut the funding on these counselling services.
·       Due to the fact GPs are not trained in mental health, counsellors, Health centres and hospitals have their work cut out.
·       People with mental health problems once something is on the mind it’s on the mind until it is sorted.
·       This is one of the reasons why we should be trying harder to save the NHS. 
·       Due to my work I hadn’t got time to attend my next four counselling sessions so they sent me a feedback form.
 I wrote to my counsellor to thank her.
·       She  made me aware that I suffered Mental abuse with my ex partner for 13 and a half years and for a fair few years after we split for good, which had played a  lot on my Anxiety and depression.

  The last counselling service I used to go had they are having changes in their funding for counselling.

  I had told my counsellor that I am a learning disability and mental health awareness trainer.
·       I wrote to my counsellor to tell her counselling is needed mainly for vunable people who have gone through rape or and abuse.
·       There are certain issues that vulnerable people find hard to overcome compared to other people. 

  I used to wish I wasn’t born.
·       My ex made me feel as if everything was my entire fault.
·        I had to stop putting all the blame on me.
·       I use to blame myself a lot.

 No one is perfect but no one can be blame for everything.
  Just because you see someone smiles doesn’t mean we are happy, this is our way of fighting our health problems.

 We don’t show sadness all the while because learn to live with our health problems.

 Most of us have good days and bad days like other people.

 It can be a long fight with the mind for someone with Anxiety and Depression to make them truly happy.

  If we all went along with long faces all the time none of us would get through our health problems.

 People who suffer from Anxiety and Depression aren’t all negative all the time.

 Every day and night is a fight with the mind for people with mental health problems.

  We do our best to be strong minded people.

·       Society is weak by not having any faith in us by trying to make us.
·       We shouldn’t have to be negative all the while to prove we have health problems.
·       Society fails to understand us.

    Inside our smiling faces we feel sad but not necessary all the while.

  Different people who have Anxiety and Depression and other health problems are affected in different ways.

  Some of us under sleep.

·       Others over sleep.
·       Some of under eat.
 Others over eat.

 The same goes for confidence and self – esteem.

 Some people can’t bear to not going to work or college where at others like to say at home.

  For a least the last six years, there’s has been a lot of job losses due to the credit crunch.
 Anxiety and Depression affects you on and off through your life, it’s more stress because it’s there for you long term.

 We mustn’t let the government beat us despite of how hard they make life for us.

Different people cope with life in different ways.

  GPs are not trained to do a lot of work but they are doing more hours than what they are trained for.

  People with disabilities and health problems have been having health checkups since 2008.

·       Not all surreys do health checkups.
·       Not all surreys that do checkups do full health checkups.

·       They say there’s not enough funding but it doesn’t make sense to why GPs are working a lot of hours.

 It's a huge certain that Gaps are not trained to treat Mental health problems this is why they referral patients to Counselling services and clinics.

  Patients who have lost their benefits can’t get counselling because benefits pay for counselling.
·       This is a huge worry because if they lose their benefits there’s more of a need for counselling.

·       Everyone who has Mental Health problems have different ways of managing our Mental Health for example many people with. 
·       http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/our-
 http://www.wcvb.com/health/14414700 https://uk.pinterest.co.uk
·       Funding needs to keep coming for Mental Health services.
·       How long is going to be until the government make cuts on the counselling services to a point even people on benefits can access counselling?
·         I find working helps me manage my Anxiety and Depression better so do many others like me.
·       You can only work a certain amount hours on top of benefits but it’s better than doing nothing all.
·       Other people may find working makes their Anxiety and Depression worse.
·       People with disabilities and health problems can be talented.
·       http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christy_Brown http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Left_Foot http://talentdevelop.com/mntlhlth.html 
·       http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/pages/mental-health-helplines.aspx http://www.carenity.co.uk/signup/epilepsy?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=pub_epilepsy&utm_campaign=all_landing
I will be honest to say the Mental Health Awareness wasn't just February but it was all of the month. Even though it's now March, all awareness is necessary to rise when it comes to people needing to be understood when they have problems that others don't understand. For example Dementia which I don't know a lot about myself but I know it can happen to all kinds of people. http://www.alzheimers.org.uk/site/scripts/documents_info.php?documentID=103
? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1603382066545036&set=gm.1557599871185769&type=1 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152779904689403&set=a.10151162503564403.462446.673079402&type=1
M/danielomichael/famous-people-with-mental-health-learning-disabili/ http://namivirginia.org/assets/pdfs/Famous%20People%20with%20Mental%20Illness%20Powerpoint%20Presentation.pdf http://gu.com/p/45qcv/fb

·       The stress of the benefit cuts are making people with disabilities and health problems unwell.
·       Many people have had suicidal thoughts and many have taken their own lives.
·       When people have had their benefits cut there's no money for counselling for those who really need it.
·       With the cuts the government has made it's surprising there are some Counselling services open but for how long for, even for those who haven't lost their benefits.

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