Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Music and everything from all years, decades and times

 Admin team

Sara Jane Gorman creator

Harry Cawood head admin


Jennnifer Gilbert Harvey 

James Lakeman

Alistair Wilkinson


Hi everyone welcomes to our group, we hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to post, write, etc the music, items toys, etc you enjoyed back in the day to today.  We are sorry if there are more rules than purpose, in fact, most maybe advise as we are concerned so sorry if we sound a bit harsh. Sorry to sound so fussy as we don't accept none famous bands, singers, etc on the streets, however, it is fine if they close to fame such as x Factor, etc. Famous bands, singers, etc on youtube back in the day to today are fine. 

Music, memories of everything all decades. 

Do not buy and sell anything all on the group in including do not buy and sell such things as sound,  as D'J equipment, etc. 

No none famous bands, singers, on-street, pubs, clubs, etc.

Famous bands, singers on youtube, concerts, etc are fine.

No asking people for money, donating for charity is fine but please do not try to make people donate. By all means, post your charity link but leave it to people's chooses whether they do or don't. 

This a music group, it's less likely to happen just in case.

Feel free to report it to us if people you don't know or you haven't given permission to, to contacts you and you don't want them to, if this happens and you decide to report it to us, please provide proof so we are dealing with it or and blocked the person or and people who have contacted you, without excepting, so we don't deal with or and block a person or people who haven't done anything wrong.

Not that we have face this before and I am sure no one is likely to but just in case we advise you not to write, post, etc your personal information to the group, for eg; home address, email address, etc.

Any problems off anyone please feel free to report it to us with proof.

Do not pm or and friend request those you don't know without their permission.

It is fine contacting them without asking if you know them and you know they won't mind etc, pming them already or and if you're already added as a friend to them. 

I have full confidence that everyone is very careful but it can also be easy to make mistakes but I am not saying it will happen, it never has on our groups but always at the first time. Without judging anyone, even if we haven't done it on social media, we have out and about, if we have had one too many drinks and not realized till the next day. We may say and do things we wouldn't normally like maybe thinking we are chatting with someone we know and turns out we are not. For eg; if you have concerns you may have written your personal details on the group feel free to let us know if you think you have if we have already. Now we won't pm you unless we are concerned about your safety, for example, if you have written, post, etc something concerning if we see it before you will pm you and put proof on you pm then delete off the group.  whether you report it to us or us to you, if you report anyone contacts you, don't want to hear off with the proof of person, people or and the problem they will be blocked and removed off the group. 

just say what we hear about in the media etc about famous people we all have our own thoughts and opinion etc whether others agree, disagree, etc.
So far in my experience of running music groups so far, I don't remember people falling out, etc, and have no reason to believe that we will ever face but everyone is different and other people will join in the future. It would be a boring world if we didn't think differently. Although we haven't faced people falling out etc.
Not to say it will happen and who knows with possible future members and naturally not everyones' the same.
If you wish to make a comment on posts by all means do but please respect the opinion of others as well as your own, even if you both disagree.
No swearing, rowing, or any nastiness, porn, etc.

If you cannot feel you say anything without fear of a row etc may happen either browse, skip the post, and don't anything.
Don't get us wrong, we welcome our members on here but not saying this is the case but if a post.
what someone may have written, etc bothers you really bad you just feel you need to say something but cannot in case of a bad misunderstand then either spend some time not going on the group or leave depending on how much the post, comments, etc may be bothering you.
Do not say anything if you struggle to accept someone's opinion etc.
It is fine to debate but does not let it increase to rows, swearing, etc.
Not saying you will disagree with others all the time, to be fair in my experience so far most members have agreed but it cannot always be which is fine but know where to draw a line if you feel any tension between someone or people.

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