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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Reading and writing tips and advice.

Hi guys will give you some more tip and advice just in case your doing any kind of writing on any topic, whether your a writer, student writer or you may be on any kind of college course. This may or may not be helpful or it may be something know already or has no interest to you, therefore you won't have to carry on reading this if don't want. I will be honest to say that some of these tips and advice my tutor gave me.  This is could help whether you are on a course or not. If you are on a course this could be college, University or even work. These tips may even be helpful even if have to a talk, presentation and or etc for work  
When writing people speak different all round the world so tone voice is useful which gives the read an idea of where you setting you piece writing. I understand it not an easy thing to research but it covers all your writing if you can do that. It's not easy because speaking writing can be 2 different things. If you are studying literature study different writer to find out where they come from, read up on their live and read how they things in their stories. For eg; someone born in the West Midlands will sound very different to someone born in London. like phase like, up the apples and pears, which is London tone. This means, up the stairs. I am from the West Midlands. My gran used to say to me when she was telling me to go to bed. Up the wooden hills. 
Introduce what is your topic and why, this means your introducing the purpose of your work and why you are writing it.
What happened
Where it happened
Why it happened
when it happened
I forgot to say think about your past, present or future tense.
Decrible the scene which could even be a journey or holiday.
May be get ideas off pictures on different things off online to do with what your writing about or in magazines or books on that topic.
If your writing about travelling for example you could say why you used the transport you used.
When chose your title think a title connected with the topic your writing about. Don't call your title apples if it's about oranges.
Create your theme, just a few paragraphs you may put in subheadings to mark different topics, which could make it easy for your readers to read. Fro example
Site seeing
Reading and writing can be two different things. When writing an essay, report, assignment and etc, more often than not your work ends with a conclusion which could be your opinion about the topic. For example if you are non fiction which is truth and a fact of life, you may say whether things needs get better or not. You may say it's alright but not good enough and say why and what needs to be done. You might think some is really bad and you will say for such what need to be done to get better or you may say something really great and no one can do no more improve whatever it is. You may see good and bad in whatever situation is so you may need to vary your conclusion, which if your stuck on that may be you could ask us to get you some information online for that if you need support to do so.
Looking at anything you read, look out for. It can be more easy to see work of others than your own. I don't always spot all my mistake but most of other peoples.

1. Has the writer covered all task.
2. Have they written too few or too long words?
3. Written anything that could be considered irrelevant?
4. Forgotten to start new paragraph when changing the subject? For eg; the weather is sunny. I am going to college.
The weather is sunny, I wonder if it will stay sunny.
I am going to college, I am studying English.
5. Is the reader's writing easy to read for you? For eg; for me I like subject headings to the paragraphs so I can see what each paragraph is about.
6. Are they using vocabulary that is based in level? This could me are there short sentences like. A cat sat on a mat. 
7. Are the words they use easy or hard for you to read, recognize and understand?
8. Has the writer made mistakes like spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, missed words and sentences out and or etc.
9. Punctuated the piece of writing? mean does the writer have good or bad punctuation? 
That's it for today, I will send on advice and tips tomorrow. Just remember no one is force to use they are there for those who want or and need to.

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