Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Friends Who Like I Grew Up In 70s & 80s Britain.

I have forgot to say that I am first manger and admin, Tim is 2nd manger and admin and Jen is 3rd relief manager and admin.
Hi everyone welcome to friends who like I grew up in the 70s and 80s. This is a group I would except lots of post to make it fun such as 70s and 80s music, clothes, toys and etc. 
This will make change from disabilities and health problems but if you have history of disabilities and health problems from the 70s and 80s your more than welcome to add it to this group you want. This is a chance for you to add anything you know and remember that your welcome share you want about the 70s and 80s.

I grew up in the 70s and 80s. This is a group I would except lots of post to make it fun such as 70s and 80s music, clothes, toys and etc. 
This will make change from disabilities and health problems but if you have history of disabilities and health problems from the 70s and 80s your more than welcome to add it to this group you want. This is a chance for you to add anything you know and remember that your welcome share you want about the 70s and 80s.

Hi guys I know spoke about earlier but does concern me. Now Our groups have grown in numbers on the groups and the amount of groups, ok that's the choice we have made and we accept responsibility that our work is getting harder. The last thing we want is our members feeling force into to things you don't want to do. If by any chance any of us have added and invited you and haven't want to join, may we added before and you haven't wanted to join, please leave a message her or private face book message your added as a friend to us just let us so by mistake we don't added you again. I will copy this on the purpose on the websites so it's always there. This doesn't mean just one group all our groups. If in the future you change your mind not that we are pushing you do so but just in case you do, your added as friend to one of us, you could always private message us or if your not added to either of us put the name of the group on the search engine on face book's home page meaning the news feed. If you more happy to stay with us please enjoy the groups to their purposes, yours and everyone's safety thank you.

Lately this group has faced a few problem this is why I having to become strict with the rules, sorry to say. I would advice you to share or and copy this information. We like our members to feel safe on our groups and feel free to report anyone who is making you feel unsafe in anyway. 
Lately a couple Of members have faced bullying on the group. Just as Admin I want to members we do not tolerate bullying on this group and if anyone is found guilty of bullying will be removed, blocked or and even reported to face book.

Another thing is if anyone is found out blocking anyone unless you make Admins aware and see a good reason for it, you will be removed, blocked, You will even reported to face book if the purpose who was if the person was blocked to start with wants us to take or help take further action.
Also what is in the rules is that there's no porn this group you will be removed and blocked.

We know that attachment unavailable can be hard for us to know what's behind it cause the post doesn't show. Sometimes there's no reason for it and it's no one's fault but I have learned sometimes it is. If you are certain but not sure please write a message to us on the group and we will check it out. what makes it hard with these posts, they don't to the person who's adding but it can to someone else, which can make it hard to know whether the person adding it is to blame or not but if you have proof behind like, this member who reported another did, please free to report it, otherwise message us on this group if you are not sure and we will try our hardest to look into it for you, thank you.

Just to let you all any post we put on that you don't feel about us putting it on for whatever reason, please feel free to ask us to delete it off and we will do.
Please do not scam, do not put virus, put spam or anything else dangerous and unsafe into anyone's post. you will be removed and blocked if the person you have done to reports you. Please feel free to report it, if you are aware someone making your post dangerous and unsafe in anyway. 
New update 27.11.2016.

Updates of all safety rules to all groups.
Sorry there are so many safety rules as over the top we may seem everyone’s safety Matters. As a lot of you are aware, I had one piece of post deleted and I ended up removed member who I caught out for lying about having had his post deleted off the Reader’s and Writer’s group, when no post off the notifications had come off the Reader’s and Writer’s group. Even though I try my best to look into these things very carefully, if I had not have caught this person out I could have been trying to find out for a long time. Like I said lucky I am someone who looks into these things carefully as if I hadn’t of done the wrong person could have been removed from the Disabled Advocacy group. No one is perfect but I am not someone who accuses people.   
  All the same it doesn’t necessary mean he deleted my post.
  Don’t ask someone to the group unless they, myself, Tim or and Jen are aware. (Please let us know.)
  •  Respect each other’s opinion even if you disagree.
  •  Please say why you disagree and leave at that.
  •  Please report to me if a person is upsetting you then I will remove them.
  • If the person is giving you a hard time over whatever, please me know and I will remove the person from the group whether they like it or not and whether others like it or not. Same the other way round.
  •  I don't want anyone on here to feel bullied, threaded, abused and I accept no discrimination either.  
  •      Don't ask someone to the group unless they, myself, Tim or and Jen are aware. (Please let us know.)
  •        No bullying or hate crime, if you face any of this off anyone in this group please report to me, Tim or Jen, then they will be removed.
  • I myself know how you feel because I have been down the road with others before I met Tim and that took me a lot of counselling, emotion support and poetry and top of that.
  • We can fully understand if you decide to leave the group after a possible break but if not we promise to be the best support we can and hope you meet someone else on here if not here somewhere else.
  •  We don’t want anyone suffering silent in this group to a point they feel threatened, bullied, abused and etc. 
  • Don't suffer in silent but then you are not force to tell us anything you don’t want to either, this is just to let you have no need to be scared of us if you do decide to tell us.
  • This is a pubic group to chat about Hate towards Disabled People.
  •      No bullying or hate crime, if you face any of this off anyone in this group please report to me, Tim or Jen, then they will be removed.
  •        Nothing sexual in post, videos or writing, you can raise awareness of learning disabilities, health problems and sexual health through.
  •        No advertising product.
  •           No talk of drugs unless it’s certain awareness of disabilities and health problems.
  •         No poin pictures to the group any member’s profile, if member of this group does anything on your profile we give rights to report it to us then we will remove them.
  •        If by any chance to you have very strong dislike towards someone and they are bugging you that much, please leave the group in respect of the other members, you don’t have to give a reason unless you want to.
  •   I will not accepting no falling out in groups I run, report the person to us if they are causing you any harm in any way, sharp and form.

  •          If you are aware of anyone breaking these rules please let us know.
·         
        please do not block any of the Admins!
·               please do not delete Admins or members post without permission.
·             Admins are human as well we can easy make mistakes by not knowing what is upsetting dangerous too you so please feel free to tell us then we will delete it.
·                 If a member adds unsafe or and dangerous do delete then make us aware it has happened, tell us who added it and what kind of post they added, if you are added as a friend to either of us put whatever it is on our private message with the post and the name of the person added it. If you not added as a friend to either of us then report the member who is responsible of adding dangerous and unsafe post to face book but make us aware after you have done it if it's for the safety of the group members and Admins.
Just remember your safety matters to us so does ours, thank you. 
  •     Please do not lie to Admins and other members because lairs get found out sooner or later a mainly when it comes to reporting members. For example the guys I removed from the Disabled Advocacy group yesterday telling someone deleting his post and I saw his post didn't come through the notification.  Proving things are not easy and it's too easy to blame and remove the wrong person meaning who hasn't done anything wrong. I will be honest I believed him at first in fact I nearly wrote a message to confront the members then it clicked on me that there was no post from the Reader's and writer's group going the notifications. I could have been writing the same messages on the walls not getting anywhere, which wouldn't have been good.
·        Here's a new update of the safety rules as this is a new group running from a new Face book profile.
·        ·       Since most people have said there’s been a good many people who have had internet hacking on Face book plus myself with the viruses I had on pc.
·        ·       This has now made me a little stricter than I was on the groups on my old profile. It may sound harsh of me but it’s for all our safety.
·        ·       When I write these rules it doesn’t mean I distrust you but new members could join us as time goes on. We can never judge someone before we know them but anyone could be anyone.
·        ·       This is a Learning Disability Advocacy group to do with disabilities, health problems and Advocacy.
·        ·       Advocacy is to balance empower and support to the rights of the lives of people with disabilities and health problems.
·        ·       Don’t ask someone to the group unless they, myself, Tim or and Jen are aware. (Please let us know.)
·        ·       No bullying or hate crime, if you face any of this off anyone in this group please report to me, Tim or Jen, then they will be removed.
·        ·       Nothing sexual in post, videos or writing, you can raise awareness of learning disabilities, health problems and sexual health through.
·        ·       No advertising product.
·        ·       No talk of drugs unless it’s certain awareness of disabilities and health problems.
·        ·       No poin pictures to the group any member’s profile, if member of this group does anything on your profile we give rights to report it to us then we will remove them.
·        If by any chance to you have very strong dislike towards someone and they are bugging you that much, please leave the group in respect of the other members, you don’t have to give a reason unless you want to.
·        ·       I will not accepting no falling out in groups I run, report the person to us if they are causing you any harm in any way, sharp and form.
·        ·       If you are aware of anyone breaking these rules please let us know thank you.
·        From
·        Tim Hodge and Sara Jane Gorman

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