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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Dyslexia Awareness story.

I am Dyslexic and the colleges have cut back on funding. I may just just about get extra time the example but support with other students there were as before I had one to one with just a support tutor. On top of that now not necessary the fact that it's a higher level qualification English Function Skills Level 2. The way it's worded and everything even the none Dyslexic students are having problems with it. The more the system is clashing, there must be awareness that it causes Dyslexia students a lot of Anxiety and stress because some qualifications you can't necessary walk away from them if you need to for work. It doesn't make you not a keen learner. Today's system is hard anyone to cope but if you have got certain disabilities and health problems it's twice as hard. I am in college tonight. Even I get support college I am on my own with homework. I am trying to find Dyslexia home work tips online, which some are helpful, others are not and most are very limited.

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