Learning disabilities are conditions, the brain and or disorders that can affect, body, brain or even both, which can happen before, during or after birth or maybe even both. This affects every day of a people’s lives, but they do face strengths as well as weaknesses. There are all types of disabilities and other problems, I will talk about in this book and others you may need to research elsewhere. Like I said there are different forms of Autism, there may be different forms of other disabilities and other problems. I hope I have not confused you with the difference between learning disability and Autism, which confuses me as well cause even I must research to be sure, and often different references tend to tell you different information, etc. I think Autism may well link to more mild mental disabilities. Whereas Dyspraxia, which is a physical learning difficulty.
According to Mencap, there are 1.5 million people with a
disability in the UK.
As I said Autism always accepts the unexcepted the same
as all disabilities. No two or more people with the same disability necessarily
face the same in life as far as their strengths, weaknesses, etc are
Different types of disabilities and other problems.
Muscular dystrophies are when the person is weakening gradually
in a limited of time. It seems to be more in common in boys than girls, just like
Autism really. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/muscular-dystrophy/types/
Bifida can happen during pregnancy when the spinal cord nerves run down the
spine. This causes a physical disability. This can affect people’s balance,
movement, bladder, and bowel control. The bones and joint deformities can
affect the movements. Hydrocephalus has a high presage on the brain because of fluid
not being drained away. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Spina-bifida/
Palsy happens during pregnancy. It is a Mental and Physical disability
affecting the body and the mind. The brain controls the movement of the body in
every stage of development. Almost like a form of Autism, which is damage that can
happen during birth or at any time due to a brain injury such as lack of oxygen
or the child might have been shaken. Children may face these difficulties,
posture, and ability to put the body in a chosen positive and keep it there. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cerebral-palsy/
are more disabilities than I have said. These disabilities affect everyday
life. For example, mobility, ability, use of hands, physical coordination, bladder and bowls,
lifting, carrying, hearing, speech, eyesight, memory, concentration, learning,
understanding, awareness of danger, and maybe more. Some disabilities affect
more parts of life than others. Learning disability websites
adultprotection.org.uk, community.care.co.uk https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrIDKEgpJVeDWUAOw53Bwx.;_ylu=X3oDMTBycDZicmtuBGNvbG8DaXIyBHBvcwM2BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1586893985/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.mencap.org.uk%2flearning-disability-explained%2fconditions-linked-learning-disability%2fcerebral-palsy/RK=2/RS=Bgzmxu13oWdZzTVACR30aNqbkjk-
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