Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Monday, 28 June 2021

What to do. Listening skills


Let the person talk and say how they are feeling.

Give the person your full time.

Let them know you really listening by giving full eye contact

Do not talk about yourself, listen to the person talk about their situation.

 Keep a record, diary, etc, even record yourself with the person.

Have you let the person do most of the talking without interruption?

Have you given the person all the time they need?

Give effective listening, it helps the person trust you.

Do not rush the person, they will not feel safe if they are rushed

Just because they may pause does not mean you can interrupt; they may be thinking about what to say.

Take time to understand what they are saying.

Some people may find it hard to express how they are feeling so be patient.

Do not judge the person, allow them to relax and talk as short and as long as they want to.

Reflect on their emotions.

Ask open questions for example, how are you feeling today?

Do not jump in with your suggestions while the person is talking or even if the pause unless they invite you to speak for whatever reason.

Do not impose your opinion but reflex on what the person says.

 No asking questions or say anything that stops the person from talking.

 Ask open questions that empowers the person to talk.

Paraphrasing to make sure what you have written is what the person has said, and you have understood them correctly.

Checking by reading what you have written while the person was talking to find out whether or not you have written it down write and understood the people or not.

Repeating back to the person if needs be and checking your hearing what the person is wanting you to hear.

          Do not let bad replies put you off and, it is important, do not feel you have to fill a silence, just respect, and accept how the person wants things.

Forus on the person’s safety and yours, they may not be ready for advice yet.

They may just want to talk things off their chest.

If you have any concerns they may hurt, harm themselves, or and be in danger, call the police.

Signpost them to such local mental health services such as the Samaritans or local mental health crisis a team such as Black country line 0345 6460827



Sunday, 27 June 2021

Supporting people with suicidul thoughts

 Like I said we can't force people to talk and we cannot force people not to. Why would we want to do either? Even though we would like people to open up but there are all sorts of reasons why most people cannot and won't like not wanting everyone to know their business etc, afraid of their reaction, and loads more reasons that could be as I said on the last post.

In most people and causes most people can be saved for all sorts of reasons, which may be by someone, other people, or even themselves depending on the situation, person, and the support they may get off others, even whether they told anyone or not, how bad is the problem, how emotional they are, or it could be mental health, which could vary, etc to whether they pull-through or not. As much as we don't want to forus people to do what they can't or cannot, we don't know unless they say. It doesn't mean they need to tell you or me necessary but as long as tell someone or and somewhere. However' they may have their reasons if they don't but all the same, if they don't it's hard to think of a problem going away on its own etc, and concern that the person may feel suicidal sooner or later if they don't try to get help unless they can sort it themselves, which may be rare in some people.

You don't need to be a professional, counselor, therapist, etc to be there for someone. You don't need to solve their problem but just ask them how they are feeling?

If they say they are feeling suicidal and having suicidal thoughts this can be very concerning. It's too easy for people to think and judge people for being selfish when people are feeling suicidal, which is not true, they are facing, sadness, anger, pain, etc which they are wanting to end to a point they don't who and where to help. You feel as if you are not strong enough to carry on mainly if something is long going and you feel as if there's no other way out. In the past how others not necessary everyone may react to peoples' problems has driven most people to suffer in silence and most have even taken their own lives. Since counselors, thepest, etc there has been some improvement and decreases of deaths of suicide but mental health and suicide awareness and support needs to carry on.

What to do if someone is feeling suicidals.

Is the person in danger?

Ask the person how they are coping with their lives and what is happening in their life?

Ask they ever feel like giving up?

Don't ask if they feel like dying. 

Ask if they have felt like this before.

Ask if they have had these thoughts before.

Make sure they have no means of self - harm remove weapons and dangerous objects. 

Let the person talk alone with you if they wish.

Allow the person time to talk about the situation.

Talk about privacy rules such as you won't tell anyone what they said but if they you are concerned about their, you may have to tell a mental health service, police, etc.  

More on Mental health awareness


What is suicidal?


It is not easy to know and understand what drives a person to the feelings and thoughts of Suicide not even the person themselves in most cases.

Most cases of Suicidal can be saved if the person talks to someone, which sadly is not always the case because many can be afraid of what others think and say. Society meaning us as a whole need to learn to understand why people feel and think as they do.

 Yes, it is right to say that suicidal deaths have a huge effect on my families, friends, etc but we need to learn to be easy to talk to before these people can speak to us before it gets to the stage of feeling that they want to end their lives, they do not, they want to end their pain, anger, sadness etc.

It is not an easy one when someone is feeling as they do without a reason but all the same, we can try empowering the positives into the person’s life. Very often, this can be the cause of people feeling as they do whether there is a reason or not, the main causes can be Mental illnesses such as Anxiety, Depression, other mental illnesses.

 Without meaning to it is easy to make the person wish they had not said anything by making them feel guilty, by saying they are selfish, making them feel afraid to say anything to anyone.

 However,’ the person has a choice whether they say anything or not, who they tell etc.

  We need to learn as a society needs to learn how people react, not making someone feel in the wrong, ashamed say what's on their minds. 

Don't make them feel selfish is not the answer so it is okay to talk.

 Trying to find out how and why they feel as but it is their choice if they answer or not. We cannot force people to talk and we cannot make people not talk either. 

The worrying thing is the situation on their minds could get worse if not spoken to someone about. Are they telling someone else if not you? 

Risks are whatever is bothering people. Risks are peoples' thoughts increase more.

Concerns of bigger numbers of suicide attempts and deaths.

  We cannot force things out of people either.

Be aware of what can cause suicide such as Anxiety and Depression, and other mental illnesses.

Possible reasons for these thoughts and feelings.


Bullying, abuse etc.

Family break- ups.

Relationship break - ups.


Mental illness

Social isolate, living alone


Heading towards a lot of drugs, alcohol etc driven by whatever is playing on their minds.

Fearing to talk to anyone, afraid of peoples react to whatever is bothering them even though some people be easy for them to talk to than others.

 Let the person talk and say how they are feeling.

Forus on the person’s safety and yours, they may not be ready for advice yet.

They may just want to talk things off their chest.

If you have any concerns they may hurt, harm themselves or and be danger, call the police.

Sign post them to such local mental health services such as the Samaritans or local mental health crisis team such as Black country line 0345 6460827

How to notice someone is struggling emotionally.

Feeling restless

Feeling anxious

Feeling stressed

Looking tired

Not much energy

Trying to avoid people

Not taking interest, focusing or and enjoying anything

Not being their normal self

Having a lot of drugs, alcohol etc

Talking mostly negative mostly in themselves, such as blaming themselves, feeling useless etc.

They may not respond to phone calls, emails, text, messages etc

Feeling trapped in a situation, if things change, the may struggle to move forward, find the change hard to accept and see a way forward. For eg, broken relationship, marriage, loss of job, business, death of people, someone etc.

A little, too much of things compare to they are normally, such as sleeping, eating etc.


Crisis situation maybe

Death of people they know.

Relationship or marriage break up

Job loss, changes

Business loss, changes

Housing problems

Money problems

Education and learning stress, struggling with study, exam nervus etc

Bully, abuse etc


Depression, Anxiety, and other Mental illnesses

Disability issues etc

Feeling a burden to others etc

Offer them support if you and they feel comfortable.

The unknown is hard, but most people may not talk because they may be afraid of the reaction of others, they may fear to be misunderstood, they may fear what others may think of them, they may only talk to certain people depending on the situation, they may feel comfortable talking to people they know, they feel comfortable talking to those they do not know.

Everyone is different.

 Some may think they can manage the problem themselves, but it is not always the case, many may feel otherwise.

 Either we cannot make people talk or not to. However,’ with some just because they may not talk now, they may in the future.

 No one is made to talk as I said but nothing goes away if you don’t however’ nothing can be promised to necessary can be sorted but it take more than one person, service etc before it does.

Despite of counsellors etc having to work to privacy rules etc some people may not want to talk to a complete stranger about their problems as others maybe fine to do so.

Who do you or someone else feel comfortable about to talking about what to who, what and where?

What sort of problem can you listen to what someone maybe facing?  For example: money problems, relationship problems, family problems, school, college, bullying, abuse, struggling through education, supporting people through trying to get off or and down drugs, alcohol etc.


It is easy to worry about talking to someone if you are concerned in case, you may be wrong or you make them react worse without mean to?

 Shall I say something or not?

 What is the right thing to say?

 Will they wonder why I am trying to talk to them, or will they thank me for trying?

They are struggling one way or another.

No one is forus to talk or forus not to talk so do not make them talk of they do not want to.

Whether someone is struggling or not, it is not easy to tell, they may or not show they these signs below, some of them, one of them all of them or even other signs.

It is even harder to know if you do not know someone.

Try to have as much time as the person needs, if not find someone who may.

If the person does talk let them talk as long or as short as they want to.

 Do not rush them, do not interrupt unless they ask you to etc, otherwise wait until they have finished.

Write down or type what the person has said.

When you have finished read what you have wrote to them just to see if you have understood what they have said correctly.


If you have concerns that they may be thinking about suicide, self-harm etc whether it is online or somewhere else, if they things like I want to give up.




Friday, 11 June 2021

Disability and Mental health working on the positive

Mencap's learning disability week is from Monday 14th June till the 20th June 2021, which is art and creativity but I would like to create my own disability and mental health week by adding all that's positive like art, crafts, hobbies, interests, careers all, more, etc to this website and my Facebook group disabilities & all problems awareness every day. 

It's been a hard year and a half for everyone one way or another with the Covid lockdown, lockdown rules have eased a bit now but we are completely out of the woods yet. Everyone has been overprotected in their own way with the concerns of Covid but vunable people even more so. The lockdown has also increased Mental health, even so, the way forward, which we know doesn't work for everyone and it's not because people have no intentions of trying but it can be confidence, self-esteem, motivation, get up and go that can be a struggle and no one is alone. Empowerment is the answer and the easy way to think is to think of things you enjoy. https://www.ldw.org.uk/mental-health-resources-for-people-with-a-learning-disability/  https://www.scope.org.uk/employment-services/support-to-work-register/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwk4yGBhDQARIsACGfAetCK_UWTezYiscds18zHIo4rGpGB0fj5pEPrJ-D5GXn22HEjHjMM0caAgFREALw_wcB

At least 100 percent of us or maybe more dream of equal lives. When it comes to careers most feel they are doing too much, which is true. They dream to have more time with their family and friend etc, which is not always possible because the cost of living is so high. However, there is the other side of the coin where there are those of us with disabilities, Mental health, and other problems, most of us are on benefits limited work we can do, how many hours we do, and how much we can earn.  

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Suicide awareness and support part 2

 Just to say in the UK the suicide death rate is 11.2 according to google. They say in 2017 to 2018, there was an increase of 1.0 of the population. They think was the lowest since 1981.

 However, I will try to be careful how I say this regarding those who have lost people they know to suicide. 

The numbers of people who are facing Mental health as a whole in the UK are very high. According to Rethink 80 percent of people facing Mental health these days and it sounds as it has mostly increased in the last year to a year and a half due to lockdown.

 At least 60 present worryings about their families and maybe even friends etc facing Covid and they have felt affected by not seeing them, which that adds up to around 69 percent.

about 40 percent of people Rethink said, less support is affecting them mainly in Mental health it's from Mental health services. My question is how and why is to this? Could it be because through lockdown people have been having to access support etc online more so compared to before the lockdown? 

What is also concerning is about 36 percent of people who Rethink support say they haven't booked appointments because they worried about catching the Covid and they fear Burding the NHS or and case there were no appointments possible. 

29 percent of people find their Mental health and the lockdown have had a big effect on their employment. 

Like everything, there are advantages and disadvantages. There are advantages and disadvantages of online access even though there has been no other choice through the lockdown. Not everyone knows how to use everything online access at least I don't anyway. Some Mental health services cost and others do.

 Some may be costly to a lot of people mainly for those who have not been working through the lockdown etc.

 Therefore, not saying but some people such as myself,  who have or and may have faced Mental health through the lockdown may have had no choice but to just get on with it, which most people who may be or may have faced the same, would possibly say the same as me, it hasn't been easy. 

However' yes I admit the Samaritans are just a call away, guess many of us don't think about it really, and maybe because we were locked down from everything else I guess. https://www.rethink.org/help-in-your-area/services/advice-and-helplines/


Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Suicide awareness and support part one

 According to the World Health Orgaizine, there is about 1 million people have died each year from Suicide. What causes this is unknown and why this happens, only those who face Mental health ourselves. This may not be always life around one.

 This is where Mental health can be misunderstood for people being ungrateful to life. Whether you have everything or nothing at all, it's hard to understand those of us who may feel sad, angerly, etc at any time, any place, anywhere.  Not even we ourselves know why, we just feel as we do no matter what, which most times has nothing to do with what is going on around us and with and without a reason for us to feel how we feel. 

Like I said in past posts there was a time, if you were down, sad, angerly, moody, etc for no one reason, most people would see you as behaving purposely and intentionally, moody, nasty, naughty, attention-seeking, etc. Pretty much you were made to feel ashamed, guilty, etc. This shouldn't be the case.

 We wonder why so many may not go for help, sadly there can be loads of reasons why not. Bearing in mind we are considering people of all ages. Sorry to sound outdated but as crazy as it sounds it's true, those of us who were alive in the 70s, 80s, even before then, and even in the 90s say the start 2000s. The reason why I say this is because I would say gladly that awareness of Mental health I think has raised in the last 10 years. 

 Most of them were around before the 70s to say early 2000s, we lived in a time there was no help and support, although I would say through the 90s there was just starting to be. 

Many probley still are sadly used to struggling alone somehow because they were told and knew nothing else from childhood to learn to live with whatever to a point when counseling was possible many of us feared in case whoever we were talking to thought we were nuts, which is what I worried about when it was often to me in my late 20s. 

Others may fear judgment, stigma, discrimination, which was very much the case for years, mainly if a lot of young people have told off their parent what they may have faced, etc what they faced when they were their age, etc. This is where we need to keep on improving and thinking about how we word things to our clients by not making them feel ashamed, guilty, etc of however they feeling about whatever it may. 

Loss of life is always the heart of breaking for people who know people or a person, mainly when it comes to family.

 The hardest thing is most don't always open up, which may be depending on what they are facing in their lives etc.

 This is not an easy one because if they don't open up to tell anyone what they are facing, it's impossible to understand why the person is feeling the need to feel they just cannot live anymore. 

However' Depression for example can vary to different people and it's never easy when there is no reason why the person feels as they do and not really even the person themselves know why. 

Therefore can it be that there can be a risk of an increase of the way people are feeling to the risk of suicide without a reason? 

I may be wrong but I would guess so the reason for that is when there's nothing to tell anyone and they may feel embarrassed ashame, guilty etc even more so worrying they may put others through any trouble, which is the most concerning one because they have nothing to feel bad about and we shouldn't make them feel that way. 

This I would say is the most worse depression of all with there been nothing to tell, it's most likely we are not going to know people are facing this, even those we are aware most people could be, which is not easy to save people if they feel at that stage, cause we don't know who is feeling this way. 

However' we can let them know we understand that we are not going to know why they feel as they do those that do but we are here to help or and we are willing to find help, and they don't have to go through this alone. They don't need a reason to feel as they do. 

People can feel these emotions with or without reason, which may be both some people or one or the other in others at different times. We shouldn't judge this and we shouldn't make them feel negative as do already, it's not always easy but we need to look to reasons why they feel as they do if there is a reason and how we can suggest things to them, this could be whether there's a reason or not by talking to them about things they may enjoy. 

 I am rasicing awareness to hopefully put a stop to this as much as possible. People feeling down, sad, angerly, etc a lot not just now and then are possible signs of Mental health. Don't get me wrong, there are concerns that there are behaviors that may affect people themselves and others around them but there should be a help, treatment support, counseling, theory, etc to people manage their Mental health. 

Everyone needs a voice no one should be afraid to talk to anyone they choose to. Some people may feel comfortable talking to counselors, thepest, friends, family, etc, this may vary depending on what people are wanting to talk about. It should be a two-way give-and-take situation between the person who is facing mental health and the person to who they are talking to.

 Don't get me wrong we all know Mental health can be very serious if not supported but also not all can be left them to the person who is supporting, counseling, etc. The person is facing whatever' they facing needs to do as much as they can do to help themselves and that means trying things that the counselors, thepest, etc suggestions. However' that cannot be excepted in everything but if every way the counselor is trying to help the person is not doing so etc, there's no need for them to carry on the sessions. However, this can depend on the person receiving help, the situation, etc. The counselor, thespst, etc isn't there to do things for the person but to empower them. By suggesting things that may improve things for the person. The choice is down to the person themselves if they try what is suggested or not. https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/nhs-voluntary-charity-services/nhs-services/

Suicide awareness and support

 How we think and react to life and what's happening around us may be different to other people, there shouldn't be any shame in it whatever is happening and whatever someone thinks and how they feel inside, etc.

 Not always someone agrees with someone but it doesn't give a reason for them to make them feel guilty about how they think, feel, react or even interact with how their life is, which may put a lot of people off going for help and support even though it is out there these days.

 No one is forced to talk and no one forced not to talk.

 However' coping and struggling alone is not easy.

 It is down to us as human beings to make each other feel it's okay for those to talk not so much want to talk but feel they can if they want to. 

No matter what we think about what people say, we should not judge, discriminate or make them feel ashamed of their way of thinking. 

What they may talk about is life around them, their situation, and possibly the people in their lives, it's not right for us to judge that, etc whatever we may think, their thoughts matter not ours. 

It is down to us to show concern.

Listen to what the person says. 

Be easy for them to talk to, even if we don't always agree but don't show opinions unless they ask for it. However' when comes to counseling etc, you need to force it all on the person not what you think. 

By all means, give out suggestions, for example, this is what could happen if you climb that mountain.

Not for example; Don't climb that mountain you will fall. There's a difference between say don't and you could fall if you do.

Never tell someone not to do something or do something. 

Never tell someone to stop or start doing something but you can say what could happen if they do or don't in the case may be.

If someone feels forced into something they may feel less likely to open up to anyone and keep how they feeling about what's bothering them to themselves, which there risk of them feeling more and more than life is not worth living.

 However' mostly they feel they want to end their pain, not their life, not sure where to turn, and may not know how long they can cope, and may not feel strong even though may be stronger than they feel they are. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/suicide-prevention/suicide-prevention.htm

Sunday, 6 June 2021

More about for disabilitie & all problems and awareness everyday

  Just as I thought I have dated this group but I don't think I have yet to what I want to achieve. As we know this group is called disabilities & all problems and everyday awareness, which is all problems as well as disability and Mental health, which means we can raise awareness of everything that we know about, face ourselves or know others than face things like cancer, stroke, etc anything everything well.

It is hugely shocking how much awareness has happened over the years but we still have a long way to go. I am 52 this year and the reason why I am telling you this, most of you may of already so sorry if I am saying something you know already. In the 70s and 80s, most of the 90s we were aware, to be honest. Sorry if I word this wrongly We only know such illnesses as Cancer and Stroke in the elderly, it was never known as far as I knew in children, teenagers, young people, and even people say 50 to 70. Yet myself as a small child, my Mother spotted a very small lump in my throat, well next, which I was about as you as maybe 4 and a half up until I guess I was about 7. She took me to the GPS at the time, they didn't know what it was and they varied to do anything, they thought at the time was a very little cyst, it was there but never caused me any harm. Years later, when I was 23, I was on work experience at an Elderly people's home. At lunchtime one day I was the staff and I had some dinner, which was strewed and I was struggling to swallow the meat from there I decided to make an appointment with my go, which was about November 1992. At the start of December, I had my first operation, spent a week in the hospital, then on hospital appointment after Xmas the following year, they told me and my Mum it was cancer but luckily it didn't spread but I had to have an operation to remove the limp gland and I had 15 days treatment of radiography. I am pleased to say awareness. I am pleased to say awareness of cancer, stroke, etc, has grown to what it was but we still have a long way to go so keep raising it to try to help others better treatment lives, etc.
In some cases, it may be most things need to be treated sooner. In my case, I was treated, health professional was great when I did get a treat but even though I live to tell you what happened I still could have been treated sooner than I was, which makes say let's learn lessons for others of all ages, for now, and in the future.

Saturday, 5 June 2021

Fighting mind

 You are long gone and long for forgotten. 

You once thought you would break my mind so did I at the time but it may well have felt like, now no more.

At one time it seemed hard to think of you out of my life now I cannot think about you back in it.

You may have hurt me at the time but without thinking about it, I turned to write words not to have the credit of the world but to keep me going strong from all you put me through. 

Remember once you read my words, you first told me they could be songs, then you went mad about me writing about you, little it clicked to me to think at the time, well you are mad about me writing about you because the truth hurts you. 

One thing that my experience with you has given even though in a big way it was a huge mistake but good thing it's given me is the voice to open myself up and I don't need to be famous and earning millions to do that.

To start with for years, I wrote many words about you but I don't write as many words about you now, my words now are mostly on other topics. 

Lockdown is war with viruses. 

Lockdown is war, no more lockdown, please!

Health and safety guarding yes, lockdown no! 

People need to work to live.

We know life won't be the same as it was but social distance, masks, vaccines and etc to health and safeguard as much as possible.

Stop wrapping us up in cotton wool and making our stay-at-home 24.7 to a point of fearing lockdown rules to go out part from the shops! 

When I say this, these things in limits as most people have reasons to not have the vaccine, certain health problems, etc.

Complete lockdown war is a huge effect on Mental health.

Have rules yes but don't go too ott, don't confuse us by changing them too quickly, etc! 

No idea why this happens?

Whether this is something that happens or not it's not a nice feeling when it does.

Not sure how to say this, but most people may think I am crazy and mad, maybe not, maybe I am not alone on this one.

I have no reason to be angerly, upset, sad, down, low, anxious, etc I just am. 

I really don't think I should be saying this because most likely most people are in the same boat. 

I don't understand why without a reason, it makes no sense but it happened.

Got up yesterday, turned on my pc, and made myself a cuppa, my normal thing, and then just broke down in tears for no reason, which is rarely a normal thing these days but it used to be a long time ago.

No one has upset me and no one has done anything wrong. 

I am sure it will pass but it's a case when and sure I am not alone. 

When I used to feel like this when I was young, I used to go up into my bedroom where no one can see me in case people thought I was out of my mind.

 These days I would like to think no one is alone on this one and no one thinks anyone is out of their mind.

 If this happens to anyone, why should anyone need to find where no one is about when feeling this way? 

Friday, 4 June 2021

All minds and words matter.

The mind is racing. 

The mind is racing but no one knows what the mind is thinking because the words just cannot say to be understood. 

Being misunderstood is one's fear. 

One knows they are not alone when Anxiety is in tone.

It is none stop fear, which those who don't face it wouldn't understand.

Not even one knows why they feel as they do. 

One worries in case others think they are crazy and mad, even though they try not to.

It is like a monster eating up inside you as if voices are telling one to fear the worst. 

Just write.

Just write whether it makes sense or not but keep on writing it until it does, then it is sure to make sense whenever it does.

You know what you mean even if no one else does not, doesn't matter whether it rhymes or not, just what's going through your mind, you will get there in time. 

You don't need to work hard to be well known, do not chase dreams of what will be will be.

It doesn't make you any worse or better than anyone else whether your famous or not.

Just keep writing and be yourself, do not work hard to please anyone, just write what you are thinking. 

Let the words come naturally.

If talent is going to happen, it will happen when you least expect it.

Share your work but you may please some people but not everyone. 

Depression is like water, tears, and rain.

The black cloud is trying to burst with water, tears, and rain, which stops the sun from shining happily.

This could be with or without the reason, whichever maybe for the cloud to burst there must be something hidden inside waiting to come out of the clouds in the sky, which no more different to us humans.

Reasons or not we feel the need to cry but we either can, cannot, take a long time, guess this is the same with the weather if we cry when it's done we can start to feel as happy as the sunshine going from grey skies to blue skies.

Depression is the monster of the mind eating you up inside, telling you, you are no good for nothing or no one, even those of us who face depression know it's rubbish even though we struggle to fight back at the monster. 

When facing Depression, we know the answer is to not let get to us but most time it's easy said than done for us.  

It isn't all our mind, it isn't all in our head, we no storytellers what's happening is real how we feel inside. 

We are either too much or too little of something or and a mixder of different things, eating, sleeping exercising, etc too little too much. 

We can be misunderstood by those we are not, which could be lazy, crazy, mad, attention-seeking, etc.

Depression can cause a lack of motivation to feel you need something going on all the while, a restless mind or and no concentration.

Hidden minds. 

Just because you see smiles doesn't mean that one is feeling the same inside. 

When you hear the word depression it is easy to think people who face are never happy and never show they are happy, this is not the case but shown happiness doesn't mean we always feel happy either. 

This makes people think depression is a lie but depression is no lie, it is a very unhappy feeling inside with or without a reason. 

Give us the world, take it off us we feel anything at any time, it is not being ungrateful, it is how we feel inside, which has nothing necessary to do with what people do and don't use, how they treat us, etc, we feel how we feel whatever does and doesn't happen and it is so unknown why, with or without a reason. 

We may smile in front of you but maybe the opposite on our own, it is easy to think of depression as a lie when feelings inside eat away to a point a person is quietly feeling so much they struggle to want and able to cope anymore. 

To feel this way is not selfish.

To feel this way isn't to want to leave others behind.

To feel this way is to not know of any other way of coping.

Therefore really people are not wanting to end their lives they are wanting to end the way they feel and the pain it is causing them inside.

If someone says they feel this way, never say if you really felt this way, you wouldn't tell anyone, if you tell them that the more they could suffer in silence, and the less likely they are going to tell anyone, which could be very concerning for them and those in their lives. 

We can all feel down, out, low, sad, etc from time to time but if it lasts more than just a day or so it can be hugely concerning.

There was a time if you were feeling down, sad, moody lowe, etc for no reason, people would think you would be doing it on purpose, being naughty, this not the case, even if it's a short time it's a low spell it doesn't mean you are trying to make others' lives unhappy but it's a long time certainly not, it is hugely concerning. 

No one is forced to talk but no one is forced not to talk either but nothing gets sorted if you don't talk. 

It is okay to be not okay, meaning it's not which everyone wants you to be more than okay but there should be no shame in talking about being not okay. 

Thursday, 3 June 2021

My mind is talking.


We don't see ourselves as special we just want success.

 We are just writing words. 

You don't need to see our untidy handwriting anymore, we just type words that come from the mind.

If you feel we make no sense, don't read our work.

If you feel we cannot spell then don't sell. 

We just keep typing all the same. 

If you see mistakes, things missing we may not see then correct them. 

Do not fail us as we will use dictionaries if we are aware we have made spelling mistakes. 

Our handwriting can improve so let's keep writing. 

The mind is fearing the worse,  the best two words hard to shift is, what if? 

Everything I wonder about is, what if something whether it's positive or negative.

What is the best thing in the world that can possibly happen?

What is the worse thing in the world that can possibly happen?

I fear and wonder it all the time, but one can never fear the best thing only the worst.

Like some things are a risk to try or and not to try. 

Shall I turn, left, center or right.

Shall I stay in or go out tonight? 

Not always the case depending on what but just some things are wrong or even right whatever you do and don't, life can be full of hard choices and questions to the mind. 

Not everything is known until it happens or even not in many cases. 

Like your thinking over and over again, what if, what if, the risk of what if? 

The risk of the world crashing down on us, what if? 

You can do this, no you cannot.

Nothing is known until you try but not knowing if it's a risk or not.

If the world crashes down on you, can it be fixed?

What the hell I need to go one way or the other or I will be asking questions forever.

Writing as I talk.

My mind never shuts up, talking all the time but then it goes blank for a long time, which makes no sense at all.

When it talks it says anything and everything most is a load of rubbish, that no one will publish.

I just write what's on my mind at each time. 

If you feel it makes no sense let me know, I won't show it anymore. 

I just keep on writing till it does make sense.

Go away voice stop telling me to make that choice. 

Stop giving me fear.

Stop telling me I am good for nothing and no one. 

You can do nothing.

You can go nowhere.

You have no confidence.

You have no self-esteem if you know what I mean.

Stop telling me this voice because I am me. 

Stop telling me. 

Stop me I am worth nothing because I am worth something. 

Stop asking me why I am here when I cannot answer myself. 

Myself and no one is to blame for the reasons I am here if there are any. 

I am here and I deserve to be equal to everyone on the planet.

Let's not let society get the better of me and those who are the same if not similar.

We all have strengths and weaknesses like everyone. 

Words just come from the mind. 

There is no style.

There is no talent.

There is no poetry.

Just words coming through my mind.

There are no chasing dreams.

Just let me keep writing and let dreams chase me if they are going to.

Say what you think and mean now if you're going to, not when I leave this world.

My words are nothing special just my thoughts about life.

I don't have to have full attention, I just write, alright. 

Just because I write on my website doesn't mean I accept full applause. 

I just tell people my thoughts for them to write theirs if they so wish. 

Think freely, there's no offense taken to those who think I talk rubbish and those who think I do not. 

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Disabilites & all problems awareness every day poems

Believe in us. 

See us and believe in us what we can do.

Find the skills in us. 

Try to spend less time thinking about what we cannot do.

See our talent, see our pictures, see our words. 

Just because someone may be Dyslexic doesn't mean they cannot write a poem, story, novel, play, etc, one, some, all with the right support and others believing in us anything is possible. 

Just because someone has Dyspraxia doesn't mean we cannot draw and paint.

Look at what we do not the problems we face.  

Just because I learned nothing in school doesn't mean I didn't learn anything when I left.

I may not have learned everything but learned more than I learned in school.  

Just because I struggle to spell, make sense of what I said, grammar, or and read some if not most words, sentences, etc incorrectly doesn't fail me as a disability, mental health, and all problems awareness trainer because I know I have faced my positives as well as my negatives, I teach what I face, my difficulties don't stop me from speaking in public.

Don't just believe in us, even employ us.  

Why us? 

Why us, no one knows and no one will ever know why areas we are not even us, no one can mend what is broken but then we are not broken, we are human and alive to live our lives.

We shouldn't have to say sorry for being here.

Take a walk in our shoes, sure you would want the same if you faced the same as us if not similar but then we face different things positive and negative to one another no more different to all of you. 

We shouldn't feel guilty or ashamed because we are us, that doesn't mean the struggles, the difficulties, etc we face but we are human. 

Don't look at the struggle, difficulties, etc but support them so we can have equal lives to others.

Look at our positives look at our strengths and look at us for being human. 

Whatever the reason we are here and we have rights to our life.

We didn't put ourselves here, we didn't plan together to make life hard work for the world in the way of supporting us, costing money, etc.

No one knows how, why, or anything else but it is no fault ours but all the same, we are human we have the right to live our lives or should do. 

Life doesn't stop because of the way we are, whether you can see them or not, we do have positives and that's the part of our lives that are worth living for. 

We are not useless, we are not hopeless just society makes us feel that way.

We shouldn't be ashamed to speak up and say what we want without feeling we shouldn't. 

We fight life. 

We fall down we get back up again and rise to life.

Disabilities, Mental health, and, or all problems we may have but we fight them with our lives and enjoy the positives to life.  

We spend every day fighting with our bodies and minds.

No mind it isn't time yet.

We still have a long way to go yet, it's still you and me against the world. 

You have always given us negative thoughts mind but so far we have beaten you every time. 

We are still here to achieve my success and my goals in life.

You know as well as we do, we have fallen and always got back up.  

Each and every time we have said we are not strong, we won't make this time but somehow we always have. 

We are not made of glass. 

Our minds don't shatter to pieces but it feels like it and feels like our lives do.

A broken, heart, mind, and body never mends so don't play mind games with our minds, you are either with us or without us.

Just because we may bounce back or most of us anything gives you no reason to play fire with us or you could get burned.

Words are just but not forgotten even if we move on. 

Our bodies don't go in a push of air like an ablaze of smoke and fire.

Touch us we won't break. 

Words are words that don't always break our minds, if they do, life goes on in time. 

Never be too sure about us all because we are not all the same. 

All the same, we have feelings and emotions, we are not made of wood either but there is no sound of breaking glass as ice hits the windows during the big freeze of snow.

We are us, we have felt like you do, we are not made of glass, we are human just like you even though in time we rise back but before then we feel pain and hurt as much as you, which gives you no reason to fight us with your fists or words.

Look at our positives and support what our disabilities, mental health, and other problems prevent us from doing to do them. 

Glass breaks and never comes back but we do but it gives you no reason to break us in the first place. 

We don't smash into pieces like broken glass and go in the rubbish.

We are not a jigsaw puzzle to find the right pieces to put us together again.