Poetry, writings and art blog

Learning disability and Mental health awareness

Thursday, 2 February 2023

Words of the mind

 Thoughtless minds.

No shame in being thoughtless, one’s mind can be else where.

We just may feel guilty because we may be slower than other people but disability and mental health is no excuse for everything but it doesn’t help ways of coping.

Where things can slips one’s mind.

Whatever we do and say disability and mental health can be hard for others to understand.

We all have faults and make mistakes but some more than others.

Everyone is human but disability and mental health is real.

I did not see the light.

You left me with sorrow but little did I realized I would get over you tomorrow.

I couldn’t see the light of day till a long time one day.

I never thought I would be happy without you no way but now I say I would never be with you again.

My tears for you were like a flood of rain to a point I used to cry myself to sleep.

Now you have meant nothing to me for a long time.

Madness to think one person can damage someone’s mind but no more do you.

At war with ones mind.

I must write the lines of what I must do and mustn’t.

The mind is full of positive and negative things.

The mind is like war with feelings and thoughts as it rows and it is nice to itself.

Come out of the darkness into the light.

As the sun shines bright.

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