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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Mental Health Awareness week 2015

This week is Mental  Health Awareness Week.2015. Mental Health problems like learning disabilities have a big affect on peoples' compared to how other people can live their lives mainly in todays' world of money crisis. http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/our-work/mentalhealthawarenessweek/

The most common thing that is making peoples' disabilities and health problems worse are the benefit cuts, which is causing many to have suicidal thoughts and many have taken their own lives.  When people have had their benefits cut there's no money for counselling for those who really need it. With the cuts the government has made it's surprising there are some Counselling services open but for how long for, even for those who haven't lost their benefits? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1603382066545036&set=gm.1557599871185769&type=1 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152779904689403&set=a.10151162503564403.462446.673079402&type=1

Everyone who has Mental Health problems have different ways of managing our Mental Health for example many people with Mental Health problems have talents. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christy_Brown http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Left_Foot http://talentdevelop.com/mntlhlth.html http://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/feb/25/how-to-cope-with-mental-health-difficulties-at-university

Most people with Mental Health problems have Learning Disabilities linked to them. http://www.wcvb.com/health/14414700 https://uk.pinterest.com/danielomichael/famous-people-with-mental-health-learning-disabili/ http://namivirginia.org/assets/pdfs/Famous%20People%20with%20Mental%20Illness%20Powerpoint%20Presentation.pdf http://gu.com/p/45qcv/fb
It's the last day of the month, since I have wrote this report I found out that February this year has been been Depression aware week not one week. As it is the last day of the month before I think of another subject to write about this website, my certain is that the GPs are not trained to do the work load they either have to or should whichever way you look at it. Even though since 2008 people with disabilities and health problems have been having health check ups. Not all surleys are doing health check ups but even for the ones that are, are not giving checking peoples' health fully. A lot of it seems to be about funding I know but it doesn't make sense to the fact that Gps are working more hours to what they are trained for.
It's also a huge certain that Gps are not trained to treat Mental health problems such as Anxiety and Depression when they are referring people off to Counselling services. Yet those patients who have lost their benefits can't get counselling cause there's not any money pay for it yet they are needing counselling the most, which is why so many people take their own lives. How long is going to be until the government make cuts on the counselling services to a point even people on benefits can access counselling?
 Most people like myself find that working helps them manage their Anxiety and Depression but it's a long battle to find and get to full time work so you can get off benefits as long as the support is out there to find work and in the workplace too, Others would find working would make their Anxiety and Depression worse mainly when it comes to getting along with people but with others it can vary like it does with me really.  http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/pages/mental-health-helplines.aspx http://www.carenity.co.uk/signup/epilepsy?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=pub_epilepsy&utm_campaign=all_landing
I will be honest to say the Mental Health Awareness wasn't just February but it was all of the month. Even though it's now March, all awareness is necessary to raise when it comes to people needing to be understood when they have problems that others don't understand. For example Dementia which I don't know a lot about myself but I know it can happen to all kinds of people. http://www.alzheimers.org.uk/site/scripts/documents_info.php?documentID=103


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