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Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Types of disabilities and mental ILLNESS’S part one.

 Introduction to mental health problems. Mental health is no different from physical health, which is something we need to take care of. This is where feel, think, react, behave, and even interact with life and the way we are in general, may be good or bad, depending on what it is, or it could be nothing at all.  Here are some examples of mental illnesses that have effects on how we think, feel, behave, react, or even interact etc. How can we manage them in positive ways? https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/depression/ https://ww https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/schizophrenia/w.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/



Next, we are looking at a type of Depression called bipolar disorder  which used to be call Manic depression, it is a mood disorder which isn’t just hard for the people around the person but the person, themselves don’t know whether he or she is coming or going. This is where one minute they can feel low in themselves, the next feel high in themselves no matter what is or isn’t going on around them but like all problems etc, except anything off anyone, it could vary from person to person . Without awareness it can be very much misunderstood. What is bipolar disorder? - Mind   Types of bipolar disorder - Mind

It's not really known what causes bipolar, situations like this doesn’t help, childhood traumas, stress, brain chemistry, family links, medication, drugs, alcohol , relationship break ups this could mean family, friends, partners, or other people they may know, money worries, loneliness, feeling under pressager with work, study, etc. whttps://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/drugs-and-treatments/antidepressants/ork etc.

bipolar isn’t all negative there are ways of supporting it, keeping them and yourself by these links.


  https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/stress/  https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/recreational-drugs-alcohol-and-addiction/  Supporting someone with bipolar disorder - Mind

ttps://www.bipolaruk.org/Blogs/family-carers-and-friends  Bipolar disorder treatment - Mind

body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)? Is an Anxiety disorderhttps://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd/

They tend to worry a lot. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/body-dysmorphic-disorder-bdd/symptoms/#CompulsiveAndRepetitiveBehaviours  https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/body-dysmorphic-disorder-bdd/symptoms/

What is body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)? - Mind

 We all tend to think of bereavement just grieving of deaths of people you know, when really grieving is really anything that has come to an end, whether someone has fallen out, broken up etc, with for eg; family, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband etc, which happens but doesn’t just happen if someone has grown a very close bond for however long or even short, that suddenly isn’t there anymore. This can affect the person emotionally in a lot of ways and take any length of time for them to live with the fact something or and someone is no longer therefore them, which may not be necessary a person but even over animals or and many of people or and things.  What is bereavement? - Mind  Collective Grief - Cruse Bereavement Support 

Mental health is emotionally wellbeing, each emotional situation can vary to how many people facing that situation from a break ups, which where you could be support one person, two or even a fair many to a crisis, which could be worldwide like Covid, wars are for example, which affects peoples’ minds and lives in different ways, some worse than others.

borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a type of personally disorder, which can be a little like Autism but in a totally different way, it can affect how you get along with people. It can affect how people think and feel about how life is around them and how they cope with everyday life.

Types of BPD are Emotionally unstable personally disorder EUPD, emotionally intensity disorder EID,Boarderline pattern personally disorder


If you have borderline-type EUPD you may have more difficulties with relationships, self-harming, and feelings of emptiness. This may start off with family, for eg,  either one parent or even both not being involved the person’s life for one reason another, which is not necessary any fault of people. This not necessary a parent, Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, even brother, sister etc.

However,’ it cause the person to struggle with relationships they face all through their lives. It never goes away but because it is something that is all through the person’s life, as time goes on, they may improve their ways of managing their BPD, with some people without knowing they are facing the mental illness. This could be where a person could struggle to accept people walking out of their lives, where there certain people the person get’s too close to for whatever reason, such as boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife relationships for example.  Eg; Where it can cause the person to feel they want to the other person their life or not live, whatever the reason may or may not why that person be moving on, other person is struggling to do so.

 Depending on the situation, both of these people, etc, this may cause the person whose been left to think or and, doing feel self – harm, sundial etc to a point begging the other person not to leave them etc. At the same time, the person could feel a sense of shame,  guilt etc for reacting, feeling, behaving, thinking etc as they do in the moment. If getting through this, they may take a while to learn to live with the situation.

It never seems to be forgotten about but some how in some of us, may be not necessary all people, most tend learn how to live with the situation without realising we have but then we don’t  because we know nothing going to change or and be the same when it comes to years later etc, but then not forgotten about. Just because someone may not talk about something as much as they used to, doesn’t necessary mean they have forgotten about it, in fact most things never leave us. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd-and-complex-ptsd/


If you have impulsive-type EUPD you may have more difficulties with impulsive behaviour and feelings of anger.

nally disorder, BPPD . (BPD) is also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD). If your doctor says you have EUPD, they may say you have ‘borderline’ or ‘impulsive’ type EUPD. Borderline-type If you have borderline-type EUPD you may have more difficulties with relationships, self-harming, and feelings of emptiness.


Fear of loneliness, being a banded, neglected etc, even if this is not the case.  

Intense emotions which can last any length of time, which may vary from a few hours to a few days.

Finding it hard to make and keep stable relationships.

Feeling  and or fearing of being alone, emptiness etc.

This can drive most people to make negative chooses such as over eating, under eating, drugs, https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/recreational-drugs-alcohol-and-addiction/, self-harm,  feeling or and thinking suicidal etc, support is not possible 24 .7, when being in the moment of mental illness, we are not in a positive state of mind. We shouldn’t face judgement, sigma, guilt etc, which mental illness tends to make us feel, think etc as it is. To bring in positively, is to bring in types of therapy.   Types of talking therapy - NHS (www.nhs.uk)  NCS | What are the different types of therapy? (nationalcounsellingsociety.org)

What is borderline personality disorder (BPD)? - Mind  What treatment or support is there for BPD? - Mind

For some of us, if not most it only takes one problem to cause us a load. One part of Depression is doing too much or something or not enough, both in different things may and not be the case for most of us. Such as eating too much, not enough, even not at all etc. What is an eating problem? - Mind

Having a learning disability is a lifetime problem and even embassrrment for a person where the person doesn’t feel good about them if they do or don’t ask for help, where it affects everyday lives one way or another, but we don’t enjoy putting on others, this can cause people guilt, Anxiety and Depression. Learning disability support - Mind

Loneliness is not  a mental illness as such, but loneliness can increase mental health such as Anxiety, Depression etc. We can all feel lonely time to time, as a whole vunable people tend to feel lonely, as the disabled, elderly  etc, but this is not the case with everyone. For roughly thirty – odd years, most people with disabilities  go to college, work etc but compared to other when they are and not out about is limited, which in the time they are not out and about loneliness can be a big thing. About loneliness - Mind  Coronavirus - mask anxiety, face coverings and mental health - Mind


How to support mental health. Try to interduce as many positives as possible to people. Remember difficult like different positives. Life seems to be full of a lot of negative in the world, there are many times people have to do what they don’t want to do etc. Try to let people do what they want otherwise they may not feel motivated to move forward in positive ways in order feel better about themselves. Winter is now kicking in, it is going to be cold plus there’s a cost-of-living crisis, for those who can work could be losing jobs, businesses etc, where people may feel differences in their lives, staying at home more, living less money etc, which is likely to affect their lives more ways than one, mainly for those who are used working more. They may be okay to things they enjoy such as hobbies, but it won’t necessarily earn them money to live, this may increase mental health hugely like Covid did, if not more where more money needs to be put into services to help people with mental issues plus the most vunable who can work etc very little or not at all. With the winter season kicking in, I am concerned about people facing (Sad)   https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/seasonal-affective-disorder-sad/   https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/depression/


Panic attacks and seizures. Panic attacks tend to last longer while seizures don’t. People suffering from seizures also have repetitive motions or actions. People suffering from seizures can be non-responsive while, a person suffering from panic attacks can respond to others. However,’ there are different types of seizure, where some cause people to be conscious and others unconscious. NON-epileptic Seizures | Epilepsy Foundation

Panic attacks can look and feel a lot like the symptoms of some types of epileptic seizure. This means that both conditions can be misdiagnosed. A panic attack is a sudden, intense episode of anxiety.

Panic attacks are a sense of worry, nervous, scared, fear, stress, panic, and even anger; racing to the heart, terming, even shaking and Symptoms

Panic attacks begin all of a sudden without giving any warning. They can strike at any time and may have occasional or frequent attacks. Symptoms include:

·         Fear of loss of control

·         Fear of impending doom

·         Flashing visions

·         Hyperventilation

·         Palpitations

·         Breathlessness

·         Chest pain

·         Sweating

·         Shaking

·         Headache

·         Chills

·         Nausea

·         Abdominal cramps

·         Dizzy feeling

·         Numbness

·         Suicidal ideation

e. Can a Panic Attack Look Like a Seizure (New Research!) - Calm Out

Panic attack versus seizure | Epilepsy Foundation

Non-epileptic seizures (NES) or dissociative seizures may look similar to epileptic seizures, but they are not caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. This guide will help you understand what non-epileptic seizures are, and what causes them. What is the same in seizures and panic attacks is that they can be caused by stress and things on the mind, such as an exam, driving lesson test, etc in those who worry and get stressed easily.

Types of Seizures | Epilepsy | CDC how they are diagnosed and how they can be treated. Non-epileptic seizures and dissociative seizures | Epilepsy Society



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