Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Suicide awareness and support

 How we think and react to life and what's happening around us may be different to other people, there shouldn't be any shame in it whatever is happening and whatever someone thinks and how they feel inside, etc.

 Not always someone agrees with someone but it doesn't give a reason for them to make them feel guilty about how they think, feel, react or even interact with how their life is, which may put a lot of people off going for help and support even though it is out there these days.

 No one is forced to talk and no one forced not to talk.

 However' coping and struggling alone is not easy.

 It is down to us as human beings to make each other feel it's okay for those to talk not so much want to talk but feel they can if they want to. 

No matter what we think about what people say, we should not judge, discriminate or make them feel ashamed of their way of thinking. 

What they may talk about is life around them, their situation, and possibly the people in their lives, it's not right for us to judge that, etc whatever we may think, their thoughts matter not ours. 

It is down to us to show concern.

Listen to what the person says. 

Be easy for them to talk to, even if we don't always agree but don't show opinions unless they ask for it. However' when comes to counseling etc, you need to force it all on the person not what you think. 

By all means, give out suggestions, for example, this is what could happen if you climb that mountain.

Not for example; Don't climb that mountain you will fall. There's a difference between say don't and you could fall if you do.

Never tell someone not to do something or do something. 

Never tell someone to stop or start doing something but you can say what could happen if they do or don't in the case may be.

If someone feels forced into something they may feel less likely to open up to anyone and keep how they feeling about what's bothering them to themselves, which there risk of them feeling more and more than life is not worth living.

 However' mostly they feel they want to end their pain, not their life, not sure where to turn, and may not know how long they can cope, and may not feel strong even though may be stronger than they feel they are. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/suicide-prevention/suicide-prevention.htm

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