Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 11 June 2021

Disability and Mental health working on the positive

Mencap's learning disability week is from Monday 14th June till the 20th June 2021, which is art and creativity but I would like to create my own disability and mental health week by adding all that's positive like art, crafts, hobbies, interests, careers all, more, etc to this website and my Facebook group disabilities & all problems awareness every day. 

It's been a hard year and a half for everyone one way or another with the Covid lockdown, lockdown rules have eased a bit now but we are completely out of the woods yet. Everyone has been overprotected in their own way with the concerns of Covid but vunable people even more so. The lockdown has also increased Mental health, even so, the way forward, which we know doesn't work for everyone and it's not because people have no intentions of trying but it can be confidence, self-esteem, motivation, get up and go that can be a struggle and no one is alone. Empowerment is the answer and the easy way to think is to think of things you enjoy. https://www.ldw.org.uk/mental-health-resources-for-people-with-a-learning-disability/  https://www.scope.org.uk/employment-services/support-to-work-register/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwk4yGBhDQARIsACGfAetCK_UWTezYiscds18zHIo4rGpGB0fj5pEPrJ-D5GXn22HEjHjMM0caAgFREALw_wcB

At least 100 percent of us or maybe more dream of equal lives. When it comes to careers most feel they are doing too much, which is true. They dream to have more time with their family and friend etc, which is not always possible because the cost of living is so high. However, there is the other side of the coin where there are those of us with disabilities, Mental health, and other problems, most of us are on benefits limited work we can do, how many hours we do, and how much we can earn.  

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