Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Disability week June 14th to the 20th June 2021


What do you enjoy? 

Although it says in the title Disability week June 14th to the 20th June 2021, I feel an awareness of disabilities, mental health, and all problems need raising every day. With the Mencap theme being arts and creativity I feel more positives need to be added to the awareness therefore I am trying to raise my own, which is hobbies, interests, and careers as well, which I feel is well needed mainly as so many of us have faced so much time in lockdown, which has been increasing our Mental health. 

However' everyone understands what helps one person doesn't necessarily help another. 

Some ideal careers google suggests for disabled people, nursing, teaching, IT, media, sport, business, law, veterinary science. https://www.remploy.co.uk/

Many peoples' hobbies and interests could be arts, craft, creative writing, etc which may for some people add to a career. 

This could mean support with education and training, such as in college, university and the workplace people may need because some people face learning disabilities and difficulties that affect, reading, writing, and maths. This does not mean they cannot read, write and do maths but just have difficulties along with the ways, even though there are other people who cannot read, write, do maths at all but this may mean some people have difficulties or not manage at in one, some or even all of these, which vary from person to person. Yet there may be others who struggle education-wise but cope very well in physical jobs but this is not always the case again, it can vary from person to person. 

I myself struggle with difficulties in reading and writing as in spelling, reading certain words, making sense of my writing grammar, etc but mostly I can read and write quite well just difficulties along the way. I also, lack comprehension and understanding, which has improved a bit even though some are there but I struggle worse in my childhood, teens, twenties, and even most of my 30s, even still do now in most things. Maths I have always struggled with. It shouldn't make people fail in life with the right support people should get by.

 I am not going to lie, I dreamed of being a teacher and nurse as a child, my Mother and family said no way cause I learned nothing in school over the years I lived with the fact wasn't going to happen.

 Okay, it turns out I am not a professional teacher but I kind of do to those who study, work, etc in the disabilities, mental health, and other problems from my own experience, which was no way ever thought of when I left school. 

when I first left school there was hardy and any support I had to try different things which I did just because I couldn't just do nothing, I want to do just nothing but what was there most wasn't for me either back then. I was close to 40 until I discovered what my skills were when I started being a disability, mental health awareness trainer, and public advocacy worker. 

Therefore, people like or and similar to me have got a skill or maybe more skills, it can just take time to find them but then the right support behind the person, that skill or skills can be found sooner than what they were to me. When I was 16 when I left school the thought never raised my head that could raise awareness to others about disability. I guess if I had have thought of it and told someone, I guess I would have been laughed at not taken seriously back then, no one wants. 

People like myself or and similar need to be taken seriously like everyone because everyone has the right to success just that most of us need more support than others. 

By turning people aware whether it's people similar to me or not you are losing out, you need to take time to believe in people, there's something in all of us really, just that in some of us it takes longer to show, which is no fault of the person's own it's just you need to learn to be patient with them and believe in them. However long or short it takes with the right support and those who believe them behind them anything is possible. 

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