Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Tuesday, 12 January 2016


The Sea. 
 How I would like to go back and see to Mar-gate again to see how much it has changed compared to how it was twenty odd years or more.
I remember very little about travelling on the train as a child, other than sitting on single closed cartage's there and back to London. I would take the coach or the train but the travelling may have changed a lot since I was a child.

I remember very little about travelling on the train as a child, other than sitting on single closed cartage's there and back to London.

When I was a child loved the beach and the sea. I loved seeing the tide of the sea going in and out as the waves got angrily and mad. I saw the waves of Mar-gate Sea on the beach rushing very loudly as the tide went in and out. The beach and the sea always seemed is a romantic place to be for me. I love the sun shining and rising over the deep blue sea with a lovely yellow sun set. To me the sea was the place to be.

I saw the waves of Mar-gate Sea rushing very loudly as the tide went in and out.
Even when the weather was beautiful, sunny and the sky was blue, it was blowing hot and cool breeze as the sea crashed into cliffs and rocks.

The seagulls were flying shrieking very quickly as the sun and breeze change from hot to cold. The seagulls were making a very angrily nose as children shouting, screaming, laughing and crying as they were building sandcastles in the sands.

  The seagulls were flying very quickly as made a shrieking sound of a tone of language that we humans don’t understand. If only we knew what the seagulls like all animals say to one another but then what business is it of ours?  Is that why animals speak in a language humans don’t understand?

I used to swim like a fish all very slow, adults wouldn't let me swim any further than they were.
It was a lovely feeling the warmth of the air but a very light breeze blowing down on me as the sea was rushing with tide going and out as I swam.  

So we don’t know what they say to each other but they right away leave it to us to work out what they say to us.

I loved the yellow sand; it's lovely to lovely make sand castles with children by the sea. I would spent hours making hours on sunny days making sandcastles and swimming in the sea.

The rides were too fast on the dreamland fair grounds, which felt like been on a roller coaster.

Never eat candy floss before a ride as you may feel dizzy and sick.
The smell of fish and chips you couldn't miss.  20th century to 2016.


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