There are a lot of changes and cuts to the benefits in Britain.
The stresses of the changes are too much for people with disabilities and health problems.
This can make people worry.
This can make people ill.
This can even cause death, if it gets far too much for people.
It is so wrong of the government to take money off people who need it most.
No one wishes anyone to be homeless but people with disabilities find it hard to look after ourselves more than other people.
Back in 2011, I had a letter DWP telling my Incapacity benefit was changing to Employment and Support Allowance.
The letter was full of jargon and there was too much information to understand.
There was far too much information for me to read and understand.
DWP shouldn’t send out unexpected letters or give people unexpected call, the Job centre staff make people aware of the changes face to face in the Job centre.
Days, months, years and time need to be made out clearer to when the Jobcentre wants us in to tell us about the benefit changes and so they can make other places they may have to be aware.
We could get a call or and letter any time to tell us our benefits have changed.
It is hard to plan our support when we don't know when they are going to call.
People are expected to work; they can't be expected to be sitting at home waiting for the Job Centre to call.
When something happens people don’t except this can bring their Anxiety and Depression so people should know in plenty of notice.
The cuts are risks to lives of vunable people.
There are worries for no reason other to save money that jobcentres will cut a lot of peoples’ benefits.
How the cuts are affecting vulnerable people.
A lot of vulnerable are on a lot less money to socialise which stops many getting out and meeting people to access friendships and relationships of their choice.
It's important to vulnerable people to access friendships and relationships as much as it is for other people. A lot of vulnerable people have lost a lot of their social events through the cuts.
Communication seems to be a big problem between vulnerable people and other people as a whole.
· Despite of the communication barrier vulnerable people still have the rights to communicate with others the best way they can.
· It’s important for vulnerable people to mix with other people otherwise they will lose self confidence.
· Other people just need to make more effect to understand them.
About the cuts.
· No one should be forced into situations that are not right for them without support.
· Vulnerable people should have as much rights as other people.
· Vulnerable people should be able to ask others for support they want it and need it.
· Vulnerable people hate been a Burrton to others.
· Vulnerable people hate being a centre of attention.
· Vulnerable people hate been hard work or and costing others a lot of money.
· Vulnerable people shouldn’t be made to feel they are to blame for everything.
· With the right support vulnerable people should have equal lives to other people.
· These cuts are making times move backwards instead of forwards.
· These cuts are likely to affect other areas of life if the Tories stay in power.
· Social events
· Health
· Education
· Employment
· Housing
· Care/support in the home
Epilepsy, Anxiety and Depression worry and stress can affect.
Epilepsy.This may not be epilepsy, if not what is it?
It may well be Anxiety panic attacks.
Why come back after twenty years?
Why haven't felt well for the last mouth?
Headaches, shakes and the room moving round and round.
The tablets cure one thing and bring another thing on.
I feel shaky and tired.
I am not looking forward to a brain scan, flashing lights and electric stick glue wires in my hair.
It's like a big storm inside my head.
It causes your nerves to be bad mainly when you have waiting to see if you pass or fail. 2001 onwards.
Why come back after twenty years?
Why haven't felt well for the last mouth?
Headaches, shakes and the room moving round and round.
The tablets cure one thing and bring another thing on.
I feel shaky and tired.
I am not looking forward to a brain scan, flashing lights and electric stick glue wires in my hair.
It's like a big storm inside my head.
It causes your nerves to be bad mainly when you have waiting to see if you pass or fail. 2001 onwards.
The risk of post-traumatic seizures increases with severity of trauma (image at right) and is particularly elevated with certain types of brain trauma such as cerebral contusions or hematomas.[22] As many as 50% of people with penetrating head injuries will develop seizures.[20] People with early seizures, those occurring within a week of injury, have an increased risk of post-traumatic epilepsy (recurrent seizures occurring more than a week after the initial trauma).[23] Generally, medical professionals use anticonvulsant medications to treat seizures in TBI patients within the first week of injury only [24] and after that only if the seizures persist.
TBI may cause emotional or behavioural problems and changes in personality.[15] Emotional symptoms that can follow TBI include emotional instability, depression, anxiety, hypomania, mania, apathy, irritability, and anger.[9] TBI appears to predispose a person to psychiatric disorders including obsessive compulsive disorder, alcohol or substance abuse or substance dependence, dysthymia,clinical depression, bipolar disorder, phobias, panic disorder, and schizophrenia.[16] About one quarter of people with TBI suffer from clinical depression, and about 9% suffer mania.[17] The prevalence of all psychiatric illnesses is 49% in moderate to severe TBI and 34% in mild TBI within a year of injury, compared with 18% of controls.[18] People with TBI continue to be at greater risk for psychiatric problems than others even years after an injury.[18] Problems that may persist for up to two years after the injury include irritability, suicidal, insomnia, and loss of the ability to experience pleasure from previously enjoyable experiences.[17]
Behavioural symptoms that can follow TBI include disinhibition, inability to control anger, impulsiveness, and lack of initiative, inappropriate sexual activity, and changes in personality.[9] Different behavioural problems are characteristic of the location of injury; for instance, frontal injuries often result in disinhibition and inappropriate or childish behaviour, and temporal lobe injuries often cause irritability and aggression.[19]
Worry and stress can affect people with Epilepsy as much as it can affect people with Anxiety, Depression and other health problems.
In many cases most people have most health problems; therefore they are more likely to find the stresses of life harder to manage than other people.
· Anxiety and depression can be linking all kinds of disabilities and other health problems.
· Anxiety and Depression be on its own.
· Most of us feel scared and tense with or without a reason.
· Most of us can think we fail in everything but we don’t because Anxiety is a sense of panic and fear.
· We can feel nervous about an exam, interview, doctors, dentist and hospital appointment.
· Most of us find it hard to have faith in ourselves.
· Some of us find it hard to believe that employers will take us on many of us believe that employers will sack us.
Society makes us feel like a heal
· Anxiety and depression can be linking all kinds of disabilities and other health problems.
· Anxiety and Depression be on its own.
· Most of us feel scared and tense with or without a reason.
· Most of us can think we fail in everything but we don’t because Anxiety is a sense of panic and fear.
· We can feel nervous about an exam, interview, doctors, dentist and hospital appointment.
· Most of us find it hard to have faith in ourselves.
· Some of us find it hard to believe that employers will take us on many of us believe that employers will sack us.
· Society makes us feel like a health and safety hazard when we should be given the right support in all situations to be equal to other people.
· Anxiety and depression has its good days and bad.
· When things get really bad many of us feel as if life is not worth living therefore it can cause us to have thoughts of taking our own lives.
· Depression is a feeling of sadness whether there’s a reason or not.
· Anxiety is a feeling anger whether there’s a reason or not.
· When you have these fears and feelings society tends to treat you as if you need to be locked up.
· Anxiety and depression is also a fear of everything being your fault.
· Yes I know it’s not always as bad as what it seems to a person with Anxiety and Depression but they don’t find it easy to relax until whatever the situation is, is over.
· Even a person with Anxiety and Depression knows the world is not all black and white but when they feel how they feel, life seems black and white to them.
· Anxiety works not much different to Depression like all people we all get good and days.
· Like with Depression we don’t show sadness all the time, with Anxiety we don’t show anger all the time.
· With having these health problems we learn how to manage them the best way we can.
· We all manage our health problems in different ways.
· Most of us live in fear of society misunderstanding us.
· Some people find it hard to have trust in the system.
· It’s hard to have faith in the country because of the cutbacks.
· There are so many people who sadly suffer alone.
· People with Anxiety get scared, they panic and fear.
· Many people who have been let down by services find it hard to have faith and trust in other services.
· People shouldn’t be made to feel guilty, ashamed and bad because of their health problems.
· Health problems are so easy for people without them to misunderstand.
· Smiling is our way of managing our health problems.
· Hiding the sadness and anger can be the easiest way we can manage because our health problems are always there.
· We just manage our health problems the best way we can because there’s not always a lot of support out there.
· Some people help themselves for others to help them but there are others who don’t.
· There are different forms of Anxiety and depression that affects different people in different ways from minor to major.
· People who have got a lot of disabilities and health problems may be on a lot of medications possible advised by the GPs.
· A lot of these medications cause side effects.
· There’s a risk many medications bringing on more health problems through the side effects.
· Some people may manage their health problems if they have a hobby, interest or even talent.
· There are risks of people with major health problems committing crimes or behaviour problems or risk of them being a victim of crime themselves.
· The causes may the side effects from the medications or the health problems themselves.
· Some people are danger to themselves, to others or both.
· Not all Health problems cause serious harm.
· They can vary from health problem to health problem.
· Person to person.
· If that happens either they are in fear of what people think of them or they find it hard to manage their health problems.
· Some people are aware of their health problems but others are not.
· Most people don’t like crowds and queues, which give us a sheer of panic then we have to find a clear space to calm ourselves down.
· Most of us will avoid packed places.
· We may panic and worry over things that aren’t as bad as what they seem
I only forgot my money and phone once and had to travel from town back home to get, lucky I wasn't rushing off to work at the time.
It seems like the end of the world when someone in your life dies or when your relationship breaks down.
You feel as if the world is controlling you.
It seems like the end of the world when someone in your life dies or when your relationship breaks down.
You feel as if the world is controlling you.
· Some of us have fear of forgetting even if we getting everything together, then we are checking our bags halfway down the road even if we have check before we went out.
· Many of us get upset very easily over negative situations whether it’s for example a death of a people we know relationship break ups, failed an exam or turned down or loss of a job.
· We are likely to take longer to get over certain crises that what other people do.
· Many of us find it hard to put the past behind us.
· Some of us may take longer than others depending on the situation.
· Some people even can have nightmares, flashback or both for years or even for life.
· All my life I have tried to mange my Anxiety and depression the best way I can without realising I have those health problems to start with.
I need to have something going on in my life
· I love reading and writing short stories, poetry, knitting as well as my career.
Some people have anxiety, depression and epilepsy, which can link together.
If people get stressed very easily suffer Panic attacks it can bring epilepsy but it doesn't affect everyone the same.
Some people have anxiety, depression and epilepsy, which can link together.
If people get stressed very easily suffer Panic attacks it can bring epilepsy but it doesn't affect everyone the same.
· I am an Advocacy work, Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness trainer.
Change can be a big thing for a lot of people with Autism.
People can have these conditions whether they have disabilities or not.
Change can be a big thing for a lot of people with Autism.
People can have these conditions whether they have disabilities or not.
· Health problems can link to disabilities or be without disabilities.
· Anxiety and depression is bad for enough anyone.
New things which are changes whether it's good or bad can make people nervous.
New things which are changes whether it's good or bad can make people nervous.
· When some people get nervous it can cause them to be in risk of panic attacks.
· Panic attacks can be bought on by stress or whatever the person is thinking and worry about at the time.
Change can be a big thing for of people whether they are nervous about something or someone.
Change can be a big thing for of people whether they are nervous about something or someone.
Some people can’t sleep for worrying.
Some people can’t sleep for worrying.
Some people can find it hard to cope with too many things at once.
Some people can find it hard to cope with too many things at once.
Some people may worry more than they should.
Some people may worry more than they should.
· With Anxiety it’s too easy to make a mountain out of a mole hill without meaning to.
· You just need to be patient until the person sees life may not be as bad as what it seems.
· Everyone suffers from Anxiety and depression one way or another.
Sadly there's not enough said about stress I think we need to raise Stress awareness for everyone, that includes people with LD and Health problems.
Some people don't know that some people suffer LD and Health problems together, that's what I have otherwise I wouldn't have known that.
Anxiety and depression are forms of stress in every ones' lives.
Many things can get on top of people like, paying bills, not enough work, too much work, marriage, relationships, children and even loneliness.
It's very hard to make a balance to keep healthily and happy.
This can be why a lot of people can turn to smoking, drugs and etc.
When you have learning disabilities there can be a lack of support from society.
Sadly there's not enough said about stress I think we need to raise Stress awareness for everyone, that includes people with LD and Health problems.
Some people don't know that some people suffer LD and Health problems together, that's what I have otherwise I wouldn't have known that.
Anxiety and depression are forms of stress in every ones' lives.
Many things can get on top of people like, paying bills, not enough work, too much work, marriage, relationships, children and even loneliness.
It's very hard to make a balance to keep healthily and happy.
This can be why a lot of people can turn to smoking, drugs and etc.
When you have learning disabilities there can be a lack of support from society.
· We are seen as too slow for society.
· We find it harder to cope with our lives and too much hard work for society to support.
· Society needs to put themselves in our shoes
Stress, Depression and Anxiety can last short term or for life.
If you think about it we can all suffer stress one way or another?
A lot of us worry more than we should.
Stress, Depression and Anxiety can last short term or for life.
If you think about it we can all suffer stress one way or another?
A lot of us worry more than we should.
· Sometimes things aren’t as bad as what we thought.
· A lot of people say Mental Health is just in the mind but then mind is hard to understand.
Even people themselves find it hard to understand their mental health.
You may learn what's, whys and how the Mind is or can be affected.
Tap Mind in the Google engine or whatever you have got.
Save it in your favourites or Bookmarks.
You may learn what's, whys and how the Mind is or can be affected.
Tap Mind in the Google engine or whatever you have got.
Save it in your favourites or Bookmarks.
· Life is stressful enough without disabilities and health problems but we can’t do anything about it if we are made that way.
We understand for eg; that we have to pay our bills like other people.
We understand for eg; that we have to pay our bills like other people.
· We just may need more support to manage our lives compared to other people.
We may feel tense.
We may feel tense.
· I panic when I walk into services; lots of people give different answers to one question.
· One question can’t be a yes and no answer.
For eg; is this benefit right for me?
For eg; is this benefit right for me?
I can't cope with too much jargon a lot of information.
All staff needs to be informed by managers about the rules, changes and etc.
Crowds can panic some people where there are too many people around me.
Update on Anxiety, Depression, Stress, panic, Attacks ADHD, Epilepsy.
All these mental health problems can get confused because they aren't much different to one another. I guess I could have either one to all of those as I have suffered from either one to all for forty-four years now, which is from birth.
Through the side effects of my medication Phenobarbitone I was put on as a baby and child, which caused me to be moody and hyperactive. The moods could come on any time due to the fact I found it hard to sleep at night I was overtired. Yet strangely the day time I was dreamy, in a world of my own and unaware of the world around me. For example even at the age of twelve I was a danger hazard to cross the road and I had no sense of any direction. I still have that problem now if a place is new to me it can take me a long time to get to know where I am going.
I couldn’t pay attention in my school work. I was always classed as thick, lazy and told I’d never get along in life. I think at that point of my life I was suffering from ADHD. I left school believing I wouldn't get anywhere in life. I left school believing at first I wouldn't get anywhere in life but then I was glad to leave school. Near enough every school I went to I faced bullying, rape and sexual abuse from a lot of children in the schools. From after I left school twenty – seven years ago I have proved myself wrong by achieving the things I have said I have achieved like the exams I have passed in college, the awareness of learning disability and mental health awareness, Advocacy, short stories and poetry which is all on my website email
Never the less these health problems are not much different to one another. Anxiety is a feeling of anger, panic and fear whether a person has a reason to feel that way or not. Depression is a feeling of sadness whether a person has a reason to feel sad or not. Epilepsy and panic attacks are not that much different to one another either. Worry is connected to stress which is anxiety when a person gets upset easily. Can all those health problems be linked or and even be misunderstood?
How can these health problems be not much different to one another?
· A fit and a panic attack are both to do with the nervous system, which people can very easily confuse one with the other.
· This can also be confusing for the person who is facing the fit, panic attacks or even both. For example what I have faced.
· Headaches
· Dizziness
· Choking or even a sense of choking, it’s a feeling as if someone has got their hands round my neck.
· Electric shocks, pins and needles through my spine arms and legs.
· Shaking
· Going hot and cold
· Fully aware of what’s going on.
· This is an example of how all these things can get confused with one another.
Anxiety. A sense of panic, fear and or anger whether there’s a reason or not. Like all health problems it can depend on how we manage the health problems.
Those of us like me who have had these health problems manage them in a different way than what we did to start off with.
· As it’s possible I may have had ADHD as a child it could be possible it could be a major form of Anxiety.
· Most children pull a screaming and kicking temper paddies in town for example at times but it can depend on how often.
· If this happens to your child a lot and I mean a lot then they may need to get checked and diagnosed.
· Something may be happening your child may not be able to explain also they may be in fear that you may not understand. May be they don’t know themselves, which can be very frustrating this can also be fearful and scary whether there’s a reason to be or not. ADHD can be some form of Autism as well.
· A mild form Anxiety can be the same as major fearing things are worse than what they are but can be in different ways.
· For example different people you different thing on one thing a person may want to know so that person may get easily get confused.
· Most people may get upset easily upset caused by negative situations such as a death of people they know or they may a relationship break up which we all have to face but we all get affected in different ways.
· Some people come to terms with these things quicker than others but people with health problems and disabilities mostly tend to be more sensitive and tend to be slower to come to term with these kinds of issues.
· Some people can be also nervous of exams and even taking their driving test for example.
· This can depend on how often a person is nervous and may be depending what situations they are nervous of. People can get nervous over negative and positive things which can be a sense a fear, excitement and exams for eg;
· Some people have fears of forgetting things mainly when it comes to important things.
· Even if you have got things ready before hand you want to make.
· You fear just in case you forget something important.
· In fact people who suffer from Anxiety are likely to forget less time than people who don’t have Anxiety cause we are always worrying about forgetting. In fact what we have to remember is always on our minds until whatever event is over.
· You are saying to yourself, have I remembered it when you get there where you are going and whatever you need whatever for.
· Anger is part of Anxiety.
· Anger is a feeling you get whether there’s a reason or not. It can be a feeling of anger, worry, stress and tension yet all of those things can just happen.
· This is because those things are linked to Anxiety. This is where we need exercises to loosen our muscles up but this may not work for all of us.
· It’s possible that all these words like anger, worry, stress and tension get confused easy because there’s not much difference between the meanings of the words.
· When we face these feelings it tends to feel the same feeling. These feelings don't need a reason to happen from a clinical point of view. The evaluation of anxiety relative to actual, peri-ictal, and poetical states is described, and medical treatment options for anxiety disorders in patients with epilepsy are discussed, illustrating that their treatment extends far beyond seizure control.
Patients with epilepsy and anxiety disorders. Diagnosis and treatment].
· Department des Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalise de Luxembourg.
· Abstract
· Up to 50-60% of patients with epilepsy may develop psychiatric complications, in particular depression, anxiety, and psychotic disorders.
· Although this co morbidity has received a great deal of attention in recent years, the anxiety spectrum of psychiatric disturbances in epilepsy patients has not been extensively studied, although this co morbidity has a significant effect on the medical management and quality of life.
· The aetiology is Multifactorial, including neurobiological and shared path physiological mechanisms as well as psychosocial and iatrogenic factors (e.g., influence of antiepileptic drugs, epilepsy surgery). Despite the high prevalence of comorbid anxiety in epilepsy, very little is known about optimal treatment strategies.
· This article reviews the complex inter relationships between anxiety disorders and epilepsy
· Sadly there aren't any straight answers to whether it’s possible to have Anxiety, Epilepsy or even both. Every website you go on will take you something different.
· Not even the doctors know for sure and may be not even the hospitals.
· Many people say people who have fits are out cold and not aware of what’s going on around them but some say not necessary yet people can face synonyms that are not much different to panics attacks, such as headaches, dizziness, shaking, pin and needles electric shocks, choking or even a feeling of choking.
· (May be not being able to breathe).
· Epilepsy, anxiety, and depression are all common disorders. It is therefore not surprising that the conditions are hard to understand because there’s not much difference between the one another.
Epilepsy can also be affected by stress when a person has far too much to worry about.
Most people can be misunderstood mainly when they have a lot of information to take on board.
I always have to have things going on in my life; otherwise I get very angry, depressed and bored.
Epilepsy can also be affected by stress when a person has far too much to worry about.
Most people can be misunderstood mainly when they have a lot of information to take on board.
I always have to have things going on in my life; otherwise I get very angry, depressed and bored.
My Gran died in 2007 and my last relationship broke down for the last time.
If it hadn't of been for Employment Pathways getting me on to Mencap, I don't know how I would have coped with my life now.
The first longest my relationship broke up at the end of 1996, which was two and a half years.
I couldn't stand sitting in the house alone but I wasn't in the mood to talk to people either.
I just used watch the world go by.
My Gran died in 2007 and my last relationship broke down for the last time.
If it hadn't of been for Employment Pathways getting me on to Mencap, I don't know how I would have coped with my life now.
The first longest my relationship broke up at the end of 1996, which was two and a half years.
I couldn't stand sitting in the house alone but I wasn't in the mood to talk to people either.
I just used watch the world go by.
· Too much stress can drive most people to end their lives.
Planning services.
· To be truthful the answer is either yes or no not both.
Managers need to inform all
· all staff on what the rules are otherwise it confuses people.
· Sometimes crowds can panic me where there are too many people around me.
I am a bit better than I used to be.
It can depend where I am and how many people there are.
I am easy misunderstood mainly when I am accessing services, when information doesn't seem straight forward to me.
Most people manage their health problems with hobbies, interests, talents and or career.
I am a bit better than I used to be.
It can depend where I am and how many people there are.
I am easy misunderstood mainly when I am accessing services, when information doesn't seem straight forward to me.
Most people manage their health problems with hobbies, interests, talents and or career.
· It’s the same with depression a feeling of sadness that comes on whether there’s a reason to be sad or not.
· It’s hard to know whether these health problems are illnesses or conditions, I don't think anyone knows for such.
· One always says that’s it best to keep the mind and body busy but that works for some people not for others. Many people tell people who suffer from Anxiety and depression that it’s all in the mind.
· In my case I can go from losing interest in what I am normally interested in to climbing the walls when I have nothing going on in my life. I can feel angrily, sad, down, stressed, depressed, worried and etc for a reason and no reason at all.
· I have so many thoughts in my head I very rarely talk about or I don’t talk about them at all such as feeling as if life isn't worth life.
· I try very hard to fight those thought, which isn’t easy. It could be for the silliest reasons or yet again no reason at all.
· Professions advice this that and the other but these things are there to try.
· What works for one person doesn’t for the other. That could mean exercises, diet and many things that may keep the mind and body busy.
· Like for example for me and for those of you who have read my website will know my poetry helps my Anxiety and Depression in the sense of anger and sadness, when comes to relationship break ups for example or someone who I know who has died.
· The slightest little negative thing for most people can bring on person Anxiety, depression or and even cause them to have fits.
· It’s surprising how many people who are sensitive to stress even though no one can avoid stress and negative things going on in their lives.
What are Learning Disability and Mental Health problems?
Learning disabilities are caused by the way the brain develops.
· Here are some forms of disabilities.
People with profound disabilities need a lot of help with their daily lives. They find it hard to communicate.
· People with Severe disabilities need help with daily lives. Some people may have physical disabilities and find it hard to communicate.
· People with Moderate disabilities mostly need a small amount of help. They mostly need help in social and emotional issues.
Causes of Learning Disability and Mental Health.
· The causes of learning disability and mental health can happen before, during and after a child is both.
· Things can happen to the Central system.
The brain and Spinal cord.
· Gene is chemicals in the bodies that contain information about us like we look.
· Many say that not all disabilities and health problems run in the family.
· A child can be born lack of oxygen during birth or too early.
Learning disabilities and mental Health affects the body and mind.
People with Mild learning disabilities need a small amount or no help.
· People with disabilities and health problems find it hard to be believed and understood.
· Most people don't understand disabilities and health problems.
· We would like to help you to understand learning disabilities and mental health.
There are different disabilities and mental health problems.
· For eg; hidden disabilities are mostly misunderstood because no one can see peoples' disabilities or and mental health problems.
· When people can walk and talk it's too easy to think they can learn as quickly as you.
· Accept anything off anyone, never think that they can learn has quickly as you just because they can walk and talk.
· Never think they can cope with their lives like you just because they can walk and talk.
· Many peoples' disabilities and health problems haven't been diagnosed because they have lived with it for so long.
· For eg; if you are 40 or over it's hard get diagnosed because they didn't diagnosed in the past.
· The best time to get diagnosed is a baby or child so people get an understanding of their disabilities and health problems from day to another.
· People who have their disabilities and health problems after birth should get diagnosed as soon as possible the same as people who have disabilities before and after birth.
· Asperger Syndrome is a mild form of Autism for eg; of a hidden disability linked with other disabilities such as Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Epilepsy, Anxiety, Depression and ADHD.
Most disabilities and health problems affect the way people communicate.
· There are different disabilities and different health problems.
· Disabilities and health problems affect different people in different ways.
· Expect anything from disabilities and health problems.
· For eg; not everyone with the same disability and health problem needs the same help.
· Disabilities and health problems affect the brain, body or and both.
· Society sees people with disabilities and health problems as a Health and Safety hazard.
· We can't work or think as fast as other people.
· People with disabilities and health problems are good and not good at different things just like you.
· We are mostly seen for the things that we can't do rather than what we can do.
· We achieve our goals quicker if we are given the right support.
· Britain has very little money now; the help for people with disabilities and health problems is getting very little because of the cuts the governments are making.
· Please learn more about learning disability and mental health on this website and
Understanding Anxiety and Depression.
· Anxiety and depression is very hard to understand if you don't face it yourself.
· Anxiety is when life seems harder than it is.
· Anxiety can be a fear of things going on when they are not.
· A person could be worrying more than they should.
· Even though they may be right, they need to be you to understand why you worry like you do.
· The world seems big when it is small.
· What seems a small problem to you seems big to us.
· As mad as it sounds we may feel lonely even when we are not.
· It seems hard to believe when people tell you have nothing to worry about or not that much to worry about.
· Anxiety and depression can be linked into learning disability.
· Anxiety and depression is bad for enough anyone.
· Everyone suffers from Anxiety and depression one way or another.
· Sadly there's not enough said about stress I think we need to raise Stress awareness for everyone, that includes people with LD and Health problems.
· Some people don't know that some people stuffier Learning disability and Health problems together, that's what I have otherwise, I wouldn't have known that.
· Anxiety and depression are forms of stress in every ones' lives.
· Many things can get on top of people, paying bills, not enough work, too much work, marriage, relationships, children and even loneliness.
· It's very hard to make a balance to keep healthy and happy.
· This can be why a lot of people can turn to smoking, drugs and etc.
· When you have learning disabilities there can be a lack of support off society because we are slow and find it harder to cope with our lives than other people yet we are easier ill than other people.
· Stress, Depression and Anxiety can last short term or for life.
· If you think about it we can all stuffier stress one way or another.
· Anxiety and Depression can link to my learning disability.
· Anxiety and Depression can be linked to other disabilities and health problems or just be on its own.
· Anxiety and Depression is bad for enough anyone.
· Everyone suffers from Anxiety and depression one way or another.
· Sadly there's not enough said about stress I think we need to raise Stress awareness for everyone, that includes people with LD and Health problems.
· Some people don't know that some people stuffier LD and Health problems together, that's what I have otherwise, I wouldn't have known that.
· Anxiety and Depression are forms of stress in every ones' lives.
· It's very hard to make a balance to keep healthily and happy.
· This can be why a lot of people can turn to smoking, drugs and etc.
· When you have learning disabilities there can be a lack of support off society because we are slow
· Stress, Depression and Anxiety can last short term or for life.
· If you think about it we can all stuffier stress one way or another.
· It's so easy to worry about things that you didn't need to but with something you were right doing so.
If you would like to have more understanding with the mind.
· You may learn what’s, whys and how the mind is or can be affected.
· Some people can panic in crowds.
· Other people worry in case they haven't locked the door.
· Some people worry in case they have forgotten important things for eg; keys, bus pass and etc.
· For eg; some people it's too easy to make a mountain out of mole hill.
· Some things may seem worse than what they are.
· We understand for eg; that we have to pay our bills like everyone else but with the problems we have already, we have double stress.
· A person may feel tense.
· A person may feel as if the world is controlling them.
· Some people panic when they walk into a service when different staff tells them different information about one thing.
· Managers should make staff aware of what the rules are and of any changes.
· Tap in Mind and Rethink in the Google engine or whatever you have got.
· Save it in your favourites or Bookmarks if you can.
· Whatever Health problems and disabilities we have that's our stress on its own.
Out of sight out mind.
Look behind you.
Not knowing what is going to happen next.
The pain never ends.
You are too young to know what's going on and the reason why but there's no reason why anything bad should be going.
As the years go by you still don't forgot.
You can see it in your mind.
It's still hard to come to terms with even after years.
There's more to you than just a victim of Domestic Violence.
Even after years and years the bad memories go through your mind.
Every day and night seems very dark.
It goes over and over in your mind don't you find?
You’re sitting up and looking round accepting someone to hurt you can again, it's so easy to live your life in fear.
Every 5 minutes going to the bathroom, vomiting in fear in case anything could have happened next.
You are still strong enough to live your life and look forward to the good to come.
They lose you win, they may well get away with it now but in time they have hell to come.
Weak to strong.
There’s not anything worse than not knowing what's happened to you.
The nasty pictures are in your mind for life.
If life is like this, you just don't want to live anymore you want to put your fingers down your throat and make yourself sick.
· You want to run away from school.
· No you don't want to do these things the dark is very scary when you’re a child, that's what keeps you strong.
· Years on you're still here, the victim child is now an adult, no more flash backs.
· The weekend can't be slow enough, if it goes any faster, it will be time to go back to school and face all over again.
· Don't run away, someone will hurt you, and then your family will be worried about you.
· Not nice to leave your family wonder why you don't enjoy life so this leaves them in the dark to why you may end your life!
The dark isn't a nice place for a child.
· Give it time your true nightmare will be over then you can look forward not back.
· Age 16 seems a long way when your only 7 years old.
· You feel as if you have a lot to say that you don't how to say so you will never be understood.
· As a child you feel alone learning about the big wide world.
· You wouldn't wish on anyone yet you feel alone.
· Slowly people are learning to understand.
· Some things are hard to talk about.
· It takes long enough to talk about even then it's not explained or understood.
· Little do you know you have so much to learn?
· Disability, Bullying and Hate Crime.
· We are seen but not heard.
· It's hard to believe it if you don't see.
· It's hard to know what's happened when you’re not there.
· People with learning disabilities find it hard to make ourselves under stood.
· We can't help the way we are.
· Most things are hard to talk about it can be hard to get things off our minds.
· It can be hard to get Hate Crime off our minds.
· People who do Hate Crime should get a life time.
· Most people who bully as children do Hate Crime as adults.
· Most people today get away with bullying and Hate Crime because the law lets them.
· There used to be a time that children were taught to learn right from wrong.
· People who bully and do Hate Crime get away with it forever or for a long time.
· Just because people don't see us get hurt it doesn't mean we don't.
· You see some of us can't stand up for ourselves.
· Not many of us who can stand up for ourselves.
· Those of us who do manage to stand up for ourselves get misunderstood for the bullies.
· The world thinks we are bullies instead of victims.
· People who bully and or do hate crime don't always get found out.
Rape, rape.
Rape rape has damages the body and mind.
Rape rips you up inside.
The world seems black and white.
The flash backs don't from when it happens until your life ends.
No matter how hard you try to put the past behind it is still there
Years later it's hard to explain.
It's not surprising its hard be understood and believed when not seen.
Your stronger and braver than you think because your still here after all those years.
And find it harder to cope with our lives than other people yet we are more easily ill than other people.
Worry about.
Reading the signals of
When you or a person you support is in pain. For example when being in hospital, a lot of patients aren't treated how they should be.
There seems to be a lack of communication between patients and health staff mainly when the patient has disabilities and health problems.
Health staff can talk over the patients and their carers when both of them may not be able to have their say.
People been sent from one place to the other to get help to sort one thing out (for eg; benefit forms)
All these things can cause people to be angry and upset whether it’s for them or and people who they are supporting.
Anxiety and Depression awareness.
There’s only so much stress you can take. There are times you find yourself getting angry with the stress of services because yours or someone else’s needs aren’t taken into account.
People who have mental health issues for eg; Anxiety, depression, panic attacks and Epilepsy can become very ill if stress get too much for them. This can cause a lot of emotional problems. Not everyone is lucky enough to get the right treatment for whatever illnesses they have got. Many treatments can cause a lot of side affect, which cure one thing but bring on another.
One can feel depressed whether they have a reason to do so or not. You feel sad, and then you can feel angry, which can be side effects of treatments, lack of sleep, worrying or no reason at all. Most of us can feel a sense of shame and guilt even if we haven’t done anything wrong to feel that way.
There world isn't all black and white even if it may seem as it is black and white. There are ways of coping with these things but many people don’t know how. Some people cope with it by keeping the mind and or body busy. We have different ways of coping with our everyday lives. For people it could be art and for others it could be exercise even both.
There are different forms of depression, very mild and very major. Different people tend to need different treatment but some people with Anxiety and depression there isn’t any other treatment for them other than keeping the mind or and body busy but some people depend on both.
It can be very hard for GPs to know how Anxiety and depression can affect each patient and what can cure each patient.
Some people keep a diary on how they feel each day.
Many people find it hard to put the past behind them, this can cause some people to suffer from flash backs. Many of these things can cause Anxiety and even panic attacks. This is where some people can be victims of crime, others cause crime and in others both the case may be. This can depend on how or not so well that each person can help themselves. For some people walking out their front door is a start to help them. In many cases some people find it hard to help themselves so they find it hard to get help. For some the stress get’s too much that they commit crimes or even their own lives. Help can’t be force onto anyone so mild mental health may turn into major. This may cause crime therefore because they may be a danger to themselves or and society.
There can be more and more cases of Anxiety and depression when people are trying to get the right support from services for themselves or people they support or and care for.
· Travel expenses prompt payment.
· ID badges - interviews
· Accessible, Access maps and instructions to be able to be understood as SC/U plain English.
· Belle, quick means of Rupy f/t?
· Someone to cover ground floor teaching rooms.
· Better, quicker means of communication.
· Interviewing credibility.
· Academia instructions for Su/c issues – having choices, access and travel.
Collage/ friendly face.
· University new approach SHDH - Shaw
· Background
· Notes
· Orientation meeting
· Master list of meetings access to IT.
· The interview skills
· MH- MH DOA Desisnefing
· Mentor for beginners
· Back ground notes – orientation meeting
· Differences in interviewing between nursing courses and mental health – debriefing in my.
· The interview cells
· Paid £25.00 per session
· Disability awareness – working
How Services and carers are treated.
· Lack of awareness
· Made to look stupid
· Misunderstood
· Ignored
· Apathetic
· Stuck out
· Worthless
· Allocated
· Resigned
· Incapable
· Useless
· Helpless
· Thick
· Know nothing
How Service Users and Carers would like to be treated.
We don’t want to be felt sorry for but we would like a sense of empathy.
We would to be able get the help we need and someone to know the right places for us to go without going one place to another. It also cost lot money us to ring different places up. Emails may be free to send but we have a lot of other things to do too. It’s as if we are not listened to or taken seriously.
Information needs to be easier for a lot people to read and understand.
For so many years now so many people have been let down by so many services to a point they lose faith in asking helping at all. Making do without the help, therefore for people nothing gets done at all. We understand to some point people need to learn to do their selves but there are some things many people have tried for a long time and just can’t. Therefore my point is that services need to encourage people to use their services more.
What a lot of us sense is that a lot of people work in these services don’t enjoy their jobs, which make them very helpful which doesn’t make people feel good about asking for their help. Therefore there’s no smile or eye contact.
Lack of Support through funding and worries about the future.
It seems now that people need the support the most the money isn’t there to fund services. Everyone’s cases and needs are different because some people get more support with friends and family than others. Some peoples’ disabilities and health problems are worse than others. More and more lives are in risk due to the support that’s lacked through funded. Not a lot of people can affront their support due to benefits cuts.
Ok lots of people are willing to work but many need support to find work and be supported in the placements as well. If support for runs out there’s risks of people on benefits while having to look for work again.
Service Users and Carers look out for one another. We are one another’s voice in need. We have faced services. We have authority over own experiences. We understand what happens and why but services don’t understand or they don’t want to. Have authority to speak the truth. We have the rights to know why we aren’t getting the help need. People with disabilities and health problems should have as much rights to access friendships and relationships as much as other people.
· Speak up and stand up for ones’ self or and others.
· Advocacy is also to empower one’s self or and others.
· Action to put words into action, do the job what’s spoken about.
· Coping with change.
· Achievement result.
· Frustration
· Confidence
· Personal development
· Positive
· Images
· Individual
· Attitudes from people
· Organisations
Case studies that may come in useful for Student nurses.
Health study cases for LD week.
Sorry this is an old report but I hope this report will come in useful, mainly for those who haven't seen it before. Updated 13.2.2013
Study case 1. Mr Jones is eighteen years old.
He was send to a mental impairment service from the Children team nine months prior to his eighteenth birthday.
At the time he was living in a supported flat with 24 hour 1 to 1 support from a private run domiciliary care service, where he had resided for about one year.
He was diagnosed Autism and depression, for which he was prescribed medication by the children's psychiatrist.
At the time he was told that he had severely behaviour problems, he had attacked staff several times a week.
This caused a high level of staff sickness to injury or stress.
He has had threaded members of the public.
He often went out to meet young women, which he had relationships with.
He was well known to the police service, which had been called out many times because of his violence behaviour towards staff.
He was in court many times for assault and threatening behaviour and been detained in young offenders institution twice.
Shortly after his referral, he was again detained in a prison which was 150 miles away from the service.
He has had threaded members of the public.
He often went out to meet young women, which he had relationships with.
He was well known to the police service, which had been called out many times because of his violence behaviour towards staff.
He was in court many times for assault and threatening behaviour and been detained in young offenders institution twice.
Shortly after his referral, he was again detained in a prison which was 150 miles away from the service.
The mental impairment service attended two reviews at the prison and travelled to see him during his period of detention.
The remain prior to his eighteenth birthday was to gather information and liaise with children's' services.
It was clear that due to his level of learning disability he was not coping well in prison.
The remain prior to his eighteenth birthday was to gather information and liaise with children's' services.
It was clear that due to his level of learning disability he was not coping well in prison.
The service advised him that psychiatric assessment was done during his time of detention, with a view to finding him a hospital near his home area, and planned for a local psychiatrist to travel to the prison and carry out the assessment.
However, before he could be moved, his time of detention ended and he was released back to his old address.
He was placed on a higher level of 24 hour care with two or three staff at all times.
However, before he could be moved, his time of detention ended and he was released back to his old address.
He was placed on a higher level of 24 hour care with two or three staff at all times.
He has been detained on a low secure unit many times in order to treat episode of psychosis.
A few months later, the housing and support provider felt after many attacks, they couldn't give support any longer to Mr Jones due to his behaviour.
He was evicted from the property. An emergency referral was then made to an alternative care provider which was based about 60 miles away from his home.
He was moved to another supported flat with 24 hour support from two staff.
A mouth of residing in this placement he again turned up in court following previous assaults and was remanded in prison. At this point he turned eighteen.
He was officially moved to the mental impairment service on the day of his 18th birthday.
A few months later, the housing and support provider felt after many attacks, they couldn't give support any longer to Mr Jones due to his behaviour.
He was evicted from the property. An emergency referral was then made to an alternative care provider which was based about 60 miles away from his home.
He was moved to another supported flat with 24 hour support from two staff.
A mouth of residing in this placement he again turned up in court following previous assaults and was remanded in prison. At this point he turned eighteen.
He was officially moved to the mental impairment service on the day of his 18th birthday.
Shortly after this, a move to this a move to a low private secure therapeutic facility was planned under section 37 of Mental Health Act. The unit is 156 miles away from Mr Jones’s home.
People with LD and Mental Health problems can be misunderstood but it doesn't that everything is down to LD and Mental Health.
Some people may be unaware of what they could be saying or and doing.
There are all different kinds’ behaviour problems.
People with LD and Mental Health problems can be misunderstood but it doesn't that everything is down to LD and Mental Health.
Some people may be unaware of what they could be saying or and doing.
There are all different kinds’ behaviour problems.
For example; I understand that crime can be a serious thing, I feel for people when they lose the people they love.
No one is saying that people with LD should be treated any different because of their LD but there needs to be awareness of balance if it comes to a case of a person with LD who hasn't been aware of what they may have done until they have told in a prison but at the same time we must understand the feeling of the victims loved ones.
No one is saying that people with LD should be treated any different because of their LD but there needs to be awareness of balance if it comes to a case of a person with LD who hasn't been aware of what they may have done until they have told in a prison but at the same time we must understand the feeling of the victims loved ones.
The person with LD may be very angry with themselves to a point they could take they own life because they wouldn't be able to stand a life time in prison.
I am not saying all people with LD don't know what they are doing but for the ones don't wouldn't do such crimes if it hadn't of been for their problems.
Some causes could be done to LD, Mental problems or and the side effects of most medications. Health staffs need to look into these things so these people don't put themselves through these things.
I am not saying all people with LD don't know what they are doing but for the ones don't wouldn't do such crimes if it hadn't of been for their problems.
Some causes could be done to LD, Mental problems or and the side effects of most medications. Health staffs need to look into these things so these people don't put themselves through these things.
Case 2 com pair Mr Jones’s case with mine as a child.
How do you think my life would have ended up now if I was still on those dangerous tablets? Do you think I would have ended up like Mr Jones or not?
Possible side effects from medications.
Heavy medication can be dangerous for children. A lot of heavy medications can cause behaviour problems. The Medications, disabilities and health problems don't excuse behaviour problems but they don't hell them. Some behaviour problems cause crime but others don't, this can vary from person to person.
Some people find it hard to pay attention in the daytime and sleep at night. Medication can make some people over tried to a point where some people don't sleep at all and others sleep too long. Some people can be very sleepy and dreamy yet they can't sleep even if they get the chance to. This is hyperactively.
Some people start to get better when they come off medications but other get worse.
Some people can get moody or and have tempers for no reason through medication. This can be common in children as well as teenagers and adults.
Some people can get angrily if they can't manage to achieve the skills they want to achieve.
For eg; tying shoe laces.
Most people feel alone thinking everyone is cleverer better than them.
Some people feel useless. The worlds seemed too big for them
with some medication some people are unaware of the world around them.
Some people can get angrily if they can't manage to achieve the skills they want to achieve.
For eg; tying shoe laces.
Most people feel alone thinking everyone is cleverer better than them.
Some people feel useless. The worlds seemed too big for them
with some medication some people are unaware of the world around them.
My questions are to you, there's no right or wrong answers, and I am just interested what you think.
Back in roughly the late 60s to early 70s doctors put babies on Phenobarbital (phenobarbitone) for Epilepsy. Most babies were taking 3 to 500mgs one tablet three times a day, that’s how dangerous the medication was for a child or any human being any age.
The purpose of Phenobarbitone tablets were to help the soldiers sleep in the 1st or and 2nd world war.
Research about Phenobarbitone on the internet!
Research about Phenobarbitone on the internet!
If you research this please send an email me to let me know what you have found out.
Mr Smith's case.
Case three. Mr Smith is twenty - six years old West Indian man with mild LD and psychotic disorder for which he receives prescribed medication.
He has a long history of petty offences for which he has been arrested and in court many times.
These include burglary, theft and minor drug offences.
He has a long history of petty offences for which he has been arrested and in court many times.
These include burglary, theft and minor drug offences.
He had spent five years on offender register due to previous sex offenders against a girl under age sixteen.
Mr Smith resides in the area he has moved to different rented places over the years.
He often fails to keep appointments and very guarded about his whereabouts, making it hard to engage effectively with him.
Mr Smith resides in the area he has moved to different rented places over the years.
He often fails to keep appointments and very guarded about his whereabouts, making it hard to engage effectively with him.
He finds it hard to help himself and many of his placements have failed. His currently saying with family and is soon to be evicted.
It is known that Mr Smith does not adhere voluntary to his medication regime.
Mr Smith is very hard to house due to his history of unstable tenancies, and his offending behaviour.
He had just been arrested for burglary and his court case has been put on hold for two mouths.
There has been an on-going issue with the police as he and his family feel that his LD is not taken into account by police or professions with the criminal justice system.
There has been an on-going issue with the police as he and his family feel that his LD is not taken into account by police or professions with the criminal justice system.
He has taken custody many times with no request for an appropriate adult, or any support from health or social services.
Why do you think Mr Smith committed the crimes he had done?
Do you think by the sounds of cases he meant to commit these crimes or not?
Do you think by the sounds of cases he meant to commit these crimes or not?
Make notes on the balance of the feelings of the victims and Mr Smith’s feelings in case of if he didn't know what he was doing. How do you think he felt when he became aware?
In the case that he may have meant to commit these crimes what do you think should happen to him because of his LD?
What should to happen to him if he didn't know what he was doing?
What should to happen to him if he didn't know what he was doing?
What do you think caused it he didn't mean to do? LD, Mental Health problems or even the medication he's taking.
What should to happen to him if he didn't know what he was doing?
What do you think caused it he didn't mean to do? LD, Mental Health problems or even the medication he's taking.
Do you think he may be misunderstood? Without excuses there may be all kinds of possibilities but we need to understand the feelings of the victims, families, lovers and friends.
What should to happen to him if he didn't know what he was doing?
What do you think caused it he didn't mean to do? LD, Mental Health problems or even the medication he's taking.
Do you think he may be misunderstood? Without excuses there may be all kinds of possibilities but we need to understand the feelings of the victims, families, lovers and friends.
Please email if you want if you answer to try to answer these questions.
People with learning disabilities and Health problems have to cope with Stress too, which makes people more ill through worry.
Stress is one of the worse killers today, there seems to be a lot of stress today for everyone over one thing or another.
Many people turn to things bad for their health due to stress for example; smoking. It can be hard for a lot of people to accept things that they don't want to live with as it is. Bad news is bad enough as it is without it been confusing and stressful.
Stress is one of the worse killers today, there seems to be a lot of stress today for everyone over one thing or another.
Many people turn to things bad for their health due to stress for example; smoking. It can be hard for a lot of people to accept things that they don't want to live with as it is. Bad news is bad enough as it is without it been confusing and stressful.
If we lose something or someone in our live we don't want to lose, whether we like it or not it happens. It's bad enough for people without LD but the stress can make people with LD more ill. Another example is relationship break ups, family break ups and etc.
I am not saying that people without disabilities don't suffer their problems but people with disabilities have our own stresses without anything on our minds, that's own learning disabilities and Health problems things on our minds on top of the problems all people have, can make life even harder to cope with.
We don't expect any magic wands but we need more understanding and support to cope with our lives. Thank you.
Sexual Health.Back in 1991, my favourite singer Freddie Mercury from Queen died of a Sexual disease called Aids.
I know he didn't have learning disabilities but there's still isn't enough awareness about Sexual diseases in people with learning disabilities.
I am sure Freddie would have liked people with LD and Health problems to get a lot of support for our Sexual Health as much as people without.
I am sure Freddie would have liked people with LD and Health problems to get a lot of support for our Sexual Health as much as people without.
Whether we have LD or not we all have feelings.
Freddie was just as ill as people with LD would be.
There again what people need to understand due to our life Health problems. Other illnesses everyone can have, people with LD can be twice as ill as people without LD. It could make us die quicker because of our LD and the Health problems we may have already.
There needs to be more education on Sexual health that's accessible in schools and colleges.
It can be hard enough teaching young people as it is why education on health is important but people with learning disabilities are slower learners so many of us may need more support to learn.
Freddie was just as ill as people with LD would be.
There again what people need to understand due to our life Health problems. Other illnesses everyone can have, people with LD can be twice as ill as people without LD. It could make us die quicker because of our LD and the Health problems we may have already.
There needs to be more education on Sexual health that's accessible in schools and colleges.
It can be hard enough teaching young people as it is why education on health is important but people with learning disabilities are slower learners so many of us may need more support to learn.
For example; some people may not understand why we are advised to use condoms and may even have problems putting them on, mainly if we have problems with our hands. In my case with problems griping, without been personal I am lucky that I have had partners who knew how to put them on.
There still needs to be more education on choices, pregnancy, conception, support and etc.
In March 2009, Jade Goody died of cervical cancer; this is just an example of many young people who have died of cancer.
I want to raise awareness of cervical cancer.
We all know its right to have Smears to get ourselves checked out.
In March 2009, Jade Goody died of cervical cancer; this is just an example of many young people who have died of cancer.
I want to raise awareness of cervical cancer.
We all know its right to have Smears to get ourselves checked out.
Many women could be scared of having Swears if they have suffered rape and Sexual abuse at any time during our lives. This can have the same big effects on our lives as much females without LD.
May be counselling should be advised to females if they fear swears due to the bad experiences we may have had. Most of us may feel as if we can't go through smears so there needs be support for us to cope with our fears.
Information should be accessible for all females’ not just females with learning disabilities mainly when we have been through rape and Sexual abuse at any time during our lives, this can put a big effect on any female's life, body and mind. We understand males have suffered sexual abuse and rape as well, which we must raise awareness of these kind of things for males with and without LD.
There's still not enough awareness of people with learning disabilities who have cancer.
I had cancer of the throat at the age of 23, even though I was very lucky it didn't spread to any other part of my body but even though the treatment knocked me about I was lucky to get better. Here's a person LD who didn't better from cancer but could if Health staff looked after better. I don't think they looked after her at all.
Mencap wrote the Death Indifference report back in 2007. Someone with LD died of Cancer because she found it hard to communicate with the doctors and nurses in the hospital, she found hard to responded to the treatment so the hospital reported.
Here's a big worry about the benefit cuts causing people with disabilities and health problems to be homeless. Benefit money isn't enough for people with disabilities and health problems to buy healthy food. Many people need more support to budget their money, which is very hard for them when the government have cut back a lot on Social Care.
Health staffs aren't trained to treat people with disabilities and health problems. Stress is a killer for all people but Mental Health and disabilities are stress on its own for eg; people who suffer from Anxiety and depression, Panic Attacks and or even Epilepsy. This is an even bigger danger of making people even ill than when we are.
A lot of people with disabilities and health problems want to work but health issues should be work on before supporting people to find employment. Otherwise this could cause people with disabilities and health problems to be a health and safety hazards in the work placements as far as employers are curtained. Therefore people need the right support. One of the ways of avoiding health and safety hazards is making sure people have had to correct diagnoses to their disabilities and health problems and to sure they are on the right medications and the right.
Most people with disabilities and health problems have said that the Social don't support them to look for work or they find them jobs that aren't in their ability without support.
A lot of people will find the appeals and courts too stressful without the right support, not everyone has family support. For even those who get support there's only so much support that can be given.
Most people with disabilities and health problems who have elderly members of their families can start to find it hard to look after them anymore therefore they will worry about what is going to happen with their family members who have disabilities and health problems. Updated October 26th 2012
In this report I want to raise awareness of the cuts in support for people who need it most.
This means benefits, social care, health, education, employment and etc. The British government seem to be getting tighter on money. This is affecting everything and everybody but mostly the people who need it most. People who need support to look after themselves. Not everyone has family support but even a lot of people that do; their families have other things to do in their lives. What about those people who are getting too old to look after their family members and themselves anymore? What help is out there for them when their family member can't look after themselves. Everyone has different needs. Some people need more support than others and this should be accepted. People need support running their home and other need support in personal care.
As for the people who find it hard to make them really understood, we mustn't think that they have never got thoughts even though we may never know about those thoughts. Simple thoughts like for eg; Does that cake taste nice? You may be able to tell by a sad or happy face or even thumbs up or thumbs down. Being homeless is not nice for anyone but people who need more care or and support would find it even harder living on the streets. The way the country is it is hard to think positive about the future mainly for people who need care or and support most. The benefit cuts are a big worry for people with disabilities and health problems. If the cases get any worse there are dangers of people being homeless and hungry. Benefit money isn't enough for people to eat healthily.
The government has cut back on Social Care. Not everyone has family support and not everyone gets all the support they need because people have other lives.
The stress of the cuts affect people peoples' lives emotionally mainly people with Mental Health problems. For eg; Anxiety and Depression, which can make people worry more than they should. This can make it hard for people to cope with their appeals and in courts so they need plenty of the right support.
This is why health problems need to be worked on first before people look for or and go back to work. There may be a lot of peoples' disabilities and health problems diagnosed wrongly and many may be put on the wrong medications. Many people have said that the Social having been nagging people to find work but the Social are not willing to support them. This is where it causes a lack of communication and understanding so it makes out that people aren't willing to look for work when they are. It's just a good excuse for the Social to take peoples' money off them no matter what.
People with disabilities, health problems and the elderly don't receive the best health care because we don't find it very easy to make ourselves understood. This can cause confusion for eg; having the same health problem but been told different information off different GPs. This can cause people to be put on the wrong medication, which is dangerous. Cutting back on the benefits and Social care is the biggest problem for a lot of people. No person with disabilities and health problems are saying they don't want to work but health comes first. If our disabilities, health problems and the right medication aren't aware of then the government must understand that we are not safe to go to or back to work even though we would love to.
I’m an Awareness trainer I am writing this report to raise awareness of how tight this country and it's hard to see that people who need most are going to live through this.
Maybe there is a positive but hard to see. This could be happening to a lot of countries not just Britain. I even remember even hearing the saying as a child. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. I don't dislike the rich but it could be true and never change. Winterbourne View Hospital. Now I am raising awareness of abuse.
When your family member is in care of and supports of others you except your family to be happy and safe. This is very often not always the case. Mencap have come across some shocking cases of abuse in Winterbourne View hospital, where patients with disabilities were staying or and living. I have no idea of the age group of these victims but however old this shouldn't be happening. If you would like to find out more about the cases Winterbourne View Hospital here's the Mencap I am very disappointed that such crime still happen when they are out of care from families. All families/parents need a break but they want their family members to be safe wherever they are. There should have been CIBs or and child protection years ago. Are your patients been rightly looked after in a care homes whether they are children, teenagers or the elderly? Is your child's boarding school safe? Is anywhere safe? Do you trust the management and staff to take care of the people who you love and care for?
How these people have got through for four year is beyond me. Labour really need to get back in because one of the reasons are that deaths of vulnerable people are rising while David Cameron is still in power, good luck to Ed Miliband, I hope he gets through the sake of Britain.
Sorry I haven't made myself completely clear. Last year 10'600 people with disabilities and health problems died due to the benefit cuts, Health professions need to be aware of this.
This is why vulnerable people are having to cope with the stress of been on benefits and why the government is replacing the name of benefit so people have go through filling forms again Not only that, this is why so many people are getting misunderstood for someone they are not. For example many people who have had their benefits cut and many have died.
Now the government need to work to see that the people who are cheating the system are getting punished not those who are in need. This shouldn't stop the rights of vulnerable people having a career; we just need the right support.,637,FP.html
How these people have got through for four year is beyond me. Labour really need to get back in because one of the reasons are that deaths of vulnerable people are rising while David Cameron is still in power, good luck to Ed Miliband, I hope he gets through the sake of Britain.
Sorry I haven't made myself completely clear. Last year 10'600 people with disabilities and health problems died due to the benefit cuts, Health professions need to be aware of this.
This is why vulnerable people are having to cope with the stress of been on benefits and why the government is replacing the name of benefit so people have go through filling forms again Not only that, this is why so many people are getting misunderstood for someone they are not. For example many people who have had their benefits cut and many have died.
Now the government need to work to see that the people who are cheating the system are getting punished not those who are in need. This shouldn't stop the rights of vulnerable people having a career; we just need the right support.
The lives of people with disabilities and health problems can be affected by this.
If this is still going on for people with Health problems then Health staffs need to work harder to look into whether their medication is affecting their lives or not. You are welcome to email your story or someone else's with their permission on if you want.
To be honest I wrote this report so many year ago since then many people have suffered losing their benefits. Many have been sighted for fit work by Altos without for example when they are not fit for work without support. Many people have lost their lives through not been able to affront to eat or may be and they have ended up owing a lot of money they can't affront. Update of this report now 13.2.2015
Now DWP have a lot to answer for.
Now DWP have a lot to answer for. Cases like this can be one of the reasons why people with disabilities and health problems lose their benefits. Cases like this can be one of the reasons why people with disabilities and health problems lose their benefits.
The Tories want people to get support with Anxiety and Depression.
Tories discuss stripping benefits claimants who refuse treatment for depression Senior ministers believe the rules should be reviewed in order to reduce the “huge” numbers of people who are declared unfit for work due to mental health problems 16K 5K 0 159 21K Email People enter a job centre in Folkestone in southern England. The number of people who have been out of work for two years has doubled since 2010 Photo: REUTERS/Luke Macgregor Sophie Ellis-Baxter’s confession 'After the clamour of the morning, enjoying my cup on the sofa in the newly calm house feels decadent' Sponsored by Starbucks By Tim Ross, Political Correspondent 10:00PM BST 12 Jul 2014 Hundreds of thousands of benefit claimants face being stripped of their state allowances if they refuse to undergo treatment for anxiety and depression, under radical plans being drawn up by ministers.
Existing welfare rules mean it is not possible to require claimants to have treatment, such as therapy or counselling, as a condition of receiving sickness benefits. Senior ministers now believe the rules should be reviewed in order to reduce the “huge” numbers of people who are declared unfit for work due to mental health problems. The first moves towards potential reform are expected in a series of pilot schemes to be launched within weeks. The trials, jointly designed by the Department of Health and the Department for Work and Pensions, will test ways of combining treatment for mental health problems with support to find work. Related Articles the 'mansion tax' waiting in the wings 12 Jul 2014 David Cameron plans to promote high profile women ahead of election fight 13 Jul 2014 People diary: Thatcher gazumped by Gandhi statue?
13 Jul 2014 Bullying MPs enjoy being 'named and shamed' 14 Jul 2014 Sketch: Ding-dongs versus democracy 10 Jul 2014 Taxes on holiday cottages would require 'Stasi-like police force' monitoring people's homes, Eric Pickles says 09 Jul 2014 Southampton property market yields results Sponsored by Property Crowd According to the Government, 46 per cent of benefit claimants receiving Employment and Support Allowance, the main benefit for ill and disabled people, have mental health problems.
This means that the proposal to enforce treatment could apply to an estimated 260,000 claimants, who receive up to £101 per week each in ESA. Estimates based on government figures suggest the state spends up to £1.4 billion a year – more than £3.5 million per day - on ESA for these claimants with mental health issues. The reforms however, would apply only to those claimants judged to be capable of some work in future. Those who are judged to be incapable of work due to the severity of their conditions would not be targeted under the plans. Tory ministers hope to persuade senior Liberal Democrats to back the idea of mandating treatment for benefit claimants with common mental health problems. The proposal will raise ethical questions about whether the state should have the power to force patients to undergo treatment. It could lead to a fresh row with campaigners and charities who have claimed that the coalition’s welfare reforms already target vulnerable people with poor mental and physical health. Conservatives could include the proposal for mandatory treatments in the party manifesto next year as part of the next phase of reforms to the welfare state. A senior government source said “a huge number” of claimants on ESA who cannot work have treatable mental health issues such as “depression and anxiety”. “We know that depression and anxiety are treatable conditions. Cognitive behavioural therapies work and they get people stable again but you can't mandate people to take that treatment,” the source said.
“ But there are loads of people who claim ESA who undergo no treatment whatsoever. It is bizarre. This is a real problem because we want people to get better. “These are areas we need to explore. The taxpayer has committed a lot of money but the idea was never to sustain them for years and years on benefit. We think it’s time for a rethink. “At some point something has to be done. Right now it’s an open ended contract.” The source suggested that successful treatments could reduce the numbers of people with mental health issues claiming the benefits by up to 90 per cent. Benefit claimants receiving ESA, are typically paid up to £101 per week if they are deemed potentially capable of work and are placed in the so-called “work-related activity group” of welfare recipients. If they fail to abide by conditions such attending work-focused interviews, their ESA payments can be reduced as a sanction.
No conditions are currently applied requiring claimants to undergo treatment for health problems. One trial began last month, looking at combining “talking therapies” with employment support. Four jobcentres are taking part. The intention of the scheme is to give benefit claimants early access to experts who can help them prepare for work while they are receiving treatment for mental health issues. Three further trials being launched this summer are intended to test different ways of linking mental health services with support for benefit claimants seeking work. One of these schemes is designed to analyse effectiveness of “group work” to help build the “resilience” of individuals who are out of work and suffering with poor mental health.
Another trial will see whether better results can be achieved by hiring specialist private organisations outside the NHS and welfare system to take control of providing a combination of psychological and employment support to claimants. A final pilot scheme will assess the effectiveness of offering online tests and therapies at improving individuals’ health and job prospects. Norman Lamb, the Lib Dem health minister, said mandating mental health treatment for benefit claimants would not work and was "not a sensible idea". "The idea that you frogmarch someone into therapy with the threat of a loss of benefits simply won't work," he said. "It is not a question of whether tough love is a good concept."You actually need someone to go into therapy willingly."
Things need to change for the better in all issues.
I use to be a Wolverhampton Learning disability MP for the People's Parliament with many other people with disabilities as Learning Disability MPs.
We don't have the job compliantly the same as the Houses of Parliament. We have only just started our plan is to look out for people with learning disabilities in what they need and want. We have the understanding because have learning disabilities ourselves. In the future we would like to talk people with disabilities to find out their needs and wants, and then tell the government.
Like all people the government hasn't got any idea of people's needs and wants, they don't make their to find out than voting, then half the time you don't what you're voting for or what you want to vote for isn't there. It's hard to explain because it's so much jargon.
By finding out in a face to face contact is better than this voting is too much jargon so we want won't do our job until people with disabilities tell us their wants and needs, by giving people choice and control with the right support.
If you have learning disabilities or and Mental Health Problems please email me your Learning Disability MPs about your needs and want on anything at all. only with your say so I will write on your behave to the Houses of Parliament MPs to make them aware of what you need or and want, I will do my best to make sure you get it.
Now many people with disabilities learned very easy at school, we had to catch up when we left and enrol on the same kind of courses at the colleges for years without jobs at the end of it; a lot of people are saying that this is still going on now. There wasn't enough support, as a Learning Disability Mp I would like to see a lot of support in schools and colleges but Mencap but bought out a report saying a lot of courses for people with disabilities are cutting back.
At the moment the Learning Disabilities MPs are working on employment we want would if you have learning disabilities or and Mental Health Problems we would like to hear about stories and experiences on employment. With your so say you email me on you can tell me and I will tell the other MPs only if you want, I won't if you don't want me to tell. How can we thing good for you if they are bad? How can we make things better if they are good? We are here for you if you want us to help you.
If you did read the report on this website that I wrote in 2008 about employment, which I deleted a few days ago. I was disappointed to know that not a lot has changed for people with learning disabilities able to work since then. This is why I want to find out how many people with disabilities are working in Britain. I wrote this 2008 report to tell to my readers that I wrote an Employment play telling people in who work Employment services about our experiences of asking, getting employment and how we have been treated in the work placement.
If you did read the report on this website that I wrote in 2008 about employment, which I deleted a few days ago. I was disappointed to know that not a lot has changed for people with learning disabilities able to work since then. This is why I want to find out how many people with disabilities are working in Britain. I wrote this 2008 report to tell to my readers that I wrote an Employment play telling people in who work Employment services about our experiences of asking, getting employment and how we have been treated in the work placement.
We were told the play was a success but we didn't a great of feedback. Someone with disabilities and his employer even did a talk; this employer seemed to be very happy with this person's.
This shows when it comes to talents society loses out. People with disabilities have been disbelieved for the things we are good at for so long; it's time for non disabled people to see the good in people with disabilities. Many of us can paint, draw, write and etc as much as you so it's time to create new jobs for people with these talents and other abilities too.
Open the doors to the working learning disability world with the right support wherever it is. If you have disabilities and you want to make a start of a creative career, please get in touch with this website called Working parts if you live in the Midlands and Black Country.
They can feel sad with or without a reason when any time, any place and anywhere with and without a reason. Sometimes that sadness turns into anger with or without a reason, which is called Anxiety, they can make feel ashamed and guilty without needing to because they can feel as if everyone or a lot of people are against them. Where your job comes in to is to help them overcome them feeling guilty and ashamed. If people are depressed without a reason then tent to feel embarrassed, guilty, ashamed and even silly if they feel sad for no reason. A lot of other people tend to think that people shouldn’t be upset without a reason; this is where misunderstanding comes in. It’s not normal for people without depression to see sadness without a reason because it doesn’t happen to them but that is how depression affects most people with depression.
Depression is a fight for a person every day, they can take some steps to help themselves but not all people take all, it can vary from person to person. Anxiety and depression can happen to anyone whether you have disabilities and other health problems or not.
It can be most common for people with disabilities and health problems to feel guilty more so because due to the things they can’t do; other people can make them feel helpless, useless and bad about their selves. Sadly mostly people with disabilities and health problems can feel lower because of others talking more negative to them than other people. Why are we born in the first place if we are made to feel hopeless, useless and worthless? No human being wants someone else doing things for them all the while. No human being wants to be made to feel they are no good for anyone, no one and their selves this is where a lot of people will feel as if life isn’t worth living.
For example I would feel low and bad about myself if I wasn’t working and I have had times in my life I have had nothing which has made me very down in myself. What makes me feel better is to help others who feel as down as I have been through vary stages of Depression; with and without a reason.
Its turns out my last counsellor said I was suffering from Mental abuse from my ex partner who made feel as if everything was my fault yet he could never make up his mind what he wanted.
How does your counselling work out for you?
I must admit I have not had a bad experience with counselling but there are lots of people who have.
I must admit I have not had a bad experience with counselling but there are lots of people who have.
There's a big certain that one day but then may be not that the government may cut the funding on these counselling services.
This may mean that the hospitals may have their work cut out as far as mental health problems are curtained for eg; Anxiety and Depression mainly for those who lose their benefits when the stress of benefit cuts plays on their mental health problems.
This is one of the reasons why we should be trying harder to save the NHS.
Due to my work I hadn’t got time to attend my next four counselling sessions so they sent me a feedback form.
Anxiety and Depression, most people have some kind of talent.
Never Say health problems are all negative, there are famous and talented people with health problems even or and disabilities.
Robin Williams sadly took his own life last year.
Strangely there are even a lot of comedy actors with Depression.
I also wrote to my counsellor to say thank you because she was the one who made me aware I had been going through Mental abuse with my ex partner for 13 and a half years and for a fair few years after we split for good, which had played a lot on my Anxiety and depression.
The last counselling service I used to go had they are having changes in their funding for counselling.
I had told my counsellor that I am a learning disability and mental health awareness trainer and I told her in the letter how much counselling is needed when there's a lot of people who suffer from disabilities and health problems and there's a lot of people vulnerable to abuse, rape and etc.
I have had times wishing I wasn't born I have had times when I have felt so down. Silly really because more than likely most times without a reason but I have been lucky to fight through but not many are.
No one is perfect but no one can be blame for everything. Just because you see someone smile it doesn't always mean they are happy but life goes on.
If we all went along with long faces twenty – four hours a day we would be misunderstood for completely negative people.
People who suffer from Anxiety and Depression are not negative people; we are strong and brave people.
Society is weak by not having any faith in us by trying to make us negative people.
I’m sad on the inside but happy on the outside.
The world must be completely sad if we were to show sadness all the while.
Life is a fight with the mind to get through this life.
Different people who have Anxiety and Depression are and not affected in different ways.
Some sleep for too long, others don’t get enough sleep and others don’t sleep all, with many it can all vary.
The same goes for confidence and self – esteem.
Some people can’t bear to not to have anything to look forward like hobbies, interests and careers.
This February was Mental Health Awareness Week.2015. This can affect different kinds of people different ways.
Anxiety and Depression is most common in today’s world with the cutbacks.
People can suffer Anxiety and Depression whether they have other disabilities and health problems or not.
Today’s cost of living and low paid jobs.
most people with Mental Health problems have Learning Disabilities linked to them.
most people with Mental Health problems have Learning Disabilities linked to them.
Yet those patients who have lost their benefits can't get counselling cause there's not any work/mentalhealthawarenessweek/
More-chill everyone who has Mental Health problems have different ways of managing our Mental Health for example many people with Mental Health problems have talents.
Most people with disabilities and health problems do their best to help themselves as well such as hobbies for example such as writing, drawing, painting and etc.
My certain is how long it until the government make cuts on the counselling services to a point even people on benefits can access counselling?
Even though Depression awareness was February, this government still finds a way of making people very depressed whether we have disabilities and other health problems or not.
For a least the last six years, there have been more bad news on say people taking their own lives than any other bad news from people losing their benefit to losing their jobs.
Depression meaning sadness is more painful to go through pain the stomach.
We are all aware that Depression a Mental health problems like Anxiety and many others. I am raising awareness of Anxiety and Depression because GPs are not trained on Anxiety, Depression and other health problems.
When I was working for Mencap, we raised awareness to the Gaps back in 2008 about people with disabilities and health problems having yearly health checks ups but not all GP surrey's do them.
Even the surrey that do don't do full health checkups, this is a huge certain because many people with disabilities and health problems die under the age of 50 some cases are for example through neglect and oar and communication. There’s a huge certain that GPs are doing more hours than what they are trained for.
As hard as it is let's not let the government beat us but then that doesn't make the people who we have lost through taking their own lives cowards because are still as brave as they are. It's just some of us can take more than others.
Most people like me find that working helps them to manage their Anxiety and Depression.
· It's a long battle to find and get to full time work so you can get off benefits and get support for full time work.
· It’s finding the right full time work for each person and right support.
· Everyone’s needs are different.
· I also find that poetry, drawing and painting helps me as well. For example Dementia which I don't know a lot about myself but I know it can happen to all kinds of people.
just watch as much you because it does goes a bit but I’d be grateful if would listen to at least 1 case.
The most common thing that is making peoples' disabilities and health problems worse are the benefit cuts, which is causing many to have suicidal thoughts and many have taken their own lives.
· When people have had their benefits cut there's no money for counselling for those who really need it.
· With the cuts the government has made it's surprising there are some Counselling services open but for how long for, even for those who haven't lost their benefits
The cuts and changes to the benefits.
· There are a lot of changes and cuts to the benefits in Britain.
· The stresses of the changes are too much for people with disabilities and health problems.
· This can make people worry.
· This can make people ill.
· This can even cause death, if it gets far too much for people.
· It is so wrong of the government to take money off people who need it most.
· No one wishes anyone to be homeless but people with disabilities find it hard to look after ourselves more than other people.
· Back in 2011, I had got a letter off the Benefit office about my Incapacity benefit changing to Employment and Support Allowance.
· The letter wasn't very clear to read.
· There was far too much information for me to read and understand.
· DWP shouldn’t send out unexpected letters or give people unexpected call, the Job centre staff make people aware of the changes face to face in the Job centre.
· Days, months, years and time need to be made out clearer to when the Jobcentre wants us in to tell us about the benefit changes and so they can make other places they may have to be aware.
We could get a call or and letter any time to tell us our benefits have changed.
It is hard to plan our support when we don't know when they are going to call.
People are expected to work; they can't be expected to be sitting at home waiting for the Job Centre to call.
When something totally unexpected it can bring on a person's Anxiety and Depression so it's best for a person to know in plenty of notice even though that's not always possible.
There's huge certain now with these cuts everywhere else that more and more vulnerable people are in risk of having their benefits cut as the government is cutting the council's money. The worry is
There's huge certain now with these cuts everywhere else that more and more vulnerable people are in risk of having their benefits cut as the government is cutting the council's money. The worry is
How the cuts are affecting vulnerable people.
Vulnerable people accessing friendships and relationships.
Communication seems to be a big problem between vulnerable people and other people as a whole.
· Despite of the communication barrier vulnerable people still have the rights to communicate with others the best way they can.
· It’s important for vulnerable people to mix with other people otherwise they will lose self confidence.
· Other people just need to make more effect to understand them.
About the cuts.
· No one should be forced into situations that they don’t want to be in.
· There again vulnerable people should have as much rights as other people.
· Vulnerable people having to ask other people for support a lot.
· Vulnerable people hate been seen as a centre of attention.
· Vulnerable people don't like been seen as hard work and costing a lot of money for others.
· Vulnerable people don't like feeling as if we are blamed for the problems we have, we don’t like being made to feel guilty for the problems we have.
· Despite of the problems we have we should have the same rights as other people.
· These cuts are making times go backwards instead of forwards. These cuts are likely to affect areas of life like.
· Social events
· Health
· Education
· Employment
· Housing
· not enough work
· too much work
· paying bills,
· marriage
· relationships
· children
· are/support in the home
Epilepsy, Anxiety and Depression worry and stress can affect.
Epilepsy.This may not be epilepsy, if not what is it?
It may well be Anxiety panic attacks.
Why come back after twenty years?
Why haven't felt well for the last mouth?
Headaches, shakes and the room moving round and round.
The tablets cure one thing and bring another thing on.
I feel shaky and tired.
I am not looking forward to a brain scan, flashing lights and electric stick glue wires in my hair.
It's like a big storm inside my head.
It causes your nerves to be bad mainly when you have waiting to see if you pass or fail. 2001 onwards.
Why come back after twenty years?
Why haven't felt well for the last mouth?
Headaches, shakes and the room moving round and round.
The tablets cure one thing and bring another thing on.
I feel shaky and tired.
I am not looking forward to a brain scan, flashing lights and electric stick glue wires in my hair.
It's like a big storm inside my head.
It causes your nerves to be bad mainly when you have waiting to see if you pass or fail. 2001 onwards.
The risk of post-traumatic seizures increases with severity of trauma (image at right) and is particularly elevated with certain types of brain trauma such as cerebral contusions or hematomas.[22] As many as 50% of people with penetrating head injuries will develop seizures.[20] People with early seizures, those occurring within a week of injury, have an increased risk of post-traumatic epilepsy (recurrent seizures occurring more than a week after the initial trauma).[23] Generally, medical professionals use anticonvulsant medications to treat seizures in TBI patients within the first week of injury only [24] and after that only if the seizures persist.
TBI may cause emotional or behavioural problems and changes in personality.[15] Emotional symptoms that can follow TBI include emotional instability, depression, anxiety, hypomania, mania, apathy, irritability, and anger.[9] TBI appears to predispose a person to psychiatric disorders including obsessive compulsive disorder, alcohol or substance abuse or substance dependence, dysthymia,clinical depression, bipolar disorder, phobias, panic disorder, and schizophrenia.[16] About one quarter of people with TBI suffer from clinical depression, and about 9% suffer mania.[17] The prevalence of all psychiatric illnesses is 49% in moderate to severe TBI and 34% in mild TBI within a year of injury, compared with 18% of controls.[18] People with TBI continue to be at greater risk for psychiatric problems than others even years after an injury.[18] Problems that may persist for up to two years after the injury include irritability, suicidal, insomnia, and loss of the ability to experience pleasure from previously enjoyable experiences.[17]
Behavioural symptoms that can follow TBI include disinhibition, inability to control anger, impulsiveness, and lack of initiative, inappropriate sexual activity, and changes in personality.[9] Different behavioural problems are characteristic of the location of injury; for instance, frontal injuries often result in disinhibition and inappropriate or childish behaviour, and temporal lobe injuries often cause irritability and aggression.[19]
· Anxiety and depression can be linked to learning disabilities.
· Most of us feel frightened our muscles can tense up whether we have a reason to do so or not.
· Most of us can think we fail in everything but we don’t.
· We can feel nervous for example when are about to take an exam or even have an interview for a job.
· Most of us find it hard to believe in ourselves and many of us find it hard to we will get the support we need in whatever we need it for.
· Some of us find it hard to believe that employers will take us on many of us believe that employers will sack us.
· Anxiety and depression has its good days and bad.
· When things get really bad many of us feel as if life is not worth living therefore it can cause us to have thoughts of taking our own lives.
· Depression is a feeling of sadness whether there’s a reason to be or not like Anxiety is a feeling of anger whether there’s a reason to be or not.
· When you have those feelings you have a fear of society thinking you have gone so mad, that they think you need to be locked up.
· Anxiety and depression is also a fear of everything being your fault. Yes I know it may not be as bad as it seems but if you haven’t got these health problems you don’t understand.
· There’s no need to see the world as black and white.
· We are not completely sad and angrily people.
· We have our good and bad days just like you do.
· Some of us can manage our own health problems, others need help to do so and others can be bothered.
· Others live in fear of what society thinks because Mental Health can be so misunderstood.
· Some people find it hard to have trust in the system. Mainly when it comes to the cutbacks British is having, you may be shocked to find how many people may be suffering on their own.
· A lot of people with Mental Health problems get frightened and they fear things.
· Making people aware help is out there but not forcing help.
· This may not make sense to people who don’t have Mental Health problems but we shouldn't be made to feel ashamed and guilty, mainly those of us who try to help ourselves.
· Many of us may appear alright to you if you see smiles on our faces but what we feel inside can be very different.
· This can be because we don’t want to be hard work to anyone and that we want to help ourselves.
· Hiding the sadness and anger can be the easiest way we can manage our health problems.
· Yes I know that there are some that can’t be bothered to help themselves.
· There are different forms of Anxiety and depression which affects different people in different ways from minor to major.
· Some people mainly when they have got other health problems and disabilities a lot of medications can make them worse than what they are mainly when they are on too many.
· A lot of side effect can bring on other health problems.
· Another way some people with Mental Health problems manage their illnesses or and conditions is by expressing talents that many can have like poetry, short stories, drawings and paintings for example.
· By managing their lives like that is better than committing crimes but not everyone manages that way.
· They either find other ways or nothing at all. For most people, they may become a victim of crime, commit crimes or even both.
· Some people are danger to themselves, to others or both.
· If that happens either they are in fear of what people think of them or they just can’t be bothered to manage their health problem and get help.
· Some people are even aware they have these problems but other people notice they are there.
· Most of us don’t like crowds and queues, which give us a sheer of panic then we have to find a clear space to calm ourselves down.
· Most of us will avoid packed places.
· Some of us have fear of forgetting even if we getting everything together, then we are checking our bags halfway down the road for example.
· It’s hard to know how we get through day after day.
· Many of us get upset very easily over negative situations whether it’s for example a death of a people we know relationship break ups, failed an exam or turned down by a job.
· We understand that these things happen but it takes us longer to come to terms with than other people we never do.
· Many people find it hard to put certain things that have happened in their past behind them.
· Some it may take a long time to put behind them and others never get over whatever it is. Some people even can have nightmares, flashback or both for years or even for life.
· All my life I have tried to mange my Anxiety and depression the best way I can without realising I have those health problems to start with.
Some people have anxiety, depression and epilepsy, which can link together.
Some people have anxiety, depression and epilepsy, which can link together.
If people get stressed very easily suffer Panic attacks it can bring epilepsy but it doesn't affect everyone the same.
If people get stressed very easily suffer Panic attacks it can bring epilepsy but it doesn't affect everyone the same.
· I am an Advocacy work, Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness trainer.
· About panic attacks.
Change can be a big thing for a lot of people with Autism.
People can have these conditions whether they have disabilities or not.
Change can be a big thing for a lot of people with Autism.
People can have these conditions whether they have disabilities or not.
· Health problems can link to disabilities or be without disabilities.
· Anxiety and depression is bad for enough anyone.
New things which are changes whether it's good or bad can make people nervous.
New things which are changes whether it's good or bad can make people nervous.
· When some people get nervous they can have Panic attacks but Panic attacks can be brought by other things like for example; stress other reasons or no reason at all like depression.
Change can be a big thing for of people whether they are nervous about something or someone.
Change can be a big thing for of people whether they are nervous about something or someone.
Whatever is going on in peoples' lives and minds some people can't sleep for thinking all the while others sleep all the while to avoid the situations whether it's a good bad change in their lives?
Whatever is going on in peoples' lives and minds some people can't sleep for thinking all the while others sleep all the while to avoid the situations whether it's a good bad change in their lives?
Some people can find it hard to contrite on other things they only cope with one thing at a time.
Some people may worry more than they should, which is part of their condition what seems a mole hill to you feels like a mountain to them.
Some people can find it hard to contrite on other things they only cope with one thing at a time.
Some people may worry more than they should, which is part of their condition what seems a mole hill to you feels like a mountain to them.
· You just need to be patient until the person realises that things may not be as bad to what it seems to them.
· Everyone suffers from Anxiety and depression one way or another.
Sadly there's not enough said about stress I think we need to raise Stress awareness for everyone, that includes people with LD and Health problems.
Some people don't know that some people suffer LD and Health problems together, that's what I have otherwise I wouldn't have known that.
Anxiety and depression are forms of stress in every ones' lives.
Sadly there's not enough said about stress I think we need to raise Stress awareness for everyone, that includes people with LD and Health problems.
Some people don't know that some people suffer LD and Health problems together, that's what I have otherwise I wouldn't have known that.
Anxiety and depression are forms of stress in every ones' lives.
It's very hard to make a balance to keep healthily and happy.
This can be why a lot of people can turn to smoking, drugs and etc.
When you have learning disabilities there can be a lack of support off society because we are slow and find it harder to cope with our lives than other people yet we are easier ill than other people.
It's very hard to make a balance to keep healthily and happy.
This can be why a lot of people can turn to smoking, drugs and etc.
When you have learning disabilities there can be a lack of support off society because we are slow and find it harder to cope with our lives than other people yet we are easier ill than other people.
Stress, Depression and Anxiety can last short term or for life.
If you think about it we can all suffer stress one way or another?
It's so easy to worry about things that you didn't need to but with some things you. We are right doing so.
If you would like to have more understanding with what’s on the Mind.
Stress, Depression and Anxiety can last short term or for life.
If you think about it we can all suffer stress one way or another?
It's so easy to worry about things that you didn't need to but with some things you. We are right doing so.
If you would like to have more understanding with what’s on the Mind.
· A lot of people say Mental Health is just in the mind.
You may learn what's, whys and how the Mind is or can be affected.
You may learn what's, whys and how the Mind is or can be affected.
Tap Mind in the Google engine or whatever you have got.
Save it in your favourites or Bookmarks.
Tap Mind in the Google engine or whatever you have got.
Save it in your favourites or Bookmarks.
· Whatever Health problems and disabilities are we have enough stress with that on its own.
We understand for eg; that we have to pay our bills like everyone else but with the problems we have already, we have double stress.
You feel tense.
We understand for eg; that we have to pay our bills like everyone else but with the problems we have already, we have double stress.
You feel tense.
You panic and worry about things that aren't as bad as they seem.
You panic and worry about things that aren't as bad as they seem.
You feel as if the world is controlling you.
I panic when I walk into services, load of people give me different answers to one question.
For eg; is this benefit right for me?
I panic when I walk into services, load of people give me different answers to one question.
For eg; is this benefit right for me?
For eg; is this benefit right for me?
I can't cope with too much jargon and too much information.
To be truthful the answer is either yes or no not both.
Managers need to inform all staff on what the rules are otherwise it confuses people.
I can't cope with too much jargon and too much information.
To be truthful the answer is either yes or no not both.
Managers need to inform all staff on what the rules are otherwise it confuses people.
Sometimes crowds can panic me where there are too many people around me.
I am a bit better than I used to be.
It can depend where I am and how many people there are.
When I really worry about things, it causes me to have Petite Mal fits.
I am easy misunderstood mainly when I am accessing services, when information doesn't seem straight forward to me.
I always have to have things going on in my life; otherwise I get very angry, depressed and bored.
My Gran died in 2007 and my last relationship broke down for the last time.
If it hadn't of been for Employment Pathways getting me on to Mencap, I don't know how I would have coped with my life now.
The first longest my relationship broke up at the end of 1996, which was two and a half years.
Now when I think about it wasn't that long yet after been apart 4 years, I gave him a second chance that lasted seven years.
Now there's no going back.
I couldn't stand sitting in the house alone but I wasn't in the mood to talk to people either.
How the cuts are affecting vulnerable people.
Vulnerable people accessing friendships and relationships.
It's important to vulnerable people to access friendships and relationships as much as it is for other people.
Communication seems to be a big problem between vulnerable people and other people as a whole. Despite of the communication barrier vulnerable people have that doesn't mean we shouldn't have the same rights as other people. That is to mix with other people and those same if not much different to us. Other people just need to learn to communicate and get along with us.
About the cuts.
No one should be forced into situations that they don’t want to be in. There again vulnerable people should have as much rights as other people. Vulnerable people having to ask other people for support a lot. Vulnerable people hate been seen as a centre of attention. Vulnerable people don't like been seen as hard work and costing a lot of money for others. Vulnerable people don't like feeling as if we are blamed for the problems we have, we don’t like being made to feel guilty for the problems we have. Despite of the problems we have we should have the same rights as other people. These cuts are making times go backwards instead of forwards. These cuts are likely to affect areas of life like.
· Social events
· Health
· Education
· Employment
· Housing
· Care/support in the home

Epilepsy.This may not be epilepsy, if not what is it?
It may well be Anxiety panic attacks.
Why come back after twenty years?
Why haven't felt well for the last mouth?
Headaches, shakes and the room moving round and round.
The tablets cure one thing and bring another thing on.
I feel shaky and tired.
I am not looking forward to a brain scan, flashing lights and electric stick glue wires in my hair.
It's like a big storm inside my head.
It causes your nerves to be bad mainly when you have waiting to see if you pass or fail. 2001 onwards.
Why come back after twenty years?
Why haven't felt well for the last mouth?
Headaches, shakes and the room moving round and round.
The tablets cure one thing and bring another thing on.
I feel shaky and tired.
I am not looking forward to a brain scan, flashing lights and electric stick glue wires in my hair.
It's like a big storm inside my head.
It causes your nerves to be bad mainly when you have waiting to see if you pass or fail. 2001 onwards.
The risk of post-traumatic seizures increases with severity of trauma (image at right) and is particularly elevated with certain types of brain trauma such as cerebral contusions or hematomas.[22] As many as 50% of people with penetrating head injuries will develop seizures.[20] People with early seizures, those occurring within a week of injury, have an increased risk of post-traumatic epilepsy (recurrent seizures occurring more than a week after the initial trauma).[23] Generally, medical professionals use anticonvulsant medications to treat seizures in TBI patients within the first week of injury only [24] and after that only if the seizures persist.
TBI may cause emotional or behavioural problems and changes in personality.[15] Emotional symptoms that can follow TBI include emotional instability, depression, anxiety, hypomania, mania, apathy, irritability, and anger.[9] TBI appears to predispose a person to psychiatric disorders including obsessive compulsive disorder, alcohol or substance abuse or substance dependence, dysthymia,clinical depression, bipolar disorder, phobias, panic disorder, and schizophrenia.[16] About one quarter of people with TBI suffer from clinical depression, and about 9% suffer mania.[17] The prevalence of all psychiatric illnesses is 49% in moderate to severe TBI and 34% in mild TBI within a year of injury, compared with 18% of controls.[18] People with TBI continue to be at greater risk for psychiatric problems than others even years after an injury.[18] Problems that may persist for up to two years after the injury include irritability, suicidal, insomnia, and loss of the ability to experience pleasure from previously enjoyable experiences.[17]
Behavioural symptoms that can follow TBI include disinhibition, inability to control anger, impulsiveness, and lack of initiative, inappropriate sexual activity, and changes in personality.[9] Different behavioural problems are characteristic of the location of injury; for instance, frontal injuries often result in disinhibition and inappropriate or childish behaviour, and temporal lobe injuries often cause irritability and aggression.[19]
Anxiety and depression can be linked to learning disabilities.
Most of us feel frightened our muscles can tense up whether we have a reason to do so or not.
Most of us can think we fail in everything but we don’t. We can feel nervous for example when are about to take an exam or even have an interview for a job.
Most of us find it hard to believe in ourselves and many of us find it hard to we will get the support we need in whatever we need it for.
Some of us find it hard to believe that employers will take us on many of us believe that employers will sack us.
Anxiety and depression has its good days and bad.
When things get really bad many of us feel as if life is not worth living therefore it can cause us to have thoughts of taking our own lives.
Depression is a feeling of sadness whether there’s a reason to be or not like Anxiety is a feeling of anger whether there’s a reason to be or not. When you have those feelings you have a fear of society thinking you have gone so mad, that they think you need to be locked up. Anxiety and depression is also a fear of everything being your fault. Yes I know it may not be as bad as it seems but if you haven’t got these health problems you don’t understand.
There’s no need to see the world as black and white. We are not completely sad and angrily people. We have our good and bad days just like you do. Some of us can manage our own health problems, others need help to do so and others can be bothered.
Others live in fear of what society thinks because Mental Health can be so misunderstood. Some people find it hard to have trust in the system. Mainly when it comes to the cutbacks British is having, you may be shocked to find how many people may be suffering on their own. A lot of people with Mental Health problems get frightened and they fear things. Making people aware help is out there but not forcing help.
This may not make sense to people who don’t have Mental Health problems but we shouldn't be made to feel ashamed and guilty, mainly those of us who try to help ourselves. Many of us may appear alright to you if you see smiles on our faces but what we feel inside can be very different. This can be because we don’t want to be hard work to anyone and that we want to help ourselves. Hiding the sadness and anger can be the easiest way we can manage our health problems. Yes I know that there are some that can’t be bothered to help themselves.
There are different forms of Anxiety and depression which affects different people in different ways from minor to major. Some people mainly when they have got other health problems and disabilities a lot of medications can make them worse than what they are mainly when they are on too many. A lot of side effect can bring on other health problems.
Another way some people with Mental Health problems manage their illnesses or and conditions is by expressing talents that many can have like poetry, short stories, drawings and paintings for example. By managing their lives like that is better than committing crimes but not everyone manages that way. They either find other ways or nothing at all. For most people, they may become a victim of crime, commit crimes or even both. Some people are danger to themselves, to others or both.
If that happens either they are in fear of what people think of them or they just can't be bothered to manage their health problem and get help. Some people are even aware they have these problems but other people notice they are there.
Most of us don’t like crowds and queues, which give us a sheer of panic then we have to find a clear space to calm ourselves down.
Most of us will avoid packed places.
Some of us have fear of forgetting even if we getting everything together, then we are checking our bags halfway down the road for example.
It’s hard to know how we get through day after day.
Many of us get upset very easily over negative situations whether it’s for example a death of a people we know relationship break ups, failed an exam or turned down by a job. We understand that these things happen but it takes us longer to come to terms with than other people we never do. Many people find it hard to put certain things that have happened in their past behind them. Some it may take a long time to put behind them and others never get over whatever it is. Some people even can have nightmares, flashback or both for years or even for life.
· All my life I have tried to mange my Anxiety and depression the best way I can without realising I have those health problems to start with.
· My Anxiety and Depression work both ways to a point I can’t manage my life without having something going onto a point I have lost interest in things that I am normally interested in.
· I love writing short stories and poetry. I even knit and read once in a while.
Some people have anxiety, depression and epilepsy, which can link together.
If people get stressed very easily suffer Panic attacks it can bring epilepsy but it doesn't affect everyone the same.
Some people have anxiety, depression and epilepsy, which can link together.
If people get stressed very easily suffer Panic attacks it can bring epilepsy but it doesn't affect everyone the same.
· I am an Advocacy work, Learning Disability and Mental Health Awareness trainer.
Change can be a big thing for a lot of people with Autism.
People can have these conditions whether they have disabilities or not.
· Health problems can link to disabilities or be without disabilities.
· Anxiety and depression is bad for enough anyone.
New things which are changes whether it's good or bad can make people nervous.
New things which are changes whether it's good or bad can make people nervous.
· When some people get nervous they can have Panic attacks but Panic attacks can be brought by other things like for example; stress other reasons or no reason at all like depression.
Change can be a big thing for of people whether they are nervous about something or someone.
Whatever is going on in peoples' lives and minds some people can't sleep for thinking all the while others sleep all the while to avoid the situations whether it's a good bad change in their lives?
Some people can find it hard to contrite on other things they only cope with one thing at a time.
Some people may worry more than they should, which is part of their condition what seems a mole hill to you feels like a mountain to them.
Change can be a big thing for of people whether they are nervous about something or someone.
Whatever is going on in peoples' lives and minds some people can't sleep for thinking all the while others sleep all the while to avoid the situations whether it's a good bad change in their lives?
Some people can find it hard to contrite on other things they only cope with one thing at a time.
Some people may worry more than they should, which is part of their condition what seems a mole hill to you feels like a mountain to them.
· You just need to be patient until the person realises that things may not be as bad to what it seems to them.
· Everyone suffers from Anxiety and depression one way or another.
Sadly there's not enough said about stress I think we need to raise Stress awareness for everyone, that includes people with LD and Health problems.
Some people don't know that some people suffer LD and Health problems together, that's what I have otherwise I wouldn't have known that.
Anxiety and depression are forms of stress in every ones' lives.
Many things can get on top of people, paying bills, not enough work, too much work, marriage, relationships, children and even loneliness.
It's very hard to make a balance to keep healthily and happy.
This can be why a lot of people can turn to smoking, drugs and etc.
When you have learning disabilities there can be a lack of support off society because we are slow and find it harder to cope with our lives than other people yet we are easier ill than other people.
Sadly there's not enough said about stress I think we need to raise Stress awareness for everyone, that includes people with LD and Health problems.
Some people don't know that some people suffer LD and Health problems together, that's what I have otherwise I wouldn't have known that.
Anxiety and depression are forms of stress in every ones' lives.
Many things can get on top of people, paying bills, not enough work, too much work, marriage, relationships, children and even loneliness.
It's very hard to make a balance to keep healthily and happy.
This can be why a lot of people can turn to smoking, drugs and etc.
When you have learning disabilities there can be a lack of support off society because we are slow and find it harder to cope with our lives than other people yet we are easier ill than other people.
When I really worry about things, it causes me to have Petite Mal fits.
I am easy misunderstood mainly when I am accessing services, when information doesn't seem straight forward to me.
I always have to have things going on in my life; otherwise I get very angry, depressed and bored.
My Gran died in 2007 and my last relationship broke down for the last time.
If it hadn't of been for Employment Pathways getting me on to Mencap, I don't know how I would have coped with my life now.
The first longest my relationship broke up at the end of 1996, which was two and a half years.
Now when I think about it wasn't that long yet after been apart 4 years, I gave him a second chance that lasted seven years.
Now there's no going back.
I couldn't stand sitting in the house alone but I wasn't in the mood to talk to people either.
I just used watch the world go by.
I am easy misunderstood mainly when I am accessing services, when information doesn't seem straight forward to me.
I always have to have things going on in my life; otherwise I get very angry, depressed and bored.
My Gran died in 2007 and my last relationship broke down for the last time.
If it hadn't of been for Employment Pathways getting me on to Mencap, I don't know how I would have coped with my life now.
The first longest my relationship broke up at the end of 1996, which was two and a half years.
Now when I think about it wasn't that long yet after been apart 4 years, I gave him a second chance that lasted seven years.
Now there's no going back.
I couldn't stand sitting in the house alone but I wasn't in the mood to talk to people either.
I just used watch the world go by.
At that point I used to drink very heavy, which lasted six to twelve mouths.
I then worked it that couldn't go on like this forever yet I was still having a break down and even feeling as if I wanted to end my life.
Never the less I cut the drinking down and I started writing poetry to get things off my chest.
I then worked it that couldn't go on like this forever yet I was still having a break down and even feeling as if I wanted to end my life.
Never the less I cut the drinking down and I started writing poetry to get things off my chest.
Update on Anxiety, Depression, Stress, panic, Attacks ADHD, Epilepsy.
· All these mental health problems can get confused because they aren't much different to one another.
· I guess I could have either one to all of those as I have suffered from either one to all for forty-four years now, which is from birth.
· Through the side effects of my medication Phenobarbitone I was put on as a baby and child, which caused me to be moody and hyperactive.
· The moods could come on any time due to the fact I found it hard to sleep at night I was overtired.
· Yet strangely the day time I was dreamy, in a world of my own and unaware of the world around me.
· For example even at the age of twelve I was a danger hazard to cross the road.
· I couldn’t pay attention in my school work. I was always classed as thick, lazy and told I’d never get along in life.
· I think at that point of my life I was suffering from ADHD.
· I left school believing I wouldn't get anywhere in life.
· I left school believing at first I wouldn't get anywhere in life but then I was happy to leave school.
· Near enough every school I went to I faced bullying, rape and sexual abuse from a lot of children in the schools.
· From after I left school twenty – seven years ago I have proved myself wrong by achieving the things I have said I have achieved like the exams I have passed in college, the awareness of learning disability and mental health awareness, Advocacy, short stories and poetry which is all on my website email
· Never the less these health problems are not much different to one another.
· Anxiety is a feeling of anger, panic and fear whether a person has a reason to feel that way or not.
· Depression is a feeling of sadness whether a person has a reason to feel sad or not. Epilepsy and panic attacks are not that much different to one another either.
· Worry is connected to stress which is anxiety when a person gets upset easily. Can all those health problems be linked or and even be misunderstood?
How can these health problems be not much different to one another?
· A fit and a panic attack are both to do with the nervous system, which people can very easily confuse one with the other.
· This can also be confusing for the person who is facing the fit, panic attacks or even both. For example what I have faced.
· Headaches
· Dizziness
· Choking or even a sense of choking, it’s a feeling as if someone has got their hands round my neck.
· Electric shocks, pins and needles through my spine arms and legs.
· Shaking
· Going hot and cold
· Fully aware of what’s going on.
· This is an example of how all these things can get confused with one another.
Anxiety. A sense of panic, fear and or anger whether there’s a reason or not. Like all health problems it can depend on how we manage the health problems.
· Those of us like me who have had these health problems manage them in a different way than what we did to start off with.
· As it’s possible I may have had ADHD as a child it could be possible it could be a major form of Anxiety.
· Most children pull a screaming and kicking temper paddies in town for example at times but it can depend on how often.
· If this happens to your child a lot and I mean a lot then they may need to get checked and diagnosed.
· Something may be happening your child may not be able to explain also they may be in fear that you may not understand. May be they don’t know themselves, which can be very frustrating this can alsobe fearful and scary whether there’s a reason to be or not.
· ADHD can be some form of Autism as well.
· A mild form Anxiety can be the same as major fearing things are worse than what they are but can be in different ways.
· For example different people you different thing on one thing a person may want to know so that person may get easily get confused.
· Most people may get upset easily upset caused by negative situations such as a death of people they know or they may a relationship break up which we all have to face but we all get affected in different ways.
· Some people come to terms with these things quicker than others but people with health problems and disabilities mostly tend to be more sensitive and tend to be slower to come to term with these kinds of issues.
· Some people can be also nervous of exams and even taking their driving test for example. This can depend on how often a person is nervous and may be depending what situations they are nervous of. People can get nervous over negative and positive things which can be a sense a fear, excitement and exams for eg;
· Some people have fears of forgetting things mainly when it comes to important things.
· Even if you have got things ready before hand you want to make. You fear just in case you forget something important.
· In fact people who suffer from Anxiety are likely to forget less time than people who don’t have Anxiety cause we are always worrying about forgetting. In fact what we have to remember is always on our minds until whatever event is over.
· You are saying to yourself, have I remembered it when you get there where you are going and whatever you need whatever for.
· Anger is part of Anxiety.
· Anger is a feeling you get whether there’s a reason or not. It can be a feeling of anger, worry, stress and tension yet all of those things can just happen.
· This is because those things are linked to Anxiety.
· This is where we need exercises to loosen our muscles up but this may not work for all of us.
· It’s possible that all these words like anger, worry, stress and tension get confused easy because there’s not much difference between the meanings of the words.
· When we face these feelings it tends to feel the same feeling. These feelings don’t need a reason to happen.
Depression. It’s the same with depression a feeling of sadness that comes on whether there’s a reason to be sad or not.
It’s hard to know whether these health problems are illnesses or conditions, I don’t anyone knows for such.
One always says that’s it best to keep the mind and body busy but that works for some people not for others.
Many people tell people who suffer from Anxiety and depression that it’s all in the mind.
In my case I can go from losing interest in what I am normally interested in to climbing the walls when I have nothing going on in my life.
I can feel angrily, sad, down, stressed, depressed, worried and etc for a reason and no reason at all.
I have so many thoughts in my head I very rarely talk about or I don’t talk about them at all such as feeling as if life isn't worth life.
I try very hard to fight those thoughts, which isn’t easy.
It could be for the silliest reasons or yet again no reason at all.
Professions advice this that and the other but these things are there to try.
What works for one person doesn’t for the other.
That could mean exercises, diet and many things that may keep the mind and body busy.
Like for example for me and for those of you who have read my website will know my poetry helps my Anxiety and Depression in the sense of anger and sadness, when comes to relationship break ups for example or someone who I know who has died.
· The slightest little negative thing for most people can bring on person Anxiety, depression or and even cause them to have fits.
· It’s surprising how many people who are sensitive to stress even though no one can avoid stress and negative things going on in their lives.
· Sadly there aren't any straight answers to whether it’s possible to have Anxiety, Epilepsy or even both. Every website you go on will take you something different. Not even the doctors know for sure and may be not even the hospitals.
· Many people say people who have fits are out cold and not aware of what’s going on around them but some say not necessary yet people can face synonyms that are not much different to panics attacks, such as headaches, dizziness, shaking, pin and needles electric shocks, choking or even a feeling of choking.
· (May be not being able to breathe).
· Epilepsy, anxiety, and depression are all common disorders. It is therefore not surprising that the conditions are hard to understand because there’s not much difference between the one another.
Patients with epilepsy and anxiety disorders. Diagnosis and treatment].
· Department des Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalise de Luxembourg.
· Up to 50-60% of patients with epilepsy may develop psychiatric complications, in particular depression, anxiety, and psychotic disorders.
· Although this co morbidity has received a great deal of attention in recent years, the anxiety spectrum of psychiatric disturbances in epilepsy patients has not been extensively studied, although this co morbidity has a significant effect on the medical management and quality of life. The aetiology is multifactorial, including neurobiological and shared path physiological mechanisms as well as psychosocial and iatrogenic factors (e.g., influence of antiepileptic drugs, epilepsy surgery).
· Despite the high prevalence of co morbid anxiety in epilepsy, very little is known about optimal treatment strategies.
· This article reviews the complex inter relationships between anxiety disorders and epilepsy from a clinical point of view.
· The evaluation of anxiety relative to actual, peri-ictal, and poetical states is described, and medical treatment options for anxiety disorders in patients with epilepsy are discussed, illustrating that their treatment extends far beyond seizure control.
What are Learning Disability and Mental Health problems?
· Learning disabilities are caused by the way the brain develops.
Here are some forms of disabilities.
· People with profound disabilities need a lot of help with their daily lives.
· They find it hard to communicate.
· People with Severe disabilities need help with daily lives.
Some people may have physical disabilities and find it hard to communicate.
· People with Moderate disabilities mostly need a small amount of help. They mostly need help in social and emotional issues.
Causes of Learning Disability and Mental Health.
· The causes of learning disability and mental health can happen before, during and after a child is both.
· Things can happen to the Central system.
· The brain and Spinal cord.
· Gene is chemicals in the bodies that contain information about us like we look.
· Many say that not all disabilities and health problems run in the family.
· A child can be born lack of oxygen during birth or too early.
Learning disabilities and mental Health affects the body and mind.
· People with Mild learning disabilities need a small amount or no help.
· People with disabilities and health problems find it hard to be believed and understood.
· Most people don't understand disabilities and health problems.
· We would like to help you to understand learning disabilities and mental health.
There are different disabilities and mental health problems.
· For eg; hidden disabilities are mostly misunderstood because no one can see peoples' disabilities or and mental health problems.
· When people can walk and talk it's too easy to think they can learn as quickly as you.
· Accept anything off anyone, never think that they can learn has quickly as you just because they can walk and talk.
· Never think they can cope with their lives like you just because they can walk and talk.
· Many peoples' disabilities and health problems haven't been diagnosed because they have lived with it for so long.
· For eg; if you are 40 or over it's hard get diagnosed because they didn't diagnosed in the past.
· The best time to get diagnosed is a baby or child so people get an understanding of their disabilities and health problems from day one.
· People who have their disabilities and health problems after birth should get diagnosed as soon as possible the same as people who have disabilities before and after birth.
· Asperser Syndrome is a mild form of Autism for eg; of a hidden disability linked with other disabilities such as Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Epilepsy, Anxiety, Depression and ADHD.
Most disabilities and health problems affect the way people communicate.
· There are different disabilities and different health problems.
· Disabilities and health problems affect different people in different ways.
· Expect anything from disabilities and health problems.
· For eg; not everyone with the same disability and health problem needs the same help.
· Disabilities and health problems affect the brain, body or and both.
· Society sees people with disabilities and health problems as a Health and Safety hazard.
· We can't work or think as fast as other people.
· People with disabilities and health problems are good and not good at different things just like you.
· We are mostly seen for the things that we can't do rather than what we can do.
· We achieve our goals quicker if we are given the right support.
· Britain has very little money now; the help for people with disabilities and health problems is getting very little because of the cuts the governments are making.
Please learn more about learning disability and mental health · on this website and
Understanding Anxiety and Depression.
· Anxiety and depression is very hard to understand if you don't face it yourself. Anxiety is when life seems harder than it is.
· Anxiety can be a fear of things going on when they are not.
· A person could be worrying more than they should.
· Even though they may be right, they need to be you to understand why you worry like you do.
· The world seems big when it is small.
· As mad as it sounds to you a person may feel lonely even when they are not.
· It seems hard to believe when people tell you have nothing to worry about or not that much to worry about.
· Anxiety and depression can be linked into learning disability.
· Anxiety and depression is bad for enough anyone.
· Everyone suffers from Anxiety and depression one way or another.
· Sadly there's not enough said about stress I think we need to raise Stress awareness for everyone, that includes people with LD and Health problems.
· Some people don't know that some people stuffier Learning disability and Health problems together, that's what I have otherwise, I wouldn't have known that.
· Anxiety and depression are forms of stress in every ones' lives.
· Many things can get on top of people, paying bills, not enough work, too much work, marriage, relationships, children and even loneliness.
· It's very hard to make a balance to keep healthy and happy.
· This can be why a lot of people can turn to smoking, drugs and etc.
· When you have learning disabilities there can be a lack of support off society because we are slow and find it harder to cope with our lives than other people yet we are easier ill than other people.
· Stress, Depression and Anxiety can last short term or for life.
· If you think about it we can all stuffier stress one way or another.
· Anxiety and depression is linked into my learning disability.
· Anxiety and depression is bad for enough anyone.
· Everyone suffers from Anxiety and depression one way or another.
· Sadly there's not enough said about stress I think we need to raise Stress awareness for everyone, that includes people with LD and Health problems.
· Some people don't know that some people stuffier LD and Health problems together, that's what I have otherwise, I wouldn't have known that.
· Anxiety and depression are forms of stress in every ones' lives.
· It's very hard to make a balance to keep healthily and happy.
· This can be why a lot of people can turn to smoking, drugs and etc.
· When you have learning disabilities there can be a lack of support off society because we are slow
· Stress, Depression and Anxiety can last short term or for life.
· If you think about it we can all stuffier stress one way or another.
· It's so easy to worry about things that you didn't need to but with something you were right doing so.
· You may learn what’s, whys and how the mind is or can be affected.
· Some people can panic in crowds.
· Other people worry in case they haven't locked the door.
· Some people worry in case they have forgotten important things for eg; keys, bus pass and etc.
· For eg; some people it's too easy to make a mountain out of mole hill.
· Some things may seem worse than what they are.
· We understand for eg; that we have to pay our bills like everyone else but with the problems we have already, we have double stress.
· A person may feel tense.
· A person may feel as if the world is controlling them.
· Some people panic when they walk into a service when different staff tells them different information about one thing.
· Managers should make staff aware of what the rules are and of any changes.
· Tap in Mind and Rethink in the Google engine or whatever you have got.
· There can’t be yes and no to one question one or the other which is why staff should be told what to tell people.
· Save it in your favorites or Bookmarks if you can.
· Whatever Health problems and disabilities we have that's our stress on its own.
Out of sight out mind.
Look behind you.
Not knowing what is going to happen next.
The pain never ends.
You are too young to know what's going on and the reason why but there's no reason why anything bad should be going.
As the years go by you still don't forgot.
You can see it in your mind.
It's still hard to come to terms with even after years.
There's more to you than just a victim of Domestic Violence.
Even after years and years the bad memories go through your mind.
Every day and night seems very dark.
It goes over and over in your mind don't you find?
You’re sitting up and looking round accepting someone to hurt you can again, it's so easy to live your life in fear.
Every 5 minutes going to the bathroom, vomiting in fear in case anything could have happened next.
You are still strong enough to live your life and look forward to the good to come.
They lose you win, they may well get away with it now but in time they have hell to come.
Weak to strong.
There’s not anything worse than not knowing what's happened to you.
The nasty pictures are in your mind for life.
If life is like this, you just don't want to live anymore you want to put your fingers down your throat and make yourself sick.
You want to run away from school.
No you don't want to do these things the dark is very scary when you’re a child, that's what keeps you strong.
Years on you're still here, the victim child is now an adult, no more flash backs.
The weekend can't be slow enough, if it goes any faster, it will be time to go back to school and face all over again.
Don't run away, someone will hurt you, and then your family will be worried about you.
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