Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Purpose and Safety rules for both Our Disabled Socializing groups on Face Book.

Welcome to the Disabilities, Health problems and Socializing group.
Tim my partner is the 2nd manager and admin. Jen is the relief manager and admin.
The idea of Learning Disability and Socializing group is so people with disabilities and health problems can socialize with one another in the way they wants as long as they respect one another's feelings for one another. At the same time everyone's safety matters to both me, Tim and Jen so we will be having a lot of safety rules, dating and friendship tips. If you want to go places with friends or you meet a partner on the group or even off the group me, Tim and Jen if and when one of us, two or three of us are free if want support you to find places and that for to go we can look online, if you need our help or and even our advice.

Updates of all safety rules to all groups.
Sorry there are so many safety rules as over the top we may seem everyone’s safety Matters. As a lot of you are aware, I had one piece of post deleted and I ended up removed member who I caught out for lying about having had his post deleted off the Reader’s and Writer’s group, when no post off the notifications had come off the Reader’s and Writer’s group. Even though I try my best to look into these things very carefully, if I had not have caught this person out I could have been trying to find out for a long time. Like I said lucky I am someone who looks into these things carefully as if I hadn’t of done the wrong person could have been removed from the Disabled Advocacy group. No one is perfect but I am not someone who accuses people.   
  All the same it doesn’t necessary mean he deleted my post.
  Don’t ask someone to the group unless they, myself, Tim or and Jen are aware. (Please let us know.)
  •  Respect each other’s opinion even if you disagree.
  •  Please say why you disagree and leave at that.
  •  Please report to me if a person is upsetting you then I will remove them.
  • If the person is giving you a hard time over whatever, please me know and I will remove the person from the group whether they like it or not and whether others like it or not. Same the other way round.
  •  I don't want anyone on here to feel bullied, threaded, abused and I accept no discrimination either.  
  •      Don't ask someone to the group unless they, myself, Tim or and Jen are aware. (Please let us know.)
  •        No bullying or hate crime, if you face any of this off anyone in this group please report to me, Tim or Jen, then they will be removed.
  • I myself know how you feel because I have been down the road with others before I met Tim and that took me a lot of counselling, emotion support and poetry and top of that.
  • We can fully understand if you decide to leave the group after a possible break but if not we promise to be the best support we can and hope you meet someone else on here if not here somewhere else.
  •  We don’t want anyone suffering silent in this group to a point they feel threatened, bullied, abused and etc. 
  • Don't suffer in silent but then you are not force to tell us anything you don’t want to either, this is just to let you have no need to be scared of us if you do decide to tell us.
  • This is a pubic group to chat about Hate towards Disabled People.
  •      No bullying or hate crime, if you face any of this off anyone in this group please report to me, Tim or Jen, then they will be removed.
  •        Nothing sexual in post, videos or writing, you can raise awareness of learning disabilities, health problems and sexual health through.
  •        No advertising product.
  •           No talk of drugs unless it’s certain awareness of disabilities and health problems.
  •         No poin pictures to the group any member’s profile, if member of this group does anything on your profile we give rights to report it to us then we will remove them.
  •        If by any chance to you have very strong dislike towards someone and they are bugging you that much, please leave the group in respect of the other members, you don’t have to give a reason unless you want to.
  •   I will not accepting no falling out in groups I run, report the person to us if they are causing you any harm in any way, sharp and form.

  •          If you are aware of anyone breaking these rules please let us know.
·         
        please do not block any of the Admins!
·               please do not delete Admins or members post without permission.
·             Admins are human as well we can easy make mistakes by not knowing what is upsetting dangerous too you so please feel free to tell us then we will delete it.
·                 If a member adds unsafe or and dangerous do delete then make us aware it has happened, tell us who added it and what kind of post they added, if you are added as a friend to either of us put whatever it is on our private message with the post and the name of the person added it. If you not added as a friend to either of us then report the member who is responsible of adding dangerous and unsafe post to face book but make us aware after you have done it if it's for the safety of the group members and Admins.
Just remember your safety matters to us so does ours, thank you. 
  •     Please do not lie to Admins and other members because lairs get found out sooner or later a mainly when it comes to reporting members. For example the guys I removed from the Disabled Advocacy group yesterday telling someone deleting his post and I saw his post didn't come through the notification.  Proving things are not easy and it's too easy to blame and remove the wrong person meaning who hasn't done anything wrong. I will be honest I believed him at first in fact I nearly wrote a message to confront the members then it clicked on me that there was no post from the Reader's and writer's group going the notifications. I could have been writing the same messages on the walls not getting anywhere, which wouldn't have been good.
·        Here's a new update of the safety rules as this is a new group running from a new Face book profile.
·        ·       Since most people have said there’s been a good many people who have had internet hacking on Face book plus myself with the viruses I had on pc.
·        ·       This has now made me a little stricter than I was on the groups on my old profile. It may sound harsh of me but it’s for all our safety.
·        ·       When I write these rules it doesn’t mean I distrust you but new members could join us as time goes on. We can never judge someone before we know them but anyone could be anyone.
·        ·       This is a Learning Disability Advocacy group to do with disabilities, health problems and Advocacy.
·        ·       Advocacy is to balance empower and support to the rights of the lives of people with disabilities and health problems.
·        ·       Don’t ask someone to the group unless they, myself, Tim or and Jen are aware. (Please let us know.)
·        ·       No bullying or hate crime, if you face any of this off anyone in this group please report to me, Tim or Jen, then they will be removed.
·        ·       Nothing sexual in post, videos or writing, you can raise awareness of learning disabilities, health problems and sexual health through.
·        ·       No advertising product.
·        ·       No talk of drugs unless it’s certain awareness of disabilities and health problems.
·        ·       No poin pictures to the group any member’s profile, if member of this group does anything on your profile we give rights to report it to us then we will remove them.
·        If by any chance to you have very strong dislike towards someone and they are bugging you that much, please leave the group in respect of the other members, you don’t have to give a reason unless you want to.
·        ·       I will not accepting no falling out in groups I run, report the person to us if they are causing you any harm in any way, sharp and form.
·        ·       If you are aware of anyone breaking these rules please let us know thank you.
·        From
·        Tim Hodge and Sara Jane Gorman

Hi we understand that making friends and trusting people is not easy but not having friends are not nice either. All the same you can enjoy the Socializing groups and the other groups how you want to. I understand that a lot of you may feel unsure about getting know another as many of you may have been let down by others just like me, Tim and I guess probably Jen has as well. As the same we have set up the socializing group for you guys to chat and get one another here safety and respect rules like others. your safety is looked for so if someone is bothering you in away like we said in the rules if you want them removed and you tell us we will remove them. You are not force to chat and get to know another if you don't want but we have set this group as a chance for you to do so if you want to. Like we said we are willing help you with information online if you want us to such as friendship, Dating, counselling and emotional support whether feel down yourself for a reason or not. Just remember there are more to our groups than just groups we set them up to make use of their purpose, using to their purposes and adding to their purposes. Like I said on the purpose my website of the reasons I set this group is because after my last realtionship broke up before Tim, i lost trust in lots of people for a long time so I can understand why people keep to themselves but then I found it was getting to the stage I was in danger of having no one in my life and I needed to do something about. I know not everyone is lucky enough to move on in time, I agree that we can't always get help, there are times we need to help ourselves and there are times we need help. Without going into too much me and ex split up twice, I had less help and support when I broke up with him the first time than I did the second time so I saw it both ways. I have been through the stage that at one time I didn't want another man in my life and when I tried it failed. I have had the same with friendship as I had with relationships will be honest to say if I came across a group like this so long ago, I would be thinking oh no not now so by means feel free to enjoy it how you want. I am not saying that everyone on here is on because they have been through things the same as I have but please enjoy the group how you want and if you want to make friends and get to know people you can do. When I say use the group how want please keep it safety and your safety matters too, like I said if you make us aware someone has upset you to a point you want them removed if you tell us that's what you want us to do we will do because your safety counts.

Hi guys I know spoke about earlier but does concern me. Now Our groups have grown in numbers on the groups and the amount of groups, ok that's the choice we have made and we accept responsibility that our work is getting harder. The last thing we want is our members feeling force into to things you don't want to do. If by any chance any of us have added and invited you and haven't want to join, may we added before and you haven't wanted to join, please leave a message her or private face book message your added as a friend to us just let us so by mistake we don't added you again. I will copy this on the purpose on the websites so it's always there. This doesn't mean just one group all our groups. If in the future you change your mind not that we are pushing you do so but just in case you do, your added as friend to one of us, you could always private message us or if your not added to either of us put the name of the group on the search engine on face book's home page meaning the news feed. If you more happy to stay with us please enjoy the groups to their purposes, yours and everyone's safety thank you.

Learning Disability and Socializing.
The idea of Learning Disability and Socializing is for people with disabilities and health problems to socialize any way people with disabilities and health problems want to. At the same time your safety matters to both me and Tim so we will be having a lot of safety rules, dating and friendship tips.
There’s a possible chance you may or may not know people on the group already, if not I would advise you to think at a balance. Don’t judge someone before you know them but be aware anyone could be anyone at the same time.
All the same we don’t find people for you the idea of this group are to make your own choices. I will advice though if you are not single and someone is interest in you, you do have right to make them aware of that, they should be adult enough to accept what you say. 
If they don’t accept what you say on this group, you have rights to tell me and Tim, just how you want us to deal with it and we will deal with it your way, even if you want the person removed from the group.
This means you don’t have to be single to join us, you may have very few or no friends. You may want a partner or you may want a friend. You may find even find if you are singer something that started off as friendship may turn into a relationship. 
You can report reasons you may want someone off back as well. We will leave it up to your whether you want the person off the group altogether or even given a second chance as long as they don’t talk to you but then we will be keeping an eye on person to see if they are upsetting other members or not, they will be removed if they are.
You will be allowed to raise awareness of learning Disability, health problems and socializing if you want to. 

You can add videos, posts and reports make common with learning disability, health problems and socializing, on pop music, hobbies, interests and etc ; like I said play it safe respect the opinion of others even if you may disagree. Please say why you disagree and leave at that.

Please report to me if a person is upsetting you or other members of the group, then we will remove them.
If the person is giving you a hard time over whatever, please me know and I will remove the person from the group whether they like it or not and whether others like it or not. Same the other way round.
I don't want anyone on here to feel bullied, threaded, abused and I accept no discrimination either. Thank you from Sara Jane Gorman and Tim Hodge

 Disabilities, Health problems and Socializing.
  Welcome to the Disabilities, Health problems and Socializing group.
Tim my partner is the 2nd manager and admin. Jen is the relief manager and admin.
The idea of Learning Disability and Socializing group is so people with disabilities and health problems can socialize with one another in the way they wants as long as they respect one another's feelings for one another. At the same time everyone's safety matters to both me, Tim and Jen so we will be having a lot of safety rules, dating and friendship tips. If you want to go places with friends or you meet a partner on the group or even off the group me, Tim and Jen if and when one of us, two or three of us are free if want support you to find places and that for to go we can look online, if you need our help or and even our advice.

Hi all sorry for boring you with safety rules as I felt I needed to update for when I am away for Christmas for everyone’s safety. Now saying that I’d like to think there’s more to the groups than just the safety rules so please make use and enjoy the groups in an enjoyable way to their purposes. All what is on here is the purpose and safety rules of the group.

Sorry to say that’s there’s a lot of information here to take in but there is to socializing to keep everyone safe. Please feel free to ask for support if there’s anything to you can’t read and understand plus I am Dyslexic, without meaning to I may not make myself clear to you. If there are times I am not here for a while and anyone ask for support to read and understand what I write, please give them a helping hand if they ask thank you.

I forgot to make you aware that I have managed to set up my new face book profile on my Ipad but that doesn’t mean in those two weeks I am going to be necessary on there as I am now. Please make any new members aware if they need any support understanding what the groups are about, then they must let guys know so you may be able to support them. I may have made you aware that I am Dyslexic some things I write may be hard to understand or even make sense but I will try to make myself as clear as I can.

Please make new members aware that this is not a dating site but if you ask us, we will look for Friendship and Dating links online if that’s what you want. We do not match make people but we are there to support if people ask us to find links and that. We do not force anything to people. This is a public group but if people get together more than just friends, they are still welcome to stay on the group but private life to be off the group. We are also willing to look for links on counselling and emotional support if people ask for it whether it’s other a relationship break up or for any other reason that members have the choice whether they tell us or not.

 People also need to respect that things don’t always go their way so they must respect if the person they like isn’t single then they must accept that. If they have a partner or married and someone on this group is excepting more of them, they have every right to report that person. Whether the person is removed or not, we will let the choice be down to the person who has reported them. If they do give them a second chance then we will be keeping an on the person who was reported to see that they don’t bother anyone else or the person who reported them otherwise they will be removed.
Please offer new members support just in case they may feel they may need support look for links or even help them join. Not everyone finds most information accessible or easy to read. We are also willing to support people to find counselling or emotion support websites if they feel they need it. Let the new members know that the idea of the socializing group is for people to communicate with one another to their choice as long as both people feel the same as one another.

The idea of Learning Disability and Socializing group is so people with disabilities and health problems can socialize with one another in the way they wants as long as they respect one another's feelings for one another.  At the same time everyone's safety matters to both me, Tim and Jen so we will be having a lot of safety rules, dating and friendship tips. If you want to go places with friends or you meet a partner on the group or even off the group me, Tim and Jen if and when one of us, two or three of us are free if want support you to find places and that for to go we can look online, if you need our help or and even our advice.

Your welcome to add videos, posts, reports such as pop music, films, entertainment, comedy, biographies and etc. 

Bear in mind we all like different things because we are all different people, if you can't accept what some people put on the group you may not like don't comment at all if it makes you angry, take time off the group or leave the group if it's bothering you that badly. Like I said if you leave let us know but your choice whether you give us reasons or not.

You are allowed to have general chats about everyday life all topics positive and negative.

Have a laugh a joke, be serious depending what the situation is, debate but if something make you feel really angry take time off the group or leave if you want but as I said let us know but it's your choice whether you tell us the reason or not.

Please enjoy yourself but keep your talk safe, clean and sensible.

  This is a group on face book so guys you make your own choice how you communicate with others in the group as long as they feel the same way as you do but if they don't feel the same way, don't push them into what you may not want and they may not.

 Please do not show that behavior on the group but if someone is wanting their own way and they are not taking no for an answer you have every right to report he or she to us, we will have no one feeling force into anything in this group. The choice of what happens is then down to your decision whether you want them off the group or they can stay as long they don’t talk to you. If we give a 2nd we will be keeping a very close eye on what the person is writing.
 If we seem to be taking a long time to reply because we are busy for whatever reason, if problems are really bad on the group and you decide to leave, leave a message on my profile leave don't leave your name say you’re one of the members off the Learning Disability and Socializing group just make me aware that your facing problems but don't want on my profile.
 If we are taking too long to reply, I would advise you to take time of the group if things are really but look out for one of us messaging on the Social group. If needs be add me as friend then if you do have problems you could message me on private face book.
 Jen may come on the groups ever so often to keep an on the groups if she is free when me and Tim are not. If you have anything important to say or report please tell Jen if she’s on there and she will report to myself Tim, it will be the same way round if it’s just me I will report it to Tim and Jen. If it’s Tim on his own he will report to me and Jen. If it’s something for example you tell me something, you don’t want Tim or Jen to know or the other way round. If it’s something that needs to be told not safe to the group then everyone has to know,
Bare in the aims of this group is not to get people to date but only they want to. In fact it’s a socializing everything everyone’s choice. Please accept that some people are likely to be married or have a partner already like I have Tim so please accept that otherwise the person has the rights to report you to us. Please accept things at the other person’s choice.
Me and Tim met on a Disabled Dating site back in January 2013,  then we added one another as friend and started chatting private face book, we have carried on doing so ever since and we have met one another in person a good many times as well.

If anyone feels they want to get to know someone a bit more and the other person feels the same way then I would advise you to add each other as a friend like me and Tim did, then chat on private Face book. I won’t accept anything private on the group.
Just to let you know myself Tim are a couple.
We are your friends but we have one another.
Jen has a partner too.
Unless we know you in person we will give out our contact details, neither will Jen.

Safety advice for those who could date.

Your question may how long should it take until I trust the person. Depending on how you find the person, on you and how they find you. 

Sometimes things don’t work as you hope.

 You be given a choice say you want them removed altogether or they can stay as long as they don’t talk to you.
  I know what it feels like to feel for someone who’s not interested in you, I have been there myself and it's not a nice feeling but please accept it in respect the person and the rest of the member or leave the group.
 Personally I would advise you not to give your personal details to one another until you get to know one another, don’t give them out to anyone on the group either, this is more so for your safety. 

You may want to met as friends or and add one another as a friend and chat private, which is away from the group, which is for your own safety.
 I know myself from experience it can be too easy to trust people too soon.
Your question may how long should it take until I trust the person. Depending on how you find the person, on you and how they find you. 

Sometimes things don’t work as you hope.

If for any reason the person doesn’t accept those please respect their wishes or leave the group.

 We are adults, we are human and we all make mistakes but only so many things can be forgiven depending on the person you’re communicating with.

 You have rights to report someone who may be making your life very unhappy on the group.
 For example if you are planning to meet one another please plan it in private and outside the group.
 We will accept it if we see messages like.
Can we add each other as friends on Face book but that is none of our business.
 If you could be dating please don’t date on the group but it’s possible that you could meet on group before you date.
Reporting  problems.
Just let you know, me, Tim and Jen are not your match makers if you want to find yourselves a partner, me and Tim will support you to find Friendship and Dating links, if we are not around then please find out if others in the group will support you, otherwise we will support you when we are free if you ask us, thank you.

 We can’t make your choices for you in a partner that is down to you.

If you were hoping for a partner this group and no luck we have no problems looking for friendship and dating sites online if you need the support to do so.

This group is here for you to socialize and connect to people you want as long as other people feel the same way.

Everyone’s feelings are taken into account on here so please accepted if someone doesn’t feel the same way as you do about them. If you feel the opposite to someone to how they are feeling about you and are giving you a hard time about it, it is your right to report it to us if you want.

 If no one is free message me on my profile Sara Jane Gorman either myself, Tim or even Jen will get back to you when either one of us is free. Me, Tim and Tim can be busy ourselves at times so there may be times we may be slow to reply but as soon as we are aware of your report we will reply to you when we are aware.
I have added many of you as friends so if you have any problems with anything or anyone in the group you can report it on my private message. Like you and everyone I have another life there may be times for whatever reason I could be slow at replying to you. If or when that happens, if the problem is really bad take time off the group you have the problem but look out for my message replying. It may be for whatever reason you may feel you want leave the group make us aware but you don’t have to give reason unless you want to.
It may not happen very often but I may have a patch I may not be on there if I am on holiday or something as I may have very little or no internet but as soon as I am free I will communicate with you.

 The same goes for Tim and Jen too but they will have permission to check my profile if they are free and I am not they will communicate with you when they are free to do so then make me aware.

There’s a possible chance you may or may not know people on the group already, if not I would advise you to think at a balance. Don’t judge someone before you know them but be aware anyone could be anyone at any time.
Drinking rules for those who drink.
This works the same whether some people go out for a drink, drink in, go on the group before after they go out. I drink myself so the same applies to me too. In fact both and I, Tim and Jen try to go by the same rules as we except you guys to. Due to me having to create a new profile and groups this is why I am updating them.

Everyone is welcome to have a drink and many of us have been there said and done things we wouldn’t normally say and do so just keep on the wall  on the group, if say you had a fair few drinks the night before and delete it if you think. 

“Oh I didn’t say that did me?” If you have deleted someone has said and know they wouldn’t normal say it, make them aware you going to delete.

Try to be sensible with drink if you can but have one by all means.

 If you know certain drinks affect you, don’t drink them and if someone has said you upset them the night before or something please say sorry to them and delete the message if it’s still on there.

We have set up this group as a possible start for you to be friends with someone or more if you both want, one or both of you may always want to be just friends.

Please also accept, it’s Jen and Tim’s choices if they don’t want added you as friend, that doesn’t mean that they mean anything nasty by; it just means they are private people. Those of you who may be add as a friend to Jen, Tim, I of leave, if you have any problems to do with the groups’ leaves us a private message. Those of you not added to us, sorry to say you will have to write it on the wall, one of us to be around then it would be reported to other. If there are times none of us are free we will reply to you as soon as we are free do as If the problem is major and we are slow at replying take time off the group until we can reply to you.

 Don't get me wrong me and Tim would be happy for you to us and the group if you get with someone on the group but whatever is private take away from the group.

 By all means if you go to any interesting, nice places and you have on our group for example if you go to London and you both see London bridge if want to add pictures or and videos of that kind of thing that is fine but nothing private or personal in respect of each other and members of the group. 
 All the same we don’t find people for you the idea of this group are to make your own choices. 

I will advice though if you are not single and someone is interest in you, you do have right to make them aware of that, they should be adult enough to accept what you say. 
If they don’t accept what you say on this group, you have rights to tell me or and Tim, just how you want us to deal with it and we will deal with it your way, even if you want the person removed from the group.
This means you don’t have to be single to join us, you may have very few or no friends.

 You may want a partner or you may want a friend.

 You may find even find if you are singer something that started off as friendship may turn into a relationship. 

Although we don't find people we will add dating and friendship links on the group in case you want to look.
 I and Tim don’t force people together.

Hi everyone, if anyone has joined us please read the purpose and safety rules of the group. Now as this is a socializing group, like all groups me and Tim run I want people to be safe. This group could take quite a while for us to set up because we can never tell with us humans, with some people we mix with forever and others we don't.

For so much that needs to be added to this group for people to enjoy and be safe, face book will never allow me to fit it all in the description so I write it on the wall and copy it on my website. When you think of this group, think of it as a pub or club say. You may a have a good many friends and you may even have a partner already or you meet your partner there. 

For the safety of the group we need to be a harsh because we care about your safety.

All this information may seem all too much but with socializing there's a lot to think about to keep safe.

  We will accept no swearing or falling out, if have a problem with someone keep it away from the group in respect of the other members.

I, Tim and Jen are not response for what chose you make. Saying that I myself made a lot of wrong choices before I met Tim so we can’t get right first time as a lot of us know who have been there.

I myself have gone through many failed relationships before I met Tim and became interested in people who weren't interested in me and many who were to start with hurt me in the end so I more than know what it feels like to be hurt.

 What that has taught me things don't always turn out you want all the time, which is how I felt at the time but I feel nothing for ex boyfriends now.

This is why I the best I can do for you is add links on counselling and emotion support, it will be there if you want it.
These things may or may not happen, you meet someone on the group, it may work out then it may not. I will honest with you accept anything either way.
You may decide you may want to leave the group; you may leave for life or come back. If you stay or come back we will try to keep the group as friendly as we are trying to keep it now.
 I more than understand what it's like to leave somewhere because of a memory with a certain person.
 Me and my one ex boyfriend to go to a club together when he left me, I left the club twelve months then I came back, it me ages to face it without thinking about memories I had with him, now I think nothing of him.

From my experience life is unknown trust me I learned the hard way. I have taken things a lot of harder than what I do now, I haven't forgotten. In the ended I faced the unexpected.
 That may seem hard for most people understand now but once upon a time it was for me. Anyone else who’s been there will know what I mean so will you one day.
 Like I said though we don't find dates and friendships for people, it's down you guys to find yourself.
 There again what my life lessons have taught me is to stop chasing my dreams cause I found nine times out of ten what I hope for didn't happen or it didn't turned out how I hoped at the time.
 No one gets the same luck in life. Some us can have well or bad luck others can get one or the other.

·        Guys I accept there are going to be different who think different ways. 
We have to be a bit harsh not to be a nag to you all but to keep the group safe for everyone.
 We will accept no swearing or falling out.

 Me and Tim have wards so we can't promise what you hope for is going to happen but my advice is be patience because you never know but then you are welcome to be friends with people take whatever happens.

 I know what it feels like to feel for someone I have been there myself. 

Please respect if they are not interested in the way you hope for, they have their own reasons. 

As it's a socializing group, I could well write a bit on this website and of the walls of the group each day.


·       Please be patience with us who may be with us, we will be working very hard to add more people this onto this group.

 We will be working hard to see that this enjoyable and safe group possible for you and our members, it could just take a while to grow.

 If you are single and looking for love we can’t promise that will happen right away and it's not certain that you could meet the right person here but you never know. 

Like I said if find out someone you like isn’t single please accept they already have partner.

Do not push them into anything they don't want to do, they report you to us you will be removed from the group.

 I don’t want anyone to fear anyone so please don’t think you have to put up with someone forcing you into anything you don't want, don't fear to report them if they are making your life hell. 

Your choice whether you want to leave the group or not through a broken relationship in or out the group. We can’t force you to stay or go. If you do leave you are welcome to come back any time you want if you as long as we haven’t removed you from any of our groups.
Safety Rules.
1. Respect each other’s opinion even if you disagree.
2. Please say why you disagree and leave at that.

3. Please report to me if a person is upsetting you then I will remove them.
4. If the person is giving you a hard time over whatever, please me know and I will remove the person from the group whether they like it or not and whether others like it or not. Same the other way round.
5. I don't want anyone on here to feel bullied, threaded, abused and I accept no discrimination either.

6.   Don’t ask someone to the group unless they, myself, Tim or and Jen are aware. (Please let us know.)
7.   No bullying or hate crime, if you face any of this off anyone in this group please report to me, Tim or Jen, then they will be removed.
8.   Nothing sexual in post, videos or writing, you can raise awareness of learning disabilities, health problems and sexual health through.
9.   No advertising product.
10.I myself know how you feel because I have been down the road with others before I met Tim and that took me a lot of counselling, emotion support and poetry and top of that.
11. We can fully understand if you decide to leave the group after a possible break but if not we promise to be the best support we can and hope you meet someone else on here if not here somewhere else.

12. This is a pubic group so think of yourself as if you are in a pub or club chatting to the people.
13. Both I and Tim are aware it’s hard for a lot of people with disabilities and health problems to get out and about socializing with the crime been so high.
14. Those of you who may not be aware Tim and I both manage a group called Hate Crime towards Disabled people if you care to join us.
15. We don’t want anyone suffering silent in this group to a point they feel threatened, bullied, abused and etc. 

16.Don't suffer in silent but then you are not force to tell us anything you don’t want to either, this is just to let you have no need to be scared of us if you do decide to tell us.

 17. Please be patience and things could go your way with someone else or just leave the group.

18. Don’t make things not enjoyable for the other member!

19. If there's someone you don't like don't speak them.

20. Don't make it unfair and unpleasant for the rest of the group, either talk to myself, Tim may be even Jen or even leave the group there's anything or anybody you can't accept or even cope with. 

 21.If something is getting to you that badly your feel to take some time off the group or even leave, that is your choice if do leave but let us know, you don't have to tell us the reason if you don't want.

22. Just remember this is a socializing group not a dating group.
 If you meet someone it's not through me and Tim, it will be through your own choices.

23. It may be on this group but through your choice and your partner’s the same as what may happen in a pub or club.

.Another thing is guys if you disagree with post another member has put on please make us aware and we will decide whether or not the post is acceptable to keep or not. If the post is too dangerous and too unsafe to keep please make us aware before you delete, if we haven't deleted it ourselves thank you.

 Please do not delete any posts that admins write and add, you should have no reason to delete our post if you do please ask us first and tell us the reason why, you will be remove from the groups if we see you deleting our posts is not a good reason and you still delete our post or if you delete our post without us knowing.
.Another rule we have not thought of is not that it's happen to us, please do not block any of the admins otherwise you will be removed thank you.
. The Admins rights and safety matter as well as yours.

. If you become aware of anyone breaking our rules please feel free to report them they will be removed thank you.

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