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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Friday, 6 February 2015

Mental health problems in learning disabilities.

1. There's a lot of news online, on the radio and on the about people with disabilities and health problems facing neglect, Hate crime and etc.

2. If or when these things happen they need to be reported.

3. People with disabilities and health problems are mostly targeted because we find it hard to communication the same way as other people do.

4. If things play on our minds too much we get anxious very easily.  

5.Think about what you may have heard and seen on the news that are to do with vulnerable people been neglected or and put at health and safety risk.

6. All workplaces should follow policies.

7.All workplace should have and check CCT cameras to check if anything has happened unnecessary.

Anything that you see that you feel is unnecessary report it to you manager or whoever happens to be in chrange at the time then it's their hands to deal with it!
Don't confront the person responsible for whatever they are doing or not doing unnecessary because you could be misunderstood for doing as much damage as what they may be doing!
You will be in trouble for confronting the person who could be responsible it might not be as unnecessary as what you do think. 

Let the managers themselves decide whether or not action needs to be taken but it's always best to report it just in case it's not as unnecessary as may worry.
You won't be in trouble for reporting whatever is but the managers should be grateful to you for reporting what you think may be certained about.   
If you really disagree with way the manager has really dealt with the situation, report higher up but don't confront then just report it, then someone over him or her will know for sure whether or not it's really necessary to take action.  

Dealing with an Anxious person.

Two different people Anxiety can mean different things. A person may worry more that they should, they may find it hard to see that some things may not be as bad as what they seem. Something may seem very to you may seem very big to them. If you are supporting them on any kind of event that they may worry about it for whatever reason, try to listen carefully to what the person at the event is accepting of  the person you are supporting. Try to go along with whatever the person you support as less stressed as possible if it is possible. If certain things aren't possible give them the reason why and try to keep them calm as possible. Saying that some people find that people don't understand when people do tell them to calm down. As much as we are trying to keep things safe and we don't want to make the person more stressed. People who don't suffer from disabilities and health problems don't understand what it's like to be the person who does. Nine times out of ten with Anxiety for example once something is on the mind, it's on the mind unless it ever get's sorted one way or the other. Anxiety is a sense of panic and fear.  Not all people with disabilities and health problems will understand why but then possibly friends, family and etc may be able to support them in whatever it is.  There again don't expect people with disabilities and health problems to have a lot of people around them because not all of them have.


Communication I know can be a hard one.  Some people can have Speech problems which you may only understand very little of what they are saying or nothing at. Communication aids are not always possible but they are some people may email, text, text machine and some may have a talking machine like Stephen Hawkins.  Some people may be able to read and write so may have a pen and paper on them but it's useful for you have a pen and paper you just in case you come across people with these problems who may not have pen and paper on them.
Some people may make noises that you don't understand but they may be able to shake their head to yes or no. You be able to tell by expression where they feel happy or sad about something.

 Another way of finding out about how a person is feeling is that some people may put their thumbs up or down if they are happy and down if they are sad. This will depend on the disabilities and health problems to how they communicate with people.  https://www.mencap.org.uk/sites/default/files/documents/Communication%20and%20learning%20disability.pdf

 Dealing an aggressive person? 

If you find yourself dealing with conflict more often than not with disabilities and health problems, it's very often when something on their mind to a point it makes them very upset and angry, if the problems isn't sorted most people will start to get or to a point they get tired of the problem on their mind, if it has been there long enough for them. The best thing to do is do your best to keep them safe, the person, you and others around you safe as possible whoever is there, when and where at the time. Anything you feel you can't cope with report to your manager whoever is in chrange at the time. If necessary people who the person knows may need to get involved depending on the situation. Don't anything without person's permission though unless it's putting safety of the person, you or and others are in risk! Everyones' safety is important. Not everything should be excused for a person's disabilities and health problems but most disabilities and health problems can make people rather scared certain situations and many cause many behavior problems too most the person may be aware of . When they are well some people either feel bad about they have done and others will say that they haven't done whatever because they are shocked that they have. I will admit that these things can vary from person to person. With many it depends if they are on the wrong medication, no medication or they may stopped their medication them but there could be all kinds of reasons rightly or wrongly, which will need to be checked out either way.  They could even be in a certain place where they might have had a bad experience one way or the other. I will be honest to say with some people there may be no excuse to the way they behave but whatever happen the behavior and reasons why the management always needs to be aware. http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/Pages/vulnerable-people-abuse-safeguarding.aspx  http://www.patient.co.uk/health/safeguarding-adults-leaflet

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