Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 4 June 2021

All minds and words matter.

The mind is racing. 

The mind is racing but no one knows what the mind is thinking because the words just cannot say to be understood. 

Being misunderstood is one's fear. 

One knows they are not alone when Anxiety is in tone.

It is none stop fear, which those who don't face it wouldn't understand.

Not even one knows why they feel as they do. 

One worries in case others think they are crazy and mad, even though they try not to.

It is like a monster eating up inside you as if voices are telling one to fear the worst. 

Just write.

Just write whether it makes sense or not but keep on writing it until it does, then it is sure to make sense whenever it does.

You know what you mean even if no one else does not, doesn't matter whether it rhymes or not, just what's going through your mind, you will get there in time. 

You don't need to work hard to be well known, do not chase dreams of what will be will be.

It doesn't make you any worse or better than anyone else whether your famous or not.

Just keep writing and be yourself, do not work hard to please anyone, just write what you are thinking. 

Let the words come naturally.

If talent is going to happen, it will happen when you least expect it.

Share your work but you may please some people but not everyone. 

Depression is like water, tears, and rain.

The black cloud is trying to burst with water, tears, and rain, which stops the sun from shining happily.

This could be with or without the reason, whichever maybe for the cloud to burst there must be something hidden inside waiting to come out of the clouds in the sky, which no more different to us humans.

Reasons or not we feel the need to cry but we either can, cannot, take a long time, guess this is the same with the weather if we cry when it's done we can start to feel as happy as the sunshine going from grey skies to blue skies.

Depression is the monster of the mind eating you up inside, telling you, you are no good for nothing or no one, even those of us who face depression know it's rubbish even though we struggle to fight back at the monster. 

When facing Depression, we know the answer is to not let get to us but most time it's easy said than done for us.  

It isn't all our mind, it isn't all in our head, we no storytellers what's happening is real how we feel inside. 

We are either too much or too little of something or and a mixder of different things, eating, sleeping exercising, etc too little too much. 

We can be misunderstood by those we are not, which could be lazy, crazy, mad, attention-seeking, etc.

Depression can cause a lack of motivation to feel you need something going on all the while, a restless mind or and no concentration.

Hidden minds. 

Just because you see smiles doesn't mean that one is feeling the same inside. 

When you hear the word depression it is easy to think people who face are never happy and never show they are happy, this is not the case but shown happiness doesn't mean we always feel happy either. 

This makes people think depression is a lie but depression is no lie, it is a very unhappy feeling inside with or without a reason. 

Give us the world, take it off us we feel anything at any time, it is not being ungrateful, it is how we feel inside, which has nothing necessary to do with what people do and don't use, how they treat us, etc, we feel how we feel whatever does and doesn't happen and it is so unknown why, with or without a reason. 

We may smile in front of you but maybe the opposite on our own, it is easy to think of depression as a lie when feelings inside eat away to a point a person is quietly feeling so much they struggle to want and able to cope anymore. 

To feel this way is not selfish.

To feel this way isn't to want to leave others behind.

To feel this way is to not know of any other way of coping.

Therefore really people are not wanting to end their lives they are wanting to end the way they feel and the pain it is causing them inside.

If someone says they feel this way, never say if you really felt this way, you wouldn't tell anyone, if you tell them that the more they could suffer in silence, and the less likely they are going to tell anyone, which could be very concerning for them and those in their lives. 

We can all feel down, out, low, sad, etc from time to time but if it lasts more than just a day or so it can be hugely concerning.

There was a time if you were feeling down, sad, moody lowe, etc for no reason, people would think you would be doing it on purpose, being naughty, this not the case, even if it's a short time it's a low spell it doesn't mean you are trying to make others' lives unhappy but it's a long time certainly not, it is hugely concerning. 

No one is forced to talk but no one is forced not to talk either but nothing gets sorted if you don't talk. 

It is okay to be not okay, meaning it's not which everyone wants you to be more than okay but there should be no shame in talking about being not okay. 

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